James Kolar's New Book Will Blow the Lid off the JonBenet Ramsey Investigation

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Good post.

A couple of things stood out on this to me. LW reported that detectives handed BR a card and suggested if he ever wanted to talk, that would be how to reach them. However, there were 3 detectives and they flew 1200 miles. Just to hand a card over? I’d bet they wanted to speak in person, ask some questions and see a reaction. Also, timing on this was 2010. That was long after Kolar had made a presentation in Boulder. It was also after ML, (the DA then) had left her service. Maybe there were some detectives who received permission from a new DA to follow up with BR, after hearing what Kolar thought. LW again started threatening lawsuits after this happened.

One thing AH did was to leave an opening, in the event some evidence pointed to BR in the future, stating no evidence had turned up that BR was involved. So it wasn’t a total “clearing of BR” like LW and BR’s lawyer had sought. One other item involving BR. Both JR and PR had Boulder based lawyers, until LW was added as the lead bulldog. BR had an Atlanta-based lawyer. Wondered why.

Any one ever note something else about BR and his schooling? There was an interesting development before BR’s senior year. PR and JR decide to move from Atlanta to Charlevoix; there was speculation that it was to enable JR to achieve residency status in order to run for the Michigan legislature. Still, I was personally struck that they relocated before his senior year and did not leave him with family so that he could complete his last year. Most parents I know would not remove a kid before his senior year. Way too disruptive . However, PR and JR apparently thought something like keeping him in Atlanta wasn’t all that important compared to JR’s political ambitions. Or did BR start to talk a little about Boulder to someone?

Strength of character is cultivated in a family, by facing the troubles we all face. Maybe his refusal isn’t damning per se; for If he knew this crime involved only his mom and dad, it would take huge character to speak the truth. Clearly, BR did not have that kind of an upbringing. Of course, moo.

The case was sent back to LE in February 2009. So perhaps LE going to talk to Burke had something to do with that? For some reason, I think there was something else that happened around 09/10, but my mind is blanking.

My mom's family moved to another state for her senior year of HS simply because they wanted to live somewhere more suburban/rural. So IDK...There might not be anything shady behind it. Plus, Burke has lived in Atlanta since then, so I would think he keeps in contact with his close friends. Did they find out he was starting to talk to someone about that night, and just ban him from having contact with that person ever again?

Also, Burke was a student at Georgia State University for at least a semester. Then, he went back to Purdue. Not sure what's up with that. It could just be that he got homesick.
this is what I don't get....you either stage it to look like a kidnapping gone wrong or to look like a sexual assault (crazy pedo)...why both?one contradicts the other and makes it more suspicious and not genuine.

okay,the R's were amateurs but they weren't stupid people

dunno if I can buy this,that the sexual assault was pure staging,sorry

Exactly. Both makes it less plausible. But is it really staged as both?

The sexual assault is not noticeable, even when the body is found. It's only at autopsy that the sexual aspect becomes apparent.

So, there seem to be three possibilities. One, the sexual assault was an assault, and not staging. Two, the sexual assault was staging thrown into the mix to further confuse. Three, the sexual assault was the first staging idea, then it was decided to go with a kidnapping instead.

One, is possible, but the violence of jabbing her and making her bleed that much suggests, at least to me, that it was more than a perv. getting his jollies. But it's possible this is just what the perp felt like doing to her.

Two, as you correctly point out, makes the whole thing less believable, not more. Either they were very stupid amateurs, or this was not the point of the sexual assault. Since the body is re-dressed, I tend to think this was not thrown into the mix on purpose. It's only at autopsy that sexual assault is apparent. It is my opinion that the body was not meant to be found in the house, so the assault, if ever detected, could be blamed on kidnappers. With the body in the house it can't be blamed on anyone but one of the Rs.

Three, the sexual assault might have been the first plan for staging a crime scene - A psycho/sex murderer came in and killed her. Realizing this wasn't going to fly, the killer hatched the kidnapping scenario. Since the sexual assault staging was rejected, she was wiped down and redressed. This would explain the seemingly strange cross-staging.

But to repeat, it's not really cross-staged per se. The sexual assault isn't meant to be seen or known of, as it could only be seen by the coroner. He (they) were smart enough to know they weren't going to fool the coroner.
My mom's family moved to another state for her senior year of HS simply because they wanted to live somewhere more suburban/rural. So IDK...There might not be anything shady behind it. .

BBM. Could be. But this is the R family, so evaluating behaviors is something which happens here. Mostly I try to avoid speculation. Just thought it was odd, and perhaps a little selfish on the part of the adult R's. Noone will ever know. MHO
this is what I don't get....you either stage it to look like a kidnapping gone wrong or to look like a sexual assault (crazy pedo)...why both?one contradicts the other and makes it more suspicious and not genuine.

okay,the R's were amateurs but they weren't stupid people

dunno if I can buy this,that the sexual assault was pure staging,sorry

Both happen because different people in the R household at different points in time enact a staging which is then amended by another R.

