Is Caylee Already Scared Here?

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It was a gentle reminder to kiss and hug Papa. A scared child who didn't want to would resist somehow...certainly wouldn't do it as readily as Caylee did. Years of experience raising my own children tells me that. If they didn't want to hug and kiss someone, it showed and more notably, it didn't happen...

There is plenty of video from that visit showing Caylee looking about, smiling, reading, wiggling in her chair like toddlers do, chatting and singing. An uncomfortable, scared, weary or sedated child doesn't and won't do those things. She shows concern for her "Papa" by cheerfully asking if he is tired. Sitting on her Papa's lap, listening intently as he hums. She doesn't look scared, she's listening, soothed by the vibrations. moo

Sorry, no offense intended. I just don't like to see what may well have been the last tender moments of Caylee's life made out to be anything other than what it enjoyable, happy time spent with family members she loved so.

No offense taken, but, in reality, these were NOT the last moments of Caylee's life. She went on from this visit to her grandmother's home and had a day of it there, and then she returned to her own home with Cindy and if George is telling the truth, spent the remainder of that night and the next morning and afternoon at home as well. I daresay the LAST moments of Caylee's poor little sweet life were the furtherest thing from enjoyable and happy that exists. She HAD witnessed a "scene" in the immediate vicinity of that visit to the nursing home, and God in heaven only knows how many others she had witnessed. This was not just something that came out of the clear blue sky. Casey was her mother from the beginning, and I GUARANTEE that she did not just "suddenly" turn on Caylee in that last and final moment-she had it in for her from the start-when she did not even wish to keep her while she was pregnant with her. She had it in for her while she was neglecting her and taking her to parties and putting her to bed on the couch in the midst of them. She had it in for her when she took her into her lovers bed night after night. She had it in for her when she just left her to look after herself while she was in the bedroom with Tony. Caylee HAD to have sensed these feelings from her mother. Children are intuitive, and that sweet little baby KNEW that something was not right with "mommy" I ABSOLUTELY would stake my life on it...:eek:
No offense taken, but, in reality, these were NOT the last moments of Caylee's life. She went on from this visit to her grandmother's home and had a day of it there, and then she returned to her own home with Cindy and if George is telling the truth, spent the remainder of that night and the next morning and afternoon at home as well. I daresay the LAST moments of Caylee's poor little sweet life were the furtherest thing from enjoyable and happy that exists. She HAD witnessed a "scene" in the immediate vicinity of that visit to the nursing home, and God in heaven only knows how many others she had witnessed. This was not just something that came out of the clear blue sky. Casey was her mother from the beginning, and I GUARANTEE that she did not just "suddenly" turn on Caylee in that last and final moment-she had it in for her from the start-when she did not even wish to keep her while she was pregnant with her. She had it in for her while she was neglecting her and taking her to parties and putting her to bed on the couch in the midst of them. She had it in for her when she took her into her lovers bed night after night. She had it in for her when she just left her to look after herself while she was in the bedroom with Tony. Caylee HAD to have sensed these feelings from her mother. Children are intuitive, and that sweet little baby KNEW that something was not right with "mommy" I ABSOLUTELY would stake my life on it...:eek:

I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, but I did not say they were her last moments. I said these may well have been the last tender moments of Caylee's life. TENDER moments, because that's what I see overall in looking at ALL of the video from that visit. I believe she was happy.

I respect your opinion and I agree with you in that Casey's mothering ablilities were poor and that Caylee probably was intuitive. But my post was about CAYLEE on the video and her visit with her grandparents and whether she looked scared or not, which is the topic here. Casey was not even there so not quite sure why you chose to quote my post to go into a diatribe about Casey. :waitasec:
Casey was not even there so not quite sure why you chose to quote my post to go into a diatribe about Casey. :waitasec:

Respectfully snipped...

It was just handy:crazy:.

Things are not always what they appear and children are extremely versatile as a rule and it is possible that Caylee had learned to adapt to her situation and the fighting and stress that seemed to be an inevitable part of her life. I think a child can "look" happy one moment (especially a 2 year old) and be in mortal terror the next, and then look happy again. They are flexible at that tender age, and I do not put too much stock in a few minutes of video shot that day to give me the whole picture for that day.:blowkiss:
Nah, old people are just scary for 2 year olds.

