Italy’s Highest Appeals Court to Decide Amanda Knox’s Fate

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No, I think she was psychologically messed up even before she got to Perugia. She has some mental/emotional issues going on.

Based on what? Everything you know about her was from after the events at Perugia, not before. You are not in a position to comment on what she was like before because you don't know.
That's not true. The sentence was 30 years, reduced to 24 when Knox and Sollicito were sentenced to 24 years, then there was a 1/3 reduction, resulting in a 16 and 2/3 years sentence. With good behaviour, he'll be on day parole after completing half the sentence.

Candace Dempsey: Rudy’s eagerness to pin his alleged co-conspirators to the scene helped him get his sentence reduced from 30 to 16 years upon appeal.

Nina Burleigh: Guede’s first known comments on the case came in a police-monitored Skype conversation with a Perugia pal while he was still in Germany, in which he said that Knox had “nothing to do with it.” By the time Guede stood before an appeals judge two years later, trying to get his sentence reduced, his story had changed: He said he heard Knox arguing with Kercher over money the night of the murder. “She orchestrated it all,” his lawyer said of Knox, “for sex.” Guede’s prison sentence was halved after that appearance.

**Dempsey and Burleigh know this case inside and out, having both authored books on the subject.
My point actually and I shoudve said it this way, was only that they have a different form and it isn't called a plea deal. Anyways the whole point of the post was only that RG was not offered a less sentence as part of a plea deal. He took a fast track option that is afforded to all in his situation.

although there was no official plea deal on the books it seems at least two respected authors (see my post above this one) have acquired information on and illuminated the hushed truth about RG's shortened sentence.
Rudy Guede was sentenced to 30 years. On appeal, it was reduced to 24. Because he chose the 'fast track' trial option, the Italian system reduces the sentence by 1/3. His sentencing had absolutely nothing to do with the trials of AK or RS.

IMO, AK got away with the crime. She has expressed no sympathy to the Kercher Family for their loss nor remorse or any attempt at court ordered restitution to Patrick Lumumba. AK wrote a book and received MILLIONS$$ about a night she professed no memory of in police questioning and court testimony.
She hasn't paid anything to Lumumba because that case is being appealed to the ECHR. You don't pay out court ordered compensation while you're still appealing the case.
Funny that suddenly a favorable decision of a 'totally corrupt justice system' is supposed to be proof of their innocence. The evidence was enough for 2 guilty verdicts after all. It makes no sense the Supreme Court first overthrows an acquittal, gives guidelines with a guilty verdict as a result, then the same SC suddenly overthrows 2 guilty verdicts at once including the one that followed their own guidelines. The only thing that changed in recent years is that the discussion moved to the extradition issue. In other words, it became political. This verdict has nothing to do with the evidence, or justice. Politics took over. Sad. JMO.
Much ado about nothing ...........

Much ado about a bunch of Italians clinging to their jobs and reputations, at the cost of injustice, and the media selling a supposed sex scandal. Nothing new.
Funny that suddenly a favorable decision of a 'totally corrupt justice system' is supposed to be proof of their innocence. The evidence was enough for 2 guilty verdicts after all. It makes no sense the Supreme Court first overthrows an acquittal, gives guidelines with a guilty verdict as a result, then the same SC suddenly overthrows 2 guilty verdicts at once including the one that followed their own guidelines. The only thing that changed in recent years is that the discussion moved to the extradition issue. In other words, it became political. This verdict has nothing to do with the evidence, or justice. Politics took over. Sad. JMO.

I have always been on the fence about this case. Still am. However, I totally agree with your post -- BBM.
She's weird? That is exactly what has been wrong with this case from day 1. Weird?? Who gets to choose who is and isn't weird?

It's an old trick of the tabloid press. Tell people that a person is odd and let confirmation bias do the rest.
Ok, I did my own research into why Rudy Guede's sentence was only 16 years. Yes he did get 1/3 of the original sentence shaved off for opting for the fast track trial...his initial sentence was a life sentence. The 1/3 reduction brought it down to 30 years.

He then appealed the sentence, and the judge changed the life sentence to a 24 year sentence, citing mitigating factors. One of the mitigating factors was his willingness to implicate the others. The 1/3 reduction brought it down to only 16 years.

In effect, his saying AK and RS were involved took his shortened sentence from 30 years to 16.

