Is George okay?

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My heart broke for George seeing him on the video with little dude. When he said that wasn't my granddaughter in the trunk, I cried. So sad but I really did want him to hit little dude. That guy was out of line. WTF was he thinking with chairs & umbrellas? At least, take them across the street!
I believe those 2 men were out of line also. I would of told them to leave the property also.
I think I would of also turned on my daughter and told her that she was help causing this fiasco cause she would not tell the truth in where my grandaughter "CAYLEE" was.
My heart broke for George seeing him on the video with little dude. When he said that wasn't my granddaughter in the trunk, I cried. So sad but I really did want him to hit little dude. That guy was out of line. WTF was he thinking with chairs & umbrellas? At least, take them across the street!
Hi, I'm new here too, although I've been reading here since the very beginning of this case. Did anyone else notice when George had his fit yesterday, that he was not wearing a Caylee t-shirt? I haven't seen them in anything but Caylee t-shirts since the very beginning. Interesting time to decide to stop wearing one, in light of the lab tests that are coming back. I think he has a little more trouble wearing his than Cindy and Casey do, especially now.

Yes, I noticed it right away also.

And I always felt George looked uncomfortable in front of the cameras... no matter what he's wearing.

I don't think he really believes Casey is innocent OR that Caylee is ever coming home.
Absolutely Bam - I agree 150%. I would have thrown my daughter on the front lawn & let her explain for herself to all the people. This is still so surreal - I personally have such a hard time understanding just how this is even possible. I cannot wrap my simple mind around it at all.
George did admit that there was a body in the trunk though. He said, "the body in my daughter's trunk, was NOT my grand daughters!" My first thought was, how many bodies has your daughter had in her trunk?
Just so I understand, you are not implying that he is covering evidence are you?
Not implying at all, I was asking for a link to where it has been reported that he was indeed using fertilizer on the lawns early this morning. IMO I have watched quite a bit of potential evidence being destroyed on tv right in front of everyone, ever since the beginning of this case. It is a good chance that the dogs will be brought back to search that area and that fertilizer is not going to be a help but a hinderance. Sad, sad indeed.
Has anyone heard George Anthony actually say Caylee's name? In the interviews that I had seen early in the investigation, he had called her "A little girl missing" It recent interviews I have heard him say my "grandaughter". Does he ever say "Caylee"?
Also George Anthony remembers what Casey and Caylee had on 31 days before Caylee was missing to what he saw them wearing. Can anyone on Websleuths remember what your daughter, granddaughter, or even yourself was wearing 31 days ago? I think this is odd.

George said her name early on when describing how Caylee pronounces her own name.
Has anyone heard George Anthony actually say Caylee's name? In the interviews that I had seen early in the investigation, he had called her "A little girl missing" It recent interviews I have heard him say my "grandaughter". Does he ever say "Caylee"?
Also George Anthony remembers what Casey and Caylee had on 31 days before Caylee was missing to what he saw them wearing. Can anyone on Websleuths remember what your daughter, granddaughter, or even yourself was wearing 31 days ago? I think this is odd.

Yeah now that I think about it no one in the family has actually said Caylee's name in awhile. I think it's probably an unconscience defense mechanism designed to keep them from thinking about what their daughter has done to their granddaughter.

You know I have given this business of george remembering what casey and Caylee were wearing that day quite a bit of thought and I think I know why (assuming he isn't lying about seeing them that day ..of course) he would remember them with such great detail.

When you live with someone like casey you develop a sort of radar about them, their mere presence in the same room with you has you on edge, you feel this sort of pressure of them just bearing down on you so what happens is you become used to noticing everything about them. You notice what they are weaing, eating, doing because it's like you have a predator in your home and your senses are so hightened that you are in a constant state of observation, so to me I think George was already used to noticing everything about casey and Caylee long before that day.
Thank you Milly. That is good to know. I have not seen all interviews. I was just observed the ones I had seen. I have heard Cindy say Caylee's name numerous times.Please, I'm just observing people's behaviour. I don't know what the Anthony's know. I think the best advice a lawyer could give is be quiet, except to Casey. That is whom the parents should speak to not the media.
George said her name early on when describing how Caylee pronounces her own name.
I want to wrap my arms around George hold him.
I asked about Lee earlier.

