Is Casey the real Zenaida?

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I just got to watch the Dateline special "When Caylee Vanished" last night. I found the reaction Chief Stucker had, and his postured answer, when asked if there really was a Zanny, extremely interesting. I try not to read things into people's words that are not explicitly stated, but I feel that he was very very careful in choosing his words when responding to this question. More than ever, I believe LE knows things concerning the identity "Zanny" that they have not released.

Go to approximately 4:35 in this video...

YouTube - Dateline _ Casey Anthony _ Part 2

Q: Zanny the Nanny...your opinion, does this person exist?
A: *pause* As a nanny for her babies? No, she does not exist.
Q: An imaginary friend?
A: Exactly.

Thanks so much for this - I missed this - would have loved to see the whole report... is it on line anywhere?
This is the most interesting thread in history! You people ROCK.

Valhall, in case you missed it in the other thread here's the photo copy of the ck. Casey cashed at BOA. I believe it's page 38, though the whole file is about the check charges..

I am unable to open this pdf file. Anyone care to tell me whose account the check was from? Or how it relates? *edit* Nevermind. I think this was just the physical copy of the stolen AH check.

And if I can bother you guys with just one more question... Am I correct in my understanding that AD admits that she was coincidentally on the phone with Casey when they were both pulled over, but that no ticket was in fact issued to CASEY at all, but one seems to have been issued to a ZG22? This may sound like a stupid question, but I am really just trying to find out if we know for a fact that no ticket was issued to Casey.

Specific thanks to Valhall. :)
And if I can bother you guys with just one more question... Am I correct in my understanding that AD admits that she was coincidentally on the phone with Casey when they were both pulled over, but that no ticket was in fact issued to CASEY at all, but one seems to have been issued to a ZG22? This may sound like a stupid question, but I am really just trying to find out if we know for a fact that no ticket was issued to Casey.

AD was asked if KC was with her when she got the ticket. She said (I'm paraphrasing) "No...I happened to be on the phone with her actually."

The tickets (ZG22 and AD) have been verified to have not occurred at the same time of day, so I don't think they were together. But my opinion is that AD was not completely honest when asked if KC ever had an alias.
May 24, 2008 - AD receives a traffic citation for 2 people not wearing seatbelts in her car.
ZG22 (date of birth 1/11/86, 3 months older than KC), receives two traffic citations: one for running an intersection, and one for not having a valid driver's license. Note that Operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver's license is a Criminal Offense in Florida.
AD was asked if KC was with her when she got the ticket. She said (I'm paraphrasing) "No...I happened to be on the phone with her actually."

The tickets (ZG22 and AD) have been verified to have not occurred at the same time of day, so I don't think they were together. But my opinion is that AD was not completely honest when asked if KC ever had an alias.

Valhall, I have a question. (not sure if I pulled your quote up correctly from the 1st page)

In the AD Morgan Depo (or possibly her LE interview), AD says she was alone when she received a ticket as well as mentioned being on the phone with Casey who happened to have also been either stopped/ticketed at around the same time. Is this the ticket they questioned her about & your referring? I'm wondering since if so, then AD was lying about being alone.

After reading thru a number of threads on I'm coming up with something but alas I have to head to work & contemplate a bit more. I just wanted to be clear on the ticket you refer to & the one AD is asked about in that Depo.

Valhall, I have a question. (not sure if I pulled your quote up correctly from the 1st page)

In the AD Morgan Depo (or possibly her LE interview), AD says she was alone when she received a ticket as well as mentioned being on the phone with Casey who happened to have also been either stopped/ticketed at around the same time. Is this the ticket they questioned her about & your referring? I'm wondering since if so, then AD was lying about being alone.

After reading thru a number of threads on I'm coming up with something but alas I have to head to work & contemplate a bit more. I just wanted to be clear on the ticket you refer to & the one AD is asked about in that Depo.