I am not defending RG here but..
Those mitigating factors were the same ones used for sentencing AK and RS. RG is younger than RS and barely older than AK. Used to they would always be described as kids, while RG was the drifter/drug dealer by the American press. The fact is at the time of the killing he had no criminal record and was young, so after they were sentenced it makes sense that his sentence should match there's. I do disagree and wish he were in prison for life but the Italians are very forgiving and their system centers around rehabilitation.

Here's an article quoting Maresca, the Kerchers attorney he knows the case inside and out much more so then 2 very biased authors who wrote books.
The appeal court had reduced Guede's sentence to 24 years and cut one-third off as is custom when defendants opt for a fast-track trial, said Francesco Maresca, a lawyer representing Kercher's family, who argued for the original sentence to be left unchanged.

"Twenty-four years would be in line with the sentences given to Knox and Sollecito," he said. "They each got an extra year for simulating a burglary at the scene and Knox got a further year for falsely blaming a local barman for the murder."
Their peace should not be Amanda's responsibility.

I agree with you fully IF she is innocent.
I don't know what to think. If she is truly innocent then this is the end to a nightmare for her and her family.
If she is guilty.... yikes!
We will likely never know unless she confesses one day or the actual perp confesses one day.
I agree with you fully IF she is innocent.
I don't know what to think. If she is truly innocent then this is the end to a nightmare for her and her family.
If she is guilty.... yikes!
We will likely never know unless she confesses one day or the actual perp confesses one day.

The nightmare is not totally over. I think there are still pending civil lawsuits by the police for saying that they slapped her on the back of the head during questioning. And there is the possibility that the Kercher family will sue her also for whatever passes for a wronful death civil suit in Italy.

As for her innocence (and that of Rafaelle), if you just follow the evidence from the crime scene, you can be reasonably certain that neither Rafaelle nor Amanda were involved. That has been the conclusion of every independent analyst that has any type of investigative training that I have read about.

Also, she's just weird. I don't know why so hard for people to admit that. Especially now when she can't go to prison.

Saw her last night on the news addressing the press. Seemed normal to me.
Rudy Guede was sentenced to 30 years. On appeal, it was reduced to 24. Because he chose the 'fast track' trial option, the Italian system reduces the sentence by 1/3. His sentencing had absolutely nothing to do with the trials of AK or RS.

IMO, AK got away with the crime. She has expressed no sympathy to the Kercher Family for their loss nor remorse or any attempt at court ordered restitution to Patrick Lumumba. AK wrote a book and received MILLIONS$$ about a night she professed no memory of in police questioning and court testimony.

Actually she wrote a book about being imprisoned in a Italian prison for a crime she didn't commit.
I agree with you fully IF she is innocent.
I don't know what to think. If she is truly innocent then this is the end to a nightmare for her and her family.
If she is guilty.... yikes!
We will likely never know unless she confesses one day or the actual perp confesses one day.

The "actual perp" is in prison. He was convicted because his DNA was found on, around, and inside the victim. His bloody handprints and footprints were found, his feces were in the victim's bathroom, and he chose the "fast track" so he could get a lesser sentence. He also had a record for second story burglaries and he threatened his robbery victims with a knife.
They have the murderer.
I agree with you fully IF she is innocent.
I don't know what to think. If she is truly innocent then this is the end to a nightmare for her and her family.
If she is guilty.... yikes!
We will likely never know unless she confesses one day or the actual perp confesses one day.

I would say that RG confesses at some point down the road. The only problem with that is there is likely another perp walking free, that he may or may not want to rat out. At one point in time it was said there were up to 5 suspects in this murder.
I really hope the Kerchers can get the truth. I think the only chance they have is if RG talks. JMO
I would say that RG confesses at some point down the road. The only problem with that is there is likely another perp walking free, that he may or may not want to rat out. At one point in time it was said there were up to 5 suspects in this murder.
I really hope the Kerchers can get the truth. I think the only chance they have is if RG talks. JMO

IMO, Guede is a lying sociopath who will never tell the truth. He will tell whatever tale seems most advantageous to him at any given time.
IMO, Guede is a lying sociopath who will never tell the truth. He will tell whatever tale seems most advantageous to him at any given time.

True, but $$$ talks. And I expect someone to offer him an interview if he is willing and able to expose some of the corruption.
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