Is Casey the real Zenaida?

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Wow, I remember seeing this page discussed a while back but forgot about it. This is exceptionally well done sleuthing - a great find, and I'd say a 'bombshell'.

Are you sure they followed it up?
When did the dp get put back on the table? Could this be a factor in them bringing it back?
Wow again, great work Valhall & JWG!!!!!

The death penalty was brought back on April 13th.
The SA bringing back the dp at that time makes sense now in light of this information.
Pardon me for quoting myself, but I'm going to repost this from here

[ame=""]Is Casey the real Zenaida? - Page 34 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

so that it is close to JWG's research and we have the full set of research on the "dates" associated with the myspace page set fairly close together in this thread:

I've been doing some research on the zenaida myspace to be sure I was interpreting dates correctly. If you go to the main profile you see that the last login date is 10/14/08 (the last day KC was free and spent her day at JB's office).

And if you go the blog page for this myspace you can see it lists last update and signup date both as 6/16/08 (the day KC left the Anthony house for the last time with Caylee).

The reason understanding whether I'm interpreting these dates correctly is important to me is that if this myspace was set up with the name "zenaida" and with the Dora the Dancing doll pic on the 16th of June, and if it was set up by KC prior to something happening to Caylee, it is evidence of premeditation of at least planning to tell a "zenaida" story, and at most of a planned murder. But if the myspace was set up (even by KC) on the 16th as another name and then later changed to "zenaida", it could be interpreted differently (i.e. KC trying to divert LE attention toward a "Miami zenaida" - but not necessarily some act reflecting premeditation).

So I contacted myspace (both by email and phone) and asked the following question:

Is the "last updated" date that shows when you go to the blog page of a member's myspace the last time ANYTHING was changed on the whole myspace site for that member?

Here's an example:

When I'm on the blog area of a member's myspace and it lists the following:
Last Update: 9/10/08
Signup Date: 9/10/08

And on the main page of that member's myspace it says:
Last login: 12/5/08

Does that mean that no pictures, blog entries, name changes, etc. have occurred since that myspace account was created on 9/10/08? Is the "Last Update" date, the date ANYTHING related to that myspace was changed?

The answer I got was...

Thank you for contacting us to get your MySpace question answered. The answer to your question is yes.

Okay, then I found this discussion where some myspace users were tracking what activity actually affects the "last update" field.

And I worked through them myself because I have a myspace that I really never have done anything with as far as blogging, customizing, etc., so I thought it would be a good "test ground". I have been able to confirm everything these posters state here as far as what updates this field and what doesn't.

So basically what I confirmed is:

that a "name change" (i.e. from something to "zenaida") would change the last update field.

that changing the picture on the profile would change the last update field.

that creating a blog entry will change the last update field.

that deleting a blog entry will NOT change the last update field.

that deleting a picture in the album will NOT change the last update field (as long as it is not the picture selected for the profile, of course).

and that deleting a blog entry will also make the blog page go back to read "You have not posted yet. Try it out, if you don't like it, you can delete whatever you post." as if there never was a blog entry there.

So what we can assume with a great deal of confidence (I'm not going to say 100% confidence) is that:

This myspace was set up on 6/16/08 with the name "zenaida".
It was set up on 6/16/08 with the Dora the Dancing Doll pic as the profile pic.
And if there were any entries in the blog, they would have had to have been made on 6/16/08 (but could have been deleted any time afterward and us not know it.)
And then I would like to say one more thing and I'll stop spamming this thread...

There's only ONE defense to this evidence if, in fact, this myspace has been proven to be created from the Anthony residence on the morning of 06/16/08.

And that's to blame it on George.

Something has happened in recent weeks to CA and GA. I have to say personally (and some of you other 40's women will concur) that up through the ZFG deposition I had been amazed at how well CA looked in the face (i.e. she had shown no signs of aging or stress in her face, even though she had lost a great deal of weight). Something happened not long after that depo that has significantly affected both her and GA. They went from looking fairly healthy during the civil depo to extremely aged and stressed in their faces. These changes occurred some where right after the LKL interview.

