Italy’s Highest Appeals Court to Decide Amanda Knox’s Fate

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Palm reading?? Are you saying that no one has the ability to detect deception? Based on your argument anyone could be totally helpless when dealing with a con man? As no one would know the difference between a deceptive person vs. an honest person! IMO..this is ridiculous!
Only when it is about Knox of course. It is a bit of a cult thing ;)
Meredith was killed by Rudy and his invisible friends.
Two of them to be exact. Established by multiple SC rulings. Including this latest one. Two friends that had a reason to stage the crime scene, cleanup, stage a break in, had similar feet as Knox and Sollecito that left multiple bloody footprints. Could have been anyone really.
She is not a criminal if she was given an unfair trial. She was being interrogated in a language which she was not all that fluent in. Who knows what she actually said. The whole trial was a farce. Yet Rude Guede's trial was well orchastrated with true DNA evidence, his arrests for second story burglaries and attacking another person with a knife. There was no doubt of his guilt.
So Italy's justice system isn't completely bonkers and out of the Dark Ages.
Oh now it is unfair again. Confusing. Sorry, but the conviction is final and therefore a fact and of course that makes her a criminal. I don't think we are supposed to discuss the evidence in this thread, but Guede was eventually convicted for fencing, not for any burglaries.
Oh now it is unfair again. Confusing. Sorry, but the conviction is final and therefore a fact and of course that makes her a criminal. I don't think we are supposed to discuss the evidence in this thread, but Guede was eventually convicted for fencing, not for any burglaries.

She is not a criminal. She was exonerated. She is done and it is over with. Each time the court found her guilty a higher court reviewed them and found her not guilty. That means the lower court was in error.
She has that stupid issue with the police to figure out but she is not a criminal. RG did this and will pay a price. I think he should have been in jail much much longer.
Two of them to be exact. Established by multiple SC rulings. Including this latest one. Two friends that had a reason to stage the crime scene, cleanup, stage a break in, had similar feet as Knox and Sollecito that left multiple bloody footprints. Could have been anyone really.

Yes. Human feet all look the same.
Oh now it is unfair again. Confusing. Sorry, but the conviction is final and therefore a fact and of course that makes her a criminal. I don't think we are supposed to discuss the evidence in this thread, but Guede was eventually convicted for fencing, not for any burglaries.

She is not a criminal.

She is a woman who was wrongfully convicted of a crime she didn't commit.
Two of them to be exact. Established by multiple SC rulings. Including this latest one. Two friends that had a reason to stage the crime scene, cleanup, stage a break in, had similar feet as Knox and Sollecito that left multiple bloody footprints. Could have been anyone really.

those are some odd looking feet lol


The legal "fact" that Guede did not act alone was established in a trial where both sides had reasons to support that idea. The prosecution wanted to convict RS and AK for the same crime and the defense wanted others to share the guilt.

The evidence to support this was flimsy at best. Claims that Meredith's self defense training would have protected her against a larger athletic man armed with a knife. A claim that two knives were used when in fact her wounds are consistent with one knife matching the bloody outline found on her bed.

The evidence in this case is entirely consistent with Rudy Guede acting alone.

Unfortunately, there is a great deal about Rudy Guede's trials that is not known. According to Nina Burleigh, his trial records are sealed.

The reports from his trials can be found here.

It's important to remember, though, that no one with standing at RG's trials had any interest in NOT arguing that there were multiple attackers. The prosecution, who still had AK and RS scheduled for trial, wanted to keep them in the story. RG, regardless of the truth, would be happy to share the blame for the murder with others.

That was Rudy's fast track trial where neither Rafaelle nor Amanda had legal representation. This emerged as a "judicial fact". So now, Rudy killed Meredith aided and abetted by person or persons unknown which were not Rafaelle nor Amanda.


Thank you all for your explanations!


Rudy Guede was rewarded with a shortening of his sentence for pointing the finger at Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito.
It took seven years to set the record straight, through annulment.

And Amanada Knox was convicted to 3 years 11 days for implicating Patrick Lumumba.
He was exonerated after two weeks.

The Guardian:

Knox’s claim – which Italian prosecutors alleged was intended to direct suspicion away from herself – was later proved to be false and Knox was given a three-year sentence for it. She has since admitted to struggling with guilt over the false accusation.

But Lumumba, (....) said his life and business were ruined by the allegation ...

IMHO that would mean at least three extra years for Guede too ..... his allegations ruined the lives of both AK and RS. But somehow this guy is out on day parole and studying for a degree in history.

It's a strange world....


