Interview with the two boys has been cancelled

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All I know is, if my now 4 year old daughter went missing, God forbid, I can't imagine that my mother or anyone would not want her to be found. Even if it made me look guilty. I would go to the end of the world to find her. Protecting no one who might know something. This situation speaks volumes in terms of who DB is trying to protect - and it's herself.

Really, for me anyway, my daughter is my life. I can't imagine my life without her. I would jump off a bridge to save her. To find her, if she went missing, I can't think that I would be protecting anyone that could lead to finding her.

Okay, and now I want to go hug my precious girl.

Why does DB not trust the police. That is my question.

The only reason I can come up with to explain why DB won't let the boys be interviewed is because she knows the truth will be exposed and she and JI with both go to prison. I think she is hiding domestic violence.


Citation: Ann. Stat. § 210.110

'Neglect' means failure to provide, by those responsible for the care, custody, and control of the child, proper or necessary support; education as required by law; nutrition; or medical, surgical, or any other care necessary for the child's well-being.

I have been following along and not commenting, but wanted to say, neglect and negligence somewhat different legally. Negligence is a term in civil tort actions, primarily -- failure to exercise duty of care -- standard will be "reasonable man" standard and causation (re: harm) must be established. So many questions in this case. Hard for me to understand their not allowing questioning of boys if they have no culpability. I am sure lawyer is in agreement and perhaps insisting on this. Why? What do boys know? Or - did boy/s do something? I hate to go there, but...parents are protecting someone and hiding something.

Is it possible DB and JI want the boys to be interviewed but Joe won't let them? Maybe the reason they stopped talking and all is this is because of the lawyer. Maybe they don't know how to get rid of him (Joe)?

Joe T. can't force his clients to take his advice but he can drop clients who don't take his advice and I'm guessing that's also in the works.

Is it possible DB and JI want the boys to be interviewed but Joe won't let them? Maybe the reason they stopped talking and all is this is because of the lawyer. Maybe they don't know how to get rid of him (Joe)?

Carl Cornwell, a well-known defense attorney who has worked with Short on high-profile cases comments on Short's removal from case.

Cornwell said it appears Short and Tacopina disagreed about whether the two boys, Lisa's half -brothers, should be re-interviewed by police.

"That is a direct, strategical conflict," said Cornwell​

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OK, then the local attorney is "no longer on the case" - is that better? There's always a lead attorney. And he calls the shots, regardless of how they get spinned for the public.

Sorry didn't mean to upset you, just giving a link to a direct quote from CW to the Star....
So a baby is missing. The boys, the only other (alleged) people in the home that was (allegedly) invaded, are to be interviewed 3 weeks after the baby disappears. That's BS right there.

But the parents' attorney is in ROME, ITALY and the local attorney is SACKED, so the "interview with the boys" is POSTPONED?


Oh please don't tell me he has an audience with the Pope. Please? :silly:
But these boys were in the home at the time and could be the ones to crack this case wide open.............remember, baby Lisa is MISSING! The focus is finding Lisa not protecting the parents......and if DB is involved in this mess then she traumatized those boys herself, not LE!!! They are suffering because of her.....

They were interviewed right after Lisa went missing, when everything was still fresh in their minds. I'm not sure talking to them now will even be beneficial. At their ages I don't think their memories will be very accurate after this period of time. The experts didn't feel it was necessary to question them longer than 30-50 minutes when they had the chance.

Leaving the boys with their parents is not protecting the parents.
If DB isn't involved in this mess, IMO, whoever takes those little boys from all that's familiar and sticks them with strangers will be guilty of abuse.
Here is a direct definition of being a negligent parent.

Neglectful parenting

The parent is neither demanding nor responsive. Cannot be elaborate.

Neglectful parenting is also called uninvolved, detached, dismissive or hands-off.[15] The parents are low in warmth and control, are generally not involved in their child's life, are disengaged, undemanding, low in responsiveness, and do not set limits. Neglectful parenting can also mean dismissing the children's emotions and opinions. Parents are emotionally unsupportive of their children, but will still provide their basic needs. Provide basic needs meaning: food, housing, and toiletries or money for the prementioned.[23]

Children whose parents are neglectful develop the sense that other aspects of the parents’ lives are more important than they are. Many children of this parenting style often attempt to provide for themselves or halt depending on the parent to get a feeling of being independent and mature beyond their years.[1] Parents, and thus their children, often display contradictory behavior. Children become emotionally withdrawn from social situations. This disturbed attachment also impacts relationships later on in life. In adolescence, they may show patterns of truancy and delinquency.[1]

That statement in red to me is these parents with Lisa. They are detached, they are un-involved, they are dismissive and they are certainly hands off. They pretty much covered all bases with that one. I dont know how they are with their other kids but I would say hands off and dismissive with them as well. You would think a parent would want to get their children help in a situation where one of their siblings goes missing.. JMO but it all fits.. I do believe that CPS should be involved in this.

In the video of DB talking to Lisa, she didn't appear unresponsive or dismissive.
People who know them better alot better than we do
said they were excellent parents.
It's not against the law to drink (and get drunk) in your own home, even with kids in the house. Better fire up the paddy wagon for a lot of people in this country if that's the case.

