James Kolar's New Book Will Blow the Lid off the JonBenet Ramsey Investigation

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I don't think legalities came into the decision one iota, it was their own shame and need for denial that would have spurred them on.

I am starting to wonder if JR was involved in the clean-up. I presumed because his fibres were on her he perhaps cleaned up her body. But a black shirt already down the laundry chute would be the obvious choice for hiding any traces of blood on whatever cleans her. I couldn't see him being involved in that note, thinking it was in any way convincing. But I also think it'd take such a spine of steel to go about covering up by yourself, did Patsy have it in her?

I know the chances are high they have personality disorders, and god knows what Burke is like as an adult behind closed doors. But I must admit since coming to a place where this feels like the most likely scenario, I have some compassion for the three of them for the first time. Maybe that is overstating it. Their actions have baffled me even when I was willing to entertain an IDI. But parents whom are both protecting their son and accepting that they'd be held responsible morally if not legally, and a child who potentially knew his actions were wrong but not necessarily how fatal and permanent they would be - it is a more human picture than any other possible truth.

I feel this way, as well...right up to the point where I consider how many people John and Patsy deliberately, and with fully malicious intent, deeply hurt, some saddled for life with the label of "suspected child molester and murderer," some who never even met the Ramseys or knew they existed before the death of JonBenet, even LE officers whose careers and lives were devastated while investigating the murder of JonBenet in the Ramsey's own home while they claim they slept.

To this day John Ramsey is maliciously attacking the BPD and his former close friends, the Whites, in his latest self-righteous book of lies while continuing to depict himself as some kind of wise, JOB-like Christian.

John Ramsey is no Christian. He's a man devoted to lying to the world and hurting anyone who challenges those lies about his own daughter's death, all while making some money for doing it.

Patsy Ramsey drove her daughter like a work horse to achieve the goals Patsy herself could never achieve, IMO. When that fell apart, she may have reacted to keep her family from answering to the laws most of us would never imagine being able to side-step, but once it flew out of her control again, she saw the silver lining and turned that cloud inside out: she was at long last FAMOUS! She was the female JOB who never quit whining about her misfortunes while using all her energy to promote lies and strike down anyone who dared defy her will by seeking the truth about her child's molestation and death.

Burke and JonBenet were both victims of very selfish parents and always will be, IMO.

No, I'll never be able to sustain any sympathy for John and Patsy Ramsey, though I have long felt sorry for Burke. Whatever he did, he was a child and his parents' responsibility.

Epic fail.
Somehow blood got on the blanket and barbie gown before jonbenet died. Someone must have put her panties on which resulted in a little blood because she was dead then decided the area had to be wiped down and her longjohns put on.
Yep that's the direction I've gone in now. The finishing off thing seems implausible. As I don't know the fine details of the ligature and depth of wounds on the neck etc, could someone briefly explain whether it was possible for Burke to have the strength to make those marks? 'Oops, not dead yet!'

I am sure he had the strength to inflict a near-terminal head bash wit the flashlight. I'm also becoming more convinced that there was hardly any staging down that morning, save the wiping down, the maternal element of wrapping her in a blanket and temporarily hiding the body.

See, if there had been so much clinical staging and analysis by the Ramseys (save the Ransom note), THEN the sexual abuse they were deliberately covering up with MORE sexual abuse would SURELY have been placed within the ransom note? Not just the threat of beheading JonBenet but interfering with her too. This doesn't appear...

First, let me say that I will never, until my last breath, believe that Alex Hunter denied the BPD a subpoena for the Ramsey's phone records shortly after the murder for some flaky "developing a trusting relationship" reason he stated. I have no doubt in my mind the Ramseys made some calls that morning to get advice, legal and possibly medical, before they proceeded with their part in this heinous crime.

And I don't believe for one minute they told their legal adviser and/or medical adviser what actually had happened, including the ongoing sexual abuse of the child.

I say this because I believe the insertion of the paintbrush was to cover the prior vaginal injuries which they knew would be found at autopsy. I believe that's why they didn't call for an ambulance or take the child to the ER. I don't believe they wanted this abuse to be obvious immediately upon the body being found, however; it would raise red flags and they were looking to get out of town before that happened, IMO.

