Is Mel Gibson really like this?

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Doesn't long-term alchoholism cause brain damage? Maybe he's been a drunk his whole life, and just hid it well. Or maybe a brain tumor? That's my theory on Fred Phelps, from the Westboro Baptist Church. He was a big civil rights activist in the 60's 70's and 80's, has been awarded by the NAACP. Then he turned into the total nutcase we see today.

I think long term alcoholism could have alot to do with it. Along with his money and ego of course.
I can't watch him or Tom Cruise without thinking what a jerk they are in real life.
I love the Road Warrior movies. The Lethal Weapon ones were good too.

But I heard about his racist, anti-semitic rants when he was arrested for drunk driving and insulted the Jewish officer. That was enough for me.

Then he used the N word in a call to his ex-wife, saying he wanted her to be raped by a pack of them. Now this. I think it is safe to say he is a racist loony toons. I also notice that most of his more recent films are over the top, graphic torture *advertiser censored*. Says something about his mind.

See, to me Mel is different than say, Angie Harmon or Patricia Heaton, who I really don't agree with politically. Espousing a political view or religious belief that I disagree with isn't really enough to make me stop watching someone's movies, because they are free to their own opinion (although Tom Cruise's couch jumping did make it hard for me to take him seriously as any character, haha). But when the actor in question starts spouting vile, racist insults? That's a whole different issue to me.

Bingo. Huge difference. When a celebrity is cruel or criminal, that's a big deal to me. I may not share their political views but racism is not a political view. It's cruelty. I draw the line there.

I think long term alcoholism could have alot to do with it. Along with his money and ego of course.
I can't watch him or Tom Cruise without thinking what a jerk they are in real life.

Yeah, I think he's an alcoholic but I do not buy that drunks say things that are 100% out of character. I think they say what they are thinking but usually have enough inhibition not to reveal. The alcohol shows the true self.
Too many stories to just be a coincidence...
But this is par for the course..
We ARE in the last days don'tcha know :) & Israel plays a big part!
LOL.. Never really liked him so I'm not affected one way or the other...
hey.. if this is REALLY what he believes ... he has more worries than just lagging ticket sales and notoriety!!
Ah Steeley Dan, you are a riot. Can I be your friend?

Doesn't long-term alchoholism cause brain damage? Maybe he's been a drunk his whole life, and just hid it well. Or maybe a brain tumor? That's my theory on Fred Phelps, from the Westboro Baptist Church. He was a big civil rights activist in the 60's 70's and 80's, has been awarded by the NAACP. Then he turned into the total nutcase we see today.
BINGO! I do think that booze has pickled his noggin. He has always been a conservative Catholic, at least all that I new of him. He also ,like stated above,has been active in the civil rights movement. Now wether that was a facade for PR purposes, I do not know.
Mel is an interesting character to say the least. Is he racist? Quite likely. Does he disagree with the current Catholic Church? Absolutely. Does he spew venom? Yes, at times...especially when drunk.

IMHO, when he got caught in "Hollywood", and then left his wife and children, that's when his self-destruction started. He was, for the first time to all extents and purposes, alone and unable to deal with his life (and the life Hollywood demanded of him) in a solid, constructive way.

For the most part, though, I will still watch his movies. I will watch George Clooney, as well, and Morgan Freeman, and Denzel Washington, even though I disagree with a lot of their personal policies.

Why? Because I don't ask those for whom fame has come to be a role model. I watch them for entertainment, not for policy change. I am the same with atheletes.

There is a lot of Hollywood that is unknown, and not at all understood. I grew up in the industry, saw all sorts of things, and learned early that a good movie does not depend on the actor's personal political or religious depends on good acting.

I apply this to Mel Gibson. He has made some incredible movies, has been a really good actor, and has entertained me. Do I agree with his stated political views? No, but unlike Michael Moore, he doesn't make movies about them. And no, I don't look at Michael Moore's stuff, because that's ALL about politics.

Just a different opinion this morning...and btw, I am not a huge fan of the Beatles, either. LOL.

Herding Cats
BBM :rocker:
I love the Road Warrior movies. The Lethal Weapon ones were good too.

But I heard about his racist, anti-semitic rants when he was arrested for drunk driving and insulted the Jewish officer. That was enough for me.

Then he used the N word in a call to his ex-wife, saying he wanted her to be raped by a pack of them. Now this. I think it is safe to say he is a racist loony toons. I also notice that most of his more recent films are over the top, graphic torture *advertiser censored*. Says something about his mind.

Bingo. Huge difference. When a celebrity is cruel or criminal, that's a big deal to me. I may not share their political views but racism is not a political view. It's cruelty. I draw the line there.

