Jamie Lynn Spears Pregnant

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Like I said b4, and this is (OMO) I think alot of teens see having a baby as something that will make their relationship w/ their sig. other permanent, more deep and/or etc....I was the same way, baby at 17, and I just KNEW that it would make my ex and I closer, that we'd be the teen couple that beat the odds, etc....no matter that everyone else told us we'd never last (and we didn't) in our minds we'd be the little family that beat all....
I feel very sorry for JLS....as a teen mom myself I bet I could read every word in HER mind, even if she'd deny it.....I'll bet any of ya 10-1 that within 5 yrs she and her bf will split....thats good odds, cause I don't even think they'll last that long...
another thing, at 17 I told myself that I would NEVER regret having a baby at that age and that I'd never be one of those to miss out on my best teenage years....HA!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe I wasn't a teen but by the time I hit 21 and ex was long gone all I wanted to do was go club/party with my friends who DIDN'T have kids...and I (hate to even admit it now that I am older) resented my kids...you know my friends could go party ANY night....but whereas I had to 1st line up a sitter, lug around a fat diaper bag and car seat, arrange a certain time to pick them up, etc...and if there was no sitter well u were just screwed....all kinda things that made me regret having my babies early....
I feel for JLS....even with all the nannies in the world, her life most likely is NOT gonna turn out like she now envisions it.

i hope you're wrong about that....sad state of affairs if that's true....but i agree with you...JLS & her boyfriend won't last 5 years...
me too, although I gave birth to my daughter 2 mos. before I turned 18...I still worked, went to school, tried to raise baby...hard, hard, hard....

yep, same here....never missed a day of school, & worked at a Captain D's (fast food seafood) part time....graduated with my class...my son was 11 months old & was in the audience when i rec'd my diploma:)

the day after i graduated i started a full time job....

i didn't want to get pregnant...actually it never crossed my mind that i would get pregnant, so when i found out i was devastated....course it worked out, but i wouldn't wish the same on any of my children....my Mama never had a "talk" with me about any of that stuff....i swore i would do different with my children, so i nagged the hell out of them....("your life will be over if you get a girl pregnant!"..."you better keep 'that' covered up", etc......)
It's messy and not particularly effective, that's what it is! It's supposed to gobble up sperm on contact but I have my doubts that it's good to put poison on your lady parts!

i used it for 18 months after my 3rd child, because i couldn't take the pill any longer...(34 when i had him, Dr wouldn't put me back on the pill)...never had a problem with the stuff at all, & didn't get pregnant....course after that i got 'fixed';)
Like I said b4, and this is (OMO) I think alot of teens see having a baby as something that will make their relationship w/ their sig. other permanent, more deep and/or etc....I was the same way, baby at 17, and I just KNEW that it would make my ex and I closer, that we'd be the teen couple that beat the odds, etc....no matter that everyone else told us we'd never last (and we didn't) in our minds we'd be the little family that beat all....
I feel very sorry for JLS....as a teen mom myself I bet I could read every word in HER mind, even if she'd deny it.....I'll bet any of ya 10-1 that within 5 yrs she and her bf will split....thats good odds, cause I don't even think they'll last that long...
another thing, at 17 I told myself that I would NEVER regret having a baby at that age and that I'd never be one of those to miss out on my best teenage years....HA!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe I wasn't a teen but by the time I hit 21 and ex was long gone all I wanted to do was go club/party with my friends who DIDN'T have kids...and I (hate to even admit it now that I am older) resented my kids...you know my friends could go party ANY night....but whereas I had to 1st line up a sitter, lug around a fat diaper bag and car seat, arrange a certain time to pick them up, etc...and if there was no sitter well u were just screwed....all kinda things that made me regret having my babies early....
I feel for JLS....even with all the nannies in the world, her life most likely is NOT gonna turn out like she now envisions it.

I had my son one day before my 18th birthday. I have never resented him. Now that I look back, yes I wish I would have waited and finished college and got things together before we had him but I never regret it. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. My DH and I married at 17 and 18. We are still together almost 10 years later and have a 3 year old also. I finished college and he worked hard. We bought a house, cars and all that before we thought about having another. I think it really depends on the people. We were pretty rough there in the beginning but we decided to stick it out, till death do us part. My parents pretty much pressured us into marriage but now I am happy they did. Marriage is a lot harder to walk away from than a baby momma. We had to grow up faster than most but we are good parents and good people and thats what counts. I know a lot of people who have gotten married older and had children and divorced. But I do think you are right they won't last long but I think mostly that is because they live in Hollywood in the spotlight. No Hollywood couples seem to last long these days.
I posted somewhere in this thread about Lynn Spears book on how to raise white trash daughters and after I thought about it for awhile I realize it was wrong. Who am I to judge? I myself got pregnant at 17. I now have a 14 year old smart & beautiful daughter who I am extremely proud of. I also married her father and it's still going strong. Sometimes I get caught up in the moment and say (type) things before I really think...

