James Kolar's New Book Will Blow the Lid off the JonBenet Ramsey Investigation

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DNA Solves
Ok, so add me to the wacko list.

Once every week or so I work in Marietta, Georgia, not far from St. James Episcopal Cemetery.

After reading Steve Thomas' book (twice) I feel inspired to visit for the first time and leave 6 white roses on her grave.

I'll post a picture for any that want to feel a connection.

would be really nice
"how would you know she had BPD?"

That was your question. I answered with my diagnosis done by comparing anecdotes to books on the subject.

And the personality in question was psychotic and dissociative first, not murderous first.

Books about the ramseys? Or books about BPD.

There is no way to make a real diagnosis like this over the TV or because you have seen glimpses of someone's life.

It is not like ARIAS where there were signs from her early life along with her own testimony over weeks where we got to see the personality change more than a few times.

This is a woman who first was thrown into the spotlight when her dd was murdered. No one is ever normal after that. No one.

I think to diagnose someone with such a condition you need to know who they were before this not as a result of the murder of their child.
In actuality, the people I know are medically diagnosed. How else would I know them to be BPD? It's a medical, not casual forum, diagnosis.

If the discusion is race you would have several black friends.
If the discussion is sexuality you would have several gay/les/bi/trans friends.
I know the drill.

If you knew anything at all about people with the condition you would know they have great difficulty being self reflective. If approached with the idea they have this problem they try to "fix" the person that approaches them. They would then change their performance relative to the person that approaches them in order to gain acceptance. Even if they do go to a psychotherapist they will go to placate the person urging them to go. And once there they go about trying the same things on the therapist.

To know several people with the disorder diagnosed by a professional, and there are relatively few that know of the diganosis, you would have to be in the field.

Your claims are getting more ridiculous.

You should quit while you are behind, you obviously don't know what you are talking about.
It's a fairy easy diagnosis, even for a lay person, that Patsy had a personality disorder, ditto Pam. It is also fairly easy to diagnose Nedra as a pathological narcissist. All this from the accounts made public by the various media.
To know several people with the disorder diagnosed by a professional, and there are relatively few that know of the diganosis, you would have to be in the field.

No. A cousin with BPD who has brought her BPD support groups to various family functions for the last 25 years. One group is the self harmers - cutters, burners, hair pullers, etc. The other groups don't have as much...um..character. Although I would never say a person with BPD is boring! Nor have I found them shy about their illness, diagnosis, the stupidity of their doctor, etc.

And I do know a lot of gays and lesbians. My sister is gay and created one of the biggest gay rights groups in her state when she was 20. I've been around her group and her friends for 30 years.

Your claims are getting more ridiculous.

You should quit while you are behind, you obviously don't know what you are talking about.

Blah blah blah bully tactics blah blah blah
No. A cousin with BPD who has brought her BPD support groups to various family functions for the last 25 years. One group is the self harmers - cutters, burners, hair pullers, etc. The other groups don't have as much...um..character. Although I would never say a person with BPD is boring! Nor have I found them shy about their illness, diagnosis, the stupidity of their doctor, etc.

And I do know a lot of gays and lesbians. My sister is gay and created one of the biggest gay rights groups in her state when she was 20. I've been around her group and her friends for 30 years.

Blah blah blah bully tactics blah blah blah

Then you haven't learned very much from them.
hope KK doesn't mind me copying these articles from FFJ,thanks KK
never read these,interesting

National Enquirer -

Burke Today: A trouble schoolkid living with his anger

Band practice at the exclusive Lovett School in Atlanta came to a sudden halt recently when an 11-year-old trombone player threw a fit.

The youngster was Burke Ramsey.

Sadly the murder of his sister, JonBenét seems to have turned him into an angry and sometimes strange boy.

"Burke tossed his instrument to the floor with a thud and screamed that he hated the trombone and didn't want to play it anymore," said a source.

"All the kids in the band got real quiet and some of them were frightened.