What I do think they either believed or hoped was it would mask the prior abuse, creating a fresh injury to confuse the timeline. I'm sure they not only hoped that, but continue to this day to deny the facts of autopsy that prove the old vaginal injuries were not fresh and therefore had to be inflicted by someone BEFORE that night.

It's critical to believing there was an intruder. Look at the evidence the IDIs hold onto like breath: the "touch" DNA in the Bloomies, associated with the sexual abuse from the paintbrush that night.

Once you accept the older vaginal injuries were from sexual activity acted upon a six year old before that night...no intruder.

As to the ligature being tied on and pulled by Burke: yes, he was old enough and capable of doing both of these, IMO.

But what I question is this: since LE believes JonBenet was probably assaulted with the paintbrush by the paint tray, was strangled and expired there, and then was carried to the cellar room where her body was further stated, how did Burke carry his 45 lb. sister to do that?

So if you believe the parents carried the body into the cellar room, did the cleaning and redressing either by the paint tray or in the cellar room, applied the duct tape and wrist bindings around the same time and place, that explains that.

But how did JonBenet get to the paint tray where she was strangled and expired?

That's the question I have.
First, let me say that I will never, until my last breath, believe that Alex Hunter denied the BPD a subpoena for the Ramsey's phone records shortly after the murder for some flaky "developing a trusting relationship" reason he stated. I have no doubt in my mind the Ramseys made some calls that morning to get advice, legal and possibly medical, before they proceeded with their part in this heinous crime.

And I don't believe for one minute they told their legal adviser and/or medical adviser what actually had happened, including the ongoing sexual abuse of the child.

I say this because I believe the insertion of the paintbrush was to cover the prior vaginal injuries which they knew would be found at autopsy. I believe that's why they didn't call for an ambulance or take the child to the ER. I don't believe they wanted this abuse to be obvious immediately upon the body being found, however; it would raise red flags and they were looking to get out of town before that happened, IMO.

What I do think they either believed or hoped was it would mask the prior abuse, creating a fresh injury to confuse the timeline. I'm sure they not only hoped that, but continue to this day to deny the facts of autopsy that prove the old vaginal injuries were not fresh and therefore had to be inflicted by someone BEFORE that night.

It's critical to believing there was an intruder. Look at the evidence the IDIs hold onto like breath: the "touch" DNA in the Bloomies, associated with the sexual abuse from the paintbrush that night.

Once you accept the older vaginal injuries were from sexual activity acted upon a six year old before that night...no intruder.

As to the ligature being tied on and pulled by Burke: yes, he was old enough and capable of doing both of these, IMO.

But what I question is this: since LE believes JonBenet was probably assaulted with the paintbrush by the paint tray, was strangled and expired there, and then was carried to the cellar room where her body was further stated, how did Burke carry his 45 lb. sister to do that?

So if you believe the parents carried the body into the cellar room, did the cleaning and redressing either by the paint tray or in the cellar room, applied the duct tape and wrist bindings around the same time and place, that explains that.

But how did JonBenet get to the paint tray where she was strangled and expired?

That's the question I have.

I agree about the lawyers now I've had a day to mull it over - I don't think the Ramseys would have told them the full facts at all. They would have definitely phoned for legal and medical advice but would not have given much more detail than it was an accident that could look suspicious. Hence all the subsequent confusion, quasi-plot, staging, moving the body, police call etc

As for the staging etc, I think Burke killed her outside the cellar in the basement. I agree he wasn't strong enough to carry her into the winecellar - I think John did that but I feel that Burke had also been in there - to find the panties, to maybe whittle the paintbrush etc. Would that all be possible or not?
Somehow blood got on the blanket and barbie gown before jonbenet died. Someone must have put her panties on which resulted in a little blood because she was dead then decided the area had to be wiped down and her longjohns put on.

I wonder if someone had blood on his/her hands when handling these items.

For example, the bleeding from the insertion of the paintbrush left blood on JB's thigh or thighs, as well. (Kolar states both thighs.) That was still present at autopsy.

So whoever wiped her down missed some spots somehow. Remember this would have been done by dim light and possibly by flashlight,as well.