Have they learned that KC is preparing to blame GA? It's just a thought (no theory I'm married to), but if this myspace has been attached to the Anthony IP KC has no out than to throw her dad under that proverbial bus.
. . .This is why this page has meant so much to is the one piece of potential evidence that points to preparing to "need a zenaida", and at this point, we only have one reason to need a zenaida. If it weren't for this myspace page I would be firmly in the "accidental death and subsequent cover-up" group. But until this myspace is shot down as not being KC, I believe she killed Caylee and she did it with premeditation. As Judge Strickland stated yesterday premeditation only takes seconds...and this myspace shows more time investment than that; ESPECIALLY if it is found to have been created before she left that house the first time.

Your logic is splendid. . .except, I can't find your reasoning for why the Z. page wasn't created as needed after the fact, i.e. when something could have happened
on the night of 6/15 when, we're told, KC was already in the throes of heightened rage. ???
Verité;3807841 said:
Your logic is splendid. . .except, I can't find your reasoning for why the Z. page wasn't created as needed after the fact, i.e. when something could have happened
on the night of 6/15 when, we're told, KC was already in the throes of heightened rage. ???

Well, I guess my reasoning is as follows:

I don't believe anything happened on the night of the 15th. KC was on the phone with TL up until the wee hours of the morning which means she basically would have to do Caylee in with one hand while texting or talking with the other. AND, KC may think she's smarter than she is, but I also think she's smarter than a lot give her credit for. I don't think for a minute she would have spent the night in that room with a dead Caylee knowing CA could have come into the bedroom before leaving for work to check on Caylee (and that's even if the door was locked). There aint no way CA would have had a bedroom lock on that door that she couldn't unlock; she was too controlling. I bet there is no lock on the door period.

Also, I do believe GA saw them leave that day (16th), though I don't think he actually remembers what they were wearing. And for the record, unless he recants that statement or LE/defense find evidence to cast doubt on the veracity of the statement, it stands as evidence. I guess what I'm saying is, if GA ISN'T being honest, and this myspace WAS created the morning of the 6/16, his falsehood may assist in proving premeditation.

Right now the evidence points at Caylee being alive and walking out of that home on the afternoon of the 16th.
Well, I guess my reasoning is as follows:

Also, I do believe GA saw them leave that day (16th), though I don't think he actually remembers what they were wearing. And for the record, unless he recants that statement or LE/defense find evidence to cast doubt on the veracity of the statement, it stands as evidence. I guess what I'm saying is, if GA ISN'T being honest, and this myspace WAS created the morning of the 6/16, his falsehood may assist in proving premeditation.

Right now the evidence points at Caylee being alive and walking out of that home on the afternoon of the 16th.

respectfully snipped by me .
I have bolded the part I am not following. If he lied about seeing them on the 16th and the page was created on the 16th then his falsehood would not support premeditation because page would have been created after the fact. Right?
respectfully snipped by me .
I have bolded the part I am not following. If he lied about seeing them on the 16th and the page was created on the 16th then his falshood would not support premediation because page would have been created after the fact. Right?

The time the myspace was created is paramount to EVERYTHING about the page if it was KC who created it. That goes without saying. And until we get discovery released that shows some connection to KC and this myspace, and we see what time it was created...all speculation around it is nothing but that.

HOWEVER, in regards to my statement about GA's account. It is based on my personal opinion that the time of creation will be prior to her leaving that house. In looking at the periods of activity on the desktop, I truly believe this page was created prior to noon on the 16th. So if that is true and coupled with GA confirming Caylee alive when she left the house that afternoon...the myspace creation would preface the death of Caylee.
I wonder if exact time is recorded along with date and other info when a myspace page is created. Wouldn't that be a gem!
Anyone know ?
I've got a $20 donation to TES on the table that the creation time is in the myspace log. But even if I lose that donation to TES (which won't bother me a bit), the time of upload of the "Dora the Dancing Doll" pic will be! And you can pretty much figure that the upload of that pic will be within 30 minutes of the account being set up.
<snipped for space>

  • Subpoena myspace for the IP addresses used to create and modify the page
  • Discovered those IP addresses were tied to dates and times consistent with KC's location, possibly using cell records as a guide
  • Found enough additional keywords that they could use to search unallocated sectors (deleted files) on the laptop for evidence
  • Found traces of KC accessing the specific myspace page in question from those unallocated sectors
Furthermore, because the myspace page was created on June 16, cell pings and Tony's testimony of what he and KC did that evening, coupled with the Encase timeline reports from both computers indicate that KC created the website while at the Anthony home. Myspace IP logs would confirm this. :mad:

Wow, JWG, you are totally awesome. I work as a computer geek and I am following what you're saying. I was hoping that LE had checked the IP address of this Myspace. Boy, if it turns out she created it?? Yikes that would be tough to defend. It also adds premeditation, which could very well be why the DP is back on the table. Do you think it will come out in a document dump?
If she uploaded the pic of dora the dancing doll, wouldn't that exact picture be somewhere on her computer as a saved file?
And then I would like to say one more thing and I'll stop spamming this thread...

