Netherlands Jaïr Soares, 7, disappeared from the beach in Monster, 4 August 1995

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Police and family hope for tips in cold case Jaïr Soares (7) |

''On Friday, August 4, 1995, the boy goes to the beach with one of his four older brothers and his parents. A friend of the family joins up with her four-year-old daughter.

The group arrives around 3.30 p.m. The children play a little in the sea, but because it is a bit later in the day, the water turns out to be a little cold. They do not go any deeper than their ankles, the police outlined in Opsporing Verzocht ''.

''Area is searched by emergency services
The search the area, soon accompanied by the police and the rescue brigade. The search is in vain, as are the searches that have taken place in the last 24 years: no trace of the child has been found. That he ran into the sea or that he ran away is virtually excluded: the water was cold, and Jaïr was very aware that he was not allowed to stray just like that.

''According to the newspaper, it is taken into account that the boy has fallen victim to a sexual offense and that the perpetrator is or has been in such a clinic.

The police think that the child is no longer alive and hopes for tips from people who saw something on that particular day in August. The offender may also have talked to other people about the event, it is outlined Tuesday. According to the officers, Jaïr should have been taken by someone with a 'soft hand' because it was very busy on the beach.''
Bumping the case of little Jaïr!
CB is ruled out as a POI (CB is still a POI in the Madeleine McCann case)
Verdachte in zaak-Maddie McCann niet betrokken bij verdwijning Jaïr Soares

As it was posted in the thread of MM, it seems that according to some witnesses, that a local perp, who died before questioned by Dutch LE, was seen with Jaïr.

A witness had told police at the time that he had left the beach at Monster that day around 5:00 PM. He realized he had seen something important. A policeman recorded his testimony as follows:

Walked up the dyke to his car. Saw a man walking in the direction of the new neighborhood (Kleine Geest) with a colored boy, 7 to 9 years old, following that man. Identification man: old, dirty man, unkempt, long straight hair + balding, about 50 years old, wearing glasses, model thin frame and round model. The man was wearing dark clothes.... "
Jair Soares (7), verdwenen en vergeten - Reporters Online
Bumping the case of little Jaïr!
CB is ruled out as a POI (CB is still a POI in the Madeleine McCann case)
Verdachte in zaak-Maddie McCann niet betrokken bij verdwijning Jaïr Soares

As it was posted in the thread of MM, it seems that according to some witnesses, that a local perp, who died before questioned by Dutch LE, was seen with Jaïr.

A witness had told police at the time that he had left the beach at Monster that day around 5:00 PM. He realized he had seen something important. A policeman recorded his testimony as follows:

Walked up the dyke to his car. Saw a man walking in the direction of the new neighborhood (Kleine Geest) with a colored boy, 7 to 9 years old, following that man. Identification man: old, dirty man, unkempt, long straight hair + balding, about 50 years old, wearing glasses, model thin frame and round model. The man was wearing dark clothes.... "
Jair Soares (7), verdwenen en vergeten - Reporters Online
Nice to "see" you worldwatcher, thanks for the translated link!
Nice to "see" you worldwatcher, thanks for the translated link!
YW @dotr.
It might be a lucky strike to find Jaïr (imo) due to the lack of interest (att) and followed leads, but a perp local who knew the area.., who took his secrets in the grave.
I recommend putting @worldwatcher 's link into a translator and reading the entire thing. The reporter describes his opinions about how Jair's case was handled, how information and witnesses about a potential perpetrator were handled, and has numerous touching quotes from Jair's family.

Jair Soares (7), verdwenen en vergeten - Reporters Online

Here is just some of it. The author's opinions:
Of the seven cases in the book "Murder Traces" that I recently wrote with former Detective Dick Gosewehr, this childhood disappearance and the lax attitude of the investigating authorities in this case affected me the most...

...The immediate area had been thoroughly searched by the police. With the help of witnesses, the investigation team had ruled out that the boy had ended up in the sea and drowned. The dune area and the hinterland had been searched for miles and miles for days. No trace of Jair had been found. So the child had not run away or got lost.

