Jacyee Dugard's Journal

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She claimed brainwashing as an excuse for her reprehensible acts so that she wouldn't have to spend the greater part of her life in prison. Fortunately the jury didn't buy it and sent to prison for 35 years, allthough her name and wealth subsequently got a lot of that reduced. If she had come from some unknown poor family no one would have questioned it and you can bet that she would have done the 35 years.

Being in a bad situation may result in you debasing yourself in order to survive, and that is understandable, but it does NOT give you licence to abandon morality. If you do that, you are responsible for your actions, no matter what else might have happened. The only exception is if someone literally holds a gun to your head, and even then you should still be held accountable for your actions, allbeit that mitigating circumstances should be taken into account when determining the consequences.

And you don't think that fear has anything to do with Patti's behaviour?
She was not a rebel of that type...And you do not grow to become like that overnight. She became that way overnight. it was a question of a few weeks/months not years.(I dont remembr the time frame)
You really think that someone can be abducted into a situation like that and do things on their own free will? NOT.

Yes she came from money and yes it helped pay or a good lawyer.
And fortunately she did not have to rot in hell because she was poor.
That isn't mentioned in either the parole report sheets or the memorandom Santos later wrote as far as I could see. IIRC that was claimed in a news report but it doesn't seem to be in the parole office documents. What page in the pdf files did you see that?

It was stated the the da response.
Lawyers are not allowed to coach witnesses. These particular lawyers work for the public defenders office, in other words they are civil servants, they have no incentive to risk disbarment by doing that. I imagine the reason they would like to contact her prior to trial is so that they can excercise due diligence by attempting to review the facts of the case from her point of view in order to prepare a sound defence. But, as one of them pointed out, she can decline their request. They can't rely on what their clients claim because usually that is not accurate.

I am definitely playing catchup here. In this quote you are responding to something I said. I was not referring to Lawyers, I was referring to PG. Usually when you respond to a quote you are at least on the same page. This time I think you had too much vino. I was referring to the fear PG instilling in JD about losing her kids. Making reference to journal entries. Nothing about what the attorneys were up to.
I disagree. That sort of tactic would work for short term control, but long term control requires that everyone has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. You need to get them to buy into whatever the situation you are in. In the military this is called the "hearts and minds" approach. You can subjugate a population in the short term by bombing the hell out of them and creating uncertainy in their future so that they are controlled by fear, but that allways leads to the organization of a resistance that increases over time. The most effective tactic in the long term is to become the friends and protectors of the population being occupied, so that it becomes an us v them situation where the population being controled identifies with "us" rather than "them". You create conflict, not with the people, but with "them". I doubt that Garrido was smart enough to do this intentionally at an intellectual level, it was more of a primal instinctive thing for him, but the effect is the same.

I think this is more likely what happened in the Garrido household given the length of time this happened. I don't believe that the situation would have been sustainable in an adverserial relationship. I think if you want to get a deeper insight into the interpersonal relationships there one should think less about kooky "mind-control" theories and look more at military counterinsurgency tactics.

I find it very unlikely that taking the girls to the PO's office was a test. That would have been way too risky if there was any question of their loyalty. I think by that time Garrido trusted Jaycee and very much considered her as one of "us".

Wish who you were responding to would also be in this quote. Anyway, I agree with your disagreement about PG bonding with JD. I don't think he ever bonded or cared for her. But how he treated the two girls was entirely different. JD knew she was kidnapped, knew she was raped and knew the girls were hers. There girls were not aware of any of this. He did not need to brain wash them. They were just carrying on because this is the only life they knew. However, the girls were available to hold over JD (without their knowledge of course.) So the two daughters going with him anywhere was never a test.

I don't think PG ever "trusted" JD. He just felt his hold over her was strong. And he was right it was.
We really cannot lump the two daughters in with JD in how they were treated by PG and NG. They really thought JD was their sister and that PG and NG were their parents. Which is why, imho, this thread needs to return to JD's thought and her journal and the police stuff back to the other thread.

IMHO the G's never considered JD anything but a slave of one sort or another. Even the message from the attorney to JD from NG could be read to be his love was only for the daughters and not JD.

Ok I actually managed to download that parol report, now to start reading.
PG has admitted to being turned on by little children and too masturbating in front of schools while watching them. PG allegedly stops raping JC when she's 17 or 18 while he also happens to have 2 little girls that he was most likely attracted to sleeping in "his arms" every night. Pedophiles can't change and it's naive to believe a serial rapist and pedophile just suddenly changed and never touched JC's daughters. These girls were so isolated that they wouldn't know that the touching/molesting PG was doing to them was improper, but they surely do know now that they're FREE!
if its true and it's revealed in therapy im sure we wil see new charges against the
That isn't mentioned in either the parole report sheets or the memorandom Santos later wrote as far as I could see. IIRC that was claimed in a news report but it doesn't seem to be in the parole office documents. What page in the pdf files did you see that?
In the People's Opposition to the Defense Motion to Compel Discovery:
On August 25, 2009, the Defendant's Parole Agent ordered him to show up for a meeting and bring everyone that lives with him.
That isn't mentioned in either the parole report sheets or the memorandom Santos later wrote as far as I could see. IIRC that was claimed in a news report but it doesn't seem to be in the parole office documents. What page in the pdf files did you see that?
I'm thinking Santos did little documentation to cover his butt, i.e. give himself some wiggle room for the lousy job he did. Normally one does lots of paperwork trail to justify their actions...
I'm thinking Santos did little documentation to cover his butt, i.e. give himself some wiggle room for the lousy job he did. Normally one does lots of paperwork trial to justify their actions...