There's only ONE defense to this evidence if, in fact, this myspace has been proven to be created from the Anthony residence on the morning of 06/16/08.

And that's to blame it on George.

Something has happened in recent weeks to CA and GA. I have to say personally (and some of you other 40's women will concur) that up through the ZFG deposition I had been amazed at how well CA looked in the face (i.e. she had shown no signs of aging or stress in her face, even though she had lost a great deal of weight). Something happened not long after that depo that has significantly affected both her and GA. They went from looking fairly healthy during the civil depo to extremely aged and stressed in their faces. These changes occurred some where right after the LKL interview.

Have they learned that KC is preparing to blame GA? It's just a thought (no theory I'm married to), but if this myspace has been attached to the Anthony IP KC has no out than to throw her dad under that proverbial bus.

Maybe the Botox wore off? :crazy:
(Bold mine )
Just curious, is there any way to figure out where the Dora picture came from? Was it a random picture that was put up or was it part of KC's photobucket?
And then I would like to say one more thing and I'll stop spamming this thread...

There's only ONE defense to this evidence if, in fact, this myspace has been proven to be created from the Anthony residence on the morning of 06/16/08.

And that's to blame it on George.

Something has happened in recent weeks to CA and GA. I have to say personally (and some of you other 40's women will concur) that up through the ZFG deposition I had been amazed at how well CA looked in the face (i.e. she had shown no signs of aging or stress in her face, even though she had lost a great deal of weight). Something happened not long after that depo that has significantly affected both her and GA. They went from looking fairly healthy during the civil depo to extremely aged and stressed in their faces. These changes occurred some where right after the LKL interview.

Have they learned that KC is preparing to blame GA? It's just a thought (no theory I'm married to), but if this myspace has been attached to the Anthony IP KC has no out than to throw her dad under that proverbial bus.

If that was the plan all along, it would fit right in with her getting the house and such. I'd always thought she planned to kill the parents outright, but perhaps she just expected them to "go away"---dad to jail and mom off with a new fella?? After all, without Caylee and GA there, what would she have to stay for?
If she uploaded the pic of dora the dancing doll, wouldn't that exact picture be somewhere on her computer as a saved file?

Only if she didn't delete it off the computer after uploading it.

Just curious, is there any way to figure out where the Dora picture came from? Was it a random picture that was put up or was it part of KC's photobucket?

I actually found that exact picture right after first finding the myspace.

Here's one example...

It is the promo pic for the Dora the Dancing Doll. I do not believe this was in her photobucket account.
I missed the Judge's comment about premeditation - if I were to look for it which part of the hearing would I find it? WFTV has the hearing in 3 parts - I am assuming its in either part 2 or 3, does anyone know exactly when he said this?
As far as timeline. I first posted about this myspace over on my hubbie's website in January. Since the administrator over there is a friggin' Google-search optimizing guru, they COULD have found it on the returns within a week probably. I did not contact LE until the day the age rolled over because I wanted to know the birthdate associated with the account before contacting them. So I emailed OCSO (the general account) on February 19th, as well as Mark Fuhrman. Some one later provided me Yuri's email and I emailed it direct to him on March 1st.

IMHO, LE did not and could not look throughout the web for a myspace or facebook page belonging potentially to KC but under the name of "zenaida" or some other form. There are too many pages to search, and without subpoenaing each and every one, the problem becomes intractable.

Finding this page was possible only one way - a tip from someone who stumbled across it. That would be you, Valhall.

HOWEVER, in regards to my statement about GA's account. It is based on my personal opinion that the time of creation will be prior to her leaving that house. In looking at the periods of activity on the desktop, I truly believe this page was created prior to noon on the 16th. So if that is true and coupled with GA confirming Caylee alive when she left the house that afternoon...the myspace creation would preface the death of Caylee.