Are you sure AD said KC also received a ticket that day? I think AD just said she was on the phone with KC when she (AD) received her ticket.
Valhall, I have a question. (not sure if I pulled your quote up correctly from the 1st page)

In the AD Morgan Depo (or possibly her LE interview), AD says she was alone when she received a ticket as well as mentioned being on the phone with Casey who happened to have also been either stopped/ticketed at around the same time. Is this the ticket they questioned her about & your referring? I'm wondering since if so, then AD was lying about being alone.

After reading thru a number of threads on I'm coming up with something but alas I have to head to work & contemplate a bit more. I just wanted to be clear on the ticket you refer to & the one AD is asked about in that Depo.


I don't think she answered that she "was alone", she just said she wasn't with KC. The statement of "two people not wearing seatbelts" comes from Blink's work where she states that the fine imposed was equivalent to two no seat belt fines. I don't think AD was directly ask "were you alone"? I'll have to go back and check.

The ticket ZG22 got was in the morning of that day. AD's ticket was later in the day, if I recall correctly. I personally do not believe KC was with AD when AD got her tickets.
And, Annie and a male friend ( I forgot the name) were living there, at the time. I still think KC ran across THAT Zenaida while visiting one or both of them.

Dante claims (in his interviews) that Annie already had moved out at in '07. IIRC, he didn't report KC visiting in the critical June phase either. I think she was shadowing the place. Some other guy lived there who had some ??? connection to Fusian, and early on there was a lot of talk about him, his somewhat questionable
activities, whether he ran escorts, etc. I can't recall his name, but think it may have been Mike something. . . You probably do recall, Brini. Also, I've wondered if KC used to just hang out in that empty 210.

Weird, just weird, all of it, "the Sawgrass Connection."
I don't think she answered that she "was alone", she just said she wasn't with KC. The statement of "two people not wearing seatbelts" comes from Blink's work where she states that the fine imposed was equivalent to two no seat belt fines. I don't think AD was directly ask "were you alone"? I'll have to go back and check.

The ticket ZG22 got was in the morning of that day. AD's ticket was later in the day, if I recall correctly. I personally do not believe KC was with AD when AD got her tickets.

Valhall, all the info you've posted on ZG22 gets my head spinning. If we assume Casey had in fact been using this ID and possibly for some years it removes a few coincidents. I don't know if some of my ideas are off the wall and hesitate to post it. But I will try and possibly something clicks for some wsleuther here or they can punch holes in my brainstorming.

I keep coming back to there are 2 very separate things occuring.

1. She murders her daughter
2. She's involved/knows of some sort of other unrelated illegal activity.

I'm thinking #2 may touch on the Rental scam guy & the dealership and relates somehow to the jail visit from that Bourgouis fellow she didn't recognize. If we assume she had the ID for some time and this ID was not just a cheap street fake licence but actually in the system. That's costly. I agree with an earlier post that it was closer to her age & only would have probably given 7 months of clubing under age. I don't figure it was for clubing. The truck had the wrong tags and it could be that little job she had under the table. Like where do you get an id like that? why so elaborate too. If it was Casey, in a truck as outlined she would have had to use the fake id as perhaps that was the purpose of having it in the 1st place.

So if this hypothetical idea is correct she did get herself into some trouble by linking that name to the kidnapping by whomever gave it to her if the id actually relates to being used 'only' for some type of scam/illegal activity. I don't know if I've made sense here with what I'm saying. Casey is such an ellaborate liar, taking bits n pieces of info and working them together. This could be what she's told CA & GA... that she was doing work for someone & they took her daughter. (and they really want to believe she didn't hurt Caylee so they buy the story).

Recall what RG said about the story of when Casey found a sitter. She always goes back to the name on that ID type of thing. I believe the 'Zanny' nic name simply came up at the time Casey was hanging around Ad with Caylee... I figure Caylee said Annie and it sounded like 'sssanny'. And Casey/Annie thought that was probably funny in a ways since Annie was using those med's. I think the whole Zanny reference to a nanny came over time. She didn't always use the name Zanny with her friends, just Nanny.

