Is a trafficking ring involved in this case?

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Former sheriff Giusto is not running this investigation. He has no idea how this task force is going to be run. Seems to me they would be using some of the same investigators who have already been on the case. I would hardly call that "starting over again." I have lot more faith in the leaders who are currently running the MCSO.

Thank GOD! After reading his history as Sheriff, I think we all should breathe a huge sigh of relieve that he can't fark up this investigation like he did so many other things while he was at the helm of MCSO! I mean, protecting a CHILD MOLESTER while he (Giusto) was having sex with that child molester's wife?? Uh uh.
Thank GOD! After reading his history as Sheriff, I think we all should breathe a huge sigh of relieve that he can't fark up this investigation like he did so many other things while he was at the helm of MCSO! I mean, protecting a CHILD MOLESTER while he (Giusto) was having sex with that child molester's wife?? Uh uh.

AMEN Puf, and to add, he'd put out the details of the case to the public which in the long run could certainly take away from an effective prosecution. We don't know but have seen plenty in our days here. IMO
Thank GOD! After reading his history as Sheriff, I think we all should breathe a huge sigh of relieve that he can't fark up this investigation like he did so many other things while he was at the helm of MCSO! I mean, protecting a CHILD MOLESTER while he (Giusto) was having sex with that child molester's wife?? Uh uh.

You forgot to mention the child molester was the Mayor of Portland while he was raping the girl, then governor of Oregon while Giusto was having an affair with his wife!! There is no end to the shamelessness of those people! The teenage girl's life was ruined!
You forgot to mention the child molester was the Mayor of Portland while he was raping the girl, then governor of Oregon while Giusto was having an affair with his wife!! There is no end to the shamelessness of those people! The teenage girl's life was ruined!

Neil Goldschmidt having a 3 year trist with a 17 yr old which didn't come out until later: [ame=""][/ame].

Then there was Packwood really no better. I worked in his office for a week in '62 when he was just getting his campaign going for State office and could not handle his hand always on my back - not just my back BTW. [ame=""][/ame] He was forced to resign when 10 women accused him of indecent liberties.

We've had our share of politicians here who are as bad as many of the SO's they dealt with in office. I suppose every city has it's share of these guys. The problem is one doesn't always know what is going on right away !!!
Neil Goldschmidt having a 3 year trist with a 17 yr old which didn't come out until later:

respectfully sbm, bbm.

First, I wouldn't call it a "trist." IMO, that affords some small amount of respectability. The girl was 14 when it started. That is RAPE, plain and simple. She was his neighbor, his babysitter, and her mother worked under Goldschmidt in the city offices.

Second, it was later when the PUBLIC found out. There were people who knew about it when it was happening, and long before it was public knowledge. Among them was Bernie Giusto, former sheriff. He failed that girl because his future career plans and his connection with Goldschmidt was more important to him than a 14 year old girl.
This thread is going sideways. Please get back to this case.
Sorry, just explaining why I have no faith at all in any opinion former sheriff Giusto has on any subject on this earth or even the outerspace. Thanks.
Sorry, just explaining why I have no faith at all in any opinion former sheriff Giusto has on any subject on this earth or even the outerspace. Thanks.

So locals, do we think a trafficking ring is involved? I think SOs and child *advertiser censored* are involved. Trafficking? Well gosh, I don't think so?

I think it would be fun BTW OT for one second - to have IRL meetings in different cities for us sleuthers! Like the book club of the month but the mystery of the month!
I think because TY was one of them, they listened to him and Desiree about their suspicions. I think that DY can't bring herself to think that a stranger abducted him, so used TH as the scape goat. I think they were negligent in not considering all possibilities, and dismissed some information they had at the beginning. If they had real evidence that TH was even remotely involved they would have arrested her by now, in my opinion.

BBM. I agree. Desiree's statements support this. Here is an example:

Desiree on July 9

At first it started out with something doesn't feel right. I don't feel right about this. And then each time, something would come up, something was said, a feeling I got, you know, it just reinforced it and I would discuss that with them, and this and this and this and this, and before I realized it and, you know, once, I would say once we found out the second polygraph was failed, we both I think kinda turned to the other side more than we were previous.
BBM. I agree. Desiree's statements support this. Here is an example:

Desiree on July 9

At first it started out with something doesn't feel right. I don't feel right about this. And then each time, something would come up, something was said, a feeling I got, you know, it just reinforced it and I would discuss that with them, and this and this and this and this, and before I realized it and, you know, once, I would say once we found out the second polygraph was failed, we both I think kinda turned to the other side more than we were previous.

In watching that heartbreaking video again, I realized that DY actually "said" to TH, during their first phone call after the school notified her of Kyron being missing, "you better not have hurt my son".

So her suspicion about TH was immediate. Why? And, she had no reservation or hesitation in what sounds like a not very indirect accusation. Bear in mind this was June 4, before any polygraphs or questioning by police. This was immediate upon learning from the school that Kyron was missing.

It sounds to me that TH was immediately put on the defensive by DY. That had to be felt by KH and TY and most importantly by LE. That had to impact TH's behavior significantly. People on the defensive tend to overly act to prove innocence....making themselves look guiltier than ever. That overacting could explain KH's comment about everything being about her and not Kyron, in the near aftermath.

What is mostly important (to me) to understand is why DY felt compelled to say that to TH that first day. There had to be something that was ongoing in that "blended family" that is not being said publicly. DY clearly was not confident in TH's care of Kyron or else TH's harming him would never have been her first thought. I wonder if she ever shared those doubts with KH before that day. Was there any previous indication that TH was doing anything harmful to Kyron?