KC probably did all of the work from the laptop. There is activity - very light activity - sporadically up through 4PM on the 16th on the laptop.

As with combing the internet for a zenaida connection to KC, the same sort of difficult problem occurs on computer hard drives. Not sure how big the Anthony drives are but one can probably assume they are at least 80GB drives. Let's assume KC tried to delete cookies, internet history, etc. to cover her tracks. While the info may still very well be there in unallocated space, it must be searched byte-by-byte by software, and even with a computer that can be time-consuming. Also note, such a binary search must be done for each variation of spelling and capitalization. IOW, a binary search of unallocated space for "Zenaida" will not find "zenaida".

The searches reported in discovery for various forms of "Zenaida" were done only on the home computer, probably to look for premeditation there. Investigation on the laptop seems to have focused more on her attitude after Caylee disappeared. The appearance was, after all, that KC used the desktop before leaving and the laptop after.

Remember that the laptop, when recovered, had the "blue screen of death" indicating someone (KC) made a frantic last-ditch effort to cover tracks. A lot of stuff could have ended up in unallocated space when that happened.

Would it be possible to see the exact time of day on June 16th that the zenaida myspace was created?

Yes, using a subpoena of IP records from myspace. It may be possible to find it in internet history as well, but file dates typically get lost when files are deleted and the contents end up in unallocated space.

And that's to blame it on George.

Something has happened in recent weeks to CA and GA. I have to say personally (and some of you other 40's women will concur) that up through the ZFG deposition I had been amazed at how well CA looked in the face (i.e. she had shown no signs of aging or stress in her face, even though she had lost a great deal of weight). Something happened not long after that depo that has significantly affected both her and GA. They went from looking fairly healthy during the civil depo to extremely aged and stressed in their faces. These changes occurred some where right after the LKL interview.

IMHO, defense has a very big problem trying to blame George, Jesse, or anyone else after so much focus for so long on ZFG.

It is possible that the "zenaida" web page investigation was part of the latest discovery (not yet released into a document dump), and the Anthony's caught wind of it. However, I doubt that has found it's way into the hands of the defense as of yet. Their posturing yesterday does not indicate they know about this yet.

If she uploaded the pic of dora the dancing doll, wouldn't that exact picture be somewhere on her computer as a saved file?

It could have been on the laptop, but does not appear to have ever been a part of Photobucket.

Just curious, is there any way to figure out where the Dora picture came from? Was it a random picture that was put up or was it part of KC's photobucket?

Do a Google image search for the string dora the explorer doll ... it will be the first image that shows.
KC probably did all of the work from the laptop. There is activity - very light activity - sporadically up through 4PM on the 16th on the laptop.

*respectfully "croppilated" to point of interest*

I have considered this myself. And I have several thoughts on this.

1. I don't think KC was the one who blue-screened the computer. If CA's account of the hurried manner in which she forced KC out of that apartment is accurate, KC had no time to do this. I'll leave that statement as it is and not speculate further (though I have in other places).

2. The beauty of it being on the laptop is that IF she did do it on the laptop prior to leaving the Anthony home, is that the IP will STILL lock it to the Anthony residence with the added benefit of tying it to the laptop (i.e. not the IP to the desktop, but the IP of the laptop). We know that the desktop had activity that morning, and that it was KC (photobucket image upload), so it is within reason that during the same "KC activity" on the desktop, the myspace account was set up as well. But even if she didn't do this on the desktop, and instead used the laptop, the use of the desktop that morning establishes the IP for it...therefore use of the laptop dilineates which computer did it!

If I recall correctly, the activity on the laptop was more system-based instead of user-based on the 16th. I thought it did NOT show any appreciable user activity for the entire date (going off memory so correct me if I'm wrong). Either way, it will tie to the Anthony home and possibly (if on the laptop) make it harder for KC to insinuate it was George. Because I've got a feeling George never used the laptop.

Hopefully *crosses fingers* ALL of these questions will be answered soon!
I missed the Judge's comment about premeditation - if I were to look for it which part of the hearing would I find it? WFTV has the hearing in 3 parts - I am assuming its in either part 2 or 3, does anyone know exactly when he said this?

He was talking to JB about tailoring the subpoenas, so it was the first half or so of the hearing. He was simply noting the general proposition that the length of time needed to establish the element of premeditation can be very short. I didn't interpret it as a comment about the evidence in this case.
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