James Kolar's New Book Will Blow the Lid off the JonBenet Ramsey Investigation

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Well, I can't say that I doubt it, but I sure consider it as possibly incorrect.
Some reasons:

Imo, the cord around the wrists served no purpose other than staging and misdirection. So it makes sense to me to suspect that the same cord used to make the faux garrote might be seen in the same light.

Also, imo the faux garrote really served no real purpose beyond what a plain piece of cord would have done. I feel that each occupant of the house was physically capable of strangling an unconscious six year old girl without the need for knots and a handle. AND, even if they did need a handle, there is no need to break the paintbrush as the full paintbrush would serve the exact same purpose.

And what evidence does Meyer show that the ligature that he was presented with was the very same ligature that killed JB? None that I see. Of course it would seem apparent at the time, but in retrospect I feels it's worthy of consideration because as I said before there were people in the house actively trying to conceal the true nature of what happened. They did it with the wrist bindings, the wipedown, the paintbrush, the tape over mouth, the note etc. Yet for some reason we are to assume that the faux garrote is the genuine article?
How do we know that a similiar cord, cable, etc was actually used and was replaced with the garrote? Maybe someone felt that the nature of the cord used somehow implicated the killer. How do we know that whatever it was did'nt walk with the blunt instrument, tape, and notepad pages?

Excellent analysis and deductions, wengr! Thank you.

Just to add one small detail (in addition to the mysterious white line bellow the strangulation abrasion on JB's neck): from an autopsy report and photos available to the public today, you wouldn't find the mark from the ligature's knot! None! But it should be there if the actual strangulation has been performed by the rope with the knot on it...hmmmm.....:banghead:

Excellent analysis and deductions, wengr! Thank you.

Just to add one small detail (in addition to the mysterious white line bellow the strangulation abrasion on JB's neck): from an autopsy report and photos available to the public today, you wouldn't find the mark from the ligature's knot! None! But it should be there if the actual strangulation has been performed by the rope with the knot on it...hmmmm.....:banghead:


Good one, OM4U! Have missed your thought provoking comments these past couple of weeks. Do you have any comments on the thickish, white mark that shows in the middle of JB's neck on the right side, and appears to be a couple of inches long, at most?
Excellent analysis and deductions, wengr! Thank you.

Just to add one small detail (in addition to the mysterious white line bellow the strangulation abrasion on JB's neck): from an autopsy report and photos available to the public today, you wouldn't find the mark from the ligature's knot! None! But it should be there if the actual strangulation has been performed by the rope with the knot on it...hmmmm.....:banghead:


That white line has always been mysterious to me. I've mentioned it before- it had to have been made during the non-fixed blanching phase of livor mortis, and whatever made it remained in place until livor became fixed. At that point, the blood will no longer seep back into the space from which it has been pushed away- it has begun to gel.
If we accept that it was the cord that finally ended her life (and we know that the red ligature furrows were made while she was still alive) you have to understand that there was quite a bit of time that had to elapse as she moved from life to death to non-fixed livor (begins within 10 minutes or so of death) and then to fixed livor. This means she was OBVIOUSLY dead at the time that white mark was made. That was the LAST thing to have been wound around her throat, and it had to have happened quite a while after the other red mark(s). And I cannot make this action fit into my (or any) theory.
DeeDee - do you think it could be possible that something else was used, and that is what made the white mark? A silk scarf around her neck but only tied in the first step of a knot, and then twisted or pulled from both ends? JR put a scarf in her coffin, and that seemed unusual to me.
If something other than the rope was used I am sure JR got rid of it along with a few other things.
The thin cord actually exits. It WAS found around her neck. The scarf/shirt as an instrument of strangulation is speculation only and may or may not be reality. The width of the cord is much narrower than the fabric of either a scarf or the neck of a turtleneck. It would be impossible to cover/hide marks from either a scarf, shirt or hands with that cord.
Why would you call it self-serving? I have no interest in anything other than the facts. And the facts are that a cord WAS used and the other things have not been proven to have been.
You're getting a little snarky, aren't you? And I don't think I deserve it. I ask only the treatment I give to you.

I apologise, just one of those days and a bad choice of words.

Excellent analysis and deductions, wengr! Thank you.