Sure it is. I'm not talking about having a glass of wine or two, or even getting drunk, I am talking about getting so hammered that you black out. If a child is injured or killed because of your neglect, then she can be charged with child abuse. It's no different than leaving the kids at home alone and something happened to them. If she was blacked out she couldn't care for them. It's neglect. She couldn't help them if the house caught fire ... of course, she would have probably died in the fire if she was blacked out.

Had she just said she slept though the night and heard nothing that would be different, but she said she was so drunk she blacked out. WTG, Debbie. I still think she's going to face charges over this.

I know someone that almost faced criminal charges because their child accidentally died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. What couldn't be proven was if the gun was left loaded or if the child loaded the gun.

If we are to believe that baby Lisa was stolen from the night from her crib, and I don't, it would have been nice if her mom wasn't blacked out from her "adult time." Poor baby didn't stand a chance.

What do you think LE would do if they were called to the house and found Debbie unconscious from drinking? At the very least the kids would be removed and placed in foster care. And she could face charges. I think LE is dancing around this right now because they want to find Lisa.
They were interviewed right after Lisa went missing, when everything was still fresh in their minds. I'm not sure talking to them now will even be beneficial. At their ages I don't think their memories will be very accurate after this period of time. The experts didn't feel it was necessary to question them longer than 30-50 minutes when they had the chance.

Leaving the boys with their parents is not protecting the parents.
If DB isn't involved in this mess, IMO, whoever takes those little boys from all that's familiar and sticks them with strangers will be guilty of abuse.

LE may have many more questions now, after several weeks of investigating and at the least, they should be able to do the simple DNA swabs, which is not a traumatic thing to have done, just a two-second cotton swab. Sure LE could probably obtain their DNA in another way, i.e toothbrush, etc. but it may be crucial to be sure whose DNA is whose, we don't know.
In the video of DB talking to Lisa, she didn't appear unresponsive or dismissive.
People who know them better alot better than we do
said they were excellent parents.

DB is uninvolved and detached now.. and dismissive of this whole ordeal. That is neglect. I dont care who said what before hand. I am talking about how she is now. Anyone can ACT like a great parent in front of people but then your true colors have to come out eventually and I think hers have come out in public for all to see.
Perhaps instead of knowing Lisa is dead, the parents know full well she is alive. They have to know one way or the other, IMO, or they would be far more desperate in working with police.
Perhaps instead of knowing Lisa is dead, the parents know full well she is alive. They have to know one way or the other, IMO, or they would be far more desperate in working with police.
I find myself going back and forth, in speculation and hope.

But there's the HRD dog hit in the parents' bedroom. :( Not sure if it was an FBI dog or not...think so tho...FBI was definitely at the search warrant scene.
They were interviewed right after Lisa went missing, when everything was still fresh in their minds. I'm not sure talking to them now will even be beneficial. At their ages I don't think their memories will be very accurate after this period of time. The experts didn't feel it was necessary to question them longer than 30-50 minutes when they had the chance.

Leaving the boys with their parents is not protecting the parents.
If DB isn't involved in this mess, IMO, whoever takes those little boys from all that's familiar and sticks them with strangers will be guilty of abuse.

They were questioned by people still operating under the impression that the timeline Debbie had provided was approximately correct. A whole lot has changed since then.
I was reading past articles referencing Ms Short and found this dated Oct 21:

"Thus far, according to Short, the couple has allowed police to:
Take their computer; call an Amber Alert, knowing that it would bring federal investigators into the case; take their other two children for forensic interviews; have the complete run of their home, their vehicles, a shed and a pop-up camper; take DNA and other biological evidence; obtain Lisa’s medical records, including those for well-baby visits; and conduct a polygraph examination on Bradley.

The couple also receives five or six calls a day from investigators, said Short, who estimated that Bradley and Irwin each have spent about 40 hours answering police questions since Lisa disappeared."

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Then we have this from Oct 28 in an article about the interviews being cancelled:

"But Short said that if she has her way, the interviews with the brothers, ages 8 and 5, would likely never happen — for the sake of the boys and the case. The brothers were interviewed earlier, and she’s worried about additional trauma to them."

"As in the first interviews of the two boys, police planned to use a specialist trained in child forensic interviewing to speak to the children in a non-confrontational setting.

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Not sure what I'm trying to address, but it does seem the boys have been interviewed by specialists. I guess I assumed it was social workers at the scene but it seems it was much much more.
I find myself going back and forth, in speculation and hope.

But there's the HRD dog hit in the parents' bedroom. :( Not sure if it was an FBI dog or not...think so tho...FBI was definitely at the search warrant scene.

Dogs are made to hit on human remains, blood is a human remain. I don't think the dog is wrong/mistaken- I actually think it hit on just what we all fear it hit on, OR it was just THAT GOOD and detected something like blood.

In other words, I agree that it looks quite bad. But I also think that we need to hold that knowledge while awaiting what further report of the "area" that was hit.
I wasn't watching/listening, but it seems that JT said this morning on GMA that the boys have already been interviewed for five hours. Can anyone verify this? I thought it was more like half an hour for the younger boy and about an hour for JI's son.

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