So the use of the paintbrush handle, assuming Kolar is correct, is to mask the acute sexual assault.

Redressing JonBenet and dumping her in the wine-cellar has less to do with any abduction and more to do with removing forensic evidence from another part of the house.

If you ascribe credibility to the notion that someone was seriously considering abducting JonBenet and removing her to some location outside of the house, even as a form of staging, then the R's will have been 100% successful in their attempt to hide what really took place.

The majority of staged crimes are undertaken not because the stager thinks they will hoodwink the police but because they want to mask, or remove forensic evidence thereby making any prosecution much more difficult.

Do search engine search for "Dr Sam Sheppard" who was alleged to have killed his wife then staged the crime-scene, AKA "The Fugitive" a Sixties TV crime drama.

Gregg O. McCrary, an Ex-FBI agent was prepared to take the stand and state that the death of Marilyn Sheppard was the result of a "Staged Domestic Homicide"

The Judge ruled he could not do this since he thought this amounted to Profiling, thats longhand for the judge thinking that the use of staged evidence was not reliable.

I really believe the whole situation has turned into an examination of choices.

I don't believe the killing was deliberate, but the choices made subsequent to it were.

People often make poor decisions when panicked, and usually they get caught out or pulled up on their poor choices.

It simply hasn't happened on this occasion because more than one person made what I suspect were several choices at different times.

I now believe JR's involvement was much later in the piece and he's not a stupid man, he would have known what he saw when confronted with it, and this will be why we have very different, conflicting if you wish, evidence which has muddied the waters and made it clearly VERY difficult to pin on any one individual.
If both of the R's wanted JB out of the house when she was initially killed then she would have been removed then, in the middle of the night. They would have alibi'd each other. Only one R knew at the time that JB was dead, they couldn't possibly leave the house in case the others woke and found them missing.

I don't think PR was mentally stable enough to do this on her own. I think had she killed JB she would have cracked long before 6am when she allegedly got up.
If BDI and the Rs knew he couldn't be held accountable then I think it's possible the ransom note may have been meant more as a way to explain what had happened to family/friends/the public, people who were obviously going to ask, but wouldn't be expected to look deep into the details or evidence. While that makes sense to me, I'm not sure what the Rs could have been thinking in terms of police investigating a crime.
BDI makes no sense as to why the body wasn't removed from the house in the middle of the night. No way did a 9 year old child set up that crime scene alone.
BDI makes no sense as to why the body wasn't removed from the house in the middle of the night. No way did a 9 year old child set up that crime scene alone.

That's the point, the BDI theory doesn't SAY he did the staging on his own.
BDI makes no sense as to why the body wasn't removed from the house in the middle of the night. No way did a 9 year old child set up that crime scene alone.

BDI makes no sense for a number of reasons.

However, moving the body in the middle of the night might not have been a good idea, even if JR/PR were working together. Neighbors might notice them leaving in the car.

No, a child didn't set up the crime scene, but BDI doesn't claim BR did set up the crime scene. In fact BDI suggests the parent(s) did it, even though BR couldn't be charged and staging a kidnapping was sure to result in greater rather than less publicity.
But if BDI and it was staged by both parents, why not move the body out of the house? Why leave it there where it could be found? John could easily have left the house under the ploy of flying out for business. I think the fact that the body was in the house makes it more likely one parent did it.
But if BDI and it was staged by both parents, why not move the body out of the house? Why leave it there where it could be found? John could easily have left the house under the ploy of flying out for business. I think the fact that the body was in the house makes it more likely one parent did it.

And your point here to me, makes it more likely that no one from that house did it.

If you are trying to get away with murder you leave the body and evidence in your house? You stage a kidnapping but leave the body?

This has always bothered me. If you are covering up and trying to point fingers away from you the best way is to get rid of the body.
And your point here to me, makes it more likely that no one from that house did it.

If you are trying to get away with murder you leave the body and evidence in your house? You stage a kidnapping but leave the body?

This has always bothered me. If you are covering up and trying to point fingers away from you the best way is to get rid of the body.

if you can,if you have time,this needs a little bit of planning...it's not like a walk in the park...you need to think where to hide the body,how to get out of the house without being seen,clean the car afterwards,and so on...not that easy
Exactly...this wasn't planned, it happened at midnight or something and was amateurish.
And your point here to me, makes it more likely that no one from that house did it.

If you are trying to get away with murder you leave the body and evidence in your house? You stage a kidnapping but leave the body?

This has always bothered me. If you are covering up and trying to point fingers away from you the best way is to get rid of the body.