I really wish that LE would be a tad more open about what they have learned about this case.
IMO, LE is not naive when they try to filter through statements made in highly emotional cases. Don't we all "consider the source" in our eveyday lives? If we know the Mother-in-law despises the Daughteer-in-law and thinks her son is perfect...don't most of us have the sense to factor THAT into any opinions offered?

And certainly, LE have training, experience, etc. As soon as they understand the history of these two couples, I think that might tend to work IN Terri's favor, not assessing how much credibility to give to Desiree's feelings.

I have no reason to assume these professionals do not deal with this sort of thing often in these highly emotional cases.

I think any "feelings" of Desiree's were only given any credence after other evidence or tools of the trade (Lie Detector tests, changing stories, unaccountable timeline, Muder forHire Plots) ...things like that being to pile up casting suspicion on Terri in ways that LE more typically depend upon for direction.
In watching that heartbreaking video again, I realized that DY actually "said" to TH, during their first phone call after the school notified her of Kyron being missing, "you better not have hurt my son".
So her suspicion about TH was immediate. Why? And, she had no reservation or hesitation in what sounds like a not very indirect accusation. Bear in mind this was June 4, before any polygraphs or questioning by police. This was immediate upon learning from the school that Kyron was missing.

It sounds to me that TH was immediately put on the defensive by DY. That had to be felt by KH and TY and most importantly by LE. That had to impact TH's behavior significantly. People on the defensive tend to overly act to prove innocence....making themselves look guiltier than ever. That overacting could explain KH's comment about everything being about her and not Kyron, in the near aftermath.

What is mostly important (to me) to understand is why DY felt compelled to say that to TH that first day. There had to be something that was ongoing in that "blended family" that is not being said publicly. DY clearly was not confident in TH's care of Kyron or else TH's harming him would never have been her first thought. I wonder if she ever shared those doubts with KH before that day. Was there any previous indication that TH was doing anything harmful to Kyron?

I really wish that LE would be a tad more open about what they have learned about this case.

I just watched it again too and my perception was that she was "thinking" those words to herself and didn't say them TO Terri. I think the reporter asked her what she thought in those first few minutes and not what she said. JMOO
So locals, do we think a trafficking ring is involved? I think SOs and child *advertiser censored* are involved. Trafficking? Well gosh, I don't think so?

I think it would be fun BTW OT for one second - to have IRL meetings in different cities for us sleuthers! Like the book club of the month but the mystery of the month!

Local here...I really didn't know much about any kinds of "rings" here in Portland that involved children. I did read some stories over the last few years about young girls getting trapped into prostitution in and around the PNW. I am not naive however and know such things exist but I hadn't read about Portland being #2 on any kind of list. I know Demi Moore has done some research into human trafficking and was trying to raise awareness of the fact it exists in this country. But seriously, never heard it was a huge problem in Portland.
I just watched it again too and my perception was that she was "thinking" those words to herself and didn't say them TO Terri. I think the reporter asked her what she thought in those first few minutes and not what she said. JMOO

Actually, that's what I've been thinking all along. But at about 2:35 in the video, she says that she said it. It sounds as though she is continuing retelling the telephone conversation with TH. I suppose only she and TH know.
I've been thinking this through, and am still praying that Kyron is not in this kind of situation right now. Sick to my stomach thinking about a little boy going through something like the kind of abuse that these victims experience.
Actually, that's what I've been thinking all along. But at about 2:35 in the video, she says that she said it. It sounds as though she is continuing retelling the telephone conversation with TH. I suppose only she and TH know.

Respectfully disagreeing though...I think she said this to herself and not directly to Terri based on the reporters question:

What was your first reaction to hearing this? DY answered "honestly, my motherly instinct kicked in and I said you better not have done something to my son"

I hope I quoted that right...but I still think she was saying this to herself. JMO
When my son went through what we have since called his "I want to be a street kid" phase, he and his friends always glamorized Portland as their destination city. Friends they knew had friends who had gone there. I asked him once whether he ever heard from those friends again. His comment was "Yanno, mom, it just seems like they got swallowed up."

With today's presser, the question has arisen as to whether LE is possibly looking at a trafficking ring or something of that nature.

This thread is for discussion of trafficking rings reported in the Portland area or any other thoughts we might have regarding this possibility.

Since what type of "trafficking" under discussion here seems to be open, I *hope* the following is allowable.

"A federal inquiry into steroid abuse by a Canby officer and a cover-up by his chief has stretched to other law enforcement agencies, thanks to the cooperation of man who supplied the steroids: Canby resident William J. Traverso, who has admitted to selling steroids to other officers in the Portland area."

"Hingson said Traverso, 39, began using steroids for competitive body building, and he attained the title of "Mr. Oregon." But the story of a local Canby boy making good was shattered when he cheated and used steroids to attain his bodybuilding physique, and became addicted to methamphetamine."
Thanks Shadowboy.

"In a letter submitted to a Clackamas County judge Monday, FBI Special Agent Christopher Frazier said that Traverso has discussed his drug distribution activities in detail. "The public safety employees identified by Traverso included law enforcement officers, corrections officers, fire and rescue personnel and university public safety officers," Frazier wrote, "Several spin-off FBI public corruption investigations were initiated as a result of these allegations, and are ongoing." :banghead:

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