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Hi everyone! I am a newbie

mostly I love sitting back and reading all your comments on here!

I got this crazy thinking going on in my head now that TM's dad passed. What if this becomes a blame game now? or what if the father had left a note behind admitting that he killed Heather?
I told ya it was crazy but I wouldn't put it past any of them to twist this around and I do mean...ANYONE!
Hopefully all the evidence that LE got can only be pointed in the direction this case id heading at this time.

I'm with you on that one, Barjupiter. <Mod Snip>
If he had committed suicide, I'd be more worried that he did try to leave a bogus 'confession letter'. But, with him having a heart attack, I'm not that concerned.

With all the evidence that LE has, enough to get a grand jury indictment, if they had any proof of Mr. Caison having a direct hand in the kidnapping and murder of Heather, he would have been locked up right along with TM and SM.

JMO and Welcome to Websleuths!!:seeya:

I'm sure it's something that has happened before but LE has this! They have info that puts both M' s in the driver's seat so to speak. I'm sure even if TM's dad tried that it wouldn't work!

I had wondered too if he would claim culpability. I think LE took his truck too, that came to my mind.

But, LE would not have had the ability to charge them with murder if they didn't have enough evidence to convince a judge and a grand jury.

Things that make you go hmmmm though...imho

I feel sorry for the grandkids but dont feel sorry for TM. The stress dealing with your daughter sitting in jail on murder charges probably added to him having a heart attack, it that is how he died. TM can do nothing but sit there and long to be with family. Maybe she will realize just what she has done and what she now loses. SM too. He probably is wanting to be with his wife to comfort her. Maybe reality will sink in that he will never get to do normal things again or be there for anyone ever again. Maybe this will break one of them into ratting the other out.
My daughters father in WI was in county jail locked up for a year (multiple DUI) and his father died. He was allowed to attend the funeral unattended. I was living in South Carolina at the time but traveled up for the funeral. The X had like 8 hours free and I was allowed to pick up/return him.

RIP Mr. Caison, I hope that TM feels just an ounce of compassion. I hope the seed has been planted and TM will understand the pain associated with the loss of a beloved. The pain of the Elvis family is multiplied tremendously. The pure loss and not knowing where their sweet Heather is amounts to pure torture and every minute of every day must be beyond the deepest agony. WHERE IS HEATHER? Heather deserves to be laid to rest and given a proper burial.

My father died just over a year ago from the demon disease lung cancer. My heart ache is so deep and the loss hurts over and over, it is such an overwhelming adjustment. It has made me a more compassionate person and has given me a deeper understanding of love and life.

I HIGHLY DOUBT TM IS EVEN CAPABLE of normal human love and do not see her telling the Elvis family where Heather is. I think SM is equally guilty and HOPE that something will touch his heart if even for his own children and TELL where Heather is. FCS, someone needs to talk. JMO
Is it possible to get information out of TM in exchange for a leave to attend her father's funeral?

I would say no. That would be highly unethical and more than likely against the law.
I'm wondering if WC knew he was worth more dead than alive and that money could bring in a dream team.

If this is the case, I would hope LE would demand an autopsy.
I'm wondering if WC knew he was worth more dead than alive and that money could bring in a dream team.

If this is the case, I would hope LE would demand an autopsy.

You bring up an interesting question: Who did he leave his money to?
You bring up an interesting question: Who did he leave his money to?

I have no idea, but I am wondering if he had a substantial life insurance policy and/or his money was in a trust that could not be touched by his children until his death.

ETA if it is the latter, then there is no recourse, but there might be if there is the former.
I feel sorry for the grandma. She has more than enough on her plate.
I completely agree. Like everyone else, I have little, to no sympathy for TM and SM. I do, however, feel awful for Mrs. C. As far as we know, she's done nothing wrong. Her daughter is locked up on murder charges; she now has 3 kids to take care of (which must become increasingly difficult, as youth fades); and now she's lost her husband. I can't even begin to imagine her stress and heartache right now. That's not to take away from the pain of Heather's family or friends, in any way. Everyone loves Heather and wants her home, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a little tug at my heartstrings for Mrs. C.
The bill quoted above about inmates attending funerals was a modification of the law in existence, which does authorize inmates of the department of corrections to attend funerals under certain circumstances.