I just don't think she came up with this crazy story on July 15/16 but had been using ZFG name for illegal activity. I don't think she made much cash for the work (a small player-odd jobs, like moving written-off/stolen cars around. I keep coming to the fact of the anonomous bond put up for her.

In reference to what Lee has said that an officer took some card from what CA found in the wallet on the July 15th... if it was this ID, then the officers would have ZG22 ID in their hands while Casey is stating some ZFG took her child. Wow, their approach of SG & everything she was saying! Maybe why certain interviews/info hasn't been released yet. Also, think AD may have known about the ID and possibly her need to talk to Casey (just a thought).

Right from the start I've wondered what she did during those supposed work hours when she couldn't yet go back to her home yet. I've come up with the park/beach/mall's and possibly the local library (where they have reading time for kids and Casey could sign up to use the public pc). She couldn't be seen that often out and about by friends or family during hours she was suppose to be at work. And I think she was also making money under the table & doubt it was sexually related.

I think the only coincidence (if it is) would be that a ZG went to SG on June 17th. And Casey discovered this by a person her knew it & knew of the fake id Casey carried. (i.e. hey Casey, you wouldn't believe that someone came by here by the name of?) Something like that.

Valhall, the info you've shared on zg22 was great.

Anyway, what do you all think, poke holes in it or even tell me I''ve missed the boat (i can handle it).
I know this sounds rather far fetched, but since Annie was ticketed with two citations ...could it be possible that Annie in fact had a Zanny I.D? Ticketed twice that same day herself?

Just odd that there is a supposed "zanny" that had a ticket on the same day Annie had a ticket. Noone can find ZG22..because she doesn't exist!

When Annie was asked if she knew if casey had another I.D. Annie quickly replied--why would she..she's over 21! Doesn't need a fake i.d.

Perhaps Annie or Casey had a fake zanny I.d from before they were 21.
Today, 07:48 AM
ValhallRegistered User
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 20

Exactly, and not only will they be able to determine the IP of the log-ins of caseyomarie's myspace, but of the premeditated "zenaida" myspace set up on June 16th, just prior to KC "kicking off" the whole "Zanny stole my baby" story.

And they will be able to tell if she accessed this zenaida myspace account from JB's office during the countless days she spent her full day at his office. And they will be able to tell that it is not merely a coincidence that 1.) the zenaida myspace was created on the same day Caylee was last seen, and 2. the zenaida myspace was last accessed on the last free day - when KC went to jail for good.

They will be able to see what IP coincidentally chose a "Dora the Explorer" dancing doll as their myspace picture when at the same time Caylee had a Dora the Explorer backpack (and most likely a Dora pony, as referenced as a "toy horse" found with the remains).

They will be able to see what coincidentally...chose a birthday on the zenaida myspace that is February 19th - where KC's is March 19th.

Age 23 on 02/18/09:

Age 24 on 02/19/09:

Apparently this myspace "zenaida" doesn't drive, because the Florida DMV shows no one with the first name zenaida having a birthday of 02/19/85 in their database.

And hopefully they will be able to obtain what, if any content, was posted on that account and subsequently removed prior to 10/14....the last date of entry. And they will be able to tell what coincidentally...chose "Miami" as the location when we have seen KC keep centering back on Miami as a possible place for "Zanny".

** [SNIP] ** (respectfully)

I was drawn back to this today for some reasons I will not get into and my gut is telling me this may be a major force behind why the prosecution put the death penalty back on the table.

Without the benefit of subpoena powers, I have been trying to figure out if it is possible to fake the last login dates and the join dates.

I have determined it is possible to fake the last login date. I have tested this myself on a dummy myspace page I created. I was able to create a last login date that preceded the creation date of the myspace page.

