It's All About Caylee

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JoJo remembers all about you and he misses you very much, Caylee.

Caylee Marie,
I loved watching your beautiful face today as you bounced around full of joy and life. It's been difficult today Caylee, especially for your Jo-Jo and Ce-Ce, it is so hard for us to say goodbye but it is not forever.
I love you sweet sweet Caylee. I will alway think of you, and never will I forget you. You know, you remind me in many ways of my little sugarplum Nikki. She is about 10 months younger than you. She was the only girl that I had. But now I have two girls in my heart forever. You and Nikki. God Bless your little heart. Thank you for being so special, so talented, so sweet. Thank you for teaching me to hold your children tighter, kiss them more often, cherish every moment you have with them, appreciate that you have them, respect them, value the gifts they are going to teach us but most of all, thank God for the miracle of having them come into your life. What a privilege it is being around children. Until we see each other in heaven Caylee, you will alway remain deep in my heart just like my other three kids.

With All Of My:sunshine::beats::gold_star::seeya::grouphug::star2::angel2::Justice::wink::angel::):eek:Heart,
I had the honor and privilege of watching your family and friends come together yesterday to remember you and let everyone know how much they love you. Your grandmother CeCe did a wonderful job putting everything together and making it a very special day for you.

Your grandpa said something when he spoke that reminded me why you stand as an example of how important it is to show our children love now: “The little things that they do, when they are not around to do them – it breaks your heart.” He spoke of smelling your hair and how much he missed that. I never realized I smelled my little girl’s hair every time I hug her until he said this. Caylee, you have a wonderful grandpa – a very special “JoJo”.

I never knew you. I wish I did know you. You are the picture of innocence and joy and what the future holds. Or should have for you. No child should have to leave this Earth. Especially the way you left.

I saw your story on the news in passing. It was Thursday, July 17th, 2008. Of course, you had already taken your rightful place alongside The Father, Jesus and all the angels. I was on business and did not follow the story until I got home, I've followed it ever since.

You see, I have a six year-old boy and a little girl that is almost two years old. I see her in you. I see the sparkle in her eyes that I see in your pictures and videos. That is why I have cried more in the last few months than at anytime in my life.

You have instilled in me how precious childhood is to us. I always knew it but your plight has reinforced my belief. I pray everyday that I have the energy and patience to devote my time to my children. I add an extra dose in your memory.

Play in Heaven sweet Caylee. I look forward to the day when we are all together with you. There are so many people that are looking forward to meeting you.
Having fun playing today, little one?

Are you running in the sunshine and chasing butterflies and eating lots of ice cream?

Are you playing with all the other little angels and eating the best green beans you've ever tasted?

I love you, little angel. You have changed me forever and I am eternally grateful for that.
Hi Sugarplum Caylee,

Your angel wings are bright and warm... Please send love to little Haleigh tonight...keep her company and help her find her way home to her family.

You are such a big girl Caylee...we love and miss you...
Good morning, sweet Caylee. I'm hoping and praying so much that there will soon start to be a focus on you. I want your story to be told. You deserve it.

You are precious and very important to me, Caylee.

Hugs and kisses...
Hello sweet baby. I am sad today, so sad.

You deserved so much more, and I am so sorry that you didn't have a chance to do the many things you should have done.

I pray you are dancing, little ballerina, and swimming, and swinging...

Love you Caylee, sweet dreams tonight little one.
Hey Princess Caylee,
I finally uploaded the pic of your special plant blossoming. This is the first flower that came out........ just hours before your special day. I hope you like it.

Happy Valentine's Day, sweet Caylee.

Here are some big Valentine kisses for you:

:blowkiss: :blowkiss: :blowkiss:

I think about you every single day.
justice is coming your way baby girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think of you all the time. loves ya, me
I'm thinking of you, sweetie, and praying the information we receive tomorrow will tell us even more about what happened to you. So many of us want to know, Caylee. We care. We remember you, and will never forget you. What happened to you was wrong. I hope you are now feeling safe, happy, and loved.

You are always in my thoughts, Caylee, and I pray for swift justice. Mostly, I just wanted you to know that you are loved by many who never met you.
I did not know you but, you have touched my heart.. be happy sweet one, dance, sing, play. you will always be remembered. :blowkiss:
You sweet little darling. Caylee, some more information has started to come about what happened to you. Sweet, sweet little girl, you were NEVER trouble of any kind. NEVER. Not one single bit. Not for one single second. You were a precious gift, a treasure. You were a good and sweet and smart and funny and charming and enchanting little girl. You never, ever did anything wrong or bad. NEVER. I promise you, Caylee. I know this, and I swear it to you. I hope wherever you are, that you know this. Sweet, sweet little angel, how my heart bleeds for you.
Hey sweetie! Sad tonight to see some new pictures of you. You were so lovely! What a gift! Thinking of you always.
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