After being away from it for quite a few years, I thought I'd just check if there was any news about this mystery lady and so to my delight, googling "henrik" and "eis", I found this forum.
I read about the hanged lady in Danish media back when the story was originally published here. Naturally I was intrigued, so I did some research and found a few interesting facts which I shared with a Danish journalist, but evidently he also was not able to take it any further, though he agreed that the photo of a woman I found in a brochure concerning medical laser devices was probably identical with the dead lady. I also contacted the RAI TV show to tell them what I believed I had found, but they never responded. I attach a ZIP archive with a PDF file and a web page I found back then.
What I found was:
1) Some connection with a laser clinic in a Copenhagen suburb named Ballerup (about 17km west of Copenhagen). I no longer remember what the exact connection was, but I think it was that the owner of the clinic also had the surname Eis (like Henrik Eis), a not terribly common Danish surname, and I think her -- I believe she was a woman -- other names sounded Chinese. I remember checking via Google Maps street view and finding that there was no longer a laser clinic at the address, but I did find other evidence on the web that there had been one until fairly recently.
2) By some process I no longer remember, I found the website of a Norwegian company that sold laser devices or had done so until recently. At the time they had switched to selling some other type of electrical or electronic device for which they also made all sorts of big health-related claims. I think this website had a list of vendors or clinics using their devices and that this was how I found the clinic listed under 1) above. ... As I check just now I find that this webpage is still online: . Back then they had a PDF online at: (mouse over too see the URL, the forum software hides part of it). It is no longer there, but I saved a copy which I have included in the ZIP archive. If you open the PDF and search for the following (without quotation marks): "Laser gav mod på livet", you will find a page with a couple of photos and this
Danish text: (formatted as in the original except that it is in one column):
Laser gav mod på livet
Kristian Petersen fra Helseklinikken i Løgstrup har
som en af de første fået en helt ny og mere effektiv
Af Finn Højbjerg
Kirsten Andersen fra
Viborg er en glad kvinde
i disse dage. Det er hun
fordi, hun kan gå og bev-
æge sig uden smerter og
stort set uden at være hæm-
met af de problemer, som
ind i mellem har gjort livet
surt for hende:
- For to måneder siden havde jeg så ondt i min hofte,
at jeg havde svært ved at gå og ligge på siden og ind
i mellem tudede jeg over smerterne. Men blot fire
behandlinger med laser har bevirket, at jeg stort set
kan alt nu.
Grunden til Kirsten Andersens smerter er slidgigt,
som for nogle år siden førte til, at hun måtte have
opereret en del af ryggen stiv. Siden har gigten også
givet problemer i skulder, hofte og en tå. Selv om
sygdommen har været en hård tørn, har hendes møde
med de forskellige aktører på sundhedsområdet
været en god oplevelse:
- Jeg har været igennem en veludført operation på
sygehuset, hvor kirurgen desuden virkelig har sat sig
ind i mine behov og har givet mig mange gode råd
og virkelig bakket op om mig. Siden oplevede jeg,
at motionscentret i Viborg Hallen har hjulpet mig
meget. Og de henviste mig til Kristian, da jeg fik
problemer og havde svært ved at gennemføre trænin-
Hurtigt og effektivt
Kristian hedder desuden Petersen, og er fra Løg-
strup. Her har han siden 1998, hvor han blev fær-
dig med sin uddannelse som akupunktør, drevet
Helseklinikken, hvor han ud over akupunktur og
såkaldt SUJOK-behandling i de sidste år har givet
behandlinger med laserlys. Han har netop anskaffet
sig en ny lasermaskine, som en af de første i Dan-
mark, der kan give behandlinger på et stort område
af kroppen, så behandlingen kan gennemføres rela-
tivt hurtigt og meget effektivt.
- Laseren fylder mere og
mere i mine behandlinger.
Til de mere enkle ting som
en forstuvet fod, kan laseren
stå helt alene, men ofte
kombinerer jeg den med
andre former for behan-
dling. Laseren har den helt
store fordel, at den kan
tilføre kroppen mere energi,
samtidig med at den stim-
ulerer kroppens naturlige evne til at skabe energi. På
den måde kan man sige, at jeg benytter den moderne
teknologi til at gøre gamle alternative behandlings-
metoder mere effektive.
