Israel Keyes: General Discussion

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DNA Solves
I will be attending the CUE national missing person conference which is coming up in a few weeks. During the four day event, there are many classes and presentations by experts in various fields of criminology, authors, profilers, LE/FBI, etc.

One of the speakers for the 2014 CUE Conference themed; 'Breaking The Silence', is Scott A. Bonn PhD., who is an expert on serial killers. Should be a very interesting class.
Serial Killers
IK may have felt quite at home here..

"The rapist next door

High rates of violence

I traveled out here to the village at the edge of land -- the kind of place where a Bond villain would hide out, or where WikiLeaks would stash a computer server -- in December because the state has the nation's highest rate of reported rape, according to FBI crime estimates. You voted for me to cover this topic as part of CNN's Change the List project, which focuses on social justice in bottom-of-the-list places.

There are many reasons Alaska's rates of violence against women are thought to be so high -- from the long, dark winters to the culture of silence and the history of colonization. But the most tangible reason is this: Much of Alaska is basically lawless.

The scope of the tragedy in Nunam Iqua, a Yupik Eskimo village, is unthinkable: Nearly every woman has been a victim of domestic or gender-based violence, rape or other sex crime..",
ATTENTION !!! ATTENTION!!!!!..........................I highly respect Mr. William Phelps and his 3rd Season will premier on APRIL 2nd with a 2 hour episode on Israel Keyes.......I know Phelps put a lot of time in his work and I'm praying this 2 hour show will gain even more leads and etc. and perhaps more families can have some type of closure

The new season of #DarkMinds premieres on #InvestigationDiscovery on April 2, 2014, 8pm--a special two hour episode on Israel Keyes. More info coming soon.

ATTENTION !!! ATTENTION!!!!!..........................I highly respect Mr. William Phelps and his 3rd Season will premier on APRIL 2nd with a 2 hour episode on Israel Keyes.......I know Phelps put a lot of time in his work and I'm praying this 2 hour show will gain even more leads and etc. and perhaps more families can have some type of closure

The new season of #DarkMinds premieres on #InvestigationDiscovery on April 2, 2014, 8pm--a special two hour episode on Israel Keyes. More info coming soon.


A bit more to prime your interest, digndoodle:

TV Show to Profile Alaska Serial Killer Israel Keyes

...The episode suggests a man who disappeared from Washington's Olympia National Park in 2004 was a victim of Keyes. ...
more at:

ETA: It's actually Olympic National Park, and the disappearance was in 2006, not 2004.
...and there's more (this one is a long article) and says the name of the possible Olympic National Park victim is Gilbert Gilman*:

TV Show to Profile Late Alaska Serial Killer

An upcoming special episode of Investigation Discovery's "Dark Minds" TV series says it has new information about confessed Alaska serial killer Israel Keyes, including the identity of a potential victim. ...

...And it claims Keyes identified himself as a bisexual and a necrophiliac. ...
much more at:

* ETA - Here's the NAMUS link for Gilbert Gilman -- and it says that he went missing in 2006, not 2004:
Headed over to the appropriate IK geographical thread to post some more info on Gilbert Gilman. As far as I can tell, he does not have a Missing thread on WS.
...and there's more (this one is a long article) and says the name of the possible Olympic National Park victim is Gilbert Gilman*:

much more at:

* ETA - Here's the NAMUS link for Gilbert Gilman -- and it says that he went missing in 2006, not 2004:

Headed over to the appropriate IK geographical thread to post some more info on Gilbert Gilman. As far as I can tell, he does not have a Missing thread on WS.