Not only that, but they handled her bloody clothing, the paintbrush, and/or her genital area at some point.

We still don't know where her underwear disappeared to, that she would have been wearing before the huge Bloomies were used to replace the panties. I've never seen any statement about where her pink pj bottoms that matched the top found on her bed, the set she she wore on Christmas morning, were found, if they were found.

Then there's the missing paintbrush tip. Clearly if it was still on the paintbrush when it was inserted, it would have had blood on it--which has made me wonder if that's why it also "disappeared" from the crime scene, along with the other bloody items, like whatever dark fabric was used to wipe her down and left wool fibers behind in the genital area which matched JR's shirt.

I'm just not sure how that blood got on those items, as it could have happened so many ways in the horror, tension, and crisis of committing those crimes.
I agree about the lawyers now I've had a day to mull it over - I don't think the Ramseys would have told them the full facts at all. They would have definitely phoned for legal and medical advice but would not have given much more detail than it was an accident that could look suspicious. Hence all the subsequent confusion, quasi-plot, staging, moving the body, police call etc

As for the staging etc, I think Burke killed her outside the cellar in the basement. I agree he wasn't strong enough to carry her into the winecellar - I think John did that but I feel that Burke had also been in there - to find the panties, to maybe whittle the paintbrush etc. Would that all be possible or not?

Yes, that would be possible, IMO.

But here's the rub: if Burke in fact tied the ligature on JB, inflicted the paintbrush injuries, broke and tied the paintbrush "handle" onto the ligature, all while JB lay on her stomach, then pulled it from behind her there until she expired...why didn't she fight?

The head blow, of course.

But then you have to believe the head blow was struck at the same time as she was being strangled--a cornerstone of the IDI theory, of course.

The flaw in that, no matter who did it, is why didn't she fight? No defense wounds on her body, at all.

One thing I differ with Kolar on, and I think he's simply wrong, but of course, he got this bugaboo from Smit and maybe it was simply one piece of Smit disinformation Kolar didn't have the time or thought to question: the marks on JB's neck above and below the ligature attributed to her "scratching" at the ligature.

We've argued this for years, so it surprised me to read that Kolar believes they were, at least in part, caused by her own fingernails. The autopsy attributes them to petechial hemorrhaging of the capillaries under pressure from the cord, and I think the gouges are from the gold links of the necklace and the cross being rolled up the neck so violently while wrapping around the ever tightening cord.

I probably should say Kolar certainly has more credibility than I do on this, so there's that. I may be wrong. :blushing:

But if she was already unconscious while being strangled from behind, by the paint tray, then how do we account for the approx. 90 minutes Kolar states lapsed between the head blow and the strangulation by the paint tray?

Would Burke have hung around the house by himself, in the middle of the night, that long before going back to the basement strangle his sister? It won't work.

And I say that because of this simple fact: even as an adult about the height Burke would have been then, weighing a "wee bit" more--:what:--I have to heave ho when carrying a 40 lb bag of bird seed, etc.

I just don't think Burke could have carried her. Since there are no drag marks on her body I'm aware of, someone had to have carried her to the paint tray, IMO.

As hard as it is to imagine, to believe, even with all the evidence we have, I believe one or both the parents in the home have to be the one/s who strangled the child by the paint tray.

The evidence supports this, as well, IMO.
Only one person had the organizational skills,confidence,ability to delegate (coach) PR in what to do and execute total control over this nightmare situation...... and that was JR. To maintain the mental discipline for over an hour and a half....likely watching as JB was having convulsions ....making plans .....bathing,changing clothes,staging the scene,communicating the details of the ransom note... constructing an alibi,making calls...only JR had the Machiavelli thinking required to do this seemingly impossible task.

Whatever the origin of JB vaginal injuries ...no adult ,despite many suspicious episodes of vaginitis attempted to protect JB. In additional BR had serious issues..all of which adversely affected JB. As I read through all the posts (I'm also waiting for James Kolar's book)it sound's like the name of the Denver Mansion should have been 'the house of horrors'. MOO

Good points.

I'm just no longer able to even ponder if JR was involved before the 911 call. It's all too absurd--reading the ransom note in his underwear on his knees? Not waking Burke? Rushing Burke out the door telling cops he knew nothing as he was asleep?