However, that law doesn't apply to TM since she is not an inmate of the South Carolina Dept. of corrections since there has been no conviction. It would be up to the protocol of the Horry County Sheriff to determine if, and under what circumstances she could be released to attend a funeral.

I doubt they'll let her because of the security threat it holds. I wish they would let her go see him for 5-10 minutes before the burial. I think it would make her see it's real and why he is there perhaps earlier than necessary. I know she thought an awful lot of him. Maybe her house of cards would fall. I know she's selfish and maybe this personal loss will knock the wind out of her sail. The Powers that Be have a strange way of making things right. Goodness will always prevail. Prayers for the innocents in this horrid mess.
I think they should let her if she tells where Heather is so her family can have a funeral for her too.
According to the police report, Caison told police that after being told to leave the property, Maely attempted to force the door open.*

Maely has been summoned to appear in court on one charge of trespassing on April 9, 2014.

Jennifer Garrett also filed an assault report against William Caison on January 19, 2014. She said she was helping search for Heather Elvis near William Caison's property in January when he rushed toward her."He raised a stick and was very close to me and said 'I'm going to - I don't care if you're a woman - I'm going to bash your "blanking" head in,'" Garrett said.!/newsDetail/25029033

TmSm's actions caused this man to be stressed beyond compare. From past territorial drama you can tell he didn't like people on or around his lands. Court, LE, reporters, searchers came to him from all sides and I don't think his heart could take all that mess.
My daughters father in WI was in county jail locked up for a year (multiple DUI) and his father died. He was allowed to attend the funeral unattended. I was living in South Carolina at the time but traveled up for the funeral. The X had like 8 hours free and I was allowed to pick up/return him.

RIP Mr. Caison, I hope that TM feels just an ounce of compassion. I hope the seed has been planted and TM will understand the pain associated with the loss of a beloved. The pain of the Elvis family is multiplied tremendously. The pure loss and not knowing where their sweet Heather is amounts to pure torture and every minute of every day must be beyond the deepest agony. WHERE IS HEATHER? Heather deserves to be laid to rest and given a proper burial.

My father died just over a year ago from the demon disease lung cancer. My heart ache is so deep and the loss hurts over and over, it is such an overwhelming adjustment. It has made me a more compassionate person and has given me a deeper understanding of love and life.

I HIGHLY DOUBT TM IS EVEN CAPABLE of normal human love and do not see her telling the Elvis family where Heather is. I think SM is equally guilty and HOPE that something will touch his heart if even for his own children and TELL where Heather is. FCS, someone needs to talk. JMO
I sure wish I felt they, T&SM, had the capacity to feel empathy but I'm not sure they do, even with the tables taking this karmic turn. They know where her father is, he is whole and being handled with dignity and humanity.

Heather is not.

I'm very sorry for your loss, Wide Open. I was thinking of things earlier today like this and the toll it takes on a family - individual members, those of us left to deal with the fallout, our role in the family dynamics changing in the blink of an eye. I too have had a rough year - after almost 5 years now, adjusting to the 'new normal' life without my mom, also lost to lung disease, I thought I'd finally found 'my place'. She was a family matriarch in a large family of boys/men, myself being the only girl. My how I didn't realize the burden she carried for all of them until the day she was gone, and all their attention turned to ME for strength and support. I wasn't expecting that. I could never fill her shoes.

Come to beginning last spring, Daddy was sick, diagnosed lung cancer; 3-6 mo prognosis. Two months later he was gone, but thankfully not until four days after Fathers Day, which I prayed hard for. Six weeks later, I was sitting on my back porch writing thank you notes (it took me a while!) son set up a cookie and lemonade stand in our yard....sun shining...things getting back to where they were supposed to be. I had been 'here' before, I knew the pain would pass. My husband left for the second time that day to go help my brother move; the first time he went he got no answer. This time with no answer, he knew something was wrong....all I want to say is that my brother lived a troubled life.....He is the one I spoke of earlier who could not come to our mothers funeral because he was incarcerated. He did not handle Daddy's death well either.