I have to disagree with you on this one. I work in a nursing home, kids are here all the time, from babies on up. We have tons of toddlers that come to see grandparents and never have I see a child scared. They run the halls, laugh and play. Also push grandparents in wheelchairs and ride with grandparents up and down the halls.These tots bring life to the center and they know it. The children are happy and are not scared at all. Why should they be scared?
<respectfully snipped>

They are flexible at that tender age, and I do not put too much stock in a few minutes of video shot that day to give me the whole picture for that day.:blowkiss:

I agree- it doesn't give me a "whole picture" for that day, either.
I simply gave my opinion on how she appeared in the video. Expressions, interactions, etc. I didn't see anything atypical or sinister.
This is the picture that I think shows how she looks at her mommy dearest-confused and kind of afraid looking. I am not sure of the exact date of this picture, but it looks like it was near or around about the time when she disappeared. She looks hesitant or something. I don't know. No offense was intended, I assure you.:blowkiss:


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I have to disagree with you on this one. I work in a nursing home, kids are here all the time, from babies on up. We have tons of toddlers that come to see grandparents and never have I see a child scared. They run the halls, laugh and play. Also push grandparents in wheelchairs and ride with grandparents up and down the halls.These tots bring life to the center and they know it. The children are happy and are not scared at all. Why should they be scared?

I guess it depends on the child because my children are afraid of the residents at the nursing home and I was too when a child.
Yes I think something had happened! Casey had been drugging Caylee for months!
She looks like any normal 2 year old would in an unfamiliar place with lots of strangers around. To me, it looks like she's thinking, "Okay, I have to put in my time being cozy with this old man but I'm not liking it. Oh - I get it, if I give him the hug and kiss, I can get down." And she did.

Exactly! Most kids her age aren't totally comfortable in the company of very elderly people they aren't overly familiar with......I think Caylee's behavior was exactly like you described: If I kiss and hug Papa, I can get off his lap. And she did!

I don't think she looks scared or abused at all......just out of her normal element a little.
Caylee is not scared, she's listening to her greatgrandfather sing to her. He's singing You Are My Sunshine.
This child was being neglected and abused for several weeks before her death, when Casey had her in her sole custody. I have no doubt there was a vibe of confusion and unhappiness there. I just don't see how the grieving GM allowed this to go on. I would have just taken her and kept her and told KC to go get the cops if she wanted and we will see what I can do. I doubt KC would have called the authorities at that point. But I guess that was the problem in that family, KC told them what to do.

Wasn't this video taken BEFORE Casey left with Caylee? So presumably before Casey was dragging her around to sleep on couches and attend parties? So before she was being neglected and abused?? What comes after can't influence what came before, right?

Also, do you think Cindy was aware of how Casey was handling her foray into "motherhood"? Wasn't Casey telling Cindy that Caylee was with the Nanny? I don't think Cindy had a CLUE what was really going on, because the minute she found out "something was wrong" she dialed 911. I really don't think Cindy "allowed this to go on." She loved Caylee and wouldn't have stood by while Caylee was being abused or neglected: If she'd have known, I bet she'd have done just what you say, she'd have grabbed that little girl and dared Casey to come and get her.

I disagree and there have been quite a few people in agreement with me. You're entitled to your opinion and I respect that, but IMO she was definitely apprehensive about something. You can see it in her eyes.

I look at the video and stare into her eyes and don't see any fear or apprehension at all. I see distaste. It's all subjective: we may see what we expect to see.

Having had family members in nursing homes when my boys were little, I can tell you that NONE of them enjoyed the visits. They loved seeing our elderly relatives, but didn't like the smells (think dirty diapers times 200) and the sounds (Alzheimer patients crying out) and they did stare at these unpleasant sights quite a bit.

If Caylee IS apprehensive, isn't it just possible it's due to the smells and sounds? :blowkiss:
This is the picture that I think shows how she looks at her mommy dearest-confused and kind of afraid looking. I am not sure of the exact date of this picture, but it looks like it was near or around about the time when she disappeared. She looks hesitant or something. I don't know. No offense was intended, I assure you.:blowkiss:

To me, that's a "what the heck is that!" kind of look.

