Is there more?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
When the prosecution files reports with the county Clerk of Courts, it then becomes public record and anyone may access it. I believe that they do not have to file everything with the clerk until it becomes necessary.
This is why doc are missing and not public info and why JB has to request discovery docs that are not part of public record. Someone correct me if I'm wrong (I heard all this on NG) but the prosecution does not have to file every bit of evidence with the Clerk of Courts until absolutely necessary. That's what NG and her attorney-guests said, anyway.

I bet there is lots more, just based on some missing things/info I myself noticed with some doc dumps. But golly, guess we won't really know until the trial.

I wonder if JB knows he has to request discovery docs before trial? :waitasec:
Well, Orlando is very developed.... for many decades & I find it hard to believe they'd still have wild boars living on the the outskirts of suburbia. :eek:

I can see them down towards the everglades where they're free to roam & hunt.

Anyway... they can't be as bad as the SQUIRRELS they have in Orlando. I heard those suckers are HUGE!!! (ROUS) lol

I live in a small city not far from Orlando and the area is built up but the boars are found anywhere there is woods. And there's still lots of woods even in the built up areas, as evidenced by some of the search areas.
Obviously there is much more that we have not seen. There would be follow up interviews with Tony L., the Annie D. interview is nowhere to be found. We have not seen one word from Bobby the tattoo artist who did the Beautiful Life tattoo. There were bound to have been some follow up interviews with Lee A., and I am sure there are folks that we do not know about that have become involved as the investigation proceeded.

As for the stain in the trunk. George admits to putting his nose right to the stain, and to seeing it as clear as day and he is the one who informs us it was a "basketball size stain". George has told us that the stain was the source of the smell by his own statements. George has told us he knows what a decomposing body smells like, and throws up at the end of the interview where he is attempting to hide it from his son that he is giving this statement. This is very telling. Cindy is all over the place, bouncing off the walls with her lies and curve balls, which to me says she is attemtping to cloud the picture, so she knows the truth and is helping to cover it up. "There is no evidence" is quite a statement to be made by her, under oath. How does SHE know there is not any evidence unless she has helped to do away with it?

One single hair from a cadavers body with the same mitochondrial dna as Casey is no skimpy piece of evidence. If one of Caylee's hairs came from her dead body, then it is safe to assume that all the other hairs that remained are ON that same dead body. And the gasses in the car from the preliminary report that we saw were most I am sure that the in depth follow up studies that were done and we have NOT seen reinforce this fact 100%-there was a dead body in the trunk and that dead body was Caylee.

If they do not have any other evidence that we have not seen I would be most suprised...especially due to the fact we have not seen the interviews aforementioned. I guarantee you they interviewed these people. SO if their is nothing damaging in their testimony, under oath in their written statements, then where are those statements?

And why did the FBI conclude that the tests they did on the pizza did not yield any maggots if maggots were not somehow involved in their investigation? Why would they even bring up the fact that the pizza did not grow maggots if there were no maggots being tested?

My question about the stain is if it came from Caylee's body why isn't there a DNA test from that stain that shows Caylee was in the trunk. That is the shortest distance between two points to show that Caylee was dead in the trunk. Going the single hair with a death ring, while the defense expert challenges the death ring science, and explaining mitochondrial DNA is taking the jury the long way if you have a basketball size stain that came from her body. I agree George knows the smell of decomp and knows that Caylee is dead, but we don't know what the stain is yet.

I will go reread the FBI reports, I don't recall the pizza maggot test. I recall them testing two types of pizza to show that it did not create the same chemical profile that they were identifing as the "decomposition event" that occured in the trunk. In fact I believe it said we tested did the pizza test even though none was found in the trunk. I have asked in several threads if anyone has a link to someone other than Cindy and LP saying there were maggots there. Simon of the tow truck yard said there were flies that exited the trunk when they popped it, but his statement does not refer to maggots. I hope they were there, they would be very significant, but I do have a question to source of this info at this point. They weren't mentioned at the bond hearing by LE as support of holding her on high bond because they believed this was a murder investigation.
Oh yeah, wild hogs here. I had a run-in with some once, when they were rooting around on the side of the road and decided to stampede my car when I drove by. Nasty creatures, very mean. Not many left now I'd assume, but there are some.

My friend owns some property over in Oak Hill and there are tons of those buggers over in that area. Some are really huge, and I always get nervous when we visit.
He actually has trapped some, bred them and then they go off to slaughter. Yuck.
There's got to be something on the JCP receipts or else WHY would CA not want to release them to LE? Georges testimony in front of the GJ might have been powerful. It only took them 30 minutes to come up with an indictment. Also, Annie's interrogation was not released in the court doc's. That might be very damaging. There's just so much circumstantial evidence I think when they put it all together it will make much more sense.


If Casey didn't buy anything that Cindy suspected seemed hard to explain away, she'd have NO reason to hide the receipts.

Well... unless she was just being obnoxious & wanted to force LE to go through the trouble to get the receipts by themselves.

Me.... I'd rather LE spent their time looking for my granddaughter & NOT wasting an extra second looking for a receipt I already have.
We've even had coyotes in the Orlando area this year. I saw one in my yard and I thought it was a real skinny German Shepherd and I later learned that it was indeed a coyote!
Do we know anything about the JCP trip? Or is it speculation or hearsay?
Do we know anything about the JCP trip? Or is it speculation or hearsay?

I dunno but I suspect if there were receipts, there was a trip. And LE and CA didn't deny there were receipts. CA just felt there was nothing on them, in her opinion.
I'm starting to wonder about this myself. Shouldn't there be a few more documents floating around by now??? :confused:

Thats what I have been wondering. I wonder if he knows how to object?
Do we know anything about the JCP trip? Or is it speculation or hearsay?

We know that Cindy refused to hand over the recipts/statement from her account and we know that she said she looked it over and there was nothing there...We know there WAS a trip to JCP and we know what LP speculated about the crosses (The Second Cross thread) about it. We know that Lee mentions a receipt being missing and questioning why that particular one would have been displaced...We know nothing about what was on the receipt, as it has not been released.
I'm in GA...they call them "boars" here...I'm assuming they are the same thing.
My husband was in the field (Army) and got chased by one. Jumped into one of their vehicles and there's still a tusk mark on the door. :eek:

Im in CA and here they call them men.........sorry guys :crazy:
Well, Orlando is very developed.... for many decades & I find it hard to believe they'd still have wild boars living on the the outskirts of suburbia. :eek:

I can see them down towards the everglades where they're free to roam & hunt.

Anyway... they can't be as bad as the SQUIRRELS they have in Orlando. I heard those suckers are HUGE!!! (ROUS) lol

AND, they can crawl, after they are DEAD, into peoples cars!
We know that Cindy refused to hand over the recipts/statement from her account and we know that she said she looked it over and there was nothing there...We know there WAS a trip to JCP and we know what LP speculated about the crosses (The Second Cross thread) about it. We know that Lee mentions a receipt being missing and questioning why that particular one would have been displaced...We know nothing about what was on the receipt, as it has not been released.

Wouldn't this all be hearsay? Since LE or the states attorney hasn't released anything.

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