My husband kicked in his door to find him overdosed. He was gone.

I don't know when, if ever, things will ever be the same/normal again. I have one other wonderful brother, and a loving family of my own. But it's devastating to look around one day and suddenly 3/4 of the family you grew up with are gone.

I know how just the loss I have suffered has affected me, continues to affect me, and again, I had my family to bury.....I've also been pained by having family gone and not able to be there to look in the mothers face who loved him so, so much because of their bad decisions when we lost her. As angry as I was at my brother at the time for his choices, I wished so much he wouldve had that chance. Also he was estranged from his own children when he died, trying to make it up, but he never really could - again, devastated and heartbroken for his children, things left undone. But, he is gone now too, and luckier than I - He finally gets to see Mama.

I really hope this series of events will shine light on the frailty of life, how very brief it really, truly is, and these two, TM&SM, see the pain they have wrought on their family, the Elvis family, the community, their children; EXPERIENCE the pain all those mentioned have felt and confess their sins, allow forgiveness of Christ to wash over them despite what may become of their physical bodies and time left here and allow peaceful healing to begin for so, so many people who deserve it.

If TM and SM knew what I know about pain and forgiveness, their knees should have calluses worn on them starting tonight.

(so sorry to ramble....this entire case is heartbreaking; stirs great emotion)
Sea Nymph- thank you for that. I'm dealing with my own losses and it's so hard.
Is it possible to get information out of TM in exchange for a leave to attend her father's funeral?

I hope she will not be allowed to attend the wake or funeral unless she provides and leads LE to Heather's remains. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the governor would consult with the Elvis family prior to deciding on the request.
I sure wish I felt they, T&SM, had the capacity to feel empathy but I'm not sure they do, even with the tables taking this karmic turn. They know where her father is, he is whole and being handled with dignity and humanity.

Heather is not.

I'm very sorry for your loss, Wide Open. I was thinking of things earlier today like this and the toll it takes on a family - individual members, those of us left to deal with the fallout, our role in the family dynamics changing in the blink of an eye. I too have had a rough year - after almost 5 years now, adjusting to the 'new normal' life without my mom, also lost to lung disease, I thought I'd finally found 'my place'. She was a family matriarch in a large family of boys/men, myself being the only girl. My how I didn't realize the burden she carried for all of them until the day she was gone, and all their attention turned to ME for strength and support. I wasn't expecting that. I could never fill her shoes.

Come to beginning last spring, Daddy was sick, diagnosed lung cancer; 3-6 mo prognosis. Two months later he was gone, but thankfully not until four days after Fathers Day, which I prayed hard for. Six weeks later, I was sitting on my back porch writing thank you notes (it took me a while!) son set up a cookie and lemonade stand in our yard....sun shining...things getting back to where they were supposed to be. I had been 'here' before, I knew the pain would pass. My husband left for the second time that day to go help my brother move; the first time he went he got no answer. This time with no answer, he knew something was wrong....all I want to say is that my brother lived a troubled life.....He is the one I spoke of earlier who could not come to our mothers funeral because he was incarcerated. He did not handle Daddy's death well either.

My husband kicked in his door to find him overdosed. He was gone.

I don't know when, if ever, things will ever be the same/normal again. I have one other wonderful brother, and a loving family of my own. But it's devastating to look around one day and suddenly 3/4 of the family you grew up with are gone.

I know how just the loss I have suffered has affected me, continues to affect me, and again, I had my family to bury.....I've also been pained by having family gone and not able to be there to look in the mothers face who loved him so, so much because of their bad decisions when we lost her. As angry as I was at my brother at the time for his choices, I wished so much he wouldve had that chance. Also he was estranged from his own children when he died, trying to make it up, but he never really could - again, devastated and heartbroken for his children, things left undone. But, he is gone now too, and luckier than I - He finally gets to see Mama.

