Italy - Prato, WhtFem, hanged, maps of Vancouver & Copenhagen, 13 Nov 2007

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Thanks @branmuffin, that's a much more coherent translation. At least I think so, as I don't speak Italian. But I still got a chuckle out of this line: "Three days in which doctors and computer experts confronted each other on a difficult subject, free software."

I'm wondering if Henrik Eis and his address/writing is maybe from someone she, or someone else, sat next to on a flight or at an airport who gave her the copy of Scientific American. I agree that the handwriting is distinctly different from the other samples.

The chemical structures picture must be from the molecular Lego article. It appears to show synthetic peptide components based on proline. Given her apparent affection for Niels Bohr, it's oddly prescient that the same article refers to Fraser Stoddart, who went on to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry nine years after the UID was found.
I'm wondering about the picture of our Doe's belongings. There's a photo of a comb, a hair band with a black and white animal print and white sunglasses made by Vunetic which introduced the 'click' form of reading and sunglasses. Click glasses came apart at the bridge held together by a magnet, which might have something to do with the alarming translation description as 'terrifying' when they may mean 'terrific' or unusual. What interests me is what these items are resting on. It's one of those takeout polystyrene boxes for food. The report did mention she was found with food.

Was the food partially eaten or not at all? Suicides do have some strange rituals they engage in when deciding to cut the cord. They play music, eat chocolates, have a favourite book on hand, etc. Is it because they are finally okay with their decision and having familiar and favourite things around makes the transition easier? She was in Italy, so I'd like to know what she was eating.

Another thing I was thinking about is the conversation we've had previously about the word 'love' written as 'lowe' and the fact she also wrote 'wave' as 'wawe'. Is it possible this woman is Polish? I was reading that the Polish alphabet has 32 letters unlike the Latin alphabet with only a measly 26. What letter they don't have though, is the "V". The 'v' sound is written as 'w'. So names like Pawel and Wassily are pronounced as Pavel and Vassily.

Polish alphabet - Wikipedia.
What's a bit bothering me that there is besides all the stuff she had with her not many on her personal description (at least as far that I could find)

Found: November 13th 2007, at 8:30, Via Cavagliano, Prato, Italy
COD: suicide by hanging
Sex: Female
Race: White/Caucasian
Age: estimated between 55 - 60 approx (born between 1947 and 1952)
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Hair color: blonde (natural? dyed?)
Eye color: N/A
Distinctive Physical Features: N/A
Had given birth: N/A
Clothing and footwear: as described above and seen in the pictures, shoes (particular model) leading back to Poland, woolen coat, a particular model.
  • Purse or bag: she had one, but no description, no picture
  • Hairband: in bag; fury, black and white, leopard print
  • Sunglasses in bag: white with tiger-colored large bows
  • Comb: red
Jewelry: N/A

Here is a picture of her purse.

Trovata impiccata a Prato: chi era?
Does somebody recognize the tag?

Warning post mortem picture, frontal
Trovata impiccata a Prato: chi era?

Looking at it, I still can't figure out what the color of her eyes was. Her pupils seem to be
dilated a lot. Is there some blue-ish around it?

Her hair is more like a mix of colors blond, reddish, honey and darker at the roots. I think it was dyed that way and her natural hair was darker. Thoughts?

Two things I’ve noticed:

1. The FOSS4g2007 convention had a website link to Flickr photos from the event. There doesn’t seem to be a large amount of women there, so if this lady had attended the convention I’m sure a few of the men who attended might remember. Not sure if I can post the link here for the photos.

2. on the piece of paper that had the article written by Richard E. Fitzpatrick, the bottom sentence starts to explain how vaporization could help with chronic actinic cheilitis. In one of her post mortem photos she does seem to have a sore on her bottom lip. That had me thinking that maybe she was looking deeply into it for a cure and/or research, among the other unconnected pages she had on her.
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Two things I’ve noticed:

1. The FOSS4g2007 convention had a website link to Flickr photos from the event. There doesn’t seem to be a large amount of women there, so if this lady had attended the convention I’m sure a few of the men who attended might remember. Not sure if I can post the link here for the photos.

2. on the piece of paper that had the article written by Richard E. Fitzpatrick, the bottom sentence starts to explain how vaporization could help with chronic actinic cheilitis. In one of her post mortem photos she does seem to have a sore on her bottom lip. That had me thinking that maybe she was looking deeply into it for a cure and/or research, among the other unconnected pages she had on her.