"Burke kept screaming an practice was canceled while teachers quieted him down. Burke is now playing saxophone."

On another occasion, Burke was on an amusement park outing when he got freaked out by a girl who looked like JonBenét, said the source.

"He went white and turned away from her. He kept yelling he didn't want to go on a ride with HER!"

One of Burke's homeroom classmates told the source: "He talks to himself in the corner a lot. Everybody thinks he's talking to his sister."

Don Gentile

National Enquirer -

Anguished brother tortured by burden of protecting parents, says expert

Burke Ramsey is torn by an urge to protect hidden desire to reveal secrets about the murder of his sister JonBenét, an expert reveals.

"I'd say nine out of 10 kids who witness their parents commit murder or are the victims of abuse, protect their parents," famed forensic psychiatrist Judianne Denser-Gerber told the ENQUIRER.

"But that's a horrible burden to bear and eventually these children start to reveal the secrets they know."

Shortly after the murder, Burke told a psychologist he would never reveal family secrets.

But the 11-year-old has since been dropping more and more clues about what happened on that horrible Christmas night when his sister was slain.

"The way Burke is dropping clues indicates he may have hidden his nightmares in another personality," said Dr. Densen-Gerber. "I've read that John and Patsy Ramsey say Burke is a normal boy. But he can't be normal any more than the two of them can be normal in light of what happened to JonBenét.: [sic]

Dr. Densen-Gerber thinks Burke could become the eyewitness police need to solve the case.

"He should be questioned by experts again and again," she said.
"He's giving indications he witnessed a nightmare.

"Proper questioning can take him back to that horrible night--and it can help solve the case."

Don Gentile
I'm just not convinced a child that age could keep completely quiet if he actually knew something about the murder. I think he knew it wasn't an intruder but like the rest of the RDIs I don't think he knew which parent did what. Heaven only knows what he knows or suspects now.

I've seen the acting out before. Like I said, one of my students was abducted, raped and murdered. I had her younger brother in my class 18 months later and he had rages, crying fits and some strange anti social behavior. But then I saw that in a child whose mother died from a long battle with cancer too. Dealing with death is hard, maybe it's harder for that age range for some reason.
I'm just not convinced a child that age could keep completely quiet if he actually knew something about the murder. I think he knew it wasn't an intruder but like the rest of the RDIs I don't think he knew which parent did what. Heaven only knows what he knows or suspects now.

I've seen the acting out before. Like I said, one of my students was abducted, raped and murdered. I had her younger brother in my class 18 months later and he had rages, crying fits and some strange anti social behavior. But then I saw that in a child whose mother died from a long battle with cancer too. Dealing with death is hard, maybe it's harder for that age range for some reason.

yep,that was one of the biggest problems re BDI for me as well,how on earth can a child keep such a secret....but I guess it also depends on how experienced the persons who question him are?how much are they allowed to ask?BR had his own lawyer so I am pretty sure the atty watched him like a hawk,supervised his interviews as well...
and what is also very important IMO... who coached him (a parent,a shrink,etc?)and how he was taught to keep a certain secret (IF it's the case)
yep,that was one of the biggest problems re BDI for me as well,how on earth can a child keep such a secret....but I guess it also depends on how experienced the persons who question him are?how much are they allowed to ask?BR had his own lawyer so I am pretty sure the atty watched him like a hawk,supervised his interviews as well...
and what is also very important IMO... who coached him (a parent,a shrink,etc?)and how he was taught to keep a certain secret (IF it's the case)

What is interesting with the story of the tantrums is comparing this to the view of him before the homicide. It was described by one of the R’s friends that BR had tantrums inside the home; yet to all exterior eyes, the children were perfectly behaved. (Discounting JB’s toileting issues) Their “perfect” behavior in public speaks of a strong hand by PR. Mix in PR’s cancer, a many times absentee JR, it’s no wonder some evidence of his rebellion (encopresis and tantrums) was present even before JB’s homicide.

