Italy’s Highest Appeals Court to Decide Amanda Knox’s Fate

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"Once you step away from the PR spin, the evidence is there. You may just need to sift through a lot of nonsense to get to it."

I didn't get my info from the news, I got mine from the trial reports (translated of course). There is no evidence that there was any other killer than Guede. (modsnip) The so called murder knife found in RS knife drawer didn't match the bloody knife imprint in the bedding nor match the injuries to poor MK. It was truly a simple case--a career burglar with a penchant for knives decides to kill and rape a lady in the home he was burglarizing.
What really convinced me that AK was innocent, what really put the nail in the coffin for me aside from the lack of evidence, was the fact that she was told she was HIV positive so that she would reveal her sexual partners.
Now, think about that for a second. Why else would they have done that to her other than she was being railroaded? What kind of doctor would do that to her? And who would have the power to command a doctor to do that? And how did that list of sexual partners end up in the media?
My opinion is that Mignini completely and purposefully fabricated this entire story and he used his power to get others to fit the evidence to that story.
I really hope the report for the reasoning behind this latest decision exposes him for the evil that he is.
Her criminal record says that she is a criminal. Nothing will ever change that. 8 Years of trials, 5 prosecutors, and 35 judges found her guilty. This was all wiped away in a few hours by a panel of 5 SC judges. That is insane. Neither side will ever accept the motivations behind this verdict, so don't tell me they proved their innocence. There is plenty of evidence to figure out who the 2 people were that together with Guede committed this crime. There is no judgement system in the world that always gets it right. This was clearly a miscarriage of justice politically motivated. 50% on this board is happy with this verdict, and 50% thinks they got away with murder. If we could just please stop insulting everyone that has a different opinion and accept that opinions on this case will always be divided then we could all just live happily ever after. That is all there is to it. JMO.

1. does it somehow make people feel better to call amanda a criminal? this occurs repeatedly in the casey anthony forum too. why? i don't get it.
2. why is an annulment insane? are all other instances of overturned wrongful convictions insane too? ( )
3. can you point out a source for this 50/50 determintation? i see one poll and it's not a 50/50 split...
4. isn't it hypocritical to suggest innocence supporters ought to accept the opinion of those who believe otherwise when those who believe in guilt continually comment that amanda and raffaele ARE guilty, and why?
"Once you step away from the PR spin, the evidence is there. You may just need to sift through a lot of nonsense to get to it."

that is a blog/opinion piece that uses a well-known (and full of errors) guilt site as part of her "evidence"... a site this forum has been instructed to not link to for facts. her other sources include other blogs (opinion), online tabloids and what not. hardly an unbiased and credible piece of journalism lol
1. does it somehow make people feel better to call amanda a criminal? this occurs repeatedly in the casey anthony forum too. why? i don't get it.
2. why is an annulment insane? are all other instances of overturned wrongful convictions insane too? ( )
3. can you point out a source for this 50/50 determintation? i see one poll and it's not a 50/50 split...
4. isn't it hypocritical to suggest innocence supporters ought to accept the opinion of those who believe otherwise when those who believe in guilt continually comment that amanda and raffaele ARE guilty, and why?
1. because she is and some seem to forget that
2. what wrongful conviction?
3. I know such polls swing with verdicts. I was just giving an estimate based on the latest poll. Most thought she is guilty. Take any other number if you like. It wasn't the point anyway.
4. never said that
You are aware that all of that was debunked, right? That the only bloody prints were from Rude Guede. Remember the prosecutions early claims that AK and RS bought bleach and cleaned up their DNA and left Guede's DNA? Scientifically impossible of course. Remember the bleach purchase claims that were proven to be lies by the store owner?
There was one killer, and that killer was Guede. A single man can cut a woman's throat, stab her again and again, the rape her dead body.
Guede is the psychopath, I don't understand how people can just forget he exists. He is out during the day now, and can murder again.

Rape of the dead body?