I agree with what the heck. Who knows with kids. Could have been naptime, could have been other people around and she was taking it all in around her. I am assuming this was not her first time in the home and she had been there before, but lets face it homes are a little "scary" to even some adults. Wheel chairs, noises, elderly people waving and carrying on I tend to beleive it was just a "moment in time". IMO
Great grandpa sings to Caylee, Caylee sings to the world. If it goes beyond that, I don't care. This song now is the world's last memory, and it should be revered.

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

I'll always love you and make you happy,
If you will only say the same.
But if you leave me and love another,
You'll regret it all some day:

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

You told me once, dear, you really loved me
And no one else could come between.
But not you've left me and love another;
You have shattered all of my dreams:

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

In all my dreams, dear, you seem to leave me
When I awake my poor heart pains.
So when you come back and make me happy
I'll forgive you dear, I'll take all the blame.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
Wasn't this video taken BEFORE Casey left with Caylee? So presumably before Casey was dragging her around to sleep on couches and attend parties? So before she was being neglected and abused?? What comes after can't influence what came before, right?

Also, do you think Cindy was aware of how Casey was handling her foray into "motherhood"? Wasn't Casey telling Cindy that Caylee was with the Nanny? I don't think Cindy had a CLUE what was really going on, because the minute she found out "something was wrong" she dialed 911. I really don't think Cindy "allowed this to go on." She loved Caylee and wouldn't have stood by while Caylee was being abused or neglected: If she'd have known, I bet she'd have done just what you say, she'd have grabbed that little girl and dared Casey to come and get her.

I look at the video and stare into her eyes and don't see any fear or apprehension at all. I see distaste. It's all subjective: we may see what we expect to see.

Having had family members in nursing homes when my boys were little, I can tell you that NONE of them enjoyed the visits. They loved seeing our elderly relatives, but didn't like the smells (think dirty diapers times 200) and the sounds (Alzheimer patients crying out) and they did stare at these unpleasant sights quite a bit.

If Caylee IS apprehensive, isn't it just possible it's due to the smells and sounds? :blowkiss:

This video was taken either the last or the day before Caylee's last day alive. She had been drug around sleeping on couches, etc for the months preceding this date, as this video was shot on June 15th, and she was last seen alive by George the next day and never seen by anyone else again.
Great grandpa sings to Caylee, Caylee sings to the world. If it goes beyond that, I don't care. This song now is the world's last memory, and it should be revered.

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

I'll always love you and make you happy,
If you will only say the same.
But if you leave me and love another,
You'll regret it all some day:

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

You told me once, dear, you really loved me
And no one else could come between.
But not you've left me and love another;
You have shattered all of my dreams:

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

In all my dreams, dear, you seem to leave me
When I awake my poor heart pains.
So when you come back and make me happy
I'll forgive you dear, I'll take all the blame.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

She's sitting on her Papa's lap and he's singing this beautiful song to her. She is also shown singing it in the same video. That does NOT sound like a scared little girl to me!
Wasn't this video taken BEFORE Casey left with Caylee? So presumably before Casey was dragging her around to sleep on couches and attend parties? So before she was being neglected and abused?? What comes after can't influence what came before, right?

Also, do you think Cindy was aware of how Casey was handling her foray into "motherhood"? Wasn't Casey telling Cindy that Caylee was with the Nanny? I don't think Cindy had a CLUE what was really going on, because the minute she found out "something was wrong" she dialed 911. I really don't think Cindy "allowed this to go on." She loved Caylee and wouldn't have stood by while Caylee was being abused or neglected: If she'd have known, I bet she'd have done just what you say, she'd have grabbed that little girl and dared Casey to come and get her.

I look at the video and stare into her eyes and don't see any fear or apprehension at all. I see distaste. It's all subjective: we may see what we expect to see.

Having had family members in nursing homes when my boys were little, I can tell you that NONE of them enjoyed the visits. They loved seeing our elderly relatives, but didn't like the smells (think dirty diapers times 200) and the sounds (Alzheimer patients crying out) and they did stare at these unpleasant sights quite a bit.

If Caylee IS apprehensive, isn't it just possible it's due to the smells and sounds? :blowkiss:

I'm only stating what I see. I'm not telling you what you should or should not see in the video.

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