Is FCA headed back to Orange County for Probation?

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looks as tho this was signed on 7/ wouldn't the 72 hours be up today??
She could live with Annie D! She has a lot to tell her, apparently. :rolleyes:
Her probation terms-No killing children, no shopping at Target, must duct tape mouth shut to avoid lying.
Apart from all the horrendous things we KNOW she has done, those are minor offences; but can you imagine stealing from your friends? What an utterly despicable person she is! I hope she will be put on probation and that it will be a major pain in her butt.

She also stole from her own aged, infirm grandfather's NURSING HOME ACCOUNT.

Grandmother Shirley estimates that Casey stole more than $45,000 from family.
Her probation terms-No killing children, no shopping at Target, must duct tape mouth shut to avoid lying.

You misuse of foundation monies. Ah, home sweet home and it's advantages. lol
I thought you can request to serve it elsewhere. That it doesn't have to be in a certain place. But it must be arranged by the LE in the location that a person would be at.
Good. Hopefully the community will scorn her when she is out in public. She'll be boxed in, in Orlando, with address made public. No bella vita for her. Whenever she has to get groceries, sign in daily at the probation office, etc people can give her a nasty look or express scorn. I certainly don't wish any violence or other criminal acts, but I do wish she sees and hears first hand from facial and verbal expression what the public thinks.


Honestly I hope she doesn't come back.

I understand that everyone HATES her and wants her to SUFFER but the central florida area is just beginning to heal from this nightmare. The media has taken the focus off the beautiful child that was tossed aside and placed it obsessively on her mother, grandmother and grandfather. I would rather not have constant media reports about her and her crazy mother and father. Having her here and the media constantly reporting on her every move would never let US move on, never let us get over the trauma. I don't want to hear another word about these people. I don't want see them when I'm out and about in town...I want them all to disappear without a trace.
I think she will mess up, this is at least some good news. She may screw up on purpose just so she can have a free place to live, free food and be safe from the public, lol. This makes my day, although i'm not gonna get my hopes up too high as I don't want to feel like I did after the verdict.
IMO, Casey will violate the no alcohol abuse / no drug abuse provisions first. In the hot body contest days she was quite the abuser of ethanol and used Schedule I controlled marijuana cigarettes or perhaps used that from a controlled substance delivery device ("bong")

In California they have alcohol and drug monitoring ankle bracelets, as people who get DUI sometimes get them for probation. Hopefully Orange County will put one on Casey.

Just got caught up! I see the Karma is starting, right on cue, lol.

I know someone who was on probation in NY who was ordered to rehab just for admitting he had a beer with his dad at a football game. And yes, you must have a job! A real one!!!, hahaha!

Yep, she better watch those Coronas!
I thought you can request to serve it elsewhere. That it doesn't have to be in a certain place. But it must be arranged by the LE in the location that a person would be at.
I believe if she has to serve it that will be what will happen.
Her lawyers will challenge it but what I don't understand is why it would be up to HHJP to rule on it. Why not another judge?
Ok, who gets a spiffy paralegal wannabe legal assistant. Will she bring Jose coffee, tea, or...other things? Will she read the constitution with CM? Will she take on Dorothy as her mentor? Where's she gonna work? Will she hang with the law student helpers or research possible strategies for making her marketable on the Net? Is the IRS still allowing a tax credit for new employees who haven't worked for 40 weeks? She would definitely qualify.

See, that is what I was thinking. Since she is not "marketable" yet and has not undergone her "therapy" (aka makeover, acting lessons), the only place she could work would be one of their law offices. I'm sure she sees herself as an experienced paralegal at this point.
Am I understanding this right? There were 4 counts of check fraud with 412 days to serve for each count and one year probation for each count. So does this mean she would have 4 yrs of probation?
She could live with Annie D! She has a lot to tell her, apparently. :rolleyes:
How about living with the jury foreman ? He needs someone to do his laundry now that the trial is over & FCA could start to repay the gift she got from the not guilty verdicts.
She's allowed to drink, just not in excess. Most of her friends said she was only a moderate drinker usually anyway. I think she only smoked pot because she is a chameleon and that is what TLs roomies were doing. I think she'll violate it by theft. Oh, and I love that she has to make an "honest and truthful" monthly report to her PO. :floorlaugh:

BBM - that's the one that is going to trip her up, IMO! That girl tells lies just for the fun of it. Seriously.
See, that is what I was thinking. Since she is not "marketable" yet and has not undergone her "therapy" (aka makeover, acting lessons), the only place she could work would be one of their law offices. I'm sure she sees herself as an experienced paralegal at this point.


:floorlaugh: Yep ... she "THINKS" she is an "experienced paralegal" ... NOT.

:waitasec: As to CFCA working in one of her DT's law offices ...

I believe that her Defense Team does NOT want her ... they have had 3 years to get to KNOW the REAL CASEY ANTHONY, and I believe they have had enough of her. They only stayed in it for the FAME and MONEY ...

Yep ... CFCA will have a difficult time getting a REAL JOB ... and it is going to be very interesting if this "Probation" goes through IF the DT will hire her ...

Am I understanding this right? There were 4 counts of check fraud with 412 days to serve for each count and one year probation for each count. So does this mean she would have 4 yrs of probation?

Sorry, quoting myself here. Brain farts this morning, disreguard my question.
Her lawyers will challenge it but what I don't understand is why it would be up to HHJP to rule on it. Why not another judge?
Yeah, that's what I was wondering myself. If it's going to be Judge Perry and Baez together again, somehow it will all get turned around and not only will FCA not have to serve probation, there'll be an order that the whole prosecution's office has to get down on their knees and worship at her feet. I know that's an exaggeration, but that's the way it seems to me. No matter what cr@p she pulls, no matter what she puts others through, she's made of Teflon and will ultimately get her way, it seems.

Very, very strange that they actually had a probation officer visit her in jail. If that's the case, I bet JP will rule double jeopardy and she won't have to serve it. Very, very odd that they would tell the probation officer to go down to the jail. Is that normal? Has that ever happened for any other cases? I mean, has there ever been any other inmate who has ever "served probation" while in jail?
How about living with the jury foreman ? He needs someone to do his laundry now that the trial is over & FCA could start to repay the gift she got from the not guilty verdicts.

What a great idea, she could live with any juror. She could be a nanny for their kids or grandchildren. After all they are the ones who set her free:banghead:
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