Is Caylee Already Scared Here?

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My fiancee's grandmother is 93 and my kids are terrified of her. I asked my son why and he and my daughter both agree that she smells funny and they don't like it. I think it might be the same thing with Caylee. For some kids. old people are just scary, not to mention that she probably didn't see him very often.
I think she's behaving quite normally in the video. Elderly people can be somewhat fragile and even a three year old can sense that. There's just a sweet stillness about the photos and the video that is very touching to me.

Didn't CA say that she and Caylee were in the pool earlier that day? Caylee may be tired.
I think she looks drugged. Casey had pics of ggf that looked like they were taken at the Anthony's house on her cell phone, so Caylee would probably have been very comfortable around him. He may not have been in that place for too long?

If Caylee was feeling "woozy" from the drugs - especially chloroform, I would think she would want to just relax on the lap of someone she could feel "safe" with. She didn't look "scared" to me - she looked drugged, but then - like she was trying to do the things she was told to do.

News has reported that Caylee was normally so active that Casey complained about how exhausting it was to look after her... what two year old isn't unless they are sick - or drugged - and yet that little girl on ggf's lap was not bouncing off the walls. If I didn't think she was drugged, I would think she was sick.

I am not going to pretend that I know Caylee - but I will say that I have a degree in early childhood ed, worked at a toddler center for quite some time, taught preschool, was director of a daycare center and later became a mom of kids that are now grown.

I am definitely of the "somethings not sitting right, here" camp.
I was just looking at the Video of Caylee with her Great-Grandfather on Father's Day and, to me, she looks scared in this video. Does anyone think that she has already been traumatized at this point? She has such an apprehensive look in her eyes when she's looking around that it haunts me.

Did Casey go with Cindy and Caylee to vist that day and, if not, where was Casey that day?

I have a feeling that something bad had already been happening to her when this video was taken.

Wow, so strange you just started this thread...I literally JUST called my husband down here to look at my TiVo'ed NG episode from yesterday. I had it paused on a part where they were streaming the video of her in g-gpa's lap. I was personally just going to point out how stinkin' cute she is. I said to him "you KNOW ANYONE would have gladly taken that little girl if she was interupting her sex life so bad..." He looked at it and said, "she's scared. Look at her. She looks freaked out and she's clinging to this old man. Sure, she's probably seen him a few times, but probably not every day...and she is CLINGING TO HIM and looks terrified..."

So, yes, unfortunately, I think that she may not necessarily been scared, but you can tell that poor baby was scared in general..broken down... ugh....makes me sooooo sick...
How could she???This is all so sick. I can't even watch the video. I think it would make me sick. :(
I don't think she looks scared at all. Great-grandpa is singing to her and she's listening, with her ear to his chest. She even gave him a kiss with a bit of prompting.

Most two-year-olds wouldn't sit still if they were scared. How many here have had experience with a two-year-old that's frightened of Santa and doesn't want to sit on his lap? :)
I have a 2 year old and to me it looks like Caylee feels 100% safe with Grandpa. My daughter doesn't snuggle like that with anyone unless she feels very safe with them.
I am also in the camp of something is not right with her in the video. I don't think it is her being scared of ggp at all, but more like after effects of something.

I know she mentioned caylee being sick sometime in late May or June about Caylee being sick and sneezing. What if the doctor told her to give Caylee some Benadryl or other meds for the cold, CA seen how sleepy Caylee got and how she slept through anything, and then accidently overdosed her on a combination of cold meds.
I thought we had already hashed this out?! We keep covering the same topics over and over it seems.
I have to agree with Leila. She is probably tired, hungry, and ready for a nap.
I thought we had already hashed this out?! We keep covering the same topics over and over it seems.
I have to agree with Leila. She is probably tired, hungry, and ready for a nap.

Some people only get a chance to visit the boards every few days like myself. When you have 1000 people visiting the same website, you're most likely going to have repeat conversations. Not everyone can read everything. It's not the end of the world if this happens.

Go to around the 23 minute and 20 second mark and listen to what Cindy says!!

Usually Caylee wants to walk around and stuff when visitng the ALF were her GGD is and on this day she actually sat down..colored..sat down read a book...all stuff Caylee normally did not do at the ALF
It is my opinion still that Caylee was feeling the effects of being drugged probably the prior night.

Good point!
So Casey wasn't there at the nursing home that day? I sure hope not because something really creeps me out...

At the end of the video where Caylee is reading the book, she looks like she spots someone coming towards her, closes the book and says "Ohhhhh noooo" and puts her head down, looking looks terrified. I thought I heard Casey's voice in the next video in the background too!

But if she wasn't there, then I'm not sure who Caylee looked so scared of and was saying Oh no to..
I thought we had already hashed this out?! We keep covering the same topics over and over it seems.
I have to agree with Leila. She is probably tired, hungry, and ready for a nap.

AGREED, Kaych! That's what I thought when I read this. I'm brand new to posting but have been reading forever on here....I don't have time to read every single page on each thread..I usually read the first, then the last couple pages. It's not a big deal if between houndreds of people, something gets repeated. Plus, from what I see, the mods are pretty good about keeping people in line and on topic.