Hi and welcome @miss_justice. Interesting notice. I had to look up what chronic actinic cheilitis is.

The purpose of this brief report is to call attention to a chronic inflammatory disorder of the lip, due apparently to the actinic or chemically active rays of sunlight. In a review of available literature and of current textbooks on diseases of the skin, no mention could be found of sunlight playing an etiologic rôle in chronic cheilitis. Montgomery and Culver1 mention "the scurfy, scaly lip of the outdoor worker," as seen especially in the hot, dry interior regions of California, but they apparently attribute the effect to "wind and weather," without any specific mention of chemically active light. Dry heat and wind no doubt do cause a drying and an eczematous condition of the lips, just as it may affect the skin. That sunlight may exert a very pronounced effect on the lips is a matter of common observation to many city folk etc.

I just this decease that bad that you would travel all over the world to find a cure for yourself? Could it had driven her to suicide....for me it's hard to believe that, but I'm not familiar with it. There is a lot of literature on the subject of curing this f.i. Europe PMC Indeed laser treatment is used. Or could there be "a bigger picture"/could she have another reason/passion for curing this disease.
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Two things I’ve noticed:

1. The FOSS4g2007 convention had a website link to Flickr photos from the event. There doesn’t seem to be a large amount of women there, so if this lady had attended the convention I’m sure a few of the men who attended might remember. Not sure if I can post the link here for the photos.

2. on the piece of paper that had the article written by Richard E. Fitzpatrick, the bottom sentence starts to explain how vaporization could help with chronic actinic cheilitis. In one of her post mortem photos she does seem to have a sore on her bottom lip. That had me thinking that maybe she was looking deeply into it for a cure and/or research, among the other unconnected pages she had on her.
@miss_justice, welcome and thanks for your suggestions. The actinic cheilitis suggestion is especially intriguing.

There were one or two people that maybe kind of looked like the UID in the Flickr photos, although they were likely younger. I went through the FOSS4G and Laser Fluorescence info again and lasers seem about the only common technology. Software seemed far less prominent as a topic at the Florence conference. I couldn't find a list of exhibitors there to compare to FOSS4G but I did find a trip report listing the talks.
The exhibitors at FOSS4G are here: FOSS4G 2007 : Exhibition

There are also select proceedings papers available from Laser Florence through the SPIE but I didn't see any specifically on actinic cheilitis. There isn't evidence that the UID actually was there for, and attended, the Laser Florence conference, it's just speculation based on the pieces of articles, dates, and notes found with her. In fact it's not conclusive that she attended FOSS4G either, but it matches the dates on the map written next to the conference center plus the map of Vancouver Island would suggest she obtained it there in person.

This is such a fascinating case with international clues. It's hard to believe someone who had strong connections to the technology community wouldn't have been missed by their colleagues. Maybe this was a freelance science journalist with fewer ties to those worlds?

ETA The Laser Florence agenda is also listed here. I'm an SPIE member and can probably dig much deeper into this if someone wanted.
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After being away from it for quite a few years, I thought I'd just check if there was any news about this mystery lady and so to my delight, googling "henrik" and "eis", I found this forum.

I read about the hanged lady in Danish media back when the story was originally published here. Naturally I was intrigued, so I did some research and found a few interesting facts which I shared with a Danish journalist, but evidently he also was not able to take it any further, though he agreed that the photo of a woman I found in a brochure concerning medical laser devices was probably identical with the dead lady. I also contacted the RAI TV show to tell them what I believed I had found, but they never responded. I attach a ZIP archive with a PDF file and a web page I found back then.

What I found was:

1) Some connection with a laser clinic in a Copenhagen suburb named Ballerup (about 17km west of Copenhagen). I no longer remember what the exact connection was, but I think it was that the owner of the clinic also had the surname Eis (like Henrik Eis), a not terribly common Danish surname, and I think her -- I believe she was a woman -- other names sounded Chinese. I remember checking via Google Maps street view and finding that there was no longer a laser clinic at the address, but I did find other evidence on the web that there had been one until fairly recently.

