Jamie Lynn Spears Pregnant

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Someone PLEASE pull Lynne Spears aside and explain to her HOW THE HELL to raise a daughter. Then beat her with a stick immediately. I mean, Britney is clearly troubled. Not this. WTF? I know my girls won't be watching Zoey 101 ever again. OMG!!!!!!!!!
My eight year old twins love Zoey 101 and consider Jamie Lynn someone to admire (YUCK!). I fear that her pregnancy sends a potentially horrible message to kids (like mine) who watch her show. I'm already rehearsing the dialog I'll be having with my girls when they hear about this. I'm sure someone at school will spill the beans, and it will probably be sooner rather than later!
Someone PLEASE pull Lynne Spears aside and explain to her HOW THE HELL to raise a daughter. Then beat her with a stick immediately. I mean, Britney is clearly troubled. Not this. WTF? I know my girls won't be watching Zoey 101 ever again. OMG!!!!!!!!!

I would expect that this will be the last of Zoey 101. I actually thought maybe things would turn out ok for her. I pray that they will. Now, not to defend her but, as an OB nurse I did see some really good girls end up pregnant. Some of them really did only have sex once, but as we know that is all that it takes. I encourage you all to talk openly about this with your kids hormones go wild they don't set out with the intention of having sex initially but it happens. I could go on about not letting them be alone with someone of the opposite sex ect.......
I would expect that this will be the last of Zoey 101. I actually thought maybe things would turn out ok for her. I pray that they will. Now, not to defend her but, as an OB nurse I did see some really good girls end up pregnant. Some of them really did only have sex once, but as we know that is all that it takes. I encourage you all to talk openly about this with your kids hormones go wild they don't set out with the intention of having sex initially but it happens. I could go on about not letting them be alone with someone of the opposite sex ect.......
Exactly, i can't judge her b/c I had sex as a teen, I just didn't get caught. She didn't do anything most of us didn't do, she just got caught, well, aside from living with her boyfriend.
Good Lord! So many judgemental people! I guesss we have alot of perfect parents out there.
So what if she's pregnant! She has a steady boyfriend, a job so we won't be paying for her child and I, for one, am glad she didn't decide to kill the child by abortion.
And anyone who allows their child to look to show people as role models needs to have their head examined in the first place. They are TV stars, not role models!
Give your child a book on a real person who has done real things to help the world and let them be their role model. We have decided that these stars must be role models because our children watch them on TV. We have put that on them and then get our panties in a wad when they prove they are human.

My 10 year old daughter watches Zoey 101. We have already had the talk so she knows where babies come from. I will simply explain to her that Jamie Lynn wasn't careful enough and that resulted in pregnancy. So now she will be thrust from child to parent but that her family loves her and will see her through the tough times. Things happen....you deal with it. The only problem I would have is if we, the people, had to pay for the child. "If you can't feed them, don't breed them" is my motto. Otherwise, live free and do what you want.

As for Lynn, well, every parent has to live with the decisions they have made for their children. I don't think any of else can sit in judgement because we really have no clue when it might be our turn to eat crow. We can hope and we can worry and we can know that we've done all we can but ultimately they will fly on their own.

It must be awful to hear such negativity and have such derogatory things said about the impending birth of a child. I am so glad that I am not famous. They would have had a field day with me in the folly of my youth.

Best wishes to Jamie Lynn for a healthy pregnancy and happy life.... and I continue to hope for solace for her sister.

Judge not.
Good Lord! So many judgemental people! I guesss we have alot of perfect parents out there.
So what if she's pregnant! She has a steady boyfriend, a job so we won't be paying for her child and I, for one, am glad she didn't decide to kill the child by abortion.
And anyone who allows their child to look to show people as role models needs to have their head examined in the first place. They are TV stars, not role models!
Give your child a book on a real person who has done real things to help the world and let them be their role model. We have decided that these stars must be role models because our children watch them on TV. We have put that on them and then get our panties in a wad when they prove they are human.

My 10 year old daughter watches Zoey 101. We have already had the talk so she knows where babies come from. I will simply explain to her that Jamie Lynn wasn't careful enough and that resulted in pregnancy. So now she will be thrust from child to parent but that her family loves her and will see her through the tough times. Things happen....you deal with it. The only problem I would have is if we, the people, had to pay for the child. "If you can't feed them, don't breed them" is my motto. Otherwise, live free and do what you want.