To do this one needs to use profile version 1.0 and not 2.0. Go to "Edit Profile" and in the Headline section enter the following:
<font class=f1>Female</font><font class=f2>24 years old</font><font class=f3>Miami, FL</font><font class=f4>United States</font><font class=f5>Last Login: 10/14/2008</font><font class=off>
Then in any of the other sections enter the following:
<style>.f1, .f2, .f3, .f4, .f5 {display:block;} .f1{margin-top:15px;} .f5{margin-top:30px;}</style>
Works like a champ. I am poking around to see if it is also possible to do the same thing on the blog page and fake the join date.
** [SNIP] ** (respectfully)

I have determined it is possible to fake the last login date. I have tested this myself on a dummy myspace page I created. I was able to create a last login date that preceded the creation date of the myspace page.

To do this one needs to use profile version 1.0 and not 2.0. Go to "Edit Profile" and in the Headline section enter the following:
<font class=f1>Female</font><font class=f2>24 years old</font><font class=f3>Miami, FL</font><font class=f4>United States</font><font class=f5>Last Login: 10/14/2008</font><font class=off>
Then in any of the other sections enter the following:
<style>.f1, .f2, .f3, .f4, .f5 {display:block;} .f1{margin-top:15px;} .f5{margin-top:30px;}</style>
Works like a champ. I am poking around to see if it is also possible to do the same thing on the blog page and fake the join date.

Also respectfully snipped...

This is all so exciting to watch. Okay, so theoretically, your work has shown this page was NOT accessed on 10/14/08. Which would blow holes in the theory that this was, in fact, KC. And potentially (based on what you find about the creation date) you may prove that June 16th wasn't the real creation date.

And, if I'm reading the source code correctly, the version of myspace on that page is Version 1, so this allows what you are saying. But this is what has my interest piqued...if you have found that this whole myspace could be faked to the dates 06/16/08 and 10/14/08, why do you state that this might be why the death penalty was put back on the table???

It would seem that you are proving there may be nothing to it. Can you share why you still find it important?

*waits eagerly*
Also respectfully snipped...

This is all so exciting to watch. Okay, so theoretically, your work has shown this page was NOT accessed on 10/14/08. Which would blow holes in the theory that this was, in fact, KC. And potentially (based on what you find about the creation date) you may prove that June 16th wasn't the real creation date.

And, if I'm reading the source code correctly, the version of myspace on that page is Version 1, so this allows what you are saying. But this is what has my interest piqued...if you have found that this whole myspace could be faked to the dates 06/16/08 and 10/14/08, why do you state that this might be why the death penalty was put back on the table???

It would seem that you are proving there may be nothing to it. Can you share why you still find it important?

*waits eagerly*

Because, so far in testing the "how does one fake things in myspace" approaches, it does not appear that the last login date has been faked. :)

I am not going to pretend I am an expert in web pages and style sheets, because I am very far from it. But I know just enough to be dangerous. :bang:

If I dig through the page source of my faked myspace page with my last login changed (as well as my sex, age, and location), here is what I see:
<td class="text" width="193" bgcolor="#ffffff" height="75" align="left"><font class="f1">Female</font><font class="f2">24 years old</font><font class="f3">Miami, FL</font><font class="f4">United States</font><font class="f5">Last Login: 10/14/2008</font><font class="off">
<br />
<br />Male
<br />48 years old
<br />City, STATE
<br />United States
<br />
<br />
<span class="msOnlineNow "><img src="" />Online Now!</span>
<br />
<br />Last Login: <span property="myspace:lastLogin" content="2009-05-28" datatype="xsd:date">5/28/2009</span>
<br />
Here is an image of the spoofed profile. Note the last login date and other information. I did not change any of that in my profile:


Notice in the source code that the original information is still there (highlighted in blue). The new information is in red. Why does the new information show but not the original in the displayed page? :waitasec:

Because the hack adds the code <font class="off">, which essentially turns off the display of the original information, but does not remove it. So while we cannot see the original information when displayed in a web page, we can always find it when looking at the page source ("CTL-U" in any browser). :rolleyes: One cannot remove the original information from myspace. They can only obscure it.