2) By some process I no longer remember, I found the website of a Norwegian company that sold laser devices or had done so until recently. At the time they had switched to selling some other type of electrical or electronic device for which they also made all sorts of big health-related claims. I think this website had a list of vendors or clinics using their devices and that this was how I found the clinic listed under 1) above. ... As I check just now I find that this webpage is still online: . Back then they had a PDF online at: (mouse over too see the URL, the forum software hides part of it). It is no longer there, but I saved a copy which I have included in the ZIP archive. If you open the PDF and search for the following (without quotation marks): "Laser gav mod på livet", you will find a page with a couple of photos and this Danish text: (formatted as in the original except that it is in one column):

"Laser gav mod på livet

Kristian Petersen fra Helseklinikken i Løgstrup har
som en af de første fået en helt ny og mere effektiv

Af Finn Højbjerg

Kirsten Andersen fra
Viborg er en glad kvinde
i disse dage. Det er hun
fordi, hun kan gå og bev-
æge sig uden smerter og
stort set uden at være hæm-
met af de problemer, som
ind i mellem har gjort livet
surt for hende:
- For to måneder siden havde jeg så ondt i min hofte,
at jeg havde svært ved at gå og ligge på siden og ind
i mellem tudede jeg over smerterne. Men blot fire
behandlinger med laser har bevirket, at jeg stort set
kan alt nu.
Grunden til Kirsten Andersens smerter er slidgigt,
som for nogle år siden førte til, at hun måtte have
opereret en del af ryggen stiv. Siden har gigten også
givet problemer i skulder, hofte og en tå. Selv om
sygdommen har været en hård tørn, har hendes møde
med de forskellige aktører på sundhedsområdet
været en god oplevelse:
- Jeg har været igennem en veludført operation på
sygehuset, hvor kirurgen desuden virkelig har sat sig
ind i mine behov og har givet mig mange gode råd
og virkelig bakket op om mig. Siden oplevede jeg,
at motionscentret i Viborg Hallen har hjulpet mig
meget. Og de henviste mig til Kristian, da jeg fik
problemer og havde svært ved at gennemføre trænin-

Hurtigt og effektivt
Kristian hedder desuden Petersen, og er fra Løg-
strup. Her har han siden 1998, hvor han blev fær-
dig med sin uddannelse som akupunktør, drevet
Helseklinikken, hvor han ud over akupunktur og
såkaldt SUJOK-behandling i de sidste år har givet
behandlinger med laserlys. Han har netop anskaffet
sig en ny lasermaskine, som en af de første i Dan-
mark, der kan give behandlinger på et stort område
af kroppen, så behandlingen kan gennemføres rela-
tivt hurtigt og meget effektivt.
- Laseren fylder mere og
mere i mine behandlinger.
Til de mere enkle ting som
en forstuvet fod, kan laseren
stå helt alene, men ofte
kombinerer jeg den med
andre former for behan-
dling. Laseren har den helt
store fordel, at den kan
tilføre kroppen mere energi,
samtidig med at den stim-
ulerer kroppens naturlige evne til at skabe energi. På
den måde kan man sige, at jeg benytter den moderne
teknologi til at gøre gamle alternative behandlings-
metoder mere effektive.
Stor glæde
Kristian Petersen er glad for Kirsten Andersens
historie, fordi den viser, at der ofte er et godt samar-
bejde mellem forskellige behandlere:
- Der er ingen grund til, at jeg giver mig til at behan-
dle på noget, som jeg ved, at andre er eksperter i. På
samme måde synes jeg det etablerede sundhedssys-
tem mere og mere får øjnene op for, at det kan bruge
os til mange ting.
Kirsten Andersen, der har måttet opgive sit job som
lærer på Vestre Skole til fordel for en førtidspension,
har oplevet laserbehandlingerne som nærmest et
mirakel, der giver hende stor glæde ved livet.
- Jeg har det helt anderledes nu end for blot 14 dage
siden. Og det er dejligt, at jeg nu kan tage bussen til
Århus og gå tur og lege med mine børnebørn. Så jeg
er meget taknemmelig for den måde jeg er blevet
behandlet på i sundhedssystemet. Hver gang jeg har
fået problemer, har man fundet den rigtige løsning
- og det er altså værd at huske på."

Here follows a Google translation (I'll fix any serious mistakes in it later):

"Laser gave courage to life

Kristian Petersen from the Health Clinic in Løgstrup has
as one of the first got a brand new and more efficient
laser machine.