Kolar has nailed JR's guilty knowledge, IMO.
Are we sure the injuries were caused by the track, or are we still not past the stun gun?

The Ramseys owned a stun gun....in a house so "safe" they didn't lock their doors or windows.


I don't see where anyone has responded to this, but if I'm repeating, I apologize.

I haven't seen any evidence cited that the Ramseys owned a stun gun. I have seen numerous sources that they owned a VIDEO about stun guns, which the Ramseys said they got in a shop in Florida which sold items like that, but was in Spanish or something.

Not that anything the Ramseys said can be taken at face value, but I've seen no report any stun gun was found in the Ramseys' home. If you have info on that which I missed, perhaps you can share and thanks in advance.
...I've seen no report any stun gun was found in the Ramseys' home. If you have info on that which I missed, perhaps you can share and thanks in advance.
On page 108 of his book, Kolar states: "Boulder PD investigators would find written materials in the Ramsey household that suggested John Ramsey may have at one time been researching the purchase of a stun gun, or that he had owned one. Nothing ever came of this lead, however, and Smit continued to theorize that the marks of a stun gun found on JonBenet pointed to an intruder being involved in her death."

The manufacturers of the stun gun named as the weapon by Smit (the Air Taser) told the Boulder PD "in no uncertain terms that the marks on JonBenet's body would not have been created by their device." (Kolar, same page.)
First, let me say that I will never, until my last breath, believe that Alex Hunter denied the BPD a subpoena for the Ramsey's phone records shortly after the murder for some flaky "developing a trusting relationship" reason he stated. I have no doubt in my mind the Ramseys made some calls that morning to get advice, legal and possibly medical, before they proceeded with their part in this heinous crime.

And I don't believe for one minute they told their legal adviser and/or medical adviser what actually had happened, including the ongoing sexual abuse of the child.

I say this because I believe the insertion of the paintbrush was to cover the prior vaginal injuries which they knew would be found at autopsy. I believe that's why they didn't call for an ambulance or take the child to the ER. I don't believe they wanted this abuse to be obvious immediately upon the body being found, however; it would raise red flags and they were looking to get out of town before that happened, IMO.

What I do think they either believed or hoped was it would mask the prior abuse, creating a fresh injury to confuse the timeline. I'm sure they not only hoped that, but continue to this day to deny the facts of autopsy that prove the old vaginal injuries were not fresh and therefore had to be inflicted by someone BEFORE that night.

It's critical to believing there was an intruder. Look at the evidence the IDIs hold onto like breath: the "touch" DNA in the Bloomies, associated with the sexual abuse from the paintbrush that night.

Once you accept the older vaginal injuries were from sexual activity acted upon a six year old before that night...no intruder.

As to the ligature being tied on and pulled by Burke: yes, he was old enough and capable of doing both of these, IMO.

But what I question is this: since LE believes JonBenet was probably assaulted with the paintbrush by the paint tray, was strangled and expired there, and then was carried to the cellar room where her body was further stated, how did Burke carry his 45 lb. sister to do that?

So if you believe the parents carried the body into the cellar room, did the cleaning and redressing either by the paint tray or in the cellar room, applied the duct tape and wrist bindings around the same time and place, that explains that.

But how did JonBenet get to the paint tray where she was strangled and expired?