I believe they found his dna inside her, ruled out semen, and said that sexual activity was before death. It makes it hard to believe you've looked at this in enough detail if you can be so sure who committed the crime but don't know exactly which crimes have been committed.
Obvious outcome for Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito: Acquitted for not having committed the fact by Frank Sfarzo - Five Cassation judges were not fooled by pushers, tramps, words and conjectures

English translation of new Judge Hellmann interview -

Thank you for posting these MUST READS!

From the Hellmann interview:

"Question: The only one now to have been convicted for the murder…

Hellmann: And above all else the only one who really knows what happened that night in via della Pergola and who was with him, if there was anyone [with him]. We tried to make him say something but when he came to our courtroom, when asked the precise question of whether he recognized Amanda and Raffaele he responded vaguely that he had always thought that they were the murderers. And it always surprised me the respect that he was given despite being the only one whose presence at the scene of the crime was not in question."

Rape of the dead body?

I believe they found his dna inside her, ruled out semen, and said that sexual activity was before death. It makes it hard to believe you've looked at this in enough detail if you can be so sure who committed the crime but don't know exactly which crimes have been committed.
Funny thing is that Guede's bloody hand print is on the pillow and it would certainly have shown had he touched her with blood on his hands. There is no evidence of that. Same for the bloody shoe prints on the pillow. Nowhere are they near the pillow. So whoever put the pillow under Meredith did not have blood on his shoes. That is just one of the many things that show the crime scene was altered and changed by somebody else then Guede.
I don't want to get into rehashing the evidence but the rape was post mortem.

Here is Professor Vinci's report concerning the semen stain translated to English. The stain is right between her legs.

If you listen to the BBC 4 documentary from last year you will hear Prosecutor Costagliola admit it was semen. Starts @ 4.15

If you read the testimony of prosecution expert Professor Mauro Bacci, he testifies she was anally penetrated.

If you read the Supreme Court report from 2008 available in English at TMOMK site it says there was anal dilation of 3cm which is significant.

If you listen to this youtube video you hear prosecution DNA 'expert' talk about urgent testing of presumed seminal fluid on November 3, 2007.

There was aspirated blood on her bra and breasts meaning the bra was removed as she was coughing up blood from the knife wound. She was stripped and then sexually assaulted.
Rape of the dead body?

I believe they found his dna inside her, ruled out semen, and said that sexual activity was before death. It makes it hard to believe you've looked at this in enough detail if you can be so sure who committed the crime but don't know exactly which crimes have been committed.

Didn't you read the case? It was semen, and she was raped while nearly dead or actually dead. There is no way to determine if the victim is alive during the entire ordeal. He broke into her home, murdered and raped her, stole some objects, and left. It's all in the case reports. It is a simple case, why do you want to make it some sort of massive conspiracy? By the way, did you believe Guede to be some sort of angel?
The thread is about the recent ruling. Please stay on topic. We are not going to rehash evidence as it leads to circular arguments, snarky comments, and offensive remarks toward others. No one is going to change their minds at this point and that is not the premise of this thread.

Friendly reminder: Comments should be about the content of posts, not about the person who posted. And comments and replies should be respectful of the other person's point of view, even when we vehemently disagree!
The thread is about the recent ruling. Please stay on topic. We are not going to rehash evidence as it leads to circular arguments, snarky comments, and offensive remarks toward others. No one is going to change their minds at this point and that is not the premise of this thread.

Friendly reminder: Comments should be about the content of posts, not about the person who posted. And comments and replies should be respectful of the other person's point of view, even when we vehemently disagree!

Hi there! I edited my post and wanted you to read it before I posted it and I can not send you a pm because your box is full! Ill keep trying before I repost anything on that last post .
The above is why we have voir dire in the U.S.

The quote that you quoted reminded me exactly of the court scene in the movie, Idiocracy and how I hope to never be on a jury with someone that honestly thinks like that.