Just to add one small detail (in addition to the mysterious white line bellow the strangulation abrasion on JB's neck): from an autopsy report and photos available to the public today, you wouldn't find the mark from the ligature's knot! None! But it should be there if the actual strangulation has been performed by the rope with the knot on it...hmmmm.....:banghead:


Its all staging. You are now looking at a crime-scene that has been manipulated by the R's, on possibly three occassions.

The knot is possibly missing because the addition of the paintbrush is a staging refinement?

The white line below the abrasion, can simply be the remnants of a prior staging. It appears the R's in steps with no particular logic to them slowly refined how JonBenet was presented. So they removed the white line element and added the broken paintbrush handle?

Appreciating that there was all this prior staging is why I think the head bash might be a failed attempt to stage death by head injury, e.g. flashlight, hence it being wiped down.

I do not think any of the R's would consider whacking JonBenet in the manner she was struck, it would serve no purpose.

Whereas suffocating JonBenet would silence her if she was attempting to complain about being sexually assaulted.

Without the sexual assault PDI and bedwetting can allow the same scenario to play out.

So sexual assault followed by coma, seems to be why JonBenet sustained so many injuries, i.e. revised staging effects.

With JR's shirt fibers on JonBenet he is a prime suspect for redressing JonBenet in the size-12's. And with PR's fibers embedded into the ligature *advertiser censored* paintbrush handle knotting, suggesting it was PR who decided to amend the staging?

So if you ignore BDI, then a basic theory could be JDI with PR assisting with the staging?
DeeDee - do you think it could be possible that something else was used, and that is what made the white mark? A silk scarf around her neck but only tied in the first step of a knot, and then twisted or pulled from both ends? JR put a scarf in her coffin, and that seemed unusual to me.
If something other than the rope was used I am sure JR got rid of it along with a few other things.

The white mark does look pretty much the same width as the red furrows. Too narrow to have been made by a scarf, IMO. I also think putting the scarf (which was a man's scarf) in the coffin was very strange. It didn't seem to have any significance - no special link to JB. Patsy gave out scarves to men that year, but I believe JR said it wasn't one of those. This is yet another question that won't be answered because the one who knows the answer won't talk.
loved the book!

but I am really grateful for one thing....that it totally exposes Lacy's mission...she only picked what was convenient out of ALL the DNA tests performed in order to clear her fellas!

nice new piece of info re the DNA found on the garotte and wrist ligatures!!

makes the "touch dna, hence there must be an intruder" ridiculous!if we follow lacy's "logic" we are dealing with 6 intruders...

and interesting info re BR's and PR's touch DNA on the nightgown (doesn't necessarily mean anything,they lived in that house I agree,still)
I really don't understand how all those media people (IDIOTS!) still run the "waiting for a DNA match so we can catch the killer" BS....unbelievable,really,it's all about the money and lawsuits,real journalism does not longer exist
I have to say I've just finished this book and am pretty disappointed.

Why write a very long book and not spell out your theory? Especially if you say that no one can be prosecuted, then surely it can't be because it will damage a future case.

The info about the train tracks matching the "stun gun" marks exactly was interesting, but I'm not sure there was anything else I didn't already know. And I was still left with plenty of questions that were not answered. For all the text there wasn't really that much concrete information.

I feel as if I learned nothing except that the author believes Burke did it, for reasons known only to himself, and I should just accept that he has a good reason for believing this.

I don't feel like I was even given anything to think about/argue for or against in regards to Burke.

To be honest I am left wondering whether Kolar actually has anything other than a hunch.

I think Steve Thomas wrote a more convincing book.
I have to say I've just finished this book and am pretty disappointed.

Why write a very long book and not spell out your theory? Especially if you say that no one can be prosecuted, then surely it can't be because it will damage a future case.

The info about the train tracks matching the "stun gun" marks exactly was interesting, but I'm not sure there was anything else I didn't already know. And I was still left with plenty of questions that were not answered. For all the text there wasn't really that much concrete information.

I feel as if I learned nothing except that the author believes Burke did it, for reasons known only to himself, and I should just accept that he has a good reason for believing this.

I don't feel like I was even given anything to think about/argue for or against in regards to Burke.

To be honest I am left wondering whether Kolar actually has anything other than a hunch.

I think Steve Thomas wrote a more convincing book.