By Finn Højbjerg

Kirsten Andersen from
Viborg is a happy woman
in these days. It's her
because, she can go and
recover without pain and
largely without being
met of the problems that
in between has made life
sour for her:
- Two months ago I had so much pain in my hip,
that I had a hard time walking and lying on my side and in
in between I tooted over the pain. But just four
laser treatments have caused me to pretty much
can do everything now.
The reason for Kirsten Andersen's pain is osteoarthritis,
which a few years ago led to her having to
operated part of the back stiff. Since then, arthritis has too
given problems in shoulder, hip and a toe. Though
the disease has been a hard thorn, has her encounter
with the various actors in the field of health
been a good experience:
- I have been through a well-performed operation on
the hospital, where the surgeon has also really sat down
into my needs and has given me a lot of good advice
and really backed up about me. Since then, I experienced
that the gym in Viborg Hallen has helped me
much. And they referred me to Kristian when I got
problems and had difficulty completing training

Fast and efficient
Kristian is also called Petersen, and is from Løg-
strup. Here he has been since 1998, when he was
you with his training as an acupuncturist, driven
The health clinic, where he in addition to acupuncture and
so-called SUJOK treatment in recent years has provided
laser light treatments. He has just acquired
a new laser machine, as one of the first in Denmark
field that can provide treatments on a large area
of the body so that the treatment can be
fast and very efficient.
- The laser fills more and
more in my treatments.
For the simpler things like
a sprained foot, the laser can
stand all alone, but often
I combine it with
other forms of treatment
dling. The laser has it completely
great advantage that it can
add more energy to the body,
at the same time as the stimulus
elucidates the body's natural ability to create energy. On
that way you can say that I use the modern one
technology to make old alternative treatment
methods more effective.
Great happiness
Kristian Petersen is happy for Kirsten Andersens
history because it shows that there is often a good
work between different therapists:
- There's no reason for me to indulge in
dle on something that I know others are experts in. on
in the same way, I think the established health
tem more and more get their eyes open for it to use
us to many things.
Kirsten Andersen, who has had to give up her job as
teacher at Vestre Skole in favor of an early retirement pension,
have experienced the laser treatments as almost one
miracle that gives her great joy in life.
- I feel completely different now than for just 14 days
since. And it's nice that I can now take the bus
Aarhus and go for a walk and play with my grandchildren. So I
am very grateful for the way I have become
treated on in the health system. Every time I have
problems, the right solution has been found
- and so it's worth keeping in mind."

I Can see the quality of the translation isn't stellar, but never mind ... Take a look at the little lady in the photo, especially her face, height, style of clothing: isn't it the dead lady?


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The forum software garbles the URL to the brochure cited above. Here it is in easy pieces that hopefully won't get garbled (it's no longer online, but anyway):

"" + "Akeda%20Laser%20" + "Brosjyre%20b.pdf".

In the ZIP file included with my previous post I have also included a web page with the same text and photos as the above page from the PDF. The photos are a little larger there.

Here's an article from Politiken (25 Jan. 2007), a leading Danish newspaper. First in Danish:

"Mystisk kvindelig forbindes med Danmark
En hængt kvinde er endnu ikke blevet identificeret af de italienske myndigheder. Men sporene peger blandt andet på Danmark.

Af Lorens Juul Madsen
En kvinde, som 13. november blev fundet hængt i et oliventræ på en bakkeskråning uden for byen Prato i Toscana, er endnu ikke blevet identificeret af de italienske myndigheder.

Nogle af de effekter, som den afdøde kvinde havde på sig, kunne tyde på, at hun var dansk.

Kvinden, der menes at være 55-60 år gammel, beskrives som pæn og velplejet.

Kvindens frakke lå omhyggeligt sammenfoldet på jorden, og skoene, som var af polsk fabrikat, var helt nye, skriver avisen il Tirreno.

Håndtaske indeholder spor til Danmark
Kvindens sorte håndtaske indeholdt en række effekter, som sætter hende i forbindelse med Danmark, deriblandt et ikke udfyldt bagagemærke fra SAS, et kort over København og flere udklip fra danske ugeblade af artikler om den danske kongefamilie, herunder flere billeder af de kongelige forsynet med personlige notater på dansk i en sirlig håndskrift.

Tasken indeholdt også et kort over byen Victoria på Vancouver Island i Canada med en ring rundt om Victoria Conference Center og notatet »Conference 24-27 Sept«.