"Prosecutor: 'Kay. Number one your honor, just look at him. And B, we've got all this, like, evidence, of how, like, this guy didn't even pay at the hospital. And I heard that he doesn't even have his tattoo."
This is only a google translation but Raffaele's attorney said it's for Rudy Guede to tell the Kerchers the truth.

Meredith murder: "Rudy Guede Kercher should tell the truth of the facts"à-dei-fatti”

Luca Maori, the defender of Raffaele Sollecito, invites the only sentenced to talk

"The murder of Meredith took place only at the hands of Rudy Guede who is serving a very low, it is he who has to know the Kercher family the truth of the facts." The said lawyer Luca Maori, who defended Raffaele Sollecito with Giulia Bongiorno, during the American Conference convened press after the ruling of the Supreme Court and that sparked comments also heavy on the European and US media.

For its part, the lawyer Bongiorno said: "We will evaluate instances relatively the unjust detention, but there are no feelings of revenge in the soul of Raphael. We do not seek revenge toward judges who did wrong." "E'sbagliato think we're going to whip the judges. The civil and warrants is a very serious institution, should not be exercised in a spirit of revenge, there are state initiatives of this kind." "At present there are no initiatives for action in tort against judges."

"I thank the judges who believed in me because I have restored dignity but my soul will remain marked for life and this wound will not heal because never too deep in my heart. " He said Raffaele Sollecito, acquitted by the Supreme Court for the murder of Meredith Kercher. "My family and my life have been torn apart" from "trumped-up charges, even if the facts were very clear since a few months after my arrest," added Sollecito, stressing: "Even if the system finally worked , 7 years and 5 months for an outcome that was known for years are too many. An infinite time when you suffer and you live in a tragedy of hell. "

"The acquittal of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito by the Supreme Court? It is not just satisfaction for the implicit recognition of the validity of the judgment delivered at the time by the court that presided, but it is mainly the end of a great suffering. For three and half years I have suffered the fate of two guys who I thought innocent and that were likely to serve a sentence for a tough crime they did not commit. " He told the Republic, Claudio Pratillo Hellmann, 72, in 2011 presided over the Court of Appeal of Perugia that acquitted Amanda and Raffaele, and since then, and 'retired.

Pratillo Hellmann explains how "I was practically forced" to leave the judiciary. "Our decision was met with reactions of anger. I still remember the whistles and screams of a claque that had gathered on the evening of the verdict in court. From the day I was surrounded by hostility 'growing. In the bars of Perugia they said that I had sold to the Americans, who had succumbed to the pressures of the CIA. " "Tall Tales, of course, but - continues - what struck me most of lynching defamatory lasted for years was the reaction of fellow judges. Almost everyone I removed the greeting. In particular those who for various reasons had been involved in the affair. I realized - he continued - that one of my Court was a lone voice in a court where all judges, from the preliminary hearing judge to get to those of various review investigations, while criticizing the investigation, had endorsed the prosecution. In I was more in the predicate for the President of the Court and of course the charge was assigned to another colleague definitely worthy but some suspect that it was a retaliation came to me. Six months after the judgment so I decided to retire. "
The thread is about the recent ruling. Please stay on topic. We are not going to rehash evidence as it leads to circular arguments, snarky comments, and offensive remarks toward others. No one is going to change their minds at this point and that is not the premise of this thread.

Friendly reminder: Comments should be about the content of posts, not about the person who posted. And comments and replies should be respectful of the other person's point of view, even when we vehemently disagree!

:goodpost: Of all the threads I've been in, this one is the most polarized. I consider myself to be in the "fence sitter" group - not sure about guilt or involvement, but if on a jury would not convict. As such, disappointed in the system that failed both Meredith and Amanda
I honestly believed Rafelle and AManda to be involved and if they are not, then I was wrong. I can admit it if that is the case. I still have questions though.
Were there cell phones turned off that night or not?
Were they not seen buying cleaning supplies and possibly even carrying a mop or something to clean up water at Rafaelles apartment? Theres others but will leave these for now.
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