That's the question I have.
Well, a couple of things that the Rs didn't want to be associated with, was the pineapple and the flashlight. Since the flashlight was found in the kitchen, ImO, whatever happened, started in the kitchen. And BR saying he could hear the refrigerator being opened, is another red lag, IMO. For arguments sake, say JBR made the mess on the chocolates, and then went to the kitchen with BR. Their noise could have awakened PR, so she went to check JB's room, and then found the mess. She would have been enraged. If she went to the kitchen, JB would have instantly known she was in big trouble, and why. She would have known that face well. She then could have taken off running, (like so many kids do, when in trouble), and like a lot of moms, PR could have grabbed her by her hair, to pull her back. This would have made JB scream, and now even more enraged, PR could have bashed her in the head, with whatever she could grab. I happen to think the flashlight was used for a flashlight, (just a nagging suspicion, that she wouldn't have left the murder weapon in plain sight), so were there any golf clubs in the kitchen? Anyway, I think it's possible that PR thought JB was dead, and to cover what she did, decided to make it look like an intruder/rapist, had killed her. Now, did she think the paintbrush would pass as actual penetration, or was she trying to cover prior abuse? IDK, but I think it's possible that she did what her sick mind conjured up, to look like a rapist. No, this isn't a foolproof theory, but IMO, those chocolates could be seen as motive, so to speak, and if PR found them, I can only imagine how enraged she would have been. A lot of women have a snapping point, and this could have been hers. I've gone round and round with theories, and this is just another one, because when I actually think about the different variables, I have a hard time with BR as a suspect. Not that he wasn't physically capable, but all the later drama, just doesn't make sense. MOO, and I may change my mind after reading the book.
I may never accept that which ever person strangled
jonbenet thought she was dead. This has probably been discussed long ago but a severe head injury can be termed functional decapitation if severe enough. That fact along with the severe head injury and threat of beheading in the note is just too much. I think this person figured that there would be disability based on percentages he/she/they looked up and decided the risk was not worth loss of reputation and money due to abuse investigation that would take place if help was sought..
Well, a couple of things that the Rs didn't want to be associated with, was the pineapple and the flashlight. Since the flashlight was found in the kitchen, ImO, whatever happened, started in the kitchen. And BR saying he could hear the refrigerator being opened, is another red lag, IMO. For arguments sake, say JBR made the mess on the chocolates, and then went to the kitchen with BR. Their noise could have awakened PR, so she went to check JB's room, and then found the mess. She would have been enraged. If she went to the kitchen, JB would have instantly known she was in big trouble, and why. She would have known that face well. She then could have taken off running, (like so many kids do, when in trouble), and like a lot of moms, PR could have grabbed her by her hair, to pull her back. This would have made JB scream, and now even more enraged, PR could have bashed her in the head, with whatever she could grab. I happen to think the flashlight was used for a flashlight, (just a nagging suspicion, that she wouldn't have left the murder weapon in plain sight), so were there any golf clubs in the kitchen? Anyway, I think it's possible that PR thought JB was dead, and to cover what she did, decided to make it look like an intruder/rapist, had killed her. Now, did she think the paintbrush would pass as actual penetration, or was she trying to cover prior abuse? IDK, but I think it's possible that she did what her sick mind conjured up, to look like a rapist. No, this isn't a foolproof theory, but IMO, those chocolates could be seen as motive, so to speak, and if PR found them, I can only imagine how enraged she would have been. A lot of women have a snapping point, and this could have been hers. I've gone round and round with theories, and this is just another one, because when I actually think about the different variables, I have a hard time with BR as a suspect. Not that he wasn't physically capable, but all the later drama, just doesn't make sense. MOO, and I may change my mind after reading the book.

The flashlight, to me, has a similar provenance as the pineapple because of the response they both elicited i.e. no idea about the pineapple and no idea where the flashlight had come from. Yes they had wiped it down BUT they didn't know where BURKE had got it from (Burke was sent to his room and asked no further questions throughout the staging).

I think the flashlight was for Burke's planned trip down to the basement for the presents etc as he couldn't switch on any intermediary lights (hall, stairs etc) without risking his parents waking up. There really is no other explanation for the wiped clean flashlight. The parents wouldn’t have bothered using a flashlight if they’d been up to no good with Jon Benet, accidentally or otherwise – they would have turned on lights. Furthermore, they wouldn’t have bothered, or been in sound enough mind, to have wiped it clean unless it was readily apparent that this had been the weapon used to inflict the first blow – possibly the fatal blow on terror-stricken first inspection. So why the batteries also wiped? Did they really use it all night and have to swap batteries?

I don't think so. There were lights in the basement an adult could switch on.

The flashlight is critical. ‘Who’s flashlight is this?” ‘Not ours. Never seen it before. Always kept in the kitchen drawer etc.” Implausible and straight denial. The torch has it. Yet there is frequently a kernel of truth that an outrageous and rushed lie is wrapped around. They might indeed have not seen the flashlight for a long time. For all they knew, the batteries had run out last time they tried to use it months before – it might not even have any batteries in it, having previously canabilsed them to use in another device. We’ve all done that.

