Is it POSSIBLE the DT is NOT going to call GA?

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What if the Defense rests tomorrow? That is there only option, otherwise, they shoot themselves in the foot. Then again, that won't be the first time.

If defence rests tomorrow - the jury will be left with reasonable doubt...
I think they are just messing with George's head. They know he is going to be in court every day because he would look guilty if he suddenly stopped showing up when the DT took over. George has to show up and they know it. So they are not going to be 'courteous' and warn him ahead of time.

By not granting GA the courtesy of at least for warning him, the DF is probably hoping to throw GA of guard and hoping that will shake him up. I agree they are messing with his head courtesy of ICA.
If defence rests tomorrow - the jury will be left with reasonable doubt...

thats not supported by the many polls all over the internet. all the polls I have heard about indicate the great majority of people believe she is guilty. usually in the high 90 %.

course it only takes one, but the sa will not let her go if phil spectors jury foreman is lurking in the trial.

if he rests, chances are she is cooked.

course, she is cooked anyways. based on his performance so far, whatever he spews usually benefits the state,
By not granting GA the courtesy of at least for warning him, the DF is probably hoping to throw GA of guard and hoping that will shake him up. I agree they are messing with his head courtesy of ICA.

well if thats the strategy, he ought to go on a 30 day alaskan backwoods trip.

then where would they be. they can't tell the jurors he fled, since he hadn't been notified.

the DT would look bad, Not George, and they now have no one to examine as to their STORY and no way to explain to the jury...except ICA.... why not.

the state has already asked G if he molested or covered up a drowning. they already have his statements. his unavailability would only prevent JB's opportunity to ignite him.

The DT had a chance to question him about the molestation and the cover up...they didn't bring it up. and now they don't call him??????

Take a hike George.
I think the DT will not notify any witnesses. Think of how much stalling they can play with then!!!

JB: Judge we keep calling and no one is answering!!! How can we fairly put on any kind of Defense if we are unable to call anyone!!!:loser:

I think the DT will not notify any witnesses. Think of how much stalling they can play with then!!!

JB: Judge we keep calling and no one is answering!!! How can we fairly put on any kind of Defense if we are unable to call anyone!!!:loser:


That would not be surprising considering the antics they have already pulled.
the only hope they have in their "defense" is to harass GA in the hopes that he flips out IMO. he will sure be called.

I agree! The defense will have to call George. They'll question him and he'll deny that he ever molested Casey and deny everything surrounding JB's assertions that Caylee drowned in the family pool and he disposed of her body.

I think the goal of the defense is to make George so angry that he has an angry outburst in the courtroom. If that happens, it would serve to further the defense's case that George is violent and Casey has reason to fear him.

I hope Mark Lippman has counseled George on the defense strategy and George keeps his cool.
They might call others to the stand to show what a terrible father,hot headed,pervert he is and never call him. I hate the defendant and her :loser:DT team more each day.Not only is tomorrow 3yrs since Caylee's murder :maddening:but Sunday is Fathers Day!:banghead:

They can't really. They are fairly limited in what they can ask in order to impeach witnesses. Casey is on trial, no one else. Something has to open the door to allow them to ask any such questions. They can't just go after Georges past directly. Otherwise it will be yet another steady parade of "Objection! Sustained!". They only have one witness that can go after George in such a manner and that is their client the pathological liar.
By not granting GA the courtesy of at least for warning him, the DF is probably hoping to throw GA of guard and hoping that will shake him up. I agree they are messing with his head courtesy of ICA.

I personally don't think George's head can be messed with any further than hearing so many weeks ago that Caylee allegedly drowned and he did something with her body. His guard is up and he's ready to take this on..after all, he is an ex cop, and cop mode has taken over.
They can't really. They are fairly limited in what they can ask in order to impeach witnesses. Casey is on trial, no one else. Something has to open the door to allow them to ask any such questions. They can't just go after Georges past directly. Otherwise it will be yet another steady parade of "Objection! Sustained!". They only have one witness that can go after George in such a manner and that is their client the pathological liar.

