Jamie Lynn Spears Pregnant

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Most 16 year olds do not have the maturity, responsibility, or financial ability to have a baby. Yes she is rich and obviously has the financial means to do this, but I think she is a TERRIBLE role model and teens need to learn it is not cool to get pregnant. Sorry but I do not support her decision in this and I hope she loses her Nick contract. Most teens that have a baby at 16 drop out of high school and wind up on welfare. That is the reality, and not the exception.
It seems like her desision has been made and it is too late to turn back now. I have a feeling she will lose any contract she has with Nick as a teen mother is not the image they want to cultivate.Come on, we are all judging her and throwing stones but how many of us were having sex at her age too? I said before, I was (well, I was 17) but I just didn't get caught like her.
I'm not forgetting that the baby does have a daddy and other family besides the Spears bunch. The daddy is considered a grown man and I hope the two of them marry. It's admirable that Jamie Lynn didn't just try to keep the whole thing quiet and terminate the pregnancy for the sake of more money and fame. Of course, she could end up like her sister and paying out child support someday if she's not careful.
While I would not want my daughter looking up to her, if I had one, I agree with other posters.Most of us were probably having sex at that age. I was young and stupid and got pregnant at 17, then again at 19. But like her, I did the responsible thing after the fact, and had my children and I am raising them to the best of my ability. I now have four kids, but they are wonderful, intelligent children, despite the fact that I was a teen mom. At least her child will have the advantages that money can buy.
I was a teenage mom at 17 and also 19....
I was an only child so I was TOTALLY unprepared for the baby at 17. I thought I was...until she came...oh my I remember the nights of crying myself and begging the baby to sleep....of course I couldn't afford a nanny as most celebs could....I was finishing my last yr of high school when my baby was born...it was hard being up all night, then going to school but I was DETERMINED to graduate.
So many kids (teens) just don't know HOW hard it is to be a parent, much less a teen parent.
IMO they probably have this vision of a happy little family, mom, dad, and baby, plenty of love, no trouble ever...I know I did, in my mind despite what every one told me my little family was gonna be the one to beat the odds, we were gonna show 'em all....yep we showed 'em all right,
until our oldest was almost two and the baby was 10 months and hubby left me flat for another woman, AND he ran to another state to evade child support....he had no trouble taking care of his mistresses 4 kids, (she was older) but when it came to our own two there was never any money...
I know Jamie Lynn will never have the $ problem....but she WILL have other problerms, imo, just wait and see.
Not me, just sayin'. ;) I had a long time boyfriend - all of high school in the early 80's, we both just didn't want to take that step until we got out of there.

I wasn't having sex at 16 either, nor were any of my friends.
I wasn't having sex at 16 either, nor were any of my friends.

I was unfortunately....I admit on here (no flames please) to having sex earlier and WANTING a baby...I always loved babies, thought I knew all about them, thought I would be THE perfect mom, that I knew ALL about babies despite being a teen mom, thought a baby would hold the ex and I together forever....it would bring us closer...he'd ALWAYS stand beside me....
hahahahaha just another mindset of the teenage years I guess....nothing turned out like I hoped and planned....
my dad even threatened "if he doesn't take care of u and that baby I will hang him from that tree in our front yard" and although he WAS serious, I laughed it off...oh daddy, he wants me and the baby, us to be a family....blah blah blah...
3 years later where did I end up but back living with my dad, and him taking care of me and my two kids....
Being a woman who was in high school in the '70's (wasn't that just yesterday???), there were many a person engaging in sex then. My children are of the era late 90's into the early 2000. They also knew of many a person who engaged in sex in high school. FWIW, a private high school and not public with a population of over 600. This is not a new thing nor should it be thought that "the old days" were more innocent. This is our lives as parents and teens no matter the time frame.

Getting pregnant as a teen is so hard no matter our circumstances. To be honest, I was pregnant shy of being 21 years of age. I was a "good" girl whose life changed in ways I cannot explain. I was 21. I cannot stand reading about white trash and JLS Mother being a failure as a parent. I cannot stand reading about monies made and JLS will have such benefits because she has it.

It does not matter. Has anyone trashed Jessica Alba? Holly Berry? Or any other person who has gotten pregnant outside of marriage? Because these people are over the age of 20 that makes them better role models? I think not.

I have 3 young adult children. They know about my earlier pregnancy (miscarried at 20+ weeks) and they have always been shared conversations about sex, safe sex, and the responsibility for themselves. No one has become pregnant nor has fathered a child, but I will tell here right now that I have been a good parent. Tried my best, but the decisions my children have made as teens have been theirs. There have been other "issues", but I love them regardless and have never judged them. Difficult things happen to good people. It does not make them lessor of a human person.

It is so very sad the quick judgments that are made when we do not live even close to the truth that these people live. I think we should be very careful when it comes to the media and the personal lives of others. We do not know it nor live it.

Just say'in...
Not me, just sayin'. ;) I had a long time boyfriend - all of high school in the early 80's, we both just didn't want to take that step until we got out of there.

Same here. Same boyfriend all the way through high school. We never had sex, though we did everything but the actual thing. :D I was just way too scared and did not have sex for the first time until I was 22 and seriously dating a 27-yo guy (didn't marry him, though).
I was unfortunately....I admit on here (no flames please) to having sex earlier and WANTING a baby...I always loved babies, thought I knew all about them, thought I would be THE perfect mom, that I knew ALL about babies despite being a teen mom, thought a baby would hold the ex and I together forever....it would bring us closer...he'd ALWAYS stand beside me....
hahahahaha just another mindset of the teenage years I guess....nothing turned out like I hoped and planned....
my dad even threatened "if he doesn't take care of u and that baby I will hang him from that tree in our front yard" and althought he WAS serious, I laugheds it off...oh daddy, he wants me and the baby, us to be a family....blah blah blah...
3 years later where did I end up but back living with my dad, and him taking care of me and my two kids....

