Is Karr the guy?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Is Karr the guy?

  • No

    Votes: 113 30.5%
  • Yes

    Votes: 22 5.9%
  • I don't think so

    Votes: 120 32.3%
  • A strong possibility, but not sure

    Votes: 88 23.7%
  • I am clueless

    Votes: 28 7.5%

  • Total voters
kidzndogznme said:
How can they say she wasn't raped when there was the paintbrush sticking out of her???
"How can they say she wasn't raped when there was the paintbrush sticking out of her???"

They mean she wasn't penetrated by a male member, kidzndogznme. That's important.

"The spider web was intact and undisturbed dust was on the windowsill yes."

"Amster,yes,not only was the spider web intact,but it was proven that this type of spider,even if its web was destroyed,would not have been able to spin another web in the time frame"

That's right. This guy has yet to say how he got into the house.
Hi SuperDave, I really agree with you, LOL, but I have heard many lawyer TH's in the last day say if DNA matches, that's is all they would need to find him guilty.

It is only if the DNA does not match they would examine everything else that would have to match, like the note, entry, proving he was in Co that night, etc.

"Hi SuperDave, I really agree with you, LOL, but I have heard many lawyer TH's in the last day say if DNA matches, that's is all they would need to find him guilty."

Right, but it would still be nice to know!

"It is only if the DNA does not match they would examine everything else that would have to match, like the note, entry, proving he was in Co that night, etc."

If it doesn't match him, the key then will be what the DA says about the DNA itself.
SuperDave said:
If it doesn't match him, the key then will be what the DA says about the DNA itself.
Maybe that will lead to them saying he didn't 'act' alone?
Charlie said:
Haha thats so werid, last night i was thinking the exact same thing...i thought no-one would agree with me on that. I think it was the way he was walking through the corridor with reporters surrounding him like the basement of the dallas police dept.

Yes, Charlie and Justice 2, it was the basement scene, but also I remember there were times when JMK was seated that he reminded me somehow of Oswald. Then that also reminded me he looks slightly like Sirhan too. I too thought he looked effeminate last night, don't know if he could have bashed her head, but he used to be heavier.
Quoting Lostfaith, post #3 on pg 2...
"too many wrong facts that he is stating. But....maybe he has committed so many crimes that we dont know about yet and he is getting the facts of each crime mixed up? Possible????

There ya go. And about picking her up from school, some interrogater in Thailand I believe said he got that somewhere else, not from the suspect.
Also one of them said the suspect said something was "a blur". That's two or three of the holes in the story explained. Here's hoping.
Class-z said:
One more thing, who ever referred to Patsy as Patricia??????????

He probably heard about The Patricia Letters in some forum and thought calling her that would make it seem that was what he called her. So many members aren't familiar with the Patricia letters, I imagine there's probably a link at ACandyRose. Not everyone believes Patsy sent the email letters to "Cheesy" and/or somebody but it seems to me that either he was the one phoning her during the grand jury or he read The Patricia Letters and decided to be that one. I do hope he's the one, of course.
sejay3911 said:
Anyone wanna bet that this guy, Karr has been posting on message boards about this case? C'mon Sleuthers....YOU can find his posts!

You mean we should have spotted some self-contradicting posts? Nope. I once read somewhere, not necessiarily true because they don't really know much for sure about schizophrenia, that schizo's use self-contradicting sentences.

Either there weren't any here or, do we all do it? Hm.....(Just kidding.)

SD, Hi. Do you agree that, especially if some things match, JMK could have sneaked out to Boulder that night after his family were asleep, or said he was going to the 7-11 or something, knowing they were all almost asleep? We used to have a poster who did a lot of timetables research and found JAR could have made it there and back from Atlanta w/out any of his fam knowing. If JAR could, so could this suspect.
Our Australian headlines this morning are saying his confession is under that the feeling in America too?...sorry Im a bit out of the loop..couldnt get on my computer yesterday
dingo said:
Our Australian headlines this morning are saying his confession is under that the feeling in America too?...sorry Im a bit out of the loop..couldnt get on my computer yesterday
dingo, some people are still absolutely certain it was the Ramseys; others think this is a conspiracy orchestrated by the Ramseys; then some think this is all orchestrated by Micahael Tracey; some of us are clueless, while still others swear JMK is not the guy; however, there are a few that think the DA has the right person. Yes, there are a lot of questions about JMK's confession, and whether LE put out a false autopsy report in order to confuse most of us, figuring that only the real killer would know the actual facts. At the rate threads are being created on WS, on this case, it will certainly break the all-time record, that is the only thing we can ascertain at this point with absolute certainty. Other than that, we know about as much today, as we did a twenty-four hours ago.
absolut_alexis said:
I'll always think that the family had something to do with it.
Me too! I think Patsy wrote the note and there is NO good explanation for John's shirt fibers being found in JB's genital area!!!:behindbar :behindbar :behindbar
LinasK said:
Me too! I think Patsy wrote the note and there is NO good explanation for John's shirt fibers being found in JB's genital area!!!:behindbar :behindbar :behindbar

Actually, there could be a couple of explanations for that.
A. They most likely all use the same washer and dryer.
B. Transfer theory. Did she sit on JR's lap?