Italiensk togbillet
Notatet henviser til en konference om navigationssoftware, som blev holdt i byen sidste år.

Kvinden havde også et eksemplar af tidsskriftet Scientific American med oprettelse af et abonnement på vegne af en vis Henrik Eis på en postboksadresse i Arizona, USA.

En gratisavis fra 9. november tyder på, at kvinden havde været i Firenze. Tasken indeholdt også en italiensk togbillet med påskriften »time 13.15 Viareggio«.
På den italienske avis’ hjemmeside er der et link til tv-kanalen Rai Unos udsendelse om forsvundne personer, hvor alle kvindens ejendele kan ses. "

Now in Google's English translation:

Mysterious female is associated with Denmark
A hanged woman has not yet been identified by Italian authorities. But the traces point to Denmark, among other things.

By Lorens Juul Madsen
A woman who was found hanging from an olive tree on a hillside outside the town of Prato in Tuscany on November 13 has not yet been identified by Italian authorities.

Some of the effects that the deceased woman had on her could indicate that she was Danish.

The woman, who is believed to be 55-60 years old, is described as neat and well-groomed.

The woman's coat was carefully folded on the ground, and the shoes, which were of Polish make, were brand new, writes the newspaper il Tirreno.

Handbag contains traces to Denmark
The woman's black handbag contained a number of effects that put her in touch with Denmark, including an unfilled luggage tag from SAS, a map of Copenhagen and several clippings from Danish weekly magazines of articles about the Danish royal family, including several photos of the royals provided with personal notes in Danish in a neat handwriting.

The bag also contained a map of the city of Victoria on Vancouver Island in Canada with a ring around the Victoria Conference Center and the note 'Conference 24-27 Sept'.

Italian train ticket
The memo refers to a conference on navigation software held in the city last year.

The woman also had a copy of the journal Scientific American with the creation of a subscription on behalf of a certain Henrik Eis to a mailbox address in Arizona, USA.

A free newspaper from November 9 suggests that the woman had been in Florence. The bag also contained an Italian train ticket with the inscription 'hour 13.15 Viareggio'.

On the Italian newspaper's website, there is a link to the TV channel Rai Uno's broadcast about missing persons, where all the woman's belongings can be seen."

I include a saved copy of this Danish article and the Italian page with the woman's belongings.

I hope this is of some use.

Henry DK


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Here is a page with some info about the journalist Finn Højbjerg, who wrote the piece on Kirsten Andersen in the PDF: En historie der er værd at fortælle .

I remember that at the time I found this stuff I checked a list of missing persons but couldn't find anybody from the Viborg-area named Kirsten Andersen. I don't remember if I tried to contact Finn Højbjerg, but I think at the time I couldn't find his email address, otherwise I would almost certainly have done so.

What do you think? Is the lady in the brochure the same as the hanged lady? Even if this is the case, Kirsten Andersen (a very common Danish woman's name) may have been made up, but perhaps Mr Højbjerg would know.
@Henry T, thank you, this is fascinating information. It took a bit of work for me to find the picture. To save others some time, I'm uploading it here. I'll also add a warning to others that there are a number of other rather graphic skin wound pictures in the full pdf brochure.

I think there is indeed a resemblance. If she was the actual patient and a retired teacher as described, I'm unsure she would travel internationally to attend fairly technical conferences. But I'd love to hear anything more you learn from Mr Højbjerg.

ETA Welcome to Websleuths!


  • KA1.jpg
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Here is a page with some info about the journalist Finn Højbjerg, who wrote the piece on Kirsten Andersen in the PDF: En historie der er værd at fortælle .

I remember that at the time I found this stuff I checked a list of missing persons but couldn't find anybody from the Viborg-area named Kirsten Andersen. I don't remember if I tried to contact Finn Højbjerg, but I think at the time I couldn't find his email address, otherwise I would almost certainly have done so.

What do you think? Is the lady in the brochure the same as the hanged lady? Even if this is the case, Kirsten Andersen (a very common Danish woman's name) may have been made up, but perhaps Mr Højbjerg would know.