As for Lynn, well, every parent has to live with the decisions they have made for their children. I don't think any of else can sit in judgement because we really have no clue when it might be our turn to eat crow. He can hope and we can worry and we can know that we've done all we can but ultimately they will fly on their own.

It must be awful to hear such negativity and have such derogatory things said about the impending birth of a child. I am so glad that I am not famous. They would have had a field day with me in the folly of my youth.

Best wishes to Jamie Lynn for a healthy pregnancy and happy life.... and I continue to hope for solace for her sister.

Judge not.

Feeding a child does not mean you can raise it nor be a good parent.
I do not think that anyone is wishing anything bad upon Jamie Lynn ...but lets be honest there is nothing happy about a 16 yo having a baby.
To me it screams of insecurity and is *almost always* a recipe for disaster.
People are not condemning Lynn Spears for this one "mistake" .. its the overall package.
Selling out her daughters to Hollywood. Many of us are simply shocked that she would let her 16 yo live with her BF....
But what was she going to do?? IN reality Jamie and Brittney pay the bills to tell Jamie "NO" would most likely result in Jamie seeking emancipation and Lynn being cut off.
Any critique of Lynn Spears' parenting was totally brought upon herself.
And lets not forget she was also writing a book about parenting!! (HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA)
I wish her the best. I am not sure how good of a parent a 16 year old can be, but I hope she can learn from her sisters mistakes. Lord knows, parenting is hard enough as an adult, I can't imagine being a mother when you are a child yourself. Then again, she has had to grow up fast as did britney, one has to when you are forced to support your parents as a child star. At least she is well off financially, that helps. I am not judging her at all though. As far as Lynne Spears goes, you reap what you sow and she is paying a heavy price for selling her kids out to Hollywood and robbing them of their childhoods.
Any critique of Lynn Spears' parenting was totally brought upon herself.
And lets not forget she was also writing a book about parenting!! (HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA)
So are you gonna send me the book for Christmas or not. I needs some help with my kids. :laugh:
Not sure which thread we are using. but if anyone hear's anything about statutory rape charges please post. The DA could certainly press those charges. Consent makes no differnce.
So are you gonna send me the book for Christmas or not. I needs some help with my kids. :laugh:

OMG you sooo freakin made me laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :slap: ( stop that my ribs hurt!!)

Your previous post was awsome about Lynn reaping what she sowed...
sadly her girls are the ones paying the price.
16... I can't imagine..
I have a 16 year old daughter and there is no way that she would be mentally ready to be a mother.. She has no where the maturity level needed to take care of a baby...

And there is no way in HELL that I would allow her to live with her boyfriend... No way.. no how... nope.. nada...
OMG you sooo freakin made me laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :slap: ( stop that my ribs hurt!!)

Your previous post was awsome about Lynn reaping what she sowed...
sadly her girls are the ones paying the price.

That's what you get when you *advertiser censored* our your children to show business.
Feeding a child does not mean you can raise it nor be a good parent.
I do not think that anyone is wishing anything bad upon Jamie Lynn ...but lets be honest there is nothing happy about a 16 yo having a baby.
To me it screams of insecurity and is *almost always* a recipe for disaster.
People are not condemning Lynn Spears for this one "mistake" .. its the overall package.
Selling out her daughters to Hollywood. Many of us are simply shocked that she would let her 16 yo live with her BF....
But what was she going to do?? IN reality Jamie and Brittney pay the bills to tell Jamie "NO" would most likely result in Jamie seeking emancipation and Lynn being cut off.
Any critique of Lynn Spears' parenting was totally brought upon herself.
And lets not forget she was also writing a book about parenting!! (HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA)

In this age where birth control is not only readily available but without a parent's consent, all I can say is "stupid girl".
In this age where birth control is not only readily available but without a parent's consent, all I can say is "stupid girl".

Maybe - but I know several people (self included) who have gotten pregnant on the pill - which is pretty much the gold standard if you are sexually active and don't want to get pregnant. Nothing - save abstinence - is foolproof.
Agreed. But it's one thing to be on the pill and have it not work and totally another to not even use contraception in the first place.

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