ANYWAY. To clarify my earlier point about Caylee looking scared...I don't mean scared of g-gpa...I meant IN GENERAL, she looks...not right. Something just seems off. I know my girls are very very touchy-feely and huggy kids, so yes, she obviously felt safe with him. But I just watched her the whole time and thought, she seemed like her little mind was thinking..."I feel safe here. Haven't felt safe lately, been confused, a lot of weird things going on....but this guy makes me feel safe...." But that's all I'll say. Everyone has their own take on it and unfortunately, we'll never know what little Caylee was thinking/feeling then or ever again...
Some people only get a chance to visit the boards every few days like myself. When you have 1000 people visiting the same website, you're most likely going to have repeat conversations. Not everyone can read everything. It's not the end of the world if this happens.
No, sorry...I realize that. I just wondered if there was already a thread on it tho? I remember this whole conversation from a long time ago. Everyone does have a different take on that photo and video.
To be clear. I am very new here. I just read this last couple posts and didn't mean to sound like I was being smart to fact, SS has been polite to me in replies to my first coupla posts. Just wanted to agree w/ Kaycha b/c I KNOW FOR A FACT, being new, I'll end up repeating/posting no-no topics, getting off topic...and no one I think every really INTENDS to do that... Just didn't want to start a chat-fight on my first night...okay, that's all I have....
You are fine, Parabeagle! :) I didn't take it that way.

I am just really tired of this whole mess. I want it to end SOON!
AGREED, Kaych! That's what I thought when I read this. I'm brand new to posting but have been reading forever on here....I don't have time to read every single page on each thread..I usually read the first, then the last couple pages. It's not a big deal if between houndreds of people, something gets repeated. Plus, from what I see, the mods are pretty good about keeping people in line and on topic.

ANYWAY. To clarify my earlier point about Caylee looking scared...I don't mean scared of g-gpa...I meant IN GENERAL, she looks...not right. Something just seems off. I know my girls are very very touchy-feely and huggy kids, so yes, she obviously felt safe with him. But I just watched her the whole time and thought, she seemed like her little mind was thinking..."I feel safe here. Haven't felt safe lately, been confused, a lot of weird things going on....but this guy makes me feel safe...." But that's all I'll say. Everyone has their own take on it and unfortunately, we'll never know what little Caylee was thinking/feeling then or ever again...

I noticed this too. A very strange feeling came over me when watching and sadness. I have seen other pics too of Caylee that she appears glassy eyed and tired. Makes you wonder... I feel so sad all the time about this case.
I think alot of people may be forgetting that this is only PART of a much longer video which includes this:
Caylee singing the lyrics to the Sunshine song, all on her own, very spirited and lively, as well as the part where she is reading the book (different link). All of that is part of the same video. These people had to drive to Mt. Dora, which is about 45 minutes to an hour away. No sure how long they were there, but for most of the video(s), Caylee looked fine and happy. Not drugged or scared at all. I was a pre-school teacher for several years as well as a daycare worker. I had kids that were ages two to three. Very, very often, every day, in fact, I had two year olds and three year olds that would come and sit on my lap and snuggle with me for several minutes, some times 10 or more. Depended on whether they were tired, or feeling cuddly, wanted reassurance, whatever. The kids loved me and liked to sit with me. I have alos seen many of my relatives or my friends' kids' at that age sit with mommy or daddy or grandpa, etc., like that. Isn't that just one of those normal, quiet moments you cherish when you get to steal a short period of calm admist the whirlwind that is usually created by a toddler? I just think she loved grandpa, may have felt a bit tired at that moment, may have been trying to understand grandpa and why he sounded and reacted as he did (not the same as most of the adults around her) and, she was concentrating on the cues she was getting from CA on how to show her love to grandpa, as many, many kids do at that age. She was approaching 3 years old, an age when developmentally, toddlers are extremely eager to please their parents (I know, you all had or knew one who threw hideous tantrums and did not care what you thought, at that age, but that does not change where their overall mindset it at age 3), and tend to notice and/or look for cues on behavior. What is sinister here is that we know this baby likely died the next day, so the sweetness of the moment, the context of the video with such a melancholy song about missing a lost love, the poor, sick grandpa never being able to hold his great-granddaughter again like that, etc, becomes significant. Some may say there was a sort of premonition in both their souls at that moment, of the short time they had/have left on the earth and I will not negate that. You never know. Either way, the video is a solemn foreshadowing of what came next but I think it does not reveal any signs of past abuse or fear of CA, KC or anyone else at that time.
She looks fine and even kissed the greatgrandpa.

She was told to. A few times.

Yes, she looked miserable to me. Her eyes are huge. If sleepy, why wouldn't they be more 'relaxed'. Looks miserable, scared to me. For all I know she was drugged or coming off the effects of it (if the theory of Xanax being Zannie holds true).
Like I said earlier, she is acting like a normal child of that age in a loud, strange environment, and you can tell she loves her g-gpa. My son gets the same looks and behavior in those situations as I seen in that video and I can guarantee you he is a wild, rambunctious, very loved and happy toddler. Watch this video of Caylee sitting at the table with them during the same visit.. she is being cute and playful and shy, and seems attentive. (warning may cause a lot of tears) :(

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