Thank you for sharing this info. Do you know the year (or approximately when) the article was written by Finn Højbjerg?
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I found a listing for a health clinic for Kristian Petersen and while googling a bit more I found another health clinic (of the same nature) operated by Hans Henrik in Varpelev. Hans Henrik Bohr is the name of Niels Bohr's son... which ties back to "I love Niels Bohr". Kirsten Andersen suffered from osteoarthritis and Hans H Bohr (a chief physician) had a specialist practice in surgery and orthopedics. Is there an actual connection in all of this??

Maybe I'm making connections where none actually exist just based on names commonly used in Denmark?? Or ??

K Petersen
Kristian Møller Petersen, Løgstrup | person |
Fægteborgvej 22, 8831 Løgstrup

H Henrik

Hans Henrik Bohr
Hans Bohr - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
@henri T Thank you for your very interesting posts. I was actually ready to let all the stuff found with this lady go for a while, thinking maybe it was a way to distract people from her real identity. Now with your posts and @fred&edna 's it looks like there is a probability this will all come together. I would love to know if the lady's name used in the article is her real name.
More on stamps (Hafnia 87 and Hafnia 76) and Henrik Eis. International Frimærkeudstilling HAFNIA 87 i BellaCenter, 16.-25.10.1987 - Danmarks Filatelist-Union. Danske Filatelisters Fællesråd

International Frimærkeudstilling HAFNIA 76 i BellaCenter, 03.-06.09.1976 - Danmarks Filatelist-Union. Danske Filatelisters Fællesråd <I hope the English translation is saved>

Henrik Eis died in 2010 in Stenløse, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark. It seems he was married to a Chinese woman, with a health clinic in Stenløse. The one @Henry T mentioned above.

Henrik Eis

Maybe Jane Doe met him while traveling and he gave her the info? There are a lot of Kirsten Andersen's in Denmark and also in Viborg. The picture of the woman is interesting. When was it published, me thinking how old would she be now and would it fit in the timeline. Or can we find out if she is still around. Would she be a lady who traveled a lot in her life? Could be. Still the Polish angle is nagging me.

My eye fell on this lady. From this site International Frimærkeudstilling HAFNIA 87 i BellaCenter, 16.-25.10.1987 - Danmarks Filatelist-Union. Danske Filatelisters Fællesråd

Thanks to Lis Birkedal, who in 1987 was an inspector at Posten's Stamp Center, for information about P & T's dinner in Moltke's Palace and for P & T's fine necklace gift to the participating ladies.

Moltke's Palace
or Christian VII's Palace is one of the four palaces of Amalienborg in Copenhagen that was originally built for Lord High Steward Adam Gottlob Moltke. It is the southwestern palace, and since 1885, has been used to accommodate and entertain prominent guests, for receptions, and for ceremonial purposes.[1]

Couldn't find anything about her possibly missing.


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Looks to me like how all older people in my family write (I'm Danish). What makes you believe it is connected to Cyrillic?

Edit: the more I look at the writing in Danish the more confident I am that this could just as well have been written by my grandmother. Looking just at the handwriting and without being an expert my guess would be that it was written by a Dane, 50+ years old.

Yes, I (Dane, early 60s) agree.
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@Henry T, thank you, this is fascinating information. It took a bit of work for me to find the picture. To save others some time, I'm uploading it here. I'll also add a warning to others that there are a number of other rather graphic skin wound pictures in the full pdf brochure.

I think there is indeed a resemblance. If she was the actual patient and a retired teacher as described, I'm unsure she would travel internationally to attend fairly technical conferences. But I'd love to hear anything more you learn from Mr Højbjerg.

ETA Welcome to Websleuths!

Thank you very much. The webpage with the article about Kirsten Andersen's laser treatments had a better version of the photo than that in the PDF. I include this here. I hope I won't be breaking forum rules by leaving it uncropped so as to include the man accompanying her. Based on the information and photos provided on pages linked in Bit of Hope's posting on Henrik Eis as a well-known stamp collector, I think he is the man accompanying her in the photo.