But the only plausible option that remained - an adult kidnapping, almost certainly from a sexual motive - had not been explored. In fact, barely a month after Jair went missing, the Hague police announced that it was closing the investigation...

That summer in 1995 a number of important witnesses had indeed reported to the police. People who had seen an unknown man leave the beach with Jair. This meant that the police had to have a description of the kidnapper. But the description of the kidnapper was never released: no witness was called...

On July 3, 2010, I played a lot in De Telegraaf. A full-page article with the headline "Jair Missing? He has been kidnapped " told a story that had not been told before. I had not received cooperation from the police. Instead of delighted with the renewed attention to this sad cold case, the police indicated that they did not want an interview...

I decided to publish the description myself. On March 28, 2011, my second story about this case appeared in the newspaper.
"Who is Jair's Kidnapper?" Was the bold but defensible headline above the article. I had literally copied the description of the suspected kidnapper.

That brought something. The same morning at half past seven my phone rang. A resident of Monster called in. Someone who had read the newspaper and said he recognized a notorious pedophile from the area in the description. That same morning I sat around the table with this informant.

Other witnesses also recognized [the same local man] in the description of the unknown man who left the beach with the dark boy in 1995.
There was only one big problem: [he] was terminally ill. Hurry was required...

In order not to break a possible police investigation into this possible suspect, we handed the tip over to the Public Prosecution Service after consultation with the Soares family and their lawyer...

You would expect the police and the Public Prosecution Service to proceed energetically...

Nothing turned out to be further from the truth. In November of that year, the tipster reported to me again. The police had left the case for less than six months and had only visited [the man] at the end of November. “Not a meaningful word could have come out of that,” my informant said indignantly. "Because a day later that guy died of his illness..."

...Completely unexpected, a new witness came forward. Rens, a 34-year-old man from The Hague, who had seen the missing of Jair in the summer of 2019 in a broadcast of Opsporing Verzocht. He urgently wanted to speak to us.
Rens told a remarkable story. In 2011 he went to the police in The Hague. At that time he had read my newspaper story with the description of the suspected kidnapper. He too was taken aback.
At the time, Rens stated to the police that as a ten-year-old boy - during the same period that Jair disappeared - he had been harassed by a man in a beach bar south of The Hague and near Monster.

Both Rens and his mother say that this man meets the description from the Jair case. Rens had described all this extensively to the police in 2011. To his surprise, he said, he had never heard of it again...

If anyone does read this book, please comment here. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on it.
I wonder why they suddenly decided to interview this possible POI.
This must be very difficult for Jaïr's family, and imagine if nothing comes of it. :(
(2 articles, I linked here, sadly there is no news, about Jaïr Soares, only a desperate appeal from his family, and a aging picture, wich you can view on Twitter or through the website of the article)
The offer of a reward of €250.000 for the golden tip, from Peter R. de Vries Foundation, expired on Febr 4.

Brother of missing Jaïr Soares: 'One person must know something'

"I wake up with it and go to bed with it," says Claudio Soares during the large-scale flyer campaign that was held for his brother Jaïr Soares on Monday morning.

For him and his family, the missing of their brother and son still dominates their lives. "That's because we still don't have answers. We hope to find them with this large-scale flyer campaign."

It is probably the worst nightmare imaginable for many parents. You go to the beach with the family for a fun day and you come home with one family member less. Without knowing what happened. No body, no trace, no clue. It happened to the Soares family. - Broer van vermiste Jaïr Soares: 'Eén persoon moet iets weten'

MONSTER - With an aging photo that will be distributed in Portugal and Cape Verde, it is hoped that there will be more clarity about the missing person case of Jaïr Soares. After an earlier flyer campaign in Monster, about twenty tips have already been received about the case. "The photo was recently forwarded to us by the police to use in this ultimate effort to get more information," said Kelly de Vries, the director of the Peter R. de Vries Foundation.

Verouderingsfoto van Jaïr Soares verspreid in hoop op nieuwe informatie

There is © on the aging picture, so I post tweet from Peter R de Vries Foundation instead.Hopefully the tweet, with the aging picture of Jaïr Soares will be visible in this post.

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