Interview with the two boys has been cancelled

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DNA Solves
If DB is not responsible for the disappearance of Baby Lisa, then her most urgent need/desire/responsiblilty is to have her baby found. So she should want every possible clue or bit of knowledge to be used to have that happen.

Should she be concerned about the welfare of the other kids? Of course. But the worse thing that can happen to them is that they will cry while being questioned, and then later on they can go for ice cream or to the park or to watch a video. Kids are resilient.

But they will never recover from the trauma of losing their sister. What if they have information about the kidnapper?

I don't mind saying that if this baby has been stolen, her parents should not try to keep information from being obtained from their other kids. Their lack of cooperation on this part of the case speaks volumes about their state of mind.
Well then, yeah, you're going to miss a critical opportunity for potential witnesses to share pertinent information that might be the key to find your missing child.

That leaves the missing child missing, because you are more concerned about yourself. I can't imagine leaving a child out there, missing like that, unless I already knew the disposition.

I absolutely agree. I don't understand how they can think about taking a break when a helpless baby is out there somewhere. I know I wouldn't be resting a moment if my seven month old nephew went missing! Their thought process doesn't make any sense unless they already know she's dead and don't want to get caught for having caused her death. And yes, I know people need sleep, but these parents are constantly putting their needs as adults over the needs of a baby who can't take care of herself, survive by herself, or rescue herself. Are they even wondering what is going on with her? How scared she might be, how helpless? Doesn't seem so to me. They don't seem to care that much about her. They care more about cyaing themselves. I'm just so disgusted with this family.
They are not even at the point yet of ruling out an intruder, so it wouldn't be negligence if someone came into your house and took a child without your knowledge, intoxicated or not.

If an intruder entered the home because the only adult in the home was too drunk the close the window, lock the front door, and check on the baby, then there was negligence involved in the abduction, imo. If the intruder was not heard, even with a baby monitor on, because the parent was passed out from drinking, that is also negligence, imo.
The parents will have no choice just as they had no choice about the search warrant. It is a cold, hard fact that the dog hit in the bedroom and it was enough for a Judge. Items were seized. LE isn't required to tell the public details of a criminal investigation. Their job is to provide justice for Lisa and that does include prosecution of those responsible for her disappearance.

The parents are fools if they think a Judge is going to allow them to call the shots about the surviving children.


I think any judge would want the children interviewed, if nothing else to verify their well-being. As it stands, a baby vanished from that house into thin air, a cadaver dog alerted to the scent of a decomposing human, and the parents refuse to cooperate with the investigation.

I think that more than justifies a check on the surviving children and I don't believe a judge would deny such a request.

You can't just have a baby go missing in your house then hide behind your front door thinking LE isn't going to do anything about it. Which is what these parents seem to want. It's bizarre thinking for sure.
How can LE rule out an intruder if they don't have the DNA of all the family members? Just curious.
I know LE could probably get voluntary DNA swabs from the mother of JI's son and the father of DB's son. I understand that both JI and DB have submitted to bucchal swabs already, so LE candetermine the boys' DNA profiles without having to collect bucchal swabs. How traumatic does anyone think it would be to allow the swabs to be taken?
If DB is not responsible for the disappearance of Baby Lisa, then her most urgent need/desire/responsiblilty is to have her baby found. So she should want every possible clue or bit of knowledge to be used to have that happen.

Should she be concerned about the welfare of the other kids? Of course. But the worse thing that can happen to them is that they will cry while being questioned, and then later on they can go for ice cream or to the park or to watch a video. Kids are resilient.

But they will never recover from the trauma of losing their sister. What if they have information about the kidnapper?

I don't mind saying that if this baby has been stolen, her parents should not try to keep information from being obtained from their other kids. Their lack of cooperation on this part of the case speaks volumes about their state of mind.

Great post. I can't fathom why some people seem to think the children will be traumatized by meeting with a social worker. They are not going to be interrogated or waterboarded or even "questioned" in the traditional sense. A forensic interview with children of this age is more akin to a therapy session, which honestly, I think both of them could use right now.

I have never seen one of our social workers be anything less than kind and comforting and helpful to child witnesses/victims and it's kind of irritating for people to insinuate we traumatize them.
Kids are so much stronger and more mature than we give them credit for. Being asked what happened that night is not going to destroy them. Not being given a chance to help and growing up knowing that might. I feel like they deserve a chance to help just like any adult.
Well then, yeah, you're going to miss a critical opportunity for potential witnesses to share pertinent information that might be the key to find your missing child.

That leaves the missing child missing, because you are more concerned about yourself. I can't imagine leaving a child out there, missing like that, unless I already knew the disposition.