When I go into the "zenaida" web page, I find only one set of information in the page source. There is no hidden original information paired with displayed fake information. :thumb:

The same holds true of the blog page that shows the sign-up date. Only one set of information can be found on that page - nothing is "turned off". :woohoo:

The zenaida myspace page, IMHO, is genuine. :eek:

Link to page here.

Which means to me that when LE was given the information by Valhall in late February (is that when you sent it to them Val?), they took the next two months to:

  • Subpoena myspace for the IP addresses used to create and modify the page
  • Discovered those IP addresses were tied to dates and times consistent with KC's location, possibly using cell records as a guide
  • Found enough additional keywords that they could use to search unallocated sectors (deleted files) on the laptop for evidence
  • Found traces of KC accessing the specific myspace page in question from those unallocated sectors
Furthermore, because the myspace page was created on June 16, cell pings and Tony's testimony of what he and KC did that evening, coupled with the Encase timeline reports from both computers indicate that KC created the website while at the Anthony home. Myspace IP logs would confirm this. :mad:
Boy, I was dangerous at one time with computers, only try to use them now. Thanks JWG & Val for your hard work. I actually understand what was said and this is pretty damaging evidence. Thanks for your hard work. You too BJB and the soo many others.
Yes---I would like to Thank You all who have put so much time--energy--brains into all you have shared. Thank You for being here with us. I feel very honored to be here. It is awesome to watch this case unfold---right here at W/S. Gives us a "one up" when the trial gets here.:blowkiss:

I just got to watch the Dateline special "When Caylee Vanished" last night. I found the reaction Chief Stucker had, and his postured answer, when asked if there really was a Zanny, extremely interesting. I try not to read things into people's words that are not explicitly stated, but I feel that he was very very careful in choosing his words when responding to this question. More than ever, I believe LE knows things concerning the identity "Zanny" that they have not released.

Go to approximately 4:35 in this video...

YouTube - Dateline _ Casey Anthony _ Part 2

Q: Zanny the Nanny...your opinion, does this person exist?
A: *pause* As a nanny for her babies? No, she does not exist.
Q: An imaginary friend?
A: Exactly.

Watched the whole show and that is the best show I have seen on this case. They really did a good job of putting it together. I did notice the look on LE face/eyes when he was asked if there is a real ZFG. That was neat.
Because, so far in testing the "how does one fake things in myspace" approaches, it does not appear that the last login date has been faked. :)

I am not going to pretend I am an expert in web pages and style sheets, because I am very far from it. But I know just enough to be dangerous. :bang:

If I dig through the page source of my faked myspace page with my last login changed (as well as my sex, age, and location), here is what I see:
<td class="text" width="193" bgcolor="#ffffff" height="75" align="left"><font class="f1">Female</font><font class="f2">24 years old</font><font class="f3">Miami, FL</font><font class="f4">United States</font><font class="f5">Last Login: 10/14/2008</font><font class="off">
<br />
<br />Male
<br />48 years old
<br />City, STATE
<br />United States
<br />
<br />
<span class="msOnlineNow "><img src="" />Online Now!</span>
<br />
<br />Last Login: <span property="myspace:lastLogin" content="2009-05-28" datatype="xsd:date">5/28/2009</span>
<br />
Here is an image of the spoofed profile. Note the last login date and other information. I did not change any of that in my profile:

View attachment 3926

Notice in the source code that the original information is still there (highlighted in blue). The new information is in red. Why does the new information show but not the original in the displayed page? :waitasec:

Because the hack adds the code <font class="off">, which essentially turns off the display of the original information, but does not remove it. So while we cannot see the original information when displayed in a web page, we can always find it when looking at the page source ("CTL-U" in any browser). :rolleyes: One cannot remove the original information from myspace. They can only obscure it.

When I go into the "zenaida" web page, I find only one set of information in the page source. There is no hidden original information paired with displayed fake information. :thumb:

The same holds true of the blog page that shows the sign-up date. Only one set of information can be found on that page - nothing is "turned off". :woohoo:

The zenaida myspace page, IMHO, is genuine. :eek:

Link to page here.