(click to enlarge)

Compare the portrait photo at Photos in Photos of Henrik Eis .
Note that the page International Frimærkeudstilling HAFNIA 76 i BellaCenter, 03.-06.09.1976 - Danmarks Filatelist-Union. Danske Filatelisters Fællesråd describes him, in 1976, as "denne høje, unge, dynamiske mand, alder 30 år", in English: "this tall, young, dynamic man, age 30 years". Also note this "Efterskrift" (postscript) at : "Henrik Eis' tid i Spanien som rottefænger og sælger af EDB mm. Tjek - er ikke færdigt endnu." This is essentially a note to himself by the writer of the page: "Henrik Eis's time in Spain as a ratcatcher and vendor of IT equipment etc. Check -- isn't finished yet." Eis sounds like a Jack-of-all-trades who might have hit upon selling laser devices. I remember they were, as it were, touted as "magic rods" by so-called alternative therapists here in Denmark at the time.
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The webpage with the article about Kirsten Andersen's laser treatments had a better version of the photo than that in the PDF. I include this here. I hope I won't be breaking forum rules by leaving it uncropped so as to include the man accompanying her. Based on the information and photos provided on pages linked in Bit of Hope's posting on Henrik Eis as a well-known stamp collector, I think he is the man accompanying her in the photo.

View attachment 327369
(click to enlarge)

Compare the portrait photo at Photos in Photos of Henrik Eis .
Note that the page International Frimærkeudstilling HAFNIA 76 i BellaCenter, 03.-06.09.1976 - Danmarks Filatelist-Union. Danske Filatelisters Fællesråd describes him, in 1976, as "denne høje, unge, dynamiske mand, alder 30 år", in English: "this tall, young, dynamic man, age 30 years". Also note this "Efterskrift" (postscript) at : "Henrik Eis' tid i Spanien som rottefænger og sælger af EDB mm. Tjek - er ikke færdigt endnu." This is essentially a note to himself by the writer of the page: "Henrik Eis's time in Spain as a ratcatcher and vendor of IT equipment etc. Check -- isn't finished yet." Eis sounds like a Jack-of-all-trades who might have hit upon selling laser devices. I remember they were, as it were, touted as "magic rods" by so-called alternative therapists here in Denmark at the time.
The attached photo is almost certainly that of the deceased, IMO.

Interesting case. I am not fully convinced it was suicide.

amateur opinion and speculation
Thank you for sharing this info. Do you know the year (or approximately when) the article was written by Finn Højbjerg?
@henri T Thank you for your very interesting posts. I was actually ready to let all the stuff found with this lady go for a while, thinking maybe it was a way to distract people from her real identity. Now with your posts and @fred&edna 's it looks like there is a probability this will all come together. I would love to know if the lady's name used in the article is her real name.
Thank you. I will be sure to contact Finn Højbjerg just after Christmas. The PDF which includes Finn Højbjerg's article also includes a list of "Behandlere i Danmark som benytter Akeda-Laser / Uno-Laser (pr 01.05.05)" (Google Translate: "Practitioners in Denmark who use Akeda-Laser / Uno-Laser (as of 01.05.05)"), i.e. 1 May 2005, so it is no earlier than that date. My guess would be some time between then and late 2005/early 2006. For aught I know, the PDF could be earlier than the article or vice versa. The article, I think, was published in some local or regional newspaper. I downloaded the web version of the newspaper article on 26 January 2008.

I notice now that the list of users of the lasers includes "Akeda-Laser L 500[:] Den Kinesiske Helseklinik[,] Henrik Eis[,] Måløv" ("Den Kinesiske Helseklinik" = "The Chinese Health Clinic"). I am pretty certain I also saw a reference to a Chinese woman's name in connection with that clinic. In one of my posts above I referred to this clinic as being in Ballerup, this is because Måløv is within the municipality of Ballerup: Måløv - Wikipedia .
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I found a listing for a health clinic for Kristian Petersen and while googling a bit more I found another health clinic (of the same nature) operated by Hans Henrik in Varpelev. Hans Henrik Bohr is the name of Niels Bohr's son... which ties back to "I love Niels Bohr". Kirsten Andersen suffered from osteoarthritis and Hans H Bohr (a chief physician) had a specialist practice in surgery and orthopedics. Is there an actual connection in all of this??

Maybe I'm making connections where none actually exist just based on names commonly used in Denmark?? Or ??

K Petersen
Kristian Møller Petersen, Løgstrup | person |
Fægteborgvej 22, 8831 Løgstrup

H Henrik

Hans Henrik Bohr
Hans Bohr - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi

Thank you. Kristian Petersen in Løgstrup may very well be the man mentioned in the article about Kirsten Andersen. As for the Christian names "Henrik", "Hans", Hans Henrik" or "Hans-Henrik", these are very common Danish names for men aged about 55+.
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