Is Caylee Already Scared Here?

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*sniffles* That video makes my heart hurt. She does look a little tired and unfamiliar with things. But also she looks like she's listening to the vibrations through his chest as he sings. And when she realizes he's done singing then she kind of pops up and does the kiss thing.
I would be curious what time of day it was..both my kiddos get cranky and look like that at nap time..nothing makes them happy but sleep.
I haven't seen the entire video, but I'm told he is singing "You Are My Sunshine" to her. She looks normal to me, just very comfortable and maybe tired. A nursing/retirement home is a little scary to little kids, with all the old people trying to get their attention. I used to take my youngest there to see my grandmother when he was a baby, up until he was about 3. Every old woman wanted to hold him and every old man wanted to tickle him or give him a quarter or a dollar, even. He was shy and didn't want to be held. Caylee doesn't seem scared to me at all.

I watched the video of Caylee singing the song first, then when I watched the one of Grandpa holding Caylee and singing it the big old tears started welling up in me thinking that was the last time he saw his little Sunshine. How sad. God bless him and little Caylee. :frown:
I thought she looked a little scared in the still picture, but when I saw the video I changed my mind completely. I thought she looked very comfortable and happy to be sitting in great-grandpa's lap......and when she gave him the hug and heart just about broke :cry:
I took my son inside of a local pizzaria as we picked up our Game-Day pies today. Baby boy is five months old. As the Gator's fans cheered and hissed he looked somewhat frightened. As I finished the transaction I saw he was understanding that sometimes people holler because they are happy. I hope and I pray that KC had the decency to reassure her daughter as whatever happened occurred. I don't think there would be as many pics of a happy, smiling beautiful Caylee if she rarely was.

I think she just looks tired. Maybe a little nervous, kids are not fond of hospital settings and older people.
No she doesn't look scared to me just look tired like she just woke up or is due for a nap. From I heard she loves the great grandfather and enjoys visiting.
After watching again, it may be the vibrations of GGPA singing rather than his heartbeat that she is concentrating on.

I agree CarrieBean. She seemed to be quite comfy sitting on ggrandpa's lap and cuddling with him while he hummed the song to her. Kids "feel" love and gravitate to it. That was a special moment with ggrandpa. She may have been on the verge of sleep if she had sat there long enough. With her eyes wandering, not "darting", she was probably catching a glance of others moving about. You can tell ggrandpa was enjoying that special time as well as she did.
I was just looking at the Video of Caylee with her Great-Grandfather on Father's Day and, to me, she looks scared in this video. Does anyone think that she has already been traumatized at this point? She has such an apprehensive look in her eyes ........

My brother was 48 years old when we put my mother into a nursing home and he hated going there because of the 'old people'. It was very upsetting for him to have them, in varying stages of illness and mental capacity, near him.

Nursing homes can be a scary place for the very young and for the timid. I don't think the video of Caylee is "evidence" the child was frightened of her family. She could have been but the video would be circumstantial in this case. No real proof.
I think she looks like a normal, tired 2 year old.

Amen to that. I think she was just fine. She looked tired, but she also looked like she loved her great grandpa. I think it is really sweet how she lays there and listens to him; and the little smile on his face is precious too. What a great video.

I also don't think she was "coerced" into hugging and kissing him at all. I don't think it bothered her one bit.
She looks like a quiet 2-year-old who is a little tired. I think she recognizes her g-gf, but because of the stroke he isn't the same man she remembers. And she's in a strange environment but with a gramma she trusts.

This video makes me cry every time I see it. What a number KC has done on this family. Regardless of how you feel about the Anthonys, they did NOT deserve this.

That poor, defenseless little baby!
I think she looks scared, sad, tired and drained. She appears to be holding onto Great Grandpa for dear life and that is odd for a little one in those surroundings imo as she had not seen him for awhile. There is definately something wrong with her demeaner in my opinion.
I do not know of any soon to be 3 year olds who would sit still like that. To me she looks as though she might have been having after affects of something that made her complacent JMO

She WAS pretty relaxed, in my opinion...Maybe she would not go to sleep the night before and Casey had chloroformed her a little or Zaxed her up and she was still a little groggy...
In my imagination, they both looked like "they knew".

like "they knew" what? Honestly I think people are trying to just "read" things into everything lately (nothing against anyone or you OP...I am just saying)...I mean my grandma is 87 years old and when she is holding one of the "babies or toddlers" she "looks" scared and nervous that she is going to hurt them and the kids look a bit apprehensive when she holds them and hugs them because they are not used to being around her yet they will sit still.

It just looks like a little girl sitting on her great grandfather's lap!
Here's the Lyrics for the youngsters that might not know them

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

I'll always love you and make you happy,
If you will only say the same.
But if you leave me and love another,
You'll regret it all some day:

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

You told me once, dear, you really loved me
And no one else could come between.
But not you've left me and love another;
You have shattered all of my dreams:

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

In all my dreams, dear, you seem to leave me
When I awake my poor heart pains.
So when you come back and make me happy
I'll forgive you dear, I'll take all the blame.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
Thanks IrishSweetOne. I don't think I ever knew anything but the chorus of that song.
I noticed it too, and having a 2 year old myself, it seems to me that she is tired. Maybe she's tired because she didn't get much sleep in a trunk or some other strange place the nigth before :(
She may have been mesmerized by his singing. When my daughter was very young, we had an old family friend who would sing to her while she sat on his knee. Now every time she sees pictures of him, she says, "He used to sing to me in French". Those are her only memories of him but they are precious ones. She studied French throughout her school years and still loves the language.

So maybe grandpa has been singing to Caylee since she was born and she was just quietly listening to him. After the song was over and after the kiss, she got off his lap and probably did "kid stuff", reading her book and coloring, or whatever, like we saw in other parts of the video.
I agree CarrieBean. She seemed to be quite comfy sitting on ggrandpa's lap and cuddling with him while he hummed the song to her. Kids "feel" love and gravitate to it. That was a special moment with ggrandpa. She may have been on the verge of sleep if she had sat there long enough. With her eyes wandering, not "darting", she was probably catching a glance of others moving about. You can tell ggrandpa was enjoying that special time as well as she did.

That's how it looks to me, too.

I recognized the tune of the song ggrandpa was singing, but I couldn't make out his words, even though I knew them myself.

How horrible it must be for ggrandpa not to have little Caylee in his life anymore.

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