Well Backwoods, the new articles posted for some reason has my mouth hanging open....My opinion only, but I truly did not believe Keyes was bisexual because he was more like a maucho-controlling person and had lived with his GF's one being on the Makah Tribal land and then one in Alaska and just call me REALLY OLD ha ha ha......Never entered my mind about what else he proclaims he was ha ha ha.....Sorry, but I guess that shows I'm really out of touch with this sin-filled world.....I will say that is sooooooooooooo sick to me and I mean the worst kind of sick but I assume this is all the doings of serial killers
I sure hope they have talked with Mr. Koenig before they release he sewed Samantha's eyes open and etc....He is hurt enough and sure don't need to hear any unknown graphic details
Thanks everyone for posting the new articles
Well Backwoods, the new articles posted for some reason has my mouth hanging open....My opinion only, but I truly did not believe Keyes was bisexual because he was more like a maucho-controlling person and had lived with his GF's one being on the Makah Tribal land and then one in Alaska and just call me REALLY OLD ha ha ha......Never entered my mind about what else he proclaims he was ha ha ha.....Sorry, but I guess that shows I'm really out of touch with this sin-filled world.....I will say that is sooooooooooooo sick to me and I mean the worst kind of sick but I assume this is all the doings of serial killers
I sure hope they have talked with Mr. Koenig before they release he sewed Samantha's eyes open and etc....He is hurt enough and sure don't need to hear any unknown graphic details
Thanks everyone for posting the new articles

I thought the same thing about the Koenig family, hoping they were prepared for that bit of info to go public. I came close to posting something about that "new" detail directly in the Samantha thread last night when I'd posted about the new info, but I just didn't have the heart. Hope she is resting in peace/flying high and bright, with all that horror wiped clean and GONE.

I'm taking all these "new info" peeks with a little grain of salt -- we shall see on what all this is based. I have a feeling that much is well-based, though. Not sure about the Gilbert Gilman theory -- it will be interesting to see what that's based on. It doesn't sound from the promo material that investigators are necessarily jumping on board (publicly, at least) with that.
Another (a different) piece promoting the upcoming Investigation Discovery show -- interesting:

Investigation Discovery's M. William Phelps Uncovers Exclusive Information Behind The True Evil Of Serial Killer Israel Keyes In Two-Hour Special Kicking Off New Season Of DARK MINDS

..."One thing Israel Keyes was adamant about to the FBI is that he had deep, dark secrets he didn't ever want exposed," says host M. William Phelps. "Well, I can say that in this two-hour special DARK MINDS episode, viewers will learn all of those secrets and see the true nature of this beast finally revealed."...

more at:

Sure hope this show delivers, at least to some extent!
Another (a different) piece promoting the upcoming Investigation Discovery show -- interesting:

more at:

Sure hope this show delivers, at least to some extent!

I hope the show delivers a lot of helpful information and I will be highly disappointed if Mr. Phelps does not have information based on true facts, surely as much time as he claims to have spent on Keyes he got true facts and not just say-so things from various people...I will say in my mind I have always seen Keyes in what I term a restless worm, I think his mind centered around very sick thoughts and ideas, yet he could wiggle over and do carpentery work in a good manner to those that hired him, then slither back at night to creep around neighborhoods and homes just busting at the seems to torture and kill someone from a neighborhood.....I still stick to my thoughts in my head since a month I started reading on this worm.....(not blaming the Parents for his behavior) but something just seemed to be messed up in that home...very strict religious rules, yet I feel there was an absence in mind of 1 parent, In Amber Rose's testimony she makes it sound like very little love was ever shown inside the home, and I go back to the Kehoe neighbors...remember the Kehoe father was arrested for the murder of 1 family for their gun collection along with his 2 sons....If Keyes father had the same sad-sick beliefs as this family it will be untelling what was put in those children's heads while they were growing up and killing seemed to be OK in the Kehoe home due to them being associated with the white supremicists group....I guess we will have to wait and see what all Mr. Phelps thinks he knows on the show....Thanks Backwoods for posting all the new articles!!!!
"Correction: Alaska Serial Killer story
The Associated Press
Updated: 03/21/2014 02:46:54 PM EDT

ANCHORAGE, Alaska—ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP)—In a story March 20 about a TV profile of Alaska serial killer Israel Keyes, The Associated Press reported erroneously the place and time of the disappearance of a man identified in an upcoming episode of Investigation Discovery Dark Minds TV series as a potential victim of Keyes. The missing man, Gilbert Gilman, disappeared in 2006 from Washington's Olympic National Park, not in 2004 in Olympia National Park."