The psychologist who interviewed BR after the homicide described a child in “shut down” behavior, not able to express much, nor able to express any caring towards the loss of JB or share any secrets, which he admitted he had. It does not surprise me that there were manifestations after the homicide, including some public outbursts and the story of the “disturbed” drawings he left in the church. (They were published in one of the tabloids). His drawings and public tantrums strike me as a “cry out.” (Recalling that before the homicide it was in the home that he rebelled.) Imagine if not BDI, how a child would feel wondering if he was really safe with his parents. Mho. BR is yet an enigma.
It's a fairy easy diagnosis, even for a lay person, that Patsy had a personality disorder, ditto Pam. It is also fairly easy to diagnose Nedra as a pathological narcissist. All this from the accounts made public by the various media.

Well, why go to doctors then? We can all just watch DD and then diagnose people.

It is unfair to diagnose anyone without a proper history and the EDUCATION to do so and irresponsible.. It should also be followed by a IMO.

She was not diagnosed with this that I can tell. She was diagnosed with Cancer a few times and then had her DD murdered so that could kind of be part of her personality issues..
For those who question a 9 year old capable of murder, I read this, http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...ve-parents-counseling-judge-article-1.1438130, this morning. Basically a 8 year old boy shot his grandmother to death in the head. His name isn't being released as he's under the legal age to be charged. A judge has sent him to live with his parents.

And I thought of this case from my town. http://www.ydr.com/ci_16877516
A 15 year old killed his 13 year old brother. The victim was stabbed over 100 times, 65 times to the neck and almost decapitated in their home.
Well, why go to doctors then? We can all just watch DD and then diagnose people.

It is unfair to diagnose anyone without a proper history and the EDUCATION to do so and irresponsible.. It should also be followed by a IMO.

She was not diagnosed with this that I can tell. She was diagnosed with Cancer a few times and then had her DD murdered so that could kind of be part of her personality issues..

There would be no way for you to tell if someone has a personality disorde because those are protected by HIIPa and Doctor/Patient confidentiality.

There's no public roster for that.

Again, you'd have to rely on circumstantial evidence and what other friends have said about her. That may not appeal to you.
There would be no way for you to tell if someone has a personality disorde because those are protected by HIIPa and Doctor/Patient confidentiality.

There's no public roster for that.

Again, you'd have to rely on circumstantial evidence and what other friends have said about her. That may not appeal to you.

EXACTLY. You don't rely on circumstantial evidence to diagnose someone. You rely on education and examination and actual DOCTORS. People can guess all they want and in this world we have now full of people who think they know everything about everything because they can google it, It makes for dangerous information.

There is no proof or diagnosis about this for her. It is just an opinion by a poster and has no credibility. Just rumor.
For those who question a 9 year old capable of murder, I read this, http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...ve-parents-counseling-judge-article-1.1438130, this morning. Basically a 8 year old boy shot his grandmother to death in the head. His name isn't being released as he's under the legal age to be charged. A judge has sent him to live with his parents.

And I thought of this case from my town. http://www.ydr.com/ci_16877516
Not pertinent at all. Because one person does something does not mean another will. The incident of children this young killing is rare. Really rare.

It is not something usually done with malice but accidental or without regard for the consequences because they just can not process that.

Not at all relevant to this case.
For those who question a 9 year old capable of murder, I read this, http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...ve-parents-counseling-judge-article-1.1438130, this morning. Basically a 8 year old boy shot his grandmother to death in the head. His name isn't being released as he's under the legal age to be charged. A judge has sent him to live with his parents.

And I thought of this case from my town. http://www.ydr.com/ci_16877516
Not pertinent at all. Because one person does something does not mean another will. The incident of children this young killing is rare. Really rare.

It is not something usually done with malice but accidental or without regard for the consequences because they just can not process that.

Not at all relevant to this case.

I posted it to show that, although it is RARE, it does happen. Of course, IF and IF BR killed JB, then it could be have been accidental and/or without regard of consequences. I know it will be hard for you to admit that.
No way that he killed her by bashing her head in accidentally. No way.