Yeah, I think he's an alcoholic but I do not buy that drunks say things that are 100% out of character. I think they say what they are thinking but usually have enough inhibition not to reveal. The alcohol shows the true self.
And the alcohol changes character too. Esp years of abuse.
Mel is an interesting character to say the least. Is he racist? Quite likely. Does he disagree with the current Catholic Church? Absolutely. Does he spew venom? Yes, at times...especially when drunk.

IMHO, when he got caught in "Hollywood", and then left his wife and children, that's when his self-destruction started. He was, for the first time to all extents and purposes, alone and unable to deal with his life (and the life Hollywood demanded of him) in a solid, constructive way.

For the most part, though, I will still watch his movies. I will watch George Clooney, as well, and Morgan Freeman, and Denzel Washington, even though I disagree with a lot of their personal policies.

Why? Because I don't ask those for whom fame has come to be a role model. I watch them for entertainment, not for policy change. I am the same with atheletes.

There is a lot of Hollywood that is unknown, and not at all understood. I grew up in the industry, saw all sorts of things, and learned early that a good movie does not depend on the actor's personal political or religious depends on good acting.

I apply this to Mel Gibson. He has made some incredible movies, has been a really good actor, and has entertained me. Do I agree with his stated political views? No, but unlike Michael Moore, he doesn't make movies about them. And no, I don't look at Michael Moore's stuff, because that's ALL about politics.

Just a different opinion this morning...and btw, I am not a huge fan of the Beatles, either. LOL.

Herding Cats

With all due respect and without trying to get you to watch Michael Moore films, I would suggest that Mel Gibson's films are every bit as political as Moore's. Gibson just isn't nearly as honest about the rightwing propaganda in his films, and he adds sexism and homophobia that would never occur to Moore.

And for the record, decades before Gibson started with the antisemitic and racist tirades, he was openly homophobic (usually when he thought he was safe because he was talking to the non-English-language press). When called on his homophobia, he insisted that he was the victim because the English-language media were taking away his freedom of speech. (Now watch Braveheart and all that "freedom" nonsense with that in mind.)

He's a nasty little man and there's no way around it. Even if he was my favorite movie star in the 70s and 80s.
I'm just thinking of all the racist NBA fans I know...:rolleyes:

Isn't that the truth....blows me away. (shaking head)
With all due respect and without trying to get you to watch Michael Moore films, I would suggest that Mel Gibson's films are every bit as political as Moore's. Gibson just isn't nearly as honest about the rightwing propaganda in his films, and he adds sexism and homophobia that would never occur to Moore.

And for the record, decades before Gibson started with the antisemitic and racist tirades, he was openly homophobic (usually when he thought he was safe because he was talking to the non-English-language press). When called on his homophobia, he insisted that he was the victim because the English-language media were taking away his freedom of speech. (Now watch Braveheart and all that "freedom" nonsense with that in mind.)

He's a nasty little man and there's no way around it. Even if he was my favorite movie star in the 70s and 80s.

Can you give us some examples? Because IMO there is no filmmaker who approaches Michael Moore's level of political vitriol, with the possible exception of Bill Maher (speaking of nasty little men, LOL) with "religulous".

Mel Gibson Calls BS I LOVE The Beatles!!!

Mel Gibson is telling friends ... he NEVER said John Lennon deserved to die -- in fact, he's a huge Beatles fan and he plays their music all the time.

Sources tell TMZ, screenwriter Joe Eszterhas' allegations the actor celebrated John Lennon's death are just false. As one source put it, "It's not uncommon to hear The Beatles at Gibson's house."...


i wonder why it took him so long to ''clear'' this up. i first heard about his john lennon comment several years ago! yeah, i'm not buying that denial!!
I feel MG did not just turn into this person overnight. The signs to those that were close to him had to be there all along. Even during MG's heyday when he made LW and other movies we adored, the MG we see now had to be present. The abuse of booze did not bring that out. Those are his traits, ( I believe). Abusing the drug just caused damage and let the real Mel show through. We cannot blame alcohol and say it made us another person. That person was/is inside of us and waiting to be unleashed. This is Mel Gibson, the hater, the abuser, and the man that spits venom. He has just evolved into who he always was and the drink has helped him become him- I guess you can say in Public, now..

I'm rather sad as I always enjoyed MG's movies of the past. He was a good character in the LW's. Came across as so well liked.

As a side note- Mel and Lisa Lampanelli would make a perfect coupling. She spits venom as vicious as Mel and also appears to be racist when she feels no one is taking her serious.


PS -- I'm happy to know Mel likes the Beatles.. yea..
I feel MG did not just turn into this person overnight. The signs to those that were close to him had to be there all along. Even during MG's heyday when he made LW and other movies we adored, the MG we see now had to be present. The abuse of booze did not bring that out. Those are his traits, ( I believe). Abusing the drug just caused damage and let the real Mel show through. We cannot blame alcohol and say it made us another person. That person was/is inside of us and waiting to be unleashed. This is Mel Gibson, the hater, the abuser, and the man that spits venom. He has just evolved into who he always was and the drink has helped him become him- I guess you can say in Public, now..

