Is Caylee Already Scared Here?

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My son, when he was little, would get that wide eyed look when he was really tired. Then he would either crash hard or get up and do something to keep himself awake.
Hello. This is the first case that I have followed online and I have so many questions.
The video segment of Caylee in her GGP's lap, her head against his chest being soothed by his voice is so sad in retrospect. Her eyes dart around and she clings more tightly, snuggling into his love and warmth. In another point in the video she asks her GGP if he is tired. At almost 3 y.o. she recognizes other's feelings and expresses concern.
Still no one wants to think that, but the thought came to me immediately when I saw that video. I believe things were happening to her at that time
that were not the "norm".

ITA --- It was so disturbing to me. It's the look in her eyes and her "compliance". Not the norm.
I am still trying to find all the videos from that day in one place. Most have seen the one with her great granddad but their are a couple of others, one with her reading a book, another with her signing, where in both she seems normal, even at one time saying her papa is sleepy or something to that nature..
My honest opinion is that she was fine this day..I do believe that she was taught that grandpa is frail and she should try to be calm with him..
If you watch the whole video, you can see that she starts getting all snuggly with Great-Grampa a little after the "scared" look. My wife and I felt that she was probably getting some off-camera instructions on posing, etc. At any rate, as the thing goes on you can see she's comfortable and happy.
like "they knew" what? Honestly I think people are trying to just "read" things into everything lately (nothing against anyone or you OP...I am just saying)...I mean my grandma is 87 years old and when she is holding one of the "babies or toddlers" she "looks" scared and nervous that she is going to hurt them and the kids look a bit apprehensive when she holds them and hugs them because they are not used to being around her yet they will sit still.

It just looks like a little girl sitting on her great grandfather's lap!

ITA with you there! She looks TIRED to me. Not scared. Good grief.

Go to around the 23 minute and 20 second mark and listen to what Cindy says!!

Usually Caylee wants to walk around and stuff when visitng the ALF were her GGD is and on this day she actually sat down..colored..sat down read a book...all stuff Caylee normally did not do at the ALF
It is my opinion still that Caylee was feeling the effects of being drugged probably the prior night.

Was she with Casey that night? I think quite likely she was home sleeping the night before. Most likely that is why Cindy took her with her.
Desdemona comes from the Greek dysdaimon or "ill-starred." Desdemona is a Latin version of this and usually translated as "unfortunate" - very appropriate, isn't it?

The person who put them videos up is a person named (Desdemona) is that ca that did that? Just wanted to know looked up the meaning is above!

If you looked up (Desdemona) on my space its is like call girl stuff! Didnt no If anybody has paid any attention to that or not?
When I first saw the video on Nancy Grace my immediate thought was that she looked scared and I felt like it was almost foreshadowing what was to come. I agree though that she looks very comfortable when she hugs and kisses her ggp. I just saw the video with the audio of him singing to her for the first time. It just broke my heart and I started bawling. It's just so terrible knowing that Casey took his sunshine away.

I wonder if he is aware that she is missing? :(
When I first saw the video on Nancy Grace my immediate thought was that she looked scared and I felt like it was almost foreshadowing what was to come. I agree though that she looks very comfortable when she hugs and kisses her ggp. I just saw the video with the audio of him singing to her for the first time. It just broke my heart and I started bawling. It's just so terrible knowing that Casey took his sunshine away.

I wonder if he is aware that she is missing? :(

It's very apparent in the other video that she is neither scared nor drugged. She's bright and alert and adorable.
Here is more video from that day. In my opinion you do not see a scared little girl at all, just a normal almost 3 yr old.

She reminds me of my youngest (almost three) when he's a little uncomfortable with a situation. For example: Sitting on Santa's lap...which he eagerly wanted, but he became apprehensive once on his lap.
He is singing the last verse of You are my Sunshine to her and she is being very quiet because he is singing very quiet. Watch his lips in the video and turn up the volume. You can catch little bits of it. She's just a little sweetie sitting on Papa's lap, being good.
btw, that is also the little song we sing to the babies in our family for at least the last 60 years. My Katie knows it, and, just like Caylee, she emphasises "when skys are gray" and "don't take my sunshine away" Just heart breaking.
btw, the last verse goes

The other night dear, when I was sleeping,
I dreamed I held you in my arms,
When I awoke dear, I was mistaken,
And I hung my head and I cried.
Desdemona comes from the Greek dysdaimon or "ill-starred." Desdemona is a Latin version of this and usually translated as "unfortunate" - very appropriate, isn't it?

The person who put them videos up is a person named (Desdemona) is that ca that did that? Just wanted to know looked up the meaning is above!

If you looked up (Desdemona) on my space its is like call girl stuff! Didnt no If anybody has paid any attention to that or not?

desdemona montague is derived from two shakespeare charactures.

So...her myspace is gone, she was on my friends list. Anyone know what happened? Who's she was?
desdemona montague is derived from two shakespeare charactures.

So...her myspace is gone, she was on my friends list. Anyone know what happened? Who's she was?

Oh. I'm sorry that its gone. It was there earlier today. I wonder why she took it down. She had lots of good information and lots of pictures on her myspace.
She looks like any normal 2 year old would in an unfamiliar place with lots of strangers around. To me, it looks like she's thinking, "Okay, I have to put in my time being cozy with this old man but I'm not liking it. Oh - I get it, if I give him the hug and kiss, I can get down." And she did.

Agree, CW! :)

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