Agreed it makes no sense to leave the body in the house. BUT...you really think it makes sense that a kidnapper came in, left a RN, sexually assaulted JB IN THE HOUSE, murdered her IN THE HOUSE, and left her IN THE HOUSE? Sorry, that makes even less sense. A real kidnapper would get her out of the house ASAP! A real kidnapper would never take the chance of being caught IN THE HOUSE with her. How do you explain the "kidnapper" sexually assaulting her, killing her, and leaving her IN THE HOUSE along with a RN?

I have NEVER heard of even one case where a real kidnapper didn't take the victim far away ASAP. Even if the victim was killed, the kidnapper would not reveal that in hopes that they would get the R$. Kidnapping is about extorting money. If there's a dead body, IN THE HOUSE, how in the world is the kidnapper going to expect to get any R$??

For the sake of arguement, let's say there really was a kidnapper. :facepalm: Why didn't he take JB immediately? Why assault her IN THE HOUSE? Was he just such a perv that he couldn't control himself until he got her out? Why kill her IN THE HOUSE? And last, but certainly not least, why did he leave her IN THE HOUSE?? Why didn't he take her with him in hopes that he would still get his R$???
Agreed it makes no sense to leave the body in the house. BUT...you really think it makes sense that a kidnapper came in, left a RN, sexually assaulted JB IN THE HOUSE, murdered her IN THE HOUSE, and left her IN THE HOUSE? Sorry, that makes even less sense. A real kidnapper would get her out of the house ASAP! A real kidnapper would never take the chance of being caught IN THE HOUSE with her. How do you explain the "kidnapper" sexually assaulting her, killing her, and leaving her IN THE HOUSE along with a RN?

I have NEVER heard of even one case where a real kidnapper didn't take the victim far away ASAP. Even if the victim was killed, the kidnapper would not reveal that in hopes that they would get the R$. Kidnapping is about extorting money. If there's a dead body, IN THE HOUSE, how in the world is the kidnapper going to expect to get any R$??

For the sake of arguement, let's say there really was a kidnapper. :facepalm: Why didn't he take JB immediately? Why assault her IN THE HOUSE? Was he just such a perv that he couldn't control himself until he got her out? Why kill her IN THE HOUSE? And last, but certainly not least, why did he leave her IN THE HOUSE?? Why didn't he take her with him in hopes that he would still get his R$???

yep.he didn't take the body (risk of getting caught>>dna,fibers,etc) but be bothered to take the roll of tape and the remaining piece of cord with him.right.
AND he left his handwriting behind even if with a dead body the RN >>>zero value.right.
if you can,if you have time,this needs a little bit of planning...it's not like a walk in the park...you need to think where to hide the body,how to get out of the house without being seen,clean the car afterwards,and so on...not that easy
Not to mention the cadaver sniffing dogs that surely would have alerted on inspection of the vehicle. Moving a corpse is NOT an easy piece of work, particularly when your vehicles are well known to the residents of Boulder.
Not to mention the cadaver sniffing dogs that surely would have alerted on inspection of the vehicle. Moving a corpse is NOT an easy piece of work, particularly when your vehicles are well known to the residents of Boulder.

I wish they used dogs...MAYBE they would have found the bloody cloth (the one she was wiped off with)...btw,did they search the area around the house that day?dumpsters,etc?I wonder what happened to that cloth...and to JB's underwear....
a kidnapper writing the RN AFTER breaking in,with people sleeping upstairs.never heard of anything so stupid in my life.BS.
oh wait,I forgot,he wrote it while the R's were gone.yeah.and nobody saw him lifting the grate and getting in (they didn't leave that late,how dark was it anyway?).he was careful enough to put on gloves before picking up the pen and pad.my oh my,but was so reckless to remove his gloves when redressing JB....science fiction,really.
WRT how to remove the body from the house: I know this sounds almost as crazy as child sacrifice happening as part of a black-robed satantic coven, BUT: No matter how hard i try to erase the idea of Santa and the traditional, very LARGE sack that he carries with him. Maybe Santa did make his promised "special" visit Christmas night. Maybe he arrived with his sack which held a few gifts for JB... Once they'd been given he then had an empty sack--- one that would hold a 6yr old quite nicely, thank you very much. Costumed as Santa, he has justification for the sack if someone spotted him. He ran out of time, obviously-- had barely enough time to finish the staging, write the RN, stash the costume, and shower away any evidence he might have picked up!

Maybe there were items in that golf bag that werent golf clubs... A Santa suit and size 6 bloomies?

Thanks in advance :) I'd love to hear this Santa sack theory disproved. Mayyybee then I can get it the heck out of my head!

ps Im very sorry that this has very few paragraphs :( I know it reads almost like a run-on sentence on a larger scale. I intended to fix that before actually posting but for some reason i cant do that., & Im pressed for time so i cant just ditch & re-write :(

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