Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #6

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GazaCNN —
Multiple militants from Gaza have entered Israeli territory, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Saturday, shortly after a barrage of rockets left one person dead and at least three injured.

Palestinian militant group Hamas claimed responsibility for the rocket attack.

Hamas military commander Muhammad Al-Deif released a recorded message, announcing operation “Al-Aqsa Storm” and saying the Palestinian militant group “targeted the enemy positions, airports and military positions with 5,000 rockets.”

The IDF has warned Israelis who live near Gaza to stay in their homes.

The rockets, which were witnessed by a CNN producer in Gaza, prompted sirens as far north as the Tel Aviv area, east to Beer Sheva, and many other locations in between.

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7:33 am

2 new drone attacks said to target US bases in Iraq amid anger over Gaza

An aerial file photo taken from a helicopter shows Ain al-Asad air base in the western Anbar desert, Iraq, December 29, 2019. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)
An aerial file photo taken from a helicopter shows Ain al-Asad air base in the western Anbar desert, Iraq, December 29, 2019. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)

Two recent drone attacks are reported on US bases in Iraq, as regional terror groups step up attacks on American troops, presumably over the country’s support for Israel in its war against the Hamas terror group in Gaza.

The most recent drone attack is at al-Asad Air Base in western Iraq. The Islamic Resistance in Iraq posts a statement claiming responsibility for the attack, saying they have fired a salvo of rockets at the base and “they hit their targets directly and precisely.”


A US official says that earlier, there was a rocket attack on US and coalition forces at a diplomatic support center near the Baghdad International Airport. Initial assessments indicate two rockets were fired, the official says, noting that one was intercepted by a counter-rocket system and the other struck an empty storage facility.

Live updates: Israel-Hamas war rages, Greek Orthodox church in Gaza hit in airstrike (
3m ago05.38 BST

Western officials are warning that the risk of regional “spillover” from the Israel-Hamas war is real, after US forces in the region faced increasing threats and American bases in Iraq and Syria were repeatedly targeted by drone attacks.

A Pentagon spokesperson told reporters the missiles were “potentially” headed toward Israel but said the US hasn’t finished its assessment of what they were targeting. The action by the Carney potentially represented the first shots by the US military in the defense of Israel in this conflict.

On Thursday, European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen said the risk of regional spillover from the Israel-Hamas war is “real.”

Speaking at the Hudson Institute in Washington, Von der Leyen also said dialogue between Israel and its neighbours must continue.

“We have seen the Arab streets fill with rage all across the region. So the risk of a regional spillover is real,” she said, adding “Iran, Hamas’ patron, only wants to fuel the fire of chaos.”

I don' believe that anyone stating that Israel has the right to defend itself and rid itself of an obvious and direct terroristic threat to their very existence that is Hamas ... as proven on 7 October ...

means "it serves Palestinians right".

To me, thats a false equivelancy.

Well we have a situation where Hamas started all this and is responsible for terrorist acts it’s committed and is committing still, and Israel does have the right to defend itself.

Up to here we absolutely agree.

How the people trapped in Gaza are impacted as a result of this is perhaps where we disagree.
It sure would be nice if Hamas would stop the violence against innocent civilians, including children, and release all hostages so that their own people will not be harmed.

It appears to me that they don't care if their own people don't have food or water because that will be used as a political weapon against Israel. JMO.
1m ago

What do we know about the Hamas hostages?​

Reuters: An estimated 203 people, including 30 minors and young children and 20 people over the age of 60, are being held hostage in Gaza, Israel’s public broadcaster Kan said on Thursday, citing military sources.

Hamas says it has between 200 and 250 people. It said more than 20 hostages have been killed by Israeli air strikes, but has not given any further details.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has appointed a retired general, Gal Hirsch, as Israel’s coordinator on hostages and missing persons.

Qatari mediators have said they have tried to negotiate freedom for Israeli women and children seized by Hamas in return for the release of 36 Palestinian women and children from Israel’s prisons, a source briefed on the talks told Reuters. So far, there has been no indication a deal might be at hand.


U.S. President Joe Biden said his administration is “workin’ like hell” to find American hostages held by Hamas. The U.S. has sent a small team of special operations forces to Israel to help with intelligence and planning for any eventual operations to rescue the hostages.

I congratulate Biden for stating that the hospital attack was not done by Israel as that was unexpected, at least for me. JMO
Arab leaders cancelled meetings with Biden after he was in the air. Media speculated that Arab leaders cancelled meetings because Israel bombed a hospital (according to the Gaza Hamas government). The simplicity of journalists who would rather see this situation explode into a bigger long term deadly headline story is mind-boggling.

Media did not question whether the hospital lay in rubble, whether 500 bodies were trapped by Israel's bomb. They ran with the sensational headline even though they were reluctant to acknowledge the actual headline - Hamas' brutal torture and murder of children in Israel.