I really hope this series of events will shine light on the frailty of life, how very brief it really, truly is, and these two, TM&SM, see the pain they have wrought on their family, the Elvis family, the community, their children; EXPERIENCE the pain all those mentioned have felt and confess their sins, allow forgiveness of Christ to wash over them despite what may become of their physical bodies and time left here and allow peaceful healing to begin for so, so many people who deserve it.

If TM and SM knew what I know about pain and forgiveness, their knees should have calluses worn on them starting tonight.

(so sorry to ramble....this entire case is heartbreaking; stirs great emotion)

The thank you button isn't enough. Thank you for sharing your trials. Losing family members/loved ones helps you examine and prioritize relationships, choices, etc. I lost my first infant granddaughter to a syndrome 7 years ago. She was much loved and cherished. My lost has forever changed my focus in life...for the better. I can't imagine the pain and loss the Elvis family's experiencing. I also keep in mind the pain that Tammy's children and family are experiencing.

God bless you :blowkiss:
I sure wish I felt they, T&SM, had the capacity to feel empathy but I'm not sure they do, even with the tables taking this karmic turn. They know where her father is, he is whole and being handled with dignity and humanity.

Heather is not.

I'm very sorry for your loss, Wide Open. I was thinking of things earlier today like this and the toll it takes on a family - individual members, those of us left to deal with the fallout, our role in the family dynamics changing in the blink of an eye. I too have had a rough year - after almost 5 years now, adjusting to the 'new normal' life without my mom, also lost to lung disease, I thought I'd finally found 'my place'. She was a family matriarch in a large family of boys/men, myself being the only girl. My how I didn't realize the burden she carried for all of them until the day she was gone, and all their attention turned to ME for strength and support. I wasn't expecting that. I could never fill her shoes.

Come to beginning last spring, Daddy was sick, diagnosed lung cancer; 3-6 mo prognosis. Two months later he was gone, but thankfully not until four days after Fathers Day, which I prayed hard for. Six weeks later, I was sitting on my back porch writing thank you notes (it took me a while!) son set up a cookie and lemonade stand in our yard....sun shining...things getting back to where they were supposed to be. I had been 'here' before, I knew the pain would pass. My husband left for the second time that day to go help my brother move; the first time he went he got no answer. This time with no answer, he knew something was wrong....all I want to say is that my brother lived a troubled life.....He is the one I spoke of earlier who could not come to our mothers funeral because he was incarcerated. He did not handle Daddy's death well either.

My husband kicked in his door to find him overdosed. He was gone.

I don't know when, if ever, things will ever be the same/normal again. I have one other wonderful brother, and a loving family of my own. But it's devastating to look around one day and suddenly 3/4 of the family you grew up with are gone.

I know how just the loss I have suffered has affected me, continues to affect me, and again, I had my family to bury.....I've also been pained by having family gone and not able to be there to look in the mothers face who loved him so, so much because of their bad decisions when we lost her. As angry as I was at my brother at the time for his choices, I wished so much he wouldve had that chance. Also he was estranged from his own children when he died, trying to make it up, but he never really could - again, devastated and heartbroken for his children, things left undone. But, he is gone now too, and luckier than I - He finally gets to see Mama.

I really hope this series of events will shine light on the frailty of life, how very brief it really, truly is, and these two, TM&SM, see the pain they have wrought on their family, the Elvis family, the community, their children; EXPERIENCE the pain all those mentioned have felt and confess their sins, allow forgiveness of Christ to wash over them despite what may become of their physical bodies and time left here and allow peaceful healing to begin for so, so many people who deserve it.

If TM and SM knew what I know about pain and forgiveness, their knees should have calluses worn on them starting tonight.

(so sorry to ramble....this entire case is heartbreaking; stirs great emotion)


:tears: so so very sorry for your many losses and the pain you have endured during such. Even though I am sure you would never see as a reason for accolades- I admire your strength you have. May God wrap you in his loving arms of peace and healing. God bless.

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