What people are saying when they say it was BR is that the 9 yr old, Bashed his sisters head in, at some point molested her and then Put a rope around her neck and watched the last breath leave her body..

There is no way, A child of 9 who does such a thing is normal for the rest of his life and does not repeat this behavior. This would be the behavior of a bundy or a dahmer, a BTK or any other serial killer. One that gets a taste for such a thing young and then wants it again. No normal 9 yr old could stomach such a thing.

I am sickened frankly by the talk aimed at a 9 yr old. There is no proof and it is nothing more than another way to blame the Ramsey's as a whole and not look outside.
I am sickened frankly by the talk aimed at a 9 yr old. There is no proof and it is nothing more than another way to blame the Ramsey's as a whole and not look outside.

I've looked outside. In fact, I was an IDI until I started really looking into the evidence, and got a little older. By getting older, I mean I see that truly horrible things happen in the world.
If there is something that points to the outside that I've missed, then please show me. I'd really like to know the evidence that points to an outsider, maybe I've missed something. Please, if you think that I and all the other RDI's are wrong, give us your thoughts on why.
Sure there is no concrete evidence, but there is a lot of circumstantial evidence that points at someone(s) in the home being responsible.
I'm not aiming my talk at a 9 year old, it is all my opinion. I'm not sure who did what; but I am sure that the killer of JB was someone who was in that house that night and not an intruder.
So before you say that I blame the R's as a whole and don't look outside, why don't you try to look outside of your thinking.
No way that he killed her by bashing her head in accidentally. No way.

What people are saying when they say it was BR is that the 9 yr old, Bashed his sisters head in, at some point molested her and then Put a rope around her neck and watched the last breath leave her body..

There is no way, A child of 9 who does such a thing is normal for the rest of his life and does not repeat this behavior. This would be the behavior of a bundy or a dahmer, a BTK or any other serial killer. One that gets a taste for such a thing young and then wants it again. No normal 9 yr old could stomach such a thing.

I am sickened frankly by the talk aimed at a 9 yr old. There is no proof and it is nothing more than another way to blame the Ramsey's as a whole and not look outside.

As much as I agree that it's not BDI you have to keep in mind that BDI nonsense comes in several flavors.

Some BDIs' have BR hitting her in the head, and nothing else. Some flavors have BR molesting her, then hitting her. Some have BR doing everything. Some have even suggested BR wrote the RN, along with a friend his own age.
I've looked outside. In fact, I was an IDI until I started really looking into the evidence, and got a little older. By getting older, I mean I see that truly horrible things happen in the world.
If there is something that points to the outside that I've missed, then please show me. I'd really like to know the evidence that points to an outsider, maybe I've missed something. Please, if you think that I and all the other RDI's are wrong, give us your thoughts on why.
Sure there is no concrete evidence, but there is a lot of circumstantial evidence that points at someone(s) in the home being responsible.
I'm not aiming my talk at a 9 year old, it is all my opinion. I'm not sure who did what; but I am sure that the killer of JB was someone who was in that house that night and not an intruder.
So before you say that I blame the R's as a whole and don't look outside, why don't you try to look outside of your thinking.

There is no concrete evidence that someone in the house did it is true for sure. And that being said, Their first time committing a horrible murder and they leave no real evidence behind showing it was them and only them?? That does not strike anyone as odd? All the convoluted things in this case and not one thing points to someone in that house, and says it is them??

I don't believe it was Patsy and I don't believe it was Burke. That would leave me with John and I don't see that either. Not even remotely.

I am old enough to have seen the good and evil in the world. But that can not color how I look at cases. It has to be a clear and open view. This is just about me and not a reflection on anyone else's process.

There are many many horrid people in the world. I am never surprised at the depravity of some. But when I look I have to see proof of that depravity. If it is not there, as much as I do not like them they will always get the benefit of the doubt.

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