Is Elizabeth's Jail Food Cruel & Unusual Punishment?

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Is Elizabeth's Jail Food Cruel & Unusual Punishment?

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  • No

    Votes: 79 89.8%
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Aug 17, 2008
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Is Elizabeth's Jail Food Cruel & Unusual Punishment?

Please bring in:
- the court cases for this nutri-loaf at Estrella
- the nutritional information on the food
- the nutritional requirements for the average person
Check out this article, picture included...

Taste-Testing Nutraloaf...
(The prison food that just might be unconstitutionally bad):


This article certainly highlights how disgusting it looks to be. But if it is nutritionally sound, I don't see how that is a violation of a prisoner's rights. They need to be provided food with nutritional value, not haute cuisine.

That said, I do not condone worms being in the bread, so if there really were worms in EJ's loaves, the jail needs to do something about that.
From the article:

The loaf provides a full day's nutrients

That's all I needed to know. Not unconstitutional. Perfectly fine. They're prisoners. That's more than some hungry children in this country get.
I say as long as they are getting the calories they need to sustain life, then so be it.

After all, my hubby was in the US Army for over 10 years, deployed on numerous occasions, and I can pretty much asure you all that some of the MRE's they were given to eat had to be worse than a silly little nutraloaf.
This article certainly highlights how disgusting it looks to be. But if it is nutritionally sound, I don't see how that is a violation of a prisoner's rights. They need to be provided food with nutritional value, not haute cuisine.

That said, I do not condone worms being in the bread, so if there really were worms in EJ's loaves, the jail needs to do something about that.

Let's see if we can find anyone other than Elizabeth claiming there are worms in the food.
I suggest revieing the totality of the situation. Then, interview some troops in Iraq or Afghanistan and ask them their opinions.

I think she has it pretty darn good.
1) I would think that with Sheriff Joe being such a high profile person, he would make sure that there were no bugs in "the loaf".
2) The loaf is nutritionally balanced, so although not tasty, it provides better nutrients than the junk food they can get from commissary. (Hey EJ, have you ever eaten cheap hot dogs - do you know what's in THEM?)
3) The constitution doesn't say that prison food has to taste good. If you don't want to be served "the loaf", then just BEHAVE!
I suggest revieing the totality of the situation. Then, interview some troops in Iraq or Afghanistan and ask them their opinions.

I think she has it pretty darn good.

Amen to that!!! She gets to shower everday too!!
One other thing from the article:

served in state prisons around the country

This is no special torture done just in the one little jail that EJ happens to be in right now. It's nationwide, standard.

And nutritious!!
After what this girl has done...she's lucky she hasn't been put on a whipping post and flogged!
Elizabeth, eat the danm bread or tell them where Gabriel is, the choice is yours!
I wouldn't say it's cruel and/or unusual but I will say that I don't blame her for not wanting to eat it. Looks freaking nasty and I'm sure it tastes worse then it looks. I also wouldn't be surprised if the vegetables were rotting like she claims. My dad was in jail (briefly) and he told me that most of the food was pretty questionable. Bologna smelled funny, bread was hard or moldy, he never mentioned the fruit/veggies though.

With that being said, her child is missing and/or dead and she doesn't seem to care much so honestly I don't really care what they feed her or if they even feed her at all.
Cruel and unusual punishment is what Logan and his family are going through...I'm sure they would eat nutra loaf for the rest of their lives if they could just have Gabriel home!
...New York is sticking by the loaf. A 2000 prison memo calls it "a valuable tool for controlling inmate behavior" in disciplinary housing. It can be imposed on inmates who commit food-related infractions, those who throw urine or feces, or who are chronic troublemakers.

A SPOKESMAN for the Department of Correctional Services, Jim Flateau, says that the loaf is ordered when "there's nothing left to take away," and that it is part of a disciplinary system that has led to record low rates of inmate violence...

The prison system has done what it can with the loaf. A few years ago, nutritionists changed the recipe to lighten the loaf, adding white flour instead of whole wheat and adding margarine. The reviews have not been raves, but the cuisine was once even crueler.

Said one prison official, "There used to be liver added to it."
Well, jeez.

Of course I'm the only person who thinks it's cruel and unusual, lol! (Don't mess with my food).

I think I'd rather be water-boarded than have to eat that for my 'daily nutrition'. I'm sorry, but it looks like vomit. And they say it tastes gummy and disgusting.

I wonder if we just stumbled upon the reason Maricopa County is reported to have such a high rate of 'Hunger-Striking' inmates year after year?

But, if it's only being served to inmates who have proven they can't be trusted with proper utensils, well..... it's the inmate's own fault, I guess.

I can't stand Eizabeth, and what she may have done to Gabriel, and what she is putting Logan and his family through. This dish may be too good for her.
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