Stor glæde
Kristian Petersen er glad for Kirsten Andersens
historie, fordi den viser, at der ofte er et godt samar-
bejde mellem forskellige behandlere:
- Der er ingen grund til, at jeg giver mig til at behan-
dle på noget, som jeg ved, at andre er eksperter i. På
samme måde synes jeg det etablerede sundhedssys-
tem mere og mere får øjnene op for, at det kan bruge
os til mange ting.
Kirsten Andersen, der har måttet opgive sit job som
lærer på Vestre Skole til fordel for en førtidspension,
har oplevet laserbehandlingerne som nærmest et
mirakel, der giver hende stor glæde ved livet.
- Jeg har det helt anderledes nu end for blot 14 dage
siden. Og det er dejligt, at jeg nu kan tage bussen til
Århus og gå tur og lege med mine børnebørn. Så jeg
er meget taknemmelig for den måde jeg er blevet
behandlet på i sundhedssystemet. Hver gang jeg har
fået problemer, har man fundet den rigtige løsning
- og det er altså værd at huske på."
Here follows a Google translation (I'll fix any serious mistakes in it later):
"Laser gave courage to life
Kristian Petersen from the Health Clinic in Løgstrup has
as one of the first got a brand new and more efficient
laser machine.
By Finn Højbjerg
Kirsten Andersen from
Viborg is a happy woman
in these days. It's her
because, she can go and
recover without pain and
largely without being
met of the problems that
in between has made life
sour for her:
- Two months ago I had so much pain in my hip,
that I had a hard time walking and lying on my side and in
in between I tooted over the pain. But just four
laser treatments have caused me to pretty much
can do everything now.
The reason for Kirsten Andersen's pain is osteoarthritis,
which a few years ago led to her having to
operated part of the back stiff. Since then, arthritis has too
given problems in shoulder, hip and a toe. Though
the disease has been a hard thorn, has her encounter
with the various actors in the field of health
been a good experience:
- I have been through a well-performed operation on
the hospital, where the surgeon has also really sat down
into my needs and has given me a lot of good advice
and really backed up about me. Since then, I experienced
that the gym in Viborg Hallen has helped me
much. And they referred me to Kristian when I got
problems and had difficulty completing training
Fast and efficient
Kristian is also called Petersen, and is from Løg-
strup. Here he has been since 1998, when he was
you with his training as an acupuncturist, driven
The health clinic, where he in addition to acupuncture and
so-called SUJOK treatment in recent years has provided
laser light treatments. He has just acquired
a new laser machine, as one of the first in Denmark
field that can provide treatments on a large area
of the body so that the treatment can be
fast and very efficient.
- The laser fills more and
more in my treatments.
For the simpler things like
a sprained foot, the laser can
stand all alone, but often
I combine it with
other forms of treatment
dling. The laser has it completely
great advantage that it can
add more energy to the body,
at the same time as the stimulus
elucidates the body's natural ability to create energy. On
that way you can say that I use the modern one
technology to make old alternative treatment
methods more effective.
Great happiness
Kristian Petersen is happy for Kirsten Andersens
history because it shows that there is often a good
work between different therapists:
- There's no reason for me to indulge in
dle on something that I know others are experts in. on
in the same way, I think the established health
tem more and more get their eyes open for it to use
us to many things.
Kirsten Andersen, who has had to give up her job as
teacher at Vestre Skole in favor of an early retirement pension,
have experienced the laser treatments as almost one
miracle that gives her great joy in life.
- I feel completely different now than for just 14 days
since. And it's nice that I can now take the bus
Aarhus and go for a walk and play with my grandchildren. So I
am very grateful for the way I have become
treated on in the health system. Every time I have
problems, the right solution has been found
- and so it's worth keeping in mind."
I Can see the quality of the translation isn't stellar, but never mind ... Take a look at the little lady in the photo, especially her face, height, style of clothing: isn't it the dead lady?