Since then, we have learned that the hospital is still standing, but a friendly fire home-made missile from Hamas did fall on the parking lot. Arab leaders knew this at the time that they cancelled meetings with Biden. We would be foolish to think otherwise. However, those same Middle East countries endorsed protests from Lebanon to Berlin against Israeli and USA embassies for a day, flexing muscles while playing mind games.

Biden stated the obvious. Everyone, except those who believe rather than think, knew that Hamas fired the missile into the parking lot. There was no rubble, but it made for a good story to share around the world ... to garner sympathy for ISIS terrorists' families, schools and communities; to distract from the story that has to be told.

If anyone else has been watching livestream of the hospital and bombed regions, no one is arriving at the hospital due to thirst and malnutrition. People are running, carrying groceries, driving, cycling, walking donkey carts. Ambulances are arriving with 10 people jumping out and some people lying on gurneys. Based on livestream yesterday, there is no evidence of starving thirsty people in Gaza.
2m ago

Israel to evacuate town on Lebanon border​

The Israeli Defence Ministry reports that Israel will evacuate residents from the town of town Kiryat Shmona, near its border with Lebanon.

Cross border fire has increased since Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October, and the order may be a response to this. More soon.

19 Oct

The world is losing its humanity - UNRWA chief​

Jeremy Bowen
International Editor

AFP via Getty ImagesCopyright: AFP via Getty Images

The Middle East is on the "edge of an abyss" as a result of the war between Israel and Hamas, UN agency chief Philippe Lazzarini has told the BBC.

The commissioner-general of UN relief agency UNRWA said violence could spill over across the region.

And he warned about the dire situation for civilians inside Gaza, calling again for humanitarian aid corridors into the territory.

Lazzarini said he fears "the world is now losing its humanity".

In an exclusive interview with the BBC, Lazzarini reiterated calls for humanitarian aid corridors, saying help "needs to be uninterrupted... predictable [and] meaningful" to help the people of Gaza.


Some of the videos released by the Hamas' Gopro cams , etc., are horrifying and ridiculous in the extreme.
Horrifying because to the savagery displayed --- and ridiculous that these 'pretend' soldiers wear all that gear and have weapons and yet attack babies, children, unarmed adults and the elderly.

Hamas have shown themselves to be nothing but cowards.
Israel-Hamas war live: Biden calls for ‘urgent’ funding for Israel and Ukraine; Israel preparing for ‘prolonged’ Gaza campaign (
2m ago06.06 BST

Kiryat Shmona, the town near Israel’s border with Lebanon that the Israeli Defence Ministry has announced it will evacuate, has a population of more that 20,000 and is some 2 km (1 mile) from the border fence, Reuters reports.


Defense Ministry and IDF announce the evacuation of residents of Kiryat Shmona to state-subsidized guest houses, after all communities up to 2km from the Lebanon border have already been evacuated.
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20min ago

PA’s Abbas refused to hold phone call with Biden during Wednesday visit — report

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas refused to hold a phone call with US President Joe Biden during the latter’s visit to Israel on Wednesday, the Kan public broadcaster reports.

Citing an unnamed Palestinian source in Ramallah with knowledge of the matter, Kan says Biden administration officials tried to arrange a phone call between the leaders, but Abbas rejected the request.

Nevertheless, US and PA teams have remained in contact, even as Abbas has seethed with Washington’s support for Israel in its war against Hamas and also canceled an expected meeting with Biden and Arab leaders at a summit in Jordan earlier this week.
Some of the videos released by the Hamas' Gopro cams , etc., are horrifying and ridiculous in the extreme.
Horrifying because to the savagery displayed --- and ridiculous that these 'pretend' soldiers wear all that gear and have weapons and yet attack babies, children, unarmed adults and the elderly.

Hamas have shown themselves to be nothing but cowards.

Worse than cowards, and savages, devils, monsters.

Worse than whatever the worst word is in the history of language.
Well we have a situation where Hamas started all this and is responsible for terrorist acts it’s committed and is committing still, and Israel does have the right to defend itself.

Up to here we absolutely agree.

How the people trapped in Gaza are impacted as a result of this is perhaps where we disagree.
The innocent Palestinians of the Gaza are indeed impacted very, very negatively as a result of this; no denying that by me or anyone.

I supposed where we diverge is upon the question of whose actions resulted in their plight.

I hope the IDF is able to get rid of Hamas so that their plight improves significantly and they can enjoy a freedom and peace brought about by self-governance without terrorists at the helm. It seems that other Arab nations may have sadly let them down on this front IMO.
Two million people were asked to relocate themselves to south Gaza.
The least we can do now is provide those who did so with bread, water, and medicine.
In relocating, many will have lost any ability to provide for themselves.

how do aid workers distinguish between civilians and terrorists? how do they ensure that commodities to be given out are not commandeered, given to or stolen or destroyed by terrorists?
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