He's really staying away from this whole circus. I wonder how long before George moves out of the house & joins Lee in the land of reality?

Cindy is determined to go down in flames with Casey.

I second that. It's just a matter of time.
Saw on the late local news last night that Geo and Lee were at a missing children's benefit over on the west side of town. That is were he was head when he had the altercation with those 2 guys out on front of his house. At the end of that video clip he also mentioned that is where he was headed.
Hello everyone I am a new to this sight. I think George knows deep down what happened to his beautiful granddaughter. Him doing yard work and going back to work may just be his way of coping and escaping the drama at that house. I really feel Cindy will defend Casey to the end. This must be awful for him.

Really! What is supposed to do? Sit in the house all day? He's trying to move along and busy himself. Besides, I know I wouldn't be able to sit in the house all day with Cindy and or Casey.
Has anyone heard George Anthony actually say Caylee's name? In the interviews that I had seen early in the investigation, he had called her "A little girl missing" It recent interviews I have heard him say my "grandaughter". Does he ever say "Caylee"?
Also George Anthony remembers what Casey and Caylee had on 31 days before Caylee was missing to what he saw them wearing. Can anyone on Websleuths remember what your daughter, granddaughter, or even yourself was wearing 31 days ago? I think this is odd.

He is former/trained LE. Maybe things like that do stand out.
George did admit that there was a body in the trunk though. He said, "the body in my daughter's trunk, was NOT my grand daughters!" My first thought was, how many bodies has your daughter had in her trunk?

I thought he kind of stumbled on his words in the heat of his anger, but did I understand correctly that he said the dead body was that of the person who took his granddaughter?
I don't believe George has been okay since he opened the car door at the place where the car was towed. He used to be LE. I can't imagine anyone who was LE does not know the smell of decomp and what that means.

When I was pregnant with my son the next door neighbor, who had no family in town, died and was in the house for several days before the paperboy noticed the papers piling up and went to the door and the window on the door was covered in flies. When the fire department showed up and opened the door, we were in the front yard and it almost knocked me over. In addition, we had roommates with snakes before we had kids and one of the snakes would bite the mouse and then leave it for two weeks before it would eat the mouse. You can tell the diff between animal and human decomp. I imagine when he opened the car door he had no idea if it was Casey or Caylee, but knew that either at least one of them had died, or thought that she was in really big trouble. I assume he has been screwed up since. I would also assume since he told the guy at the yard that Casey was keeping Caylee from them that he knew who was in the trunk.

If I were him, I would want to believe that my granddaughter was not in the trunk, but I think common sense and his background probably told him different. I would assume that he also told Cindy his suspicions early on and that with her being who she is, the tension is probably pretty great around there with Cindy either refusing to believe, or covering up what is going on.
Call me a softie, but my heart goes out to George. This is his Family. What a position for a Man to be in! I hope he finds his way to peace someday.
I'm assuming George is pretty stressed at this point,.. I'm just curious what he meant in one of his rants when he said the body in the trunk was not Caylee's it was somebody else in the trunk and you don't know what your talking about all in the same breath?
I know Bessie--as angry as I am that the Anthonys keep believing Caseys balony, I did feel so bad for him. People are getting out of hand with this--the protests, the standing in front of their house... Although what Casey has done is abhorrable, and she should pay for her crimes, she did not perpetuate crimes against the public as a whole and this whole protest circus is unwarranted. People are becoming vigilantes and are escalating this situation further. If you want to volunteer to search for Caylee and help, that is one thing, but to actively harrass the family is out of line...JMO

While I personally disagree 110% with protesters going to the A's home. I will defend their right to a peaceful protest. And even tho screaming at the family doesn't sound peaceful to them or their neighbors, it doesn't really cross any legal boundries. Or if there is a law in FL I am unaware of the A's shound have dialed 911. With all the fire power they have sitting in that mobile home someone would have taken them down. moo

vig·i·lan·te /ˌvɪdʒəˈlænti/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[vij-uh-lan-tee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. a member of a vigilance committee.
2. any person who takes the law into his or her own hands, as by avenging a crime.
–adjective 3. done violently and summarily, without recourse to lawful procedures: vigilante justice.

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