Is FCA headed back to Orange County for Probation?

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On my screen her hair does not look red.

Casey has unique eyebrows. Take a close look at pics 7 and 26. If this is someone pretending to be Casey they went to great lengths because to me the eyebrows look like Casey's.
Not at all a pretty picture ... I wish I could find the clip of him giving Ashton the one arm salute IN COURT !! Don't know if anyone remembers that one .. it was at one of the hearings ... he did the same thing as he did in the restaurant without the middle finger which is still definitely an obscene "up yours" gesture and certainly against all courtroom decorum and expected behavior of attorneys ...
yet Judge Perry was quick to punish a spectator, jail time and all, for something KC had done several times in court ... I don't get it ...

More evidence of the brotherhood of lawyers vs. the rest of us. Don't expect the FL Bar to care a whit.
I'm beginning to think at his age (I'm there, too) this is the most excitement he's had in his life for a long time. He does not care what he says or who he says it to because up to this point he has never been challenged. That would be my guess. This is definitely a Mars day for him. lol I do miss the astrology thread and I understand all our Astrologers are probably burnt out but we all thought this would be over by now and it's just getting started. Sometimes you wonder what makes people tick. CM certainly postures for the camera. Look at RH, he would say well, I don't think the judge can do this but I'll file some paperwork and we will work it out. Nice calm tone...I'm assuming but pretty sure that is the way he would handle it....very professional. CM is like crazed animal as if he is taking this as an attack on him personally. jmo

LOL ...Maybe he is taking it personally . I couldn't help but notice during the trial he couldn't keep his old slimmy hands off the MURDER . MOO
More matching moles .. the 2 on her neck...


So did she see the paps I wonder? Do you think they were hiding while snapping pics and zooming in or were they in plain sight? I wonder if she was feeling special..
It's the same 'Ruth Buzzi' bangs that she cut during the trial. And she's tugging on the back of her shirt in a couple of pics like she has the habit of doing.
Holy Chit! Wait I'll be back! I posted a local news report to my relatives in Ohio. It was tongue and cheek, but maybe it was true! I'll be back!
Looks like they were made at different times, she has on different jeans and shoes in some of them. I would have loved to have seen her face when she finds/found out the TMZ had found her hiding place and made a lot of photos to post on their website. :great:

Rubbing my hands together ----smiling a big smile because TMZ didn't give her ANY MONEY and because karma is coming to mommy nondearest. :great:
I believe staged shots by a friend or relative, then sold. The pics were either taken on different days or she changed clothes to make the pics look like different days.
Her for sure.
So did she see the paps I wonder? Do you think they were hiding while snapping pics and zooming in or were they in plain sight? I wonder if she was feeling special..

special? she just lost her first big payday. she might have for a second until she realized no $$$
Anyone care to take a guess as to how splashonline knew where to find FCA? No one else-that we know of- has any inkling where she was.

I may get a good nights sleep tonight, knowing that she received no pay for the pictures. :D
I'm a little behind the times here, so I apologize if this has been covered already. I scanned the topic after reading most of the 1st 25 pages.

I'm confused and I'm sure I will be corrected if I am incorrect.

The probation is from the felony check fraud convictions from last year.
She was convicted of those charges via a plea deal which means the probation was part of the deal she made.
So what is there to appeal? She agreed to this at the time of her conviction. What am I missing here that makes this an appealable issue?
Notice the different shirts, different ear rings. these were not taken on the same day so either someone is following her taking pics as they go each day or its the defense who puts these out. I could see this for sure they are desperate for money. make hay while the sun shines my mom use to say LOL
Newbury is not too far from Warren, Ohio were she was born.

My daughter lives about 10 minutes from Newbury, she told me last week she heard she was there. She found out the street and her and her husband took a drive, she said it was a country road. They didn't see anything interesting, they had the camera just in case!
Odd,but I can't drum up any enthusiasm about the parole or the TMZ pics. I feel so let down by the system,I have no faith that Casey or her parents will ever be held accountable.The pictures just remind me she's free to go where she pleases.

The bad guys win again.
I'm a little behind the times here, so I apologize if this has been covered already. I scanned the topic after reading most of the 1st 25 pages.

I'm confused and I'm sure I will be corrected if I am incorrect.

The probation is from the felony check fraud convictions from last year.
She was convicted of those charges via a plea deal which means the probation was part of the deal she made.
So what is there to appeal? She agreed to this at the time of her conviction. What am I missing here that makes this an appealable issue?

The probation was for the check fraud, correct. But for some reason the dept. of probation or whatever its called let her have a probation officer come to see her while she was in prison, so it seemed like she finished the probation. I think Strickland is saying now is that the probation was not supposed to be served in jail. It was a misunderstanding.

Casey's lawyer filed a motion to appeal the probation, because they are saying she already served probation.
where would she get all of the jewelry so fast? did she stop by the house and pick up her stuff? I guess Cindy must have brought it to her hummm
Odd,but I can't drum up any enthusiasm about the parole or the TMZ pics. I feel so let down by the system,I have no faith that Casey or her parents will ever be held accountable.The pictures just remind me she's free to go where she pleases.

The bad guys win again.

you can say that again i followed this since day 2 or 3 LOL and I went in the bathroom and cried for an hour at the verdict. i was a paralegal for 20 years so the lawyer i worked for called me and said this was music to his ears. We went round and round about this case for the last 3 years grrrr. anyway I was happy to see those ladies on the CBS show cant recall the show who were just as stunned as us. It was a sad mistake and I dont get it. All i can say is not here in Texas not where I live, we string um up LOL
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