Nice to have your thoughts. I have yet to read Kolar's book, which from all accounts seems to promote a BDI theory.

Kolar's absence of detail regarding BDI might be related to any risk regarding litigation. Something publishers never mind authors have to consider before printing.

wrt Steve Thomas he had a reputation to defend, so his book has that as a focus.

Latterly Steve Thomas' evidential claims and his theory, PDI, have been called into question.

It is likely that Kolar's book requires more than one read and the making of obscure inferences from his factiods?

Otherwise his BDI might be seen as opportunistic in the journalistic sense.

Jim Kolar provides more detail re one incident than Lawrence Schiller or Steve Thomas did. the Fernies did not sever ties with the Ramseys only because they found it odd that they were mourning the loss of JonBenet longer than her mother was

PMPT/kindle location 834:
The pry marks discovered on two doors had not produced evidence of splintering on the ground below and Barbara Fernie, a close friend of Patsy's, had told the police that she had seen the pry marks before the murder and at that time they were already old

Inside The Ramsey Murder Investigation/kindle location 4810:
We also resolved the issue of pry marks being seen on a back door on the Ramsey house. Team Ramsey had carried on quite a bit about the marks, which they said indicated an intruder. But a witness came forward to report that she had pointed out those very marks to Patsy Ramsey months before the murder. There was no intruder entry there, and the Ramseys knew it all along.

Foreign Faction/kindle location 4194:
Mrs Fernie shared one additional tidbit of information with investigators that had been bothering her. She indicated that, late in the summer or early fall of 1996, she had observed damages to the latch area of an exterior screen door located on the rear south side of the Ramsey home. Mrs Fernie was concerned that perhaps a burglary attempt had been made to the home, and shared this information with Patsy.

They inspected the door and determined that the interior door exhibited no damages whatsoever. Patsy expressed no concern about the damaged screen door and suggested that perhaps John was responsible for the marks. He reportedly was always forgetting his keys and had broken into the house on other occasions.

Mrs Fernie indicated that she had seen a photograph of this same screen door displayed in an advertisement running in one of the Denver newspapers shortly after the murder. The advertisement, placed by Ramsey attorneys and taking up at least half of the page of the newspaper, purported that this may have been a possible point of entry used by the kidnapper of JonBenet.

This did not sit well with Mrs Fernie, because Patsy was fully aware that these damages had been inflicted upon the screen door weeks or months prior to the murder of JonBenet. The use of this particular photograph seemed to be an attempt to mislead the public about the evidence associated with the crime and the Fernies indicated that they severed their contact with the family following their observation of that advertisement.
When are the books and the lies and the false promises and the faulty DNA tests and all the rest of this BS going to stop. So many people failed JonBenet in life, please, in death its time to let her rest in peace. The Guilty haven't gotten away with anything and justice delayed is justice none the less. Sleep with the Angels little one.
When are the books and the lies and the false promises and the faulty DNA tests and all the rest of this BS going to stop. So many people failed JonBenet in life, please, in death its time to let her rest in peace. The Guilty haven't gotten away with anything and justice delayed is justice none the less. Sleep with the Angels little one.

I've gotten in trouble around here before for stating my views on that subject (one big reason why I'm not around as much), but I get what you mean.
I find the train tracks comparison to be very interesting. It's seems very likely to be the source of the marks. Based on that I think a lot of folks give BR a second look, although many also seem to be very dismissive of BDI theories. To me, however, a BDI with JR & PR cover-up seems the most plausible.
I find the train tracks comparison to be very interesting. It's seems very likely to be the source of the marks. Based on that I think a lot of folks give BR a second look, although many also seem to be very dismissive of BDI theories. To me, however, a BDI with JR & PR cover-up seems the most plausible.

Where do you see BR leaving off, and PR/JR taking over? TIA
Where do you see BR leaving off, and PR/JR taking over? TIA

Good question. I can see BR being responsible for whatever happened to JBR (intentional or accident) and PR/JR basically get involved after the fact.

Either they know he did it on purpose or they think that no one will believe it was an accident based on the circumstances (maybe there's a sexual element they are concerned about being public?) and so they decide to try and protect their son by staging a charade.

If they are unaware of the fact that BR couldn't be charged, or believe he will be branded 'crazy' and locked up in an institution/sent away, I can definitely see them panicking and trying to protect him.

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