With household crimes, some amount of transfer is expected. In cop shows the finding of a hair in a child's bed is often heralded as a break through, but in reality, family hair and fiber could be found all over the house if they looked for it. Hair and fiber really only has major significance if it is proven to be from someone outside the home.
LinasK said:
Me too! I think Patsy wrote the note and there is NO good explanation for John's shirt fibers being found in JB's genital area!!!:behindbar :behindbar :behindbar
Of course, this can be eplained.What if the shirt and the panties were in a clothes dryer together. Then JBR wore the panties and off came the fibres. Or if they were chucked in a clothes basket together after washing. Of course, this onley works if the panties were not 'new' You are right if they were new then it is a whole different ball game.This i cannot recall.
LinasK said:
Me too! I think Patsy wrote the note and there is NO good explanation for John's shirt fibers being found in JB's genital area!!!:behindbar :behindbar :behindbar
Out of five separate handwriting analysts, each grading on a scale of 0 to 5, with 5 meaning complete exclusion, all but one analyst gave Patsy a 5, and the one analyst who didn't give her a 5, scored her a 4.5. That, in my estimation, means that Patsy did not write the ransom note.
mysteriew said:
Actually, there could be a couple of explanations for that.
A. They most likely all use the same washer and dryer.
B. Transfer theory. Did she sit on JR's lap?
I agree about the possible transfer, though the shirt was wool and probably drycleaned only, no washer/dryer, and the underwear was (supposedly) brand new right out of a previously unopened package...

One possibility -- JB's Gap shirt was full of John's shirt fibers from Xmas evening contact... and the fibers transferred when the stager laid the new underwear on JB's Gap shirt while she wiped up JB.
"Me too! I think Patsy wrote the note and there is NO good explanation for John's shirt fibers being found in JB's genital area!!!"

I agree!

"Of course, this onley works if the panties were not 'new' You are right if they were new then it is a whole different ball game.This i cannot recall."

They were new, I'm pretty sure.

"I agree about the possible transfer, though the shirt was wool and probably drycleaned only, no washer/dryer, and the underwear was (supposedly) brand new right out of a previously unopened package..."

Right, I believe.

"Out of five separate handwriting analysts, each grading on a scale of 0 to 5, with 5 meaning complete exclusion, all but one analyst gave Patsy a 5, and the one analyst who didn't give her a 5, scored her a 4.5. That, in my estimation, means that Patsy did not write the ransom note."

That's false, Buzz. The only ones using that scale were the two "experts" the Ramseys hired, and they came up with the "4.5" you talk about. I've talked to several handwriting analysts and they've never heard of such a thing. And even THEY couldn't rule her out. None of the analysts excluded her. Chet Ubowski said that he couldn't say so in court she wrote it, but that the only thing making him unsure was bleeding ink from the pen. The rest said that while they could say so in court, they didn't see how anyone else could have done it. PLUS, a battery of experts say she did write it, with impeccable credentials.
Buzzm1 said:
dingo, some people are still absolutely certain it was the Ramseys; others think this is a conspiracy orchestrated by the Ramseys; then some think this is all orchestrated by Micahael Tracey; some of us are clueless, while still others swear JMK is not the guy; however, there are a few that think the DA has the right person. Yes, there are a lot of questions about JMK's confession, and whether LE put out a false autopsy report in order to confuse most of us, figuring that only the real killer would know the actual facts. At the rate threads are being created on WS, on this case, it will certainly break the all-time record, that is the only thing we can ascertain at this point with absolute certainty. Other than that, we know about as much today, as we did a twenty-four hours ago.
Buzz! You summed up perfectly the 'sides' that have been taken here. I am in the category of clueless :waitasec: I can tell you that. Haven't been around TV all day, just reading here and I haven't teeter/tottered about anything in my life as I have over the developments going on in WS the last couple of days. I just got home and am hoping to catch some kinda update...what did I miss here since leaving work at 5, going to SIL and visiting, and coming home and put the baby down...hoping to catch updates on the tube too.

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