I'm rather sad as I always enjoyed MG's movies of the past. He was a good character in the LW's. Came across as so well liked.

As a side note- Mel and Lisa Lampanelli would make a perfect coupling. She spits venom as vicious as Mel and also appears to be racist when she feels no one is taking her serious.


PS -- I'm happy to know Mel likes the Beatles.. yea..

Can you imagine Lisa and Mel on Survivor together? They'd have to rename it, "Castaway Island" as the other contestants - the ones that sport bikinis and never get dirty - would swim to the next island to get away from those two.
Can you imagine Lisa and Mel on Survivor together? They'd have to rename it, "Castaway Island" as the other contestants - the ones that sport bikinis and never get dirty - would swim to the next island to get away from those two.

I think they'd drown them off camera.
I got to hear some of his rant at this writer on youtube.

I can't link it here because it's mostly profanity. Good grief. He rages and rages and rages. He sounds like he's going to stroke out. That's not meant as a joke.

What a nasty piece of work he is. ugh.
I used to love Mel Gibson. Not so much now. I've never heard the term 'oven-dodgers' - must be a phrase popular with the anti-semantic, racist, conspiracy-theorist crazy people. I wonder how his ex-wife & first seven children deal with the humiliation 'cause he sure doesn't seem to realize how utterly pathetic he is. His career is over, if it wasn't already.

I've never heard of that phrase either. Maybe all his years of drinking have knocked him off his rocker - who knows. I bet the only person who could truly say for sure is his ex-wife Robin - she lived with him long enough.

I used to like MG, but not so much anymore. He seems to be carrying around too much hate.


I got to hear some of his rant at this writer on youtube.

I can't link it here because it's mostly profanity. Good grief. He rages and rages and rages. He sounds like he's going to stroke out. That's not meant as a joke.

What a nasty piece of work he is. ugh.

Oh dear Lord, I just caught a piece of his rant. What a sorry sorry excuse for a man. I think he sounded drunk too -- probably has wet brain by now.


This guy is just unreal. He boggles the mind and not in a good way.

REF. Mel drinking. I used to think that alcohol caused him to lose it, but then back in the heated days when he and Oksana (sp) were engaged in the legal battle and she had produced tapes of his insanity, SHE said that when he went off on her, he was NOT drinking. Really? I was shocked. I see no reason she would have have lied about this. So, I think he's just a rageaholic. He may not need the booze now to act like a lunatic.

I read on TMZ that Mel is considering suing the guy for tapping his latest rants. Well, Mel's camp denies anything that is not on tape. They even deny what is on tape. How can you ever prove anything against Mel without an audio or video of his rages. It works like this:

Allegation that Mel has made terrible threats, insults, etc. Mel camp denies. Audio tape is produced to prove it. Later,
Allegations that Mel has made terrible threats, insults, etc. Me's camp denies it. (How dare they make such false accusations against Mel.) Proof is produced.
and so on and so on. Give me a break. Doesn't Mel's camp understand that people know how Mel is. His words and those denials are funny! He is such a liar on top of being a rageaholic.
I just heard some of the tape on TV too, (What they could air).
It's hard to believe he is still walking the streets and nobody smacked
him yet.

He is totally lost, bonkers, and just not right...:maddening:

What a deeply troubled person. It's really sad considering how talented he is. Who in their right mind would want to be involved with that type of behavior. Personal or business wise? It's telling because he's not ranting at one person, but everyone he has a difference of opinion with. Guess any anger management classes didn't help. imo
Oven-dodgers? Really? If he said that, then everyone needs to know and stop supporting him by paying to see his movies. Hollywood will catch on quick enough, and he will no longer be on the big screen.

nope, ive heard him go off and call jews that name( oven dodgers)- i read awhile back ago where wynonna ryder apparently had an encounter/meeting with him ( 15 years ago?),,20451084,00.html

"Fifteen years ago, I was at one of those big Hollywood parties. And he was really drunk," Ryder, 39, tells GQ. "I was with my friend, who's gay. [Gibson] made a really horrible gay joke."

And he didn't stop there, the Black Swan actress says. "Somehow it came up that I was Jewish," Ryder says. "He said something about 'oven dodgers,' but I didn't get it. I'd never heard that before. It was just this weird, weird moment."

"Ryder says she knew of Gibson's dark side, captured in his outbursts to ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva, long before many others did. She tells GQ: "I was like, 'He's anti-Semitic and he's homophobic.' No one believed me!"

Gibson has been accused of homophobia before – he made derogatory comments in an early-'90s interview with Spanish newspaper El País – and famously made anti-Semitic remarks after a 2006 drunk-driving arrest. When reached, Gibson's rep had no comment. "

take with a grain of salt, but i have heard that term/name and MG go hand in hand before....

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