So it was a mystery to the parents where it had appeared from and how it was operable. Now, what mischievous young boy doesn’t have a flashlight stashed away in his bedroom for stealthy illumination after lights out? Especially if, now and again, he plays mischievous doctors and nurses under the covers when his sister is in his room.

But why were the batteries wiped clean? A seemingly surreal and painstaking detail for a killer to bother with and an even grander leap of imagination for one of the parents to include in a ‘lawyer-ordained’ evidence wipedown.

One thing seems apparent. The extra care and meticulous attention devoted to cleaning the flashlight strongly implies that it was the murder weapon. But why the attention to the batteries when Patsy had left her prints on the bowl, clothing fibres all over JB and, possibly, the last item garment JB ever wore, the red pullover, clumsily tucked out of view in plain sight?

Imagine their lawyer, or even themselves acting under their own steam. The most important piece of evidence to obliterate all fingerprints from must be the supposed murder weapon. Their confusion as to the source of the pineapple and the torch? Burke had covertly procured both items.

“Burke, where did you get that torch from? It hasn’t worked for months. It hasn’t even got batteries.”

“I had it in my room and got the batteries from one of JB’s toys/his own remote controlled car etc.” Ah ha the batteries are now in stark relief and obviously would be wiped as well.

Did the police take the odd scenario of wiped batteries into consideration during their searches? Did they check all Burke’s toys for batteries being removed at some point? If they simply expired during the staging, did the police search for the old batteries which may have had prints on? On balance, I think they did and it is one of the multitude of facts still lurking in the 90% of undisclosed evidence.
Good points.

I'm just no longer able to even ponder if JR was involved before the 911 call. It's all too absurd--reading the ransom note in his underwear on his knees? Not waking Burke? Rushing Burke out the door telling cops he knew nothing as he was asleep?

Kolar has nailed JR's guilty knowledge, IMO.

Call to 911 from Patsy received at 5:52 am. John on knees reading RN in underwear, according to Patsy. John receives Officer French upon his arrival at 5:56am at their home, dressed in khaki's and a blue striped shirt.

Four minutes for John to leave Patsy talking on the phone (she made more calls too), go upstairs and check JB's room again, check in on Burke, and then get fully dressed before going back downstairs to be available when French arrived. Four minutes?! Those undies must have been Speedo's! :maddening:
I feel this way, as well...right up to the point where I consider how many people John and Patsy deliberately, and with fully malicious intent, deeply hurt, some saddled for life with the label of "suspected child molester and murderer," some who never even met the Ramseys or knew they existed before the death of JonBenet, even LE officers whose careers and lives were devastated while investigating the murder of JonBenet in the Ramsey's own home while they claim they slept.

To this day John Ramsey is maliciously attacking the BPD and his former close friends, the Whites, in his latest self-righteous book of lies while continuing to depict himself as some kind of wise, JOB-like Christian.

John Ramsey is no Christian. He's a man devoted to lying to the world and hurting anyone who challenges those lies about his own daughter's death, all while making some money for doing it.

Patsy Ramsey drove her daughter like a work horse to achieve the goals Patsy herself could never achieve, IMO. When that fell apart, she may have reacted to keep her family from answering to the laws most of us would never imagine being able to side-step, but once it flew out of her control again, she saw the silver lining and turned that cloud inside out: she was at long last FAMOUS! She was the female JOB who never quit whining about her misfortunes while using all her energy to promote lies and strike down anyone who dared defy her will by seeking the truth about her child's molestation and death.

Burke and JonBenet were both victims of very selfish parents and always will be, IMO.

No, I'll never be able to sustain any sympathy for John and Patsy Ramsey, though I have long felt sorry for Burke. Whatever he did, he was a child and his parents' responsibility.

Epic fail.

Well said, as usual, KK. Very well said.

Speaking from 60+ years of exposure to and observation of narcissist personalites, which required many hours of self help and professional therapy on my part to try to get to some understanding, I can say that some people may never understand how the Ramsey's could have done any of the things they did before, during and after the death of JB.

