ISSUES - JVM Thurs., 1/29/09

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I've always thought that if the father really was the guy who died as they continue to say, then why isnt his family in the picture. caylee would have had 2 sets of grandparents and lots of other family members that loved her. i imagine any mother that lost her son would want his daughter in her life as the only thing left of her son. know what i mean?

kc would of gotten SS for Caylee and many benefits! which kc never asked for.
kc tried to pin the pregnancy on JG, smart boy had paternity test!!!
The Judge must keep control, look how ITO did for blitz and OJ walked free...............
The guy that died (JO) according to his family, is not the father, and they had never know of their son even dating KC, according to something I read. I don't understand LE not pursuing that whole thing.
If it's incriminating to her, why would he want it? I agree with your earlier post about paternity - I think he wants the fingerprint evidence because it juuuuusst might NOT have her fingerprints!! Maybe, maybe? Wouldn't that "shock the world"!! :eek::eek:

He needs the fingerprints to challenge how they were obtained, to claim that any unreadable or unidentified prints belong to the real killer, etc.... He would not be doing his job if he didn't get them. If the duct tape came from the shed it is likely to have George's prints. If it is the roll from Amy, her prints are likely to be on it.
Unfortunately JB has turned it from a zealous defense into a ridiculous defense. I think the courts need to decide where the line is. You can do zealous but draw the line at circus.

Unfortuantely "ridiculous" and "circus" do not even begin to describe it...
I'm sure what she means is that it doesn't matter because EVERYONE deserves a fair trial and representation whether they are guilty or innocent - doesn't matter...


That is what she means. A defense attorneys job is not to prove his client is innocent. That is irrelevant. His job is to prove that the state has not done their job. They have not met their burden of proof and therefore his client cannot be convicted. Not that they are innocent. Defense attorneys defend people they know are guilty all the time. It comes with the job. It is just how you frame it, defending guilty people or being an vital part of the system we have designed that holds the state to a very high standard in proving a citizen should lose their rights and be incarcerated.
NG has just anounced she will talk about on her show tonight about JB wanting Caylee's paternity determined????????
Unfortuantely "ridiculous" and "circus" do not even begin to describe it...

I know....I was trying not to get a time out. :eek:

Good thing the mods can't read our minds!!!:)
I've got a feeling that, if the Defense team can determine who the father is, that person is about to be thrown under the bus, especially if he had access to KC's car or the Anthony's home. Oh No!
What about Defense atty Jaynie W., saying,
"it doesn't matter to a defense attorney whether their client is guilty or innocent":eek::confused::eek:

What she is saying is true. A defense attorney doesn't care whether their client is innocent or guilty. Their client is innocent until proven guilty and their job is to make sure they get a fair trial.
IMO, CA KNOWS! and is protecting a family member...........:furious:

Hi PF--love your avi BTW.

My personal opinion, which is worth absolutely nothing, LOL, is that CA is only protecting (or refusing to face) the simple fact that her pretty, "virginal" teenage daughter had so many sexual liasons during a few week period, that neither she nor KC can narrow down who the father actually is.

Just for the record though, I do not believe for even a moment that LA is the father, and I'll be relieved for his sake when this is verified by the record. However, my sympathy for him goes no further than that. I neither like nor trust him. :)
As far as JG and the tests go which JB has requested...don't forget that early on RG claimed that "they" had planted evidence inside the car to frame his son. Also, it was mentioned by Cindy that JG had a girlfriend before and after Casey who was a professional Nanny.

I believe it has more to do with something of this nature than his paternity.

Watch out for that bus, is heading straight for you!
What she is saying is true. A defense attorney doesn't care whether their client is innocent or guilty. Their client is innocent until proven guilty and their job is to make sure they get a fair trial.

Was going to Law school before I hade twins......I could never have been a Defense Attorney..
Was going to Law school before I hade twins......I could never have been a Defense Attorney..

ITA. I would love the investigation part of being a lawyer but I don't think I could defend someone who admitted to me that they were guilty! However, in the sake of the American Justice system, we should be glad that they are out there otherwise we'd be back in the medieval times when many innocent people were judged by the public and put to death.
I know....I was trying not to get a time out. :eek:

Good thing the mods can't read our minds!!!:)

Oh, but we can and we do. :cool:

The guy that died (Jesus) according to his family, is not the father, and they had never know of their son even dating Casey, according to something I read. I don't understand LE not pursuing that whole thing.

Welcome:) I would edit the name in your post hun its a big no no to use first and last names on WS:) Its one of WS rules:) Just giving you a heads up hun:):blowkiss:
What about Defense atty Jaynie W., saying,
"it doesn't matter to a defense attorney whether their client is guilty or innocent":eek::confused::eek:

I'm sure what she means is that it doesn't matter because EVERYONE deserves a fair trial and representation whether they are guilty or innocent - doesn't matter...right?:confused:

That sounds so much more admirable and palatable than the naked truth which is: "No matter how guilty I know my client is, or how horrendous his crimes, it is the noble duty of a defense attorney to get him off, and turn him loose on society again. It does not matter to a defense attorney whether that client is a confessed serial killer, pedophile, or brutal rapist--he still has the right to try to avoid punishment and it's the sworn duty of a defense attorney to help him accomplish that."

I'm not objecting to that, but I'm not admiring it either.

That sounds so much more admirable and palatable than the naked truth which is: "No matter how guilty I know my client is, or how horrendous his crimes, it is the noble duty of a defense attorney to get him off, and turn him loose on society again. It does not matter to a defense attorney whether that client is a confessed serial killer, pedophile, or brutal rapist--he still has the right to try to avoid punishment and it's the sworn duty of a defense attorney to help him accomplish that."

I'm not objecting to that, but I'm not admiring it either.


This is the part of our Justice system that I just don't understand:eek::furious:
No one anywhere,anytime has seemed to want to address Caylee's paternity. Some big secret. Not that JB is wanting to know more about JG status as far as paternity, maybe something will come out about this big "secret" in this case.

I dont think its a big secret:) I dont think KC actually knows who the fathers is:) I know someone who also got a around so to speak and her son is 14 yrs old now and she still doesnt have a clue who the father is:) So its very possible KC doesnt know either:)But who knows:)
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