"The two-hour, season-opening "Dark Minds" episode scheduled to air April 2 reports what it says are new details about the Koenig case. The episode, which includes dramatizations by actors, also suggests a man who disappeared from Washington's Olympic National Park in 2006&#8212;Gilbert Gilman&#8212;was an undisclosed victim of Keyes, who had been in the region to participate in a marathon. And it claims Keyes identified himself as a bisexual and a necrophiliac."
I am calling BS on this story, just as the FBI is:

Confessed Alaska serial killer Israel Keyes likely not connected to Olympic National Park disappearance

This is just using a hack reporter for promotion of a TV show. I say hack because of the glaring errors in the story (Olympia? 2004?) that could have been fact checked in 2 minutes with google.
I am calling BS on this story, just as the FBI is:

Confessed Alaska serial killer Israel Keyes likely not connected to Olympic National Park disappearance

This is just using a hack reporter for promotion of a TV show. I say hack because of the glaring errors in the story (Olympia? 2004?) that could have been fact checked in 2 minutes with google.

Welcome to Ws gtm!

Took a quick glance at article and thought it should be posted in order to correct missing dates.
Hope for the missing man's sake he did not fall into the hands of IK, thanks for the info. !
I had corrected the info about Gilbert Gilman myself, when I first posted about the promos for the show. I also posted an MSM correction (I also saw an AP correction, so apparently the error may have sprung from AP) in the appropriate geographic thread (Pacific Northwest), along with some additional information. We really should put any further discussion about the probability of Gilman being an IK victim there.
I am calling BS on this story, just as the FBI is:

Confessed Alaska serial killer Israel Keyes likely not connected to Olympic National Park disappearance

This is just using a hack reporter for promotion of a TV show. I say hack because of the glaring errors in the story (Olympia? 2004?) that could have been fact checked in 2 minutes with google.

Welcome gtm........I don't know what to say about the FBI anymore, but I am so aggravated but then again I'm not a professional but please explain to me if someone will, when they get a tip of a probable hard would it check with all car-rental places in that 1 area and do travel searches in and around the area or state at the time the victim went missing???.....Some probable victims are in small towns I'm pretty sure and so far all they have released is large cities he has flown into or out of
Also in some cold cases where they have some type of DNA, is it that difficult to enter the DNA to see if it matches IK's DNA???....I am speaking of 2 cases you all have heard me speak of when I 1st joined Webslueths and from what is known in both cases they did get a small amount of DNA---one being the glove that was found in Ms. Grindsteads yard...there was a man's fingerprint found inside that glove!!!!
It may be more difficult than I know about, but I just really wonder if they are taking leads that are turned in really serious???
I have said and in my heart I truly believe there will be many more than 11 people that died at this worm's hands
Welcome gtm........I don't know what to say about the FBI anymore, but I am so aggravated but then again I'm not a professional but please explain to me if someone will, when they get a tip of a probable hard would it check with all car-rental places in that 1 area and do travel searches in and around the area or state at the time the victim went missing???.....Some probable victims are in small towns I'm pretty sure and so far all they have released is large cities he has flown into or out of
Also in some cold cases where they have some type of DNA, is it that difficult to enter the DNA to see if it matches IK's DNA???....I am speaking of 2 cases you all have heard me speak of when I 1st joined Webslueths and from what is known in both cases they did get a small amount of DNA---one being the glove that was found in Ms. Grindsteads yard...there was a man's fingerprint found inside that glove!!!!
It may be more difficult than I know about, but I just really wonder if they are taking leads that are turned in really serious???
I have said and in my heart I truly believe there will be many more than 11 people that died at this worm's hands

Please do not take offense, but I cannot understand why you think the FBI would not investigate such things. That is what they do, and they are the best in the world at it. The things you describe here are so simple that there is no way they or other law enforcement did not investigate them.

There is no way to know where he was while on these road trips. You can only rule out places that would impossible for him to be. Crime investigations are more often about ruling out and narrowing down leads than following leads.
Interesting to see that the following note has been added recently to the Acting at Random blogspot about IK:

Please note that opinions expressed by other parties on programs I appear on DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT MY OWN.

Wonder what's up with that?

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