I trust we have not heard the last of it.
Anyone have any idea how much compensation RS and AK could be awarded for wrongful imprisonment?
I can see it in her eyes. She has creepy eyes and mannerisms. Also whenever she gives her public speeches, interviews, or whatever - you can tell she is faking and lying through the whole thing. She has no real empathy, so she has to fake it. She does not care about Meredith and does not feel sad that she died or the horrific way she died. That's why she has to fake those emotions. Whenever someone has to fake emotions people would normally feel, that is not normal in my opinion.

The above is why we have voir dire in the U.S.
Yes, of course I realize this. And the fact that supporters of Amanda STILL deny that there is one eensy beensy iota of strangeness about her, even after she is declared FREE and can never be charged for this murder again, is frankly strange to me.

I don't think anyone in the recesses of their mind can deny that she looks as though she is lying in front of cameras. And faking. And acting.

I am well aware that she is free now, but the question is - are her supporters aware of this?

You do know that TV gives a very distorted view of its subjects, yes? Actors and newscasters actually go to school to LEARN to look "natural" on camera. Yes, some people are naturally telegenic, but most people are not. Judging anyone by how s/he appears on camera is absurd.
Yes, of course I realize this. And the fact that supporters of Amanda STILL deny that there is one eensy beensy iota of strangeness about her, even after she is declared FREE and can never be charged for this murder again, is frankly strange to me.

I don't think anyone in the recesses of their mind can deny that she looks as though she is lying in front of cameras. And faking. And acting.

I am well aware that she is free now, but the question is - are her supporters aware of this?

Have you ever been interviewed on camera? It is paralyzing. It can be so nerve wracking and painful.
There is a reason some people go into public speaking and some don't.
Some people like to keep things completely private.
She does not look like she is faking to me, She looks petrified and like she is afraid to say the wrong thing.
Is she weird? Maybe.. A nerd? Maybe.. That is not a crime. She did not ask to be famous. My guess is she just wants it finally all to go away.
Her criminal record says that she is a criminal. Nothing will ever change that. 8 Years of trials, 5 prosecutors, and 35 judges found her guilty. This was all wiped away in a few hours by a panel of 5 SC judges. That is insane. Neither side will ever accept the motivations behind this verdict, so don't tell me they proved their innocence. There is plenty of evidence to figure out who the 2 people were that together with Guede committed this crime. There is no judgement system in the world that always gets it right. This was clearly a miscarriage of justice politically motivated. 50% on this board is happy with this verdict, and 50% thinks they got away with murder. If we could just please stop insulting everyone that has a different opinion and accept that opinions on this case will always be divided then we could all just live happily ever after. That is all there is to it. JMO.
Two of them to be exact. Established by multiple SC rulings. Including this latest one. Two friends that had a reason to stage the crime scene, cleanup, stage a break in, had similar feet as Knox and Sollecito that left multiple bloody footprints. Could have been anyone really.

You are aware that all of that was debunked, right? That the only bloody prints were from Rude Guede. Remember the prosecutions early claims that AK and RS bought bleach and cleaned up their DNA and left Guede's DNA? Scientifically impossible of course. Remember the bleach purchase claims that were proven to be lies by the store owner?
There was one killer, and that killer was Guede. A single man can cut a woman's throat, stab her again and again, the rape her dead body.
Guede is the psychopath, I don't understand how people can just forget he exists. He is out during the day now, and can murder again.
All the evidence proves the murderer was Guede. I am pleased that justice was served and innocent people were exonerated. I don't understand why people are not outraged at the murderer's short sentence and that he is able to leave the prison during the days. That is the outragous part of this story, MK's killer RG (proven by DNA and other overwhelming evidence) is allowed to have day leave!
All the evidence proves the murderer was Guede. I am pleased that justice was served and innocent people were exonerated. I don't understand why people are not outraged at the murderer's short sentence and that he is able to leave the prison during the days. That is the outragous part of this story, MK's killer RG (proven by DNA and other overwhelming evidence) is allowed to have day leave!

The other outrageous part of this story, is the question of why this all happened .. why did the prosecutor minimise Guede's involvement, what was the motivation behind that? What were they hiding .. interesting discussion about RG starting here:
You are aware that all of that was debunked, right? That the only bloody prints were from Rude Guede. Remember the prosecutions early claims that AK and RS bought bleach and cleaned up their DNA and left Guede's DNA? Scientifically impossible of course. Remember the bleach purchase claims that were proven to be lies by the store owner?
There was one killer, and that killer was Guede. A single man can cut a woman's throat, stab her again and again, the rape her dead body.
Guede is the psychopath, I don't understand how people can just forget he exists. He is out during the day now, and can murder again.
"Once you step away from the PR spin, the evidence is there. You may just need to sift through a lot of nonsense to get to it."
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