Is FCA headed back to Orange County for Probation?

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How about living with the jury foreman ? He needs someone to do his laundry now that the trial is over & FCA could start to repay the gift she got from the not guilty verdicts.


BBM: And may I add ... she can "fold his drawers" !

But in this case the Judge ordered her to serve her probation after she was released. The judge decides.

Would I be wrong in thinking HHJS has already had a conflab with his Chief Judge HHBP about this before issuing the order?

Something tells me he wouldn't have issued this order without having it okayed by "his Boss"......

Honestly I hope she doesn't come back.

I understand that everyone HATES her and wants her to SUFFER but the central florida area is just beginning to heal from this nightmare. The media has taken the focus off the beautiful child that was tossed aside and placed it obsessively on her mother, grandmother and grandfather. I would rather not have constant media reports about her and her crazy mother and father. Having her here and the media constantly reporting on her every move would never let US move on, never let us get over the trauma. I don't want to hear another word about these people. I don't want see them when I'm out and about in town...I want them all to disappear without a trace.

And if she gets death threats, guess who is going to pay for the police/or whomever to protect where she is living, and her. That will add up fast. This is just going to cost Orange co. more money, and more problems.
I think this was a bad move on the judges part.
I don't know about Florida but the state I live in will let you serve your probation whereever you work. This is so bazarre, who knows.
I thought you can request to serve it elsewhere. That it doesn't have to be in a certain place. But it must be arranged by the LE in the location that a person would be at.

You can request to serve in another location, IF the other location agrees and generally for a good reason.
I see a picture of Baez in New York coming in - the picture is clearing - ah yes, Baez on a bar stool, with a list on a piece of paper and a little pencil nub..

He looks at his list, sighs heavily and crosses off...

1) sell first pictures after release
2) sell interview of traumatized FKC walking into therapy
3) sell first interview of FKC grieving her dead Daughter
4) sell first interview of the newer humbler FKC ready to start afresh in her new life...

Baez sighs, and starts a new list....

Left to sell.....

1)......................(thinking, thinking, thinking.....)
Ha, I think it's a fine idea-- make her report, then of course, her probation will be moved elsewhere due to the high profile nature of the case. But, she'll have to answer to an authority, and follow the rules like everyone else. That's a good thing. mo
Ha, I think it's a fine idea-- make her report, then of course, her probation will be moved elsewhere due to the high profile nature of the case. But, she'll have to answer to an authority, and follow the rules like everyone else. That's a good thing. mo

You are probably right but I think "elsewhere" might object to that. Elsewhere might want OC to keep their problems at home where they belong.
Judge S. is my new hero. Now she can move in with JB or CM, won't that be fun. They'll have to hide their credit cards and checkbooks! :floorlaugh:

She could if they lived in Orange County, but they don't. Guess they will have to foot the bill for an apartment and then get in line with all the other people she owes. :innocent:
Stop the name calling! Zero tolerance for name calling!
You are probably right but I think "elsewhere" might object to that. Elsewhere might want OC to keep their problems at home where they belong.

Oh boy, you are so right about that! Hmmm :waitasec:

Too bad then. :fence:
Do we know if the $5,517.75 in court costs ordered by Judge Strickland have ever been paid?
I'm guessing they haven't been paid. Wasn't her drivers license suspended due to non-payment of the fines? I'm forgetting more and more of the details of this case every day.. (Thank goodness!)
This news makes me awesome is this? Now everybody is gonna know where she is....if she's already changed her looks, etc. They have her just enough time to get that Rudolph Reindeer Bulb filed down, and now we get to see her before she's allowed to disappear.
Hooray! :eek:rnament:

But seriously, the ENTIRE purpose of probation for felonies is because all felons should be watched carefully upon their release, no matter what. They have shown themselves to be a threat to life or property, so they need the DISCIPLINE of Probation to keep them from re-offending. I've never heard of a felon not being on probation AFTER their release...It's the 'half-step' on their way back to society.

Anyone disagree? Just curious, because I've lived in Indiana my whole life, and we're very tight in ordering probation.....Do other states really allow probation to be served inside jail?
Still holding my breath on this one but just gotta say.....I loved Judge Stan from the moment he uttered "the truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers."
Is it not ironic that stealing from her best friend may be what nails her in the end?

And yes Judge Stan....they got you kicked off the case but now we know you were always there keeping up in the background and doing what you do best.....the irony is rich indeed....and karma for the good Judge....hope this all works out.IMO
BBM - that's the one that is going to trip her up, IMO! That girl tells lies just for the fun of it. Seriously.
Exactly. Surely probation won't accept fake documents and emails as verification that she is diligently seeking employment! :great:
She could if they lived in Orange County, but they don't. Guess they will have to foot the bill for an apartment and then get in line with all the other people she owes. :innocent:

I wonder if Apt 210 at the Sawgrass Apartments is available... :innocent:

Living in Orange County would be the closest thing to prison for her - everybody knows her and most do not like her. She would have to lock herself in to keep away from the crowd. If she lived "some place else" it would be more like a vacation retreat.
Very, very strange that they actually had a probation officer visit her in jail. If that's the case, I bet JP will rule double jeopardy and she won't have to serve it. Very, very odd that they would tell the probation officer to go down to the jail. Is that normal? Has that ever happened for any other cases? I mean, has there ever been any other inmate who has ever "served probation" while in jail?

I don't know if inmates in Florida can served probation while in jail. But it seems to me that defeats the purpose of what probation was meant to be.
All I can say is YAY!!! I feel like we are being fed crumbs now... We wanted LWOP and not we are begging for probation. I hope JP goes along with it!
Still holding my breath on this one but just gotta say.....I loved Judge Stan from the moment he uttered "the truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers."
Is it not ironic that stealing from her best friend may be what nails her in the end?

And yes Judge Stan....they got you kicked off the case but now we know you were always there keeping up in the background and doing what you do best.....the irony is rich indeed....and karma for the good Judge....hope this all works out.IMO

Actually Judge Strickland is up for re-appointment. He was recused from the case because he was accused of bias and he recused himself to avoid appeallate issues on future decisions made by him. While he may have made a truthful statement about KC and the truth being strangers, he isn't well liked in Orange County, FL.

I'm all for having her supervised...I JUST DON'T WANT HER BACK HERE IN CENTRAL FLORIDA...let her serve it somewhere else.
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