It's all about Lisa

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It has been 5 months today precious baby Lisa. Where are you? :rose:
Such an adorable little squeezable dumpling!
You remain in my thoughts and prayers sweet baby Lisa. Saying a very special prayer for you today, as it marks the 5th month of you missing. Prayers for your family as well.
My hopes are you'll be found VERY soon.
I'm not sure where to put this, and not sure this thread gets much in the way of views or if anyone will see it, but I found this so touching I had to share.

This past week I was at a conference for work. One of the sessions was titled something along the lines of "praying with those with special needs" or something like that.

The woman sharing does a great deal in the special needs community worldwide and then in her own local community. She was sharing a way that she included those with special needs in her class she taught and about how, just as everyone does, they love to have what they've shared remembered and mentioned, so she used a 'prayer board.'

In many ways, it's similar to what many who pray do, as far as keeping track of prayer requests shared and following up on them the next time the group is together to see what's been answered and what to keep praying about.

As she shared some of the requests from her group (showing how she handled ones that maybe were very hard to discern what was at the jist of it, etc.) she read off a list of them off her board from her class.

One of the requests "Pray for Baby Lisa." She paused, and said, something about how most people may not be aware of the story anymore, but that this young woman knew about this little "Baby Lisa" who'd gone missing from TV and she had been praying faithfully for her ever since.

While much of the world has moved on - and I suspect few in the room probably had heard about baby Lisa's story outside of the region (admittedly it didn't get a ton of press where I live unless you hunted for it or watch NG type things) - let alone had it cross their minds since (obviously we know on WS we are the exception not the norm) but for this young gal that most people would never make the effort to sit and listen to what's on her heart, the most pressing thing in her world is the safety and well-being of baby Lisa and that she would be found.

That's really what's important -and that story just touched my heart and I thought might encourage some of the others of you all here who are also still following along (whether posting, or just mostly reading now, like me) - that Lisa's not been forgotten by everyone, and for at least one sweet young gal, she's genuinely still at the top of her prayer list.
What a beautiful blue-eyed angel. Still thinking about you & hoping for you to come home, lovey.
It has been a long six months, precious baby Lisa. I have thought about you every single day since the first time I saw your sweet face. I will never forget about you. I hope you come home today, baby girl. :rose:


Lisa Renee, sweet Pumpkin Pie,
Innocent, beautiful, shinning light,
Sparkling, twinkling, bright your eye,
An Angel to love and hold tight.

Like so many others I think and pray for you each day Lisa. Pray that you will be found safe & sound.
Still thinking about Lisa and hoping today is the day she is found.
After seeing coverage of LE still working the case of Etan Patz all these years later, I have renewed faith that Lisa will be found. Obviously, not as soon as we all originally hoped, but someday.

Precious little angel, you will not be forgotten. :rose:
Thinking of you Lisa Renee, today and everyday. It has been 7 months. You are loved, and I pray you will be found one day soon.


Stopping by today to say that Lisa and her family remain in my prayers.
You'll always be in my prayers Lisa, asking God to ever watch over you, and bring you home soon.

Thanks for posting the pictures above Nina, I had not seen those particular ones.

You have been missing for 8 months, Lisa. I'm still thinking of you, and hoping so much that you are found soon. :rose:
Still thinking of you, Lisa, all the time.

Thanks again for posting all these beautiful photos, askfornina!

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