Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #9

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Half of the current Palestinian population were too young or not even born when Hamas was elected. So, nope not everyone bears the repercussions.

And Hamas' goal of destroying Israel wasn't the reason why they were elected. It was desperation. From this source

"However, new polling following the election indicated that two-thirds of Palestinians believed Hamas should change its policy of rejecting Israel's right to exist. Most also supported a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Post-election polls indicated that Hamas' victory was due largely to Palestinians' desire to end corruption in government rather than support for the organization's political platform"
July 2023, 57% of Gazan Palestinians favourably supported Hamas as their governing body.

Legitimate source for this allegation?

(I have seen that stated on a known conspiracy theorists' site and Xitter).
He effectively undermined the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank in a divide-and-conquer approach, they say. And he allowed the arrival of hundreds of millions of dollars in Qatari aid for Gaza, which may have permitted Hamas to spend intensively on military training.

From 2019
From 2018

From 2009
July 2023, 57% of Gazan Palestinians favourably supported Hamas as their governing body.

I already cited this article. Clearly you need to read that poll better

According to the latest Washington Institute polling, conducted in July 2023, Hamas’s decision to break the ceasefire was not a popular move. While the majority of Gazans (65%) did think it likely that there would be “a large military conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza” this year, a similar percentage (62%) supported Hamas maintaining a ceasefire with Israel. Moreover, half (50%) agreed with the following proposal: “Hamas should stop calling for Israel’s destruction, and instead accept a permanent two-state solution based on the 1967 borders.”
In fact, Gazan frustration with Hamas governance is clear; most Gazans expressed a preference for PA administration and security officials over Hamas—the majority of Gazans (70%) supported a proposal of the PA sending “officials and security officers to Gaza to take over the administration there, with Hamas giving up separate armed units,” including 47% who strongly agreed.
Isn't this conflict the epitome of politics???

Reasons, consequences, etc?
BN --- no.

Terrorist Attacks by Hamas upon innocent civilians on 7 October 2023 is what caused this war as per thread title. I'm going back to that discussion now FWIW.

IMO, this is what happens when conspiracy theories are allowed to be brought into threads.
Spent a very significant amount of time there as a UN Observer of cease-fires and truces on their borders so yeah, I guess I know some stuff. Needed to to actually do my job.
We only have the MSM, so we aren't experts.

But I do know that my tax dollars are funding this war.
I have every right to expect accountability.

This is the United State's war too.
What happens will affect the United States.
I live in Texas surrounded by military bases. Lackland, Randolph, Ft Sam Houston, and Camp Bullis, all in my town. Also have huge NSA facility.

I know that for a fact!
We only have the MSM, so we aren't experts.

But I do know that my tax dollars are funding this war.
I have every right to expect accountability.

This is the United State's war too.
What happens will affect the United States.

I know that for a fact!
MY tax dollars are going there too BTW. We have troops there too BTW. We have hostages there too BTW. And France, etc etc.

I also have the right to expect accountability and honesty.

No sole monopoly by the US in this war although they may be the largest.
Israeli forces operating in the northern Gaza Strip have located several rocket launchers and some 50 rockets, located in a compound used by a youth movement and a mosque, the military says.The IDF publishes a video of the commander of the Nahal Brigade’s 50th Battalion, Lt. Col. Tomer Sayag, showing dozens of rocket launchers his forces found inside a building used by the Palestinian Scout Association.Sayag says the empty rocket launchers were aimed at Ashkelon or central Israeli cities. Outside, some 50 rockets — bearing the logo of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad — were found in an underground storage site.Separately, the IDF releases a video of the 460th Armored Brigade locating a number of empty underground rocket launchers adjacent to a mosque in northern Gaza. The video shows the launchers’ electrical wiring running inside the mosque, from which they are activated.

Hospitals. Schools. Playgrounds. Ambulances. Mosques.
Lets see the UN make mention of this. Nope.
Their version of Boy Scouts. Sickening.
He effectively undermined the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank in a divide-and-conquer approach, they say. And he allowed the arrival of hundreds of millions of dollars in Qatari aid for Gaza, which may have permitted Hamas to spend intensively on military training.

From 2019
From 2018

From 2009
I've read a few of these. Nothing in life happens in a Vacuum Nothing. JMO
I'll choose not to play into it; it's IMO asolutely absurd. All those IDF soldiers at their outposts would have had to assist him and ignore what was ocurring when the technical fence was initilly breached. The did not ignore it - they simply were surprised by the sheer scale and breadth of the initial breaches and attacks

I agree completely.

It’s true that Israeli intelligence as well as U.S. intelligence were caught completely off-guard. In a country surrounded by enemies, IMO there is no excuse for that lapse.

The Israeli military was not expecting this, either, and I believe that’s why it took them so long to rescue the victims who could be rescued. They didn’t know it was coming and weren’t ready.

There are aspects of Netanyahu that I love and aspects that I do not love.

But IMO it is ridiculous to even think for a moment that he WANTED thousands of Israelis to be butchered and kidnapped.

First of all, that is antithetical to his entire life and secondly, it’s absurd to hypothesize that by “allowing”
Hamas to slaughter Jews, that would raise his popularity in any way and for any reason.

Let's dig deeper into the Qatari Hospital. I'm aware of Hamas and others' claims about the tunnel. We know and have proven that the hospital was used for fighting, and have started to clear the underground infrastructure and tunnels from booby traps. Will update on our findings
The engineer of the hospital begs to differ

Engineer Saad Al-Wahidi: “What the occupation claimed was a tunnel opening in the Indonesian hospital, is in fact a fuel store, and the plans presented by IOF itself prove this.”
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