A rational person without major personalty disorders is at the disadvantage of being able to fully grasp how the R's could possibly behave, because of our ability to harbor empathy, sympathy, and have a conscience that recognizes we can be wrong as many times as we can be right. We assume all humans must possess the same basic capacity.

Truth is, some humans do not possess some of these abilities. Some of them have no concept of any or all of those abilities mentionted here. So, we have murders out there who commit heinous crimes through all sorts of ways and means. Some are real charmers who fool their closet relatives for years before they are discovered. Some are have successful public performance for years before they are discovered.

It is sad, indeed, that JR is using Christianity for his own mortal well-being while demonstrating very few aspects of true Christianity. Those of us who are Christians are well aware, thanks to the Word of the Bible, that we can expect these people to be our adversaries here on earth. One of our challenges as Christians is to try to expose as many of those like JR as we can. Thank goodness for all the people who feel the same way about JR, Christian or not, who are working so diligently to bring complete resolve to this case.
Oh, thank you and others who view my bombastic hissy fits so kindly. :blush:

I wish I was actually that smart, though. When you put into perspective that it's taken me 15+ years to put this 60,000 page Ramsey puzzle together, turns out I feel quite stupid and gullible sometimes.

You know; "I've been duped." :maddening:

Kold, don't be modest. Your posts are thoughtful and intelligent. I think anyone who can compose that photo of how the size 12 Bloomies would appear on a child of 6, is very clever and smart. You have managed to put a true life image to this case for all to consider.

I don't always agree with you, but I certainly make it a point to faithfully check out your posts.

I feel this way, as well...right up to the point where I consider how many people John and Patsy deliberately, and with fully malicious intent, deeply hurt, some saddled for life with the label of "suspected child molester and murderer," some who never even met the Ramseys or knew they existed before the death of JonBenet, even LE officers whose careers and lives were devastated while investigating the murder of JonBenet in the Ramsey's own home while they claim they slept.

To this day John Ramsey is maliciously attacking the BPD and his former close friends, the Whites, in his latest self-righteous book of lies while continuing to depict himself as some kind of wise, JOB-like Christian.

John Ramsey is no Christian. He's a man devoted to lying to the world and hurting anyone who challenges those lies about his own daughter's death, all while making some money for doing it.

Patsy Ramsey drove her daughter like a work horse to achieve the goals Patsy herself could never achieve, IMO. When that fell apart, she may have reacted to keep her family from answering to the laws most of us would never imagine being able to side-step, but once it flew out of her control again, she saw the silver lining and turned that cloud inside out: she was at long last FAMOUS! She was the female JOB who never quit whining about her misfortunes while using all her energy to promote lies and strike down anyone who dared defy her will by seeking the truth about her child's molestation and death.

Burke and JonBenet were both victims of very selfish parents and always will be, IMO.

No, I'll never be able to sustain any sympathy for John and Patsy Ramsey, though I have long felt sorry for Burke. Whatever he did, he was a child and his parents' responsibility.

Epic fail.

Excellent post.

I think you all deserve post of the day. Everyone here who cares about justice for this little girl.
FWIW, I didn't take Burke's comment about hearing the opening of the refrigerator door to mean he heard it the night JonBenet died. I took it that Burke implied he didn't hear anything that night and if something had of happened he should have heard it since in his experience he had, in the past, been able to hear the refrigerator door open while he was in his bedroom.

There are just some concepts that are hard to get across in "forum language." :)
FWIW, I didn't take Burke's comment about hearing the opening of the refrigerator door to mean he heard it the night JonBenet died. I took it that Burke implied he didn't hear anything that night and if something had of happened he should have heard it since in his experience he had, in the past, been able to hear the refrigerator door open while he was in his bedroom.

There are just some concepts that are hard to get across in "forum language." :)

Curious that. All three R's deny hearing anything that night. Although Burke suggests he can hear stuff in the kitchen, wonder why he picked the kitchen?

Curious that. All three R's deny hearing anything that night. Although Burke suggests he can hear stuff in the kitchen, wonder why he picked the kitchen?


I suppose because it might be the truth???? :dunno:

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