That is actually a common emotion for teenage girls. That is one of the reasons why we have statutory rape laws, because teenagers aren't emotionally mature enough to make adult decisions.
Some teenagers do rise to the occasion, especially if their families are there for them. My own mom had her first child at 18. She had 3 children by the time she was 22. She was and is a great mom, but she has told me that if she had it to do over again, she would have waited. She felt like she missed out on certain oppurtunities.
I am one of the few people who actually feels sorry for both Britney and Jamie. I feel that they never had a chance to be kids. Their mom should have done more parenting and less managing of their careers. Kids need to be kids.Hopefully Jamie isn't as messed up as her sister.
I was unfortunately....I admit on here (no flames please) to having sex earlier and WANTING a baby...I always loved babies, thought I knew all about them, thought I would be THE perfect mom, that I knew ALL about babies despite being a teen mom, thought a baby would hold the ex and I together forever....it would bring us closer...he'd ALWAYS stand beside me....
hahahahaha just another mindset of the teenage years I guess....nothing turned out like I hoped and planned....
my dad even threatened "if he doesn't take care of u and that baby I will hang him from that tree in our front yard" and although he WAS serious, I laughed it off...oh daddy, he wants me and the baby, us to be a family....blah blah blah...
3 years later where did I end up but back living with my dad, and him taking care of me and my two kids....

Honesty, truth and a shout out to your Dad - gotta love a poster like you!
The best thing IMO for Jamie Lynn now is the love and support of her family. She is going to need it and she is certainly not the only 16 year old to face this situation.
You know as a Male I never had sex till I was in my 20's. Not saying there was not alot of petting and such.But I just want to know what happened? I mean way back on Noah's ark ( yeah I am an Old Fart) I had freinds that would go to 7-11 grab the Beer and A Box of condoms.And I have always said that even if a girl is on the pill. The male should wear a condom:innocent:
I never had sex until my 20's either--didn't have time,a private boarding school education, we studied ourselves to death, study to prepare for college--100% of our graduating class were accepted at 4 year universities--another thing for me personally was my best friend's sister from my old town got pregnant at 15, and her parents decided to raise the child as their own--freaked me out a bit, and made me rather cautious til I was 22
That is actually a common emotion for teenage girls. That is one of the reasons why we have statutory rape laws, because teenagers aren't emotionally mature enough to make adult decisions.
Some teenagers do rise to the occasion, especially if their families are there for them. My own mom had her first child at 18. She had 3 children by the time she was 22. She was and is a great mom, but she has told me that if she had it to do over again, she would have waited. She felt like she missed out on certain oppurtunities.
I am one of the few people who actually feels sorry for both Britney and Jamie. I feel that they never had a chance to be kids. Their mom should have done more parenting and less managing of their careers. Kids need to be kids.Hopefully Jamie isn't as messed up as her sister.

You know my dad was above and beyond angry when he first found out...didn't even speak to me for 1-2 wks....finally towards the end of my 1st pregnancy he came around...he went and bought MANY things for the baby, and loved her from day one...so when it came time for my 2nd pregnancy he was actually like "I am so proud of you" b/c hubby and I were still together, 1st born was healthy, etc, we were happy, etc...
but once hubby left and the babies and I had to move in with dad in HIS eyes I couldn't do ANYTHING right...all I ever got was criticism...at the time hubby left I wasn't speaking to my mom, then he and I split and I also no longer had the support of his mom, which, ironically, had ALWAYS been there before, so I had NO one on my side....
I am not B8tching (or maybe I am) but does it really matter of JLS if her or her bf's family is on her side? Doubt it.
You know my dad was above and beyond angry when he first found out...didn't even speak to me for 1-2 wks....finally towards the end of my 1st pregnancy he came around...he went and bought MANY things for the baby, and loved her from day one...so when it came time for my 2nd pregnancy he was actually like "I am so proud of you" b/c hubby and I were still together, 1st born was healthy, etc, we were happy, etc...
but once hubby left and the babies and I had to move in with dad in HIS eyes I couldn't do ANYTHING right...all I ever got was criticism...at the time hubby left I wasn't speaking to my mom, then he and I split and I also no longer had the support of his mom, which, ironically, had ALWAYS been there before, so I had NO one on my side....
I am not B8tching (or maybe I am) but does it really matter of JLS if her or her bf's family is on her side? Doubt it.

I know from your posts on other threads that things haven't always been easy for you.
You ask if it matters to have family support. In my opinion it does.
The hardest job in the world is being a parent. Most of us, if we are honest, question ourselves constantly. Kids are exhausting, both physically and mentally. I know that I have had many sleepless nights myself wondering if I'm doing it right. We need our families, or a close knit group of friends to bounce things off of. Sometimes we just need a break to regroup.
I'm sorry that your family wasn't or isn't supportive. That just sucks! lol.
That last thing we as parents need is someone making us feel bad about ourselves. I know that I can do that to myself all alone. I don't need help.LOL. Like I said before, it really is a hard to always have to have all the right answers.
While I would not want my daughter looking up to her, if I had one, I agree with other posters.Most of us were probably having sex at that age. I was young and stupid and got pregnant at 17, then again at 19. But like her, I did the responsible thing after the fact, and had my children and I am raising them to the best of my ability. I now have four kids, but they are wonderful, intelligent children, despite the fact that I was a teen mom. At least her child will have the advantages that money can buy.

God bless you, teons!
I am not in the least bit shocked at a 16 year old having sex.
I think the national average is somewhere @ 47% having sex.

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