And I think they have no choice but to be. At this point, I think that they are really scared that LE is assuming it is them. And I think in their position you have to protect yourself.

I think LE needs to start focusing off the family and out there and stop just searching Lakes and places to find bodies. Start looking for a LIVE child.

Citation: Ann. Stat. § 210.110

'Neglect' means failure to provide, by those responsible for the care, custody, and control of the child, proper or necessary support; education as required by law; nutrition; or medical, surgical, or any other care necessary for the child's well-being.

She failed to protect her child or take care of her.If that baby was vomiting or burning up with fever while Mom was passed out is neglect on her part....what if the house caught fire??? You can't drink till you pass out while you are the sole caretaker of the children at that time and call that a responsible parent.....and if there was an intruder if she wouldn't have been passed out she may have heard someone entering her house....
And I too think she is using the drunk/passed out story for her own defense...
Well I think a majority of us called this today when the tour was cancelled due to exhaustion. I don't think these boys will be interviewed unless CPS becomes involved. This is a game. A bit legal game.

And I believe there is no urgency because the family already knows Lisa is not in the hands of a stranger. Going to be a long ride peeps. Hang on for the ride.

ITA.....................this case has shades of the Caylee Anthony case written all over it. Lie, stall, change stories, manipulate, are all part of it. There will be more lies, more stalling, and more manipulation. And JT reminds me of Jose Baez. He's in this for the notoriety.
And I think they have no choice but to be. At this point, I think that they are really scared that LE is assuming it is them. And I think in their position you have to protect yourself.

I think LE needs to start focusing off the family and out there and stop just searching Lakes and places to find bodies. Start looking for a LIVE child.

If the child is alive, she could be anywhere. She could be anywhere that the kidnapper took her. ANY information as to who the kidnapper might be is important, whether that information comes from the brothers or the parents.

"Protect yourself"? Mothers and fathers rush into burning buildings, or step in front of oncoming trucks, or jump into animal enclosures to save their children. They are not thinking of protecting themselves at that point.

If the child is alive, they have nothing to fear and everything to gain by cooperating with LE, and by allowing these boys to talk. They could have seen or heard something very important; they weren't passed out dead drunk that night.
I fail to understand how LE investigating more than 800 tips can be construed as focusing on the family. Are we to assume all of these tips were called in about a dead child?
Over 800 tips from the public = ? hours investigation by LE in 24 days.
? tips from parents = 40 hours total questioning in 24 days
O/T.....but it is being reported that Robert Wood has been found in transit to medical facility at this time....
Thank Goodness...I have been so worried about the little guy. Now, to go check for updates.
There is absolutely no good GD reason not to let the two boys be interviewed by an experienced/qualified social worker! These boys were the only sober witnesses in that house the night baby Lisa disappeared - by D's own admission. I'm sorry but AFAIC the real reason that D does not want these boys interviewed is because they could say something that implicates her and/or J.
If my baby was missing I would let my boys sleep over at the police station...Are you kidding me?

those kids are going to tell on her.
If the child is alive, she could be anywhere. She could be anywhere that the kidnapper took her. ANY information as to who the kidnapper might be is important, whether that information comes from the brothers or the parents.

"Protect yourself"? Mothers and fathers rush into burning buildings, or step in front of oncoming trucks, or jump into animal enclosures to save their children. They are not thinking of protecting themselves at that point. If the child is alive, they have nothing to fear and everything to gain by cooperating with LE, and by allowing these boys to talk. They could have seen or heard something very important; they weren't passed out dead drunk that night.

Great post, most parents would give up their own lives to protect their child/children....

JMO, but they do not want this baby found because they already know what happened to her!!!!!!!!!!!!:furious:

Citation: Ann. Stat. § 210.110

'Neglect' means failure to provide, by those responsible for the care, custody, and control of the child, proper or necessary support; education as required by law; nutrition; or medical, surgical, or any other care necessary for the child's well-being.

This is a fairly broad definition and implies that if a child's well being is at risk due to a caregiver's lack of supervision or care then a charge of neglect can result.
I bet you she got frustrated with Lisa because she was sick and whiny and either shook her or threw her....probably wanted her grown up time....

something she would be arrested for...something the doctors would find.

she's guilty and the husband is either completely out of it or protecting her.
This is a fairly broad definition and implies that if a child's well being is at risk due to a caregivers lack of supervision or care then a charge of neglect can result.

Then why hasn't she been arrested???:furious:
Wish the State or LE had a legal reason to take those boys from her, maybe then he/she would talk..........

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