Which means to me that when LE was given the information by Valhall in late February (is that when you sent it to them Val?), they took the next two months to:

  • Subpoena myspace for the IP addresses used to create and modify the page
  • Discovered those IP addresses were tied to dates and times consistent with KC's location, possibly using cell records as a guide
  • Found enough additional keywords that they could use to search unallocated sectors (deleted files) on the laptop for evidence
  • Found traces of KC accessing the specific myspace page in question from those unallocated sectors
Furthermore, because the myspace page was created on June 16, cell pings and Tony's testimony of what he and KC did that evening, coupled with the Encase timeline reports from both computers indicate that KC created the website while at the Anthony home. Myspace IP logs would confirm this. :mad:

Very nice! When I had first found the myspace account I had researched hacks and found that you could obscure dates, but did not find where you could actually fake you had me scared! But I had gone line by line through the source code on both pages (main and blog) comparing it to my own myspace (which I had never changed) and didn't find anything that appeared to show hacks in place.

As far as timeline. I first posted about this myspace over on my hubbie's website in January. Since the administrator over there is a friggin' Google-search optimizing guru, they COULD have found it on the returns within a week probably. I did not contact LE until the day the age rolled over because I wanted to know the birthdate associated with the account before contacting them. So I emailed OCSO (the general account) on February 19th, as well as Mark Fuhrman. Some one later provided me Yuri's email and I emailed it direct to him on March 1st.

Thank you for your work on this! It makes me feel this page has been validated (as best we non-subpoena-powered people can!)
Quote from JWG...

Furthermore, because the myspace page was created on June 16, cell pings and Tony's testimony of what he and KC did that evening, coupled with the Encase timeline reports from both computers indicate that KC created the website while at the Anthony home. Myspace IP logs would confirm this.

Your work along with the communications I had with myspace customer reps has brought us to this:

The creation date appears to be authentic and 06/16/08 (day Caylee was last seen).
The last login date appears to be authentic and 10/14/08 (last free day for KC).
The page was set up on 06/16/08 with the name "zenaida".
The page was set up on 06/16/08 with the pic of "Dora the Dancing Doll".
Neither of the above two items (name and pic) have been changed since 06/16/08 because the last updated field shows 06/16/08 (JWG, I believe if you check on this one you will find that there is no evidence of a hack for this date either, so it is authentic as well). If the name or pic had been updated since 06/16/08, this date would have changed.

We know that KC was on the desktop computer around 9 a.m. the morning of the 16th, because she uploaded a pic into her photobucket account. There was activity on the computer off and on through out the morning. There is the possibility (due to KC's cell phone pings being in the area of the Anthony home) that she may have come back for a brief time in the early afternoon, just after GA left for work. But I also have to state I'm not sure this is correct. She may have been at LA's house. Irrespective, KC appears to have created a "zenaida" myspace with a Dora the Dancing Doll on the same day, and prior to the hour, of Caylee's death.

This is why this page has meant so much to is the one piece of potential evidence that points to preparing to "need a zenaida", and at this point, we only have one reason to need a zenaida. If it weren't for this myspace page I would be firmly in the "accidental death and subsequent cover-up" group. But until this myspace is shot down as not being KC, I believe she killed Caylee and she did it with premeditation. As Judge Strickland stated yesterday premeditation only takes seconds...and this myspace shows more time investment than that; ESPECIALLY if it is found to have been created before she left that house the first time.
Would it be possible to see the exact time of day on June 16th that the zenaida myspace was created?

(it would go a long way to proving pre-meditation and the reason the death penalty was put back on the table)

ETA: -- sorry, cross posted with you Vall!
Wow, I remember seeing this page discussed a while back but forgot about it. This is exceptionally well done sleuthing - a great find, and I'd say a 'bombshell'.

Are you sure they followed it up?
When did the dp get put back on the table? Could this be a factor in them bringing it back?
Wow again, great work Valhall & JWG!!!!!
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