Great Post...:dance:

I think his records will look like a jig saw puzzle.
In the People's Opposition to the Defense Motion to Compel Discovery:
On August 25, 2009, the Defendant's Parole Agent ordered him to show up for a meeting and bring everyone that lives with him.

Good show...:woohoo:
I don't keep records but I did remember that what you said in a previous post was a fact not just your opinion.
PG has admitted to being turned on by little children and too masturbating in front of schools while watching them. PG allegedly stops raping JC when she's 17 or 18 while he also happens to have 2 little girls that he was most likely attracted to sleeping in "his arms" every night. Pedophiles can't change and it's naive to believe a serial rapist and pedophile just suddenly changed and never touched JC's daughters. These girls were so isolated that they wouldn't know that the touching/molesting PG was doing to them was improper, but they surely do know now that they're FREE!
I remember reading that and thinking - SOB should be killed only then will anyone be safe. :furious:

Yes JC was too old for him by then. If he did not rape his daughter's he just masturbated watching them :puke:

He indoctrinated JC to think that is what God wanted....
Maybe the girls were indoctrinated just a bit differently...The touching and masturbating was
what God wanted. :puke:

:furious: :furious: :furious:

But yet we have some people who stand up for this MFSOB :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
if its true and it's revealed in therapy im sure we wil see new charges against the
NO JOKE :sick:

I would love to read JC's diary someday - maybe we can after the trial - that would be a big seller just as is..
With new foot notes from where her new consciousness now is....
But she may get embarrassed :blushing:
IMO she should not be embarrasses - she should cash in on it. none of it was her fault, not one moment
of those 18 years.
It was stated the the da response.

I think he only reads what may fit into his thinking. Which may eliminate many of the facts.
Notice that Linask lives in LA and he knows more then she does....hhhmmmm????
Well I do not need anyone to translate MFSOB to me :)
I am glad she is refusing to see them. I think now maybe she knows what dangers there were for her children. One thing I did not in those records is that even the parole agent realized how anxious she got when her children were involved. Only proves to me he was using them as leverage. He said they would take them away and she started freaking when child warefare started being involved.

He no longer has that threat over her head.
I think he only reads what may fit into his thinking. Which may eliminate many of the facts.
Notice that Linask lives in LA and he knows more then she does....hhhmmmm????
Lived- for 18 years. I still go there 2-3x/year.
I remember reading that and thinking - SOB should be killed only then will anyone be safe. :furious:

Yes JC was too old for him y then. If he did not rape his daughter's he just masturbated watching them :puke:

He indoctrinated JC to think that is what God wanted....
Maybe the girls were indoctrinated just a bit differently...The touching and masturbating was
what God wanted. :puke:

:furious: :furious: :furious:

But yet we have some people who stand up for this MFSOB :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

I don't know if PG brutally raped the girls like he did to Jaycee but IMO he did most likely molest and also fantasize about them to some degree, we know he liked blue eyed blond kids. I think JC finding out about this is a possible reason that she's broken free of PG's grip so quickly. I pray I am wrong.

PG wasn't cured of his pedophilia IMHO by having a child or he would've stopped raping JC after the 1st one was born. PG lost interest in JC because she was no longer a child and since he needed to have "forced" intercourse to "get off" JC may have also stopped fighting the rapes like PG needed.

Also if PG was miraculously cured, why was he still trying to lure children into his basement "church" as recently as a week before his arrest? I really hope PG is released into GP at some point so the inmates can give him some jailhouse justice.
We really cannot lump the two daughters in with JD in how they were treated by PG and NG. They really thought JD was their sister and that PG and NG were their parents. Which is why, imho, this thread needs to return to JD's thought and her journal and the police stuff back to the other thread.

IMHO the G's never considered JD anything but a slave of one sort or another. Even the message from the attorney to JD from NG could be read to be his love was only for the daughters and not JD.

Ok I actually managed to download that parol report, now to start reading.
JC not JD :)
Well I do not need anyone to translate MFSOB to me :)


:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: LMAO
Yes these things don't often roll off my tongue
But on this thread it just falls out of my key board LOL
Or she might have meant her mother and sister.

NO JOKE :sick:

I would love to read JC's diary someday - maybe we can after the trial - that would be a big seller just as is..
With new foot notes from where her new consciousness now is....
But she may get embarrassed :blushing:
IMO she should not be embarrasses - she should cash in on it. none of it was her fault, not one moment
of those 18 years.

it was reported early in the discovery that the girls were molested? i think we were talking about 2 diffrent things. sorry i should have been more clear.......

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