Jamie Lynn Spears Pregnant

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I never had sex until my 20's either--didn't have time,a private boarding school education, we studied ourselves to death, study to prepare for college--100% of our graduating class were accepted at 4 year universities--another thing for me personally was my best friend's sister from my old town got pregnant at 15, and her parents decided to raise the child as their own--freaked me out a bit, and made me rather cautious til I was 22

good boy!...i'm glad it freaked you out a bit...
I so agree!! But 16 does not know responsible. 16 might know the concept and want to live the concept but the reasoning part of the brain is still maturing.

IMO..her parents are responsible for everything she does....she's 16...if i had to shove a birth control pill down her throat at a certain time every day, that's what i would have done....LOL, course i can say that.....i had boys,,,,i just nagged them to death about condoms..
i'm not shocked over that either.....there's just too many ways NOT to get pregnant, be it a condom, foam, pills, yada yada yada.......be *advertiser censored**'in responsible, is all i'm saying....

Like I said b4, and this is (OMO) I think alot of teens see having a baby as something that will make their relationship w/ their sig. other permanent, more deep and/or etc....I was the same way, baby at 17, and I just KNEW that it would make my ex and I closer, that we'd be the teen couple that beat the odds, etc....no matter that everyone else told us we'd never last (and we didn't) in our minds we'd be the little family that beat all....
I feel very sorry for JLS....as a teen mom myself I bet I could read every word in HER mind, even if she'd deny it.....I'll bet any of ya 10-1 that within 5 yrs she and her bf will split....thats good odds, cause I don't even think they'll last that long...
another thing, at 17 I told myself that I would NEVER regret having a baby at that age and that I'd never be one of those to miss out on my best teenage years....HA!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe I wasn't a teen but by the time I hit 21 and ex was long gone all I wanted to do was go club/party with my friends who DIDN'T have kids...and I (hate to even admit it now that I am older) resented my kids...you know my friends could go party ANY night....but whereas I had to 1st line up a sitter, lug around a fat diaper bag and car seat, arrange a certain time to pick them up, etc...and if there was no sitter well u were just screwed....all kinda things that made me regret having my babies early....
I feel for JLS....even with all the nannies in the world, her life most likely is NOT gonna turn out like she now envisions it.
you're right...support/family/friends was important for me...gave birth to my first child two months after i turned 17....i was completely stunned/shocked/blown away, when i found out i was pregnant with him...plum stupid, i was.....

me too, although I gave birth to my daughter 2 mos. before I turned 18...I still worked, went to school, tried to raise baby...hard, hard, hard....
At least the bf isn't another K-Fed type. I'd rather have "local hometown boy" than someone like K-Fed.
I don't think anyone is all that shocked about a 16-year old having sex, and I don't know when her birthday is but they are saying she is a junior in high school so she might even be closer to 17. I think what galls people is that he was basically living with her, under Lynn's nose but apparently Lynn didn't think to talk to her daughter about being careful-why would she when after all, JL never missed a curfew.:doh:
i'm not shocked over that either.....there's just too many ways NOT to get pregnant, be it a condom, foam, pills, yada yada yada.......be *advertiser censored**'in responsible, is all i'm saying....

this might sound dumb but..
what is foam??
this might sound dumb but..
what is foam??

there is a sperm-killing foam, supposed to kill sperm on contact but as I have never used it can't tell ya much more about it, EXCEPT that it does NOT provide protection against std's.
heres a link to foam and jellies....
What are they?

  • Foams, jellies and sponges are designed as barriers containing spermicidal chemicals. Foams and jellies dissolve themselves, while the sponge must be physically removed.
more at above link
At least the bf isn't another K-Fed type. I'd rather have "local hometown boy" than someone like K-Fed.

well, just IMO, whether he is or not remains to be seen....after all, who knew K-fed before Brit married him?
A lot of people knew what K-Fed was like before Britney came along! He was a loser with his previous baby mama, Char something.

Hopefully Casey doesn't have any other babies in his background!
A lot of people knew what K-Fed was like before Britney came along! He was a loser with his previous baby mama, Char something.

Hopefully Casey doesn't have any other babies in his background!

ok, well (not doubting u, just saying) put me on the list of those in the dark...I NEVER heard of K-fed OR SHAR before Brit came along.
No doubt Britney brought him a lot of attention, White Rain! I hope the same doesn't happen to Casey.
IMO this is not a celebrity issue. Happened too many times to too many girls.
Money does not maturity.
I am just gonna say that I got pregnant at 16 and I have raised a very wonderful child. Most are not ready, I wasnt ready but you just gotta do what you gotta do. Hopefully she is nothing like her sister.
I posted somewhere in this thread about Lynn Spears book on how to raise white trash daughters and after I thought about it for awhile I realize it was wrong. Who am I to judge? I myself got pregnant at 17. I now have a 14 year old smart & beautiful daughter who I am extremely proud of. I also married her father and it's still going strong. Sometimes I get caught up in the moment and say (type) things before I really think...
I posted somewhere in this thread about Lynn Spears book on how to raise white trash daughters and after I thought about it for awhile I realize it was wrong. Who am I to judge? I myself got pregnant at 17. I now have a 14 year old smart & beautiful daughter who I am extremely proud of. I also married her father and it's still going strong. Sometimes I get caught up in the moment and say (type) things before I really think...

That's cool of you, sadie to come back and post that. Good job! :) Congratulations on keeping it together as well as you have all these years. :)

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