I imagine they will show video of George loosing his temper. It's going to be an awesome thing for the jury to see- George Anthony blowing up in defense of his Grand daughter, when the only video's of Casey they have is saying
"I've not been crying since I've been in here"
"I haven't been angry this entire time, I'm so angry now I can't swallow, it hurts"
What if the Defense rests tomorrow? That is there only option, otherwise, they shoot themselves in the foot. Then again, that won't be the first time.

After what transpired at sidebar between Dt and JP, I doubt that. IMO they will call GA. I am in no way a fan of GA, in fact, I don't like him at all. I don't think he abuse ICA but he needs to get on the stand to defend that. I don't think the initial SA questioning did that to the extent that it needs to be. I think the DT will call him and it's in his best interest to do so. Tell the truth, as hard as that may be for him. Let the jury decide, man up, and say what needs to be said. They will be hard on him. but geeze his lil baby girl is dead. Please tell the truth.
IIRC, I think Vinnie was asking Mr. Lippman if GA was prepared to testify tomorrow; that is when Mr. Lippman said they had not received notification. :confused:

Thank you! The atty. was answering a question about tomorrow is what I heard.
If defence rests tomorrow - the jury will be left with reasonable doubt...

I don't agree with the above statement. If the Defense rests tomorrow, the Jury will be left with Baez's opening statement (bunk) & the State's well laid out time line of KC reality . . . burden of proof lies with the State.

I believe the State put on a compelling case . . . if I were a member of the Jury, I was presented enough to find her Guilty on all 7 counts as defined by the State. Don't really care about the penalty . . .
But what if they call CA and she throws GA under the bus? She says ICA told her the abuse happened and she says she didn't believe her lying daughter? They wouldn't need to put ICA on the stand then? CA is becoming the Doberman on the leash again? CA is a piece of work. Seemed to have her bent head turned away from GA today in court.
I can't imagine how the defense could not call George Anthony to the stand. Their entire opening statement took an accidental drowning of a child and turned it into a nightmare of incest and psychological torture inflicted by him on his only daughter.

I don't think George Anthony had a hint of what was going to be required of him when he said he'd do anything for his daughter. Jose Baez and Cheney Mason took him at his word.
george and Cindy Anthony's attorney , a Mr. Lippman, just said on HLN to Vinny that the DT HAS NOT notified either George or Cindy that they will be called to the stand as part of the defense presentation.

He noted that it is not a requirement, but is a courtesy, and he wonders how the DT knows his clients will be in court in case they want to question them.

This raises the possibility that George WILL NOT be called by the dt.

If not, if George is NOT called, it means George has been on the stand and IS NEVER QUEsTIONED about the dt story of RAPE and COVER UP.

does anyone else find that possibility almost unimaginable? How do you accuse someone of rape and running a cover up and NEVER QUESTION them about it?

Is that even possible?

i am seriously stunned at that possibility.

Haven't you assumed George would be asked about RAPE and the COVER UP he is accused of masterminding on the stand?

and if he is NOT even asked about either....??????????????????????

I think they will call him. This is the part where it's going to get ugly imo. The DT has a very high hurdle to over come after giving the opening statement he presented to jurors. Personally I think they will make it worse. If they really believe the states case does not prove murder at this point then they should just rest and not give LDB and JA any more ammunition.
But what if they call CA and she throws GA under the bus? She says ICA told her the abuse happened and she says she didn't believe her lying daughter? They wouldn't need to put ICA on the stand then? CA is becoming the Doberman on the leash again? CA is a piece of work. Seemed to have her bent head turned away from GA today in court.
well from what was said on the news they were in eachothers arms in the courthouse too.. i dont think Cindy is going to turn on George for casey.. and i think the last few weeks Cindy has more than proved that she does want justice for caylee .. but that is also her sociopath daughter on trial .. i would be a piece of work too if i had to endure all they have had to .. i mean people spit on them on their own driveway .when they were coming home from church. if someone did that crap to me they would've been knocked right the heck down with their butt over their ears right quick.. sorry if i had a mob of complete strangers outside my house i wouldnt be very nice either lol.. im not trying to seem snarky at all you have your reasons for thinking of cindy as you do and i understand i just wanted to clarify these things in case you werent aware of them bc i dont know how much you follow the case .. i know ill be watching tommorrow for sure .

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