I also had a daughter when I was 18 and like you I am still married to her father 19 years later....
The difference mygirlsadie is that we did not pimp our daughters out to show biz ... And then try to write a book about parenting whilst our 16 yo is living with her BF.
I posted somewhere in this thread about Lynn Spears book on how to raise white trash daughters and after I thought about it for awhile I realize it was wrong. Who am I to judge? I myself got pregnant at 17. I now have a 14 year old smart & beautiful daughter who I am extremely proud of. I also married her father and it's still going strong. Sometimes I get caught up in the moment and say (type) things before I really think...

Lynn Spears is a joke, imo.....i agree with someone else that posted she whored her daughters out....my gawd, ya got Britney out there smackin that gum, showing off her shaved ***** left & right, out at 2 am, the morning after she claimed she was sick & couldn't make a custody hearing....that's what i call "white trash"....

& personally i don't see much difference in JLS...."why don't you move the out then!"...that was real classy, taking up for big sis:rolleyes:
i used it for 18 months after my 3rd child, because i couldn't take the pill any longer...(34 when i had him, Dr wouldn't put me back on the pill)...never had a problem with the stuff at all, & didn't get pregnant....course after that i got 'fixed';)

Hiya close!

I have friends who like it too. I was just too much of a spaz to deal with it. But it wasn't nearly as terrible as the sponge - the first (and last) time I used that delightful contraption, I had to call the 24 hour hotline to be verbally walked through how to get the damned thing out of my body! (it felt just like everything else in there! Gah!).

Then there was the lovely diaphram which I put my finger through while trying to apply spermicide! :eek:

BC was the best thing for me, though I know a lot of women don't tolerate it well and then DH got spayed after baby number two and life is grand!

Of course, anything is better than nothing if you are not interested in getting preggers!
Hiya close!

I have friends who like it too. I was just too much of a spaz to deal with it. But it wasn't nearly as terrible as the sponge - the first (and last) time I used that delightful contraption, I had to call the 24 hour hotline to be verbally walked through how to get the damned thing out of my body! (it felt just like everything else in there! Gah!).

Then there was the lovely diaphram which I put my finger through while trying to apply spermicide! :eek:

BC was the best thing for me, though I know a lot of women don't tolerate it well and then DH got spayed after baby number two and life is grand!

Of course, anything is better than nothing if you are not interested in getting preggers!

lol, never tried the diaphram...yes, BC pills were the best for me also...once my first son was born, you better believe i got on them & never missed a pill...took them for years with no problem...

i've got to get a couple of other pkgs wrapped here, & get on out to run my errands before the crowds .... ugh, going to the mall today to get a gift card (zombie face inserted)
Lynn Spears is a joke, imo.....i agree with someone else that posted she whored her daughters out....my gawd, ya got Britney out there smackin that gum, showing off her shaved ***** left & right, out at 2 am, the morning after she claimed she was sick & couldn't make a custody hearing....that's what i call "white trash"....

& personally i don't see much difference in JLS...."why don't you move the out then!"...that was real classy, taking up for big sis:rolleyes:

I actually don't hold that against Jamie Lynn at all. The paparazzi and people are known to yell insults at Britney when she won't give them what they want. If people were berating her with insults, it must be pretty hard to keep your cool at all times and not let that get to you. Also, I am guessing she has a similar philosophy to me: My family and I can talk *advertiser censored* about my sister and point out her problems all we want b/c we are family, but you better not dare to!
I also wanted to correct a couple of things people keep saying:

She is 16 and he is 18
They have been dating since they were 15 and 17 (IMO, that is a long time, especially for teens)
They were NOT living together
Yeah - who knows. She said the pregnancy was a surprise - if that's true, it leads me to believe that their birth control method failed them. It could be that she wanted to get pregnant - we just don't really know.
of course you don't know, but i rememeber reading a tab from this summer that "jaime lynn had a pregnancy scare" and "went to her sister for advice" and that she was afraid to get on bc because it would "make her fat" so she decided not to. And here it is a few months later, we find out she is pregnant.
Just saying. I could totally see it happening in that family... look at Brit, peeps!
i was pregnant when i was 16, had my baby when i was 17... i turned out OK. i went on to college, i work hard and have what I feel is a successful career (at quite a young age, I might add - I was the youngest graduating RN in my program at the time in the ENTIRE program!). But I also had a good supportive family that wasn't pimpin me out to the press!!
maybe JL will turn out ok. i hope so. she doesn't seem nearly as skanky as her sister. maybe she is just trying to make the best of a bad situation.
What decision would you support a pregnant 16-year-old girl making?

I think that she made the "right" one - to keep the baby!!! I don't know about all this selling your story though.
I think that she made the "right" one - to keep the baby!!! I don't know about all this selling your story though.

I hear you, pedi, but sometimes I think they "sell" their story not so much for the money but for the control it gives them to put what they want out there. I guess anyone would want to do some gentle damage control with a pregnant 16-year old. Just saying.....

Also, I have loved hearing about so many WSers who got pregnant very young and lived to tell the tale. I have a great deal of respect for all of you!
I think that she made the "right" one - to keep the baby!!! I don't know about all this selling your story though.

Pedinurse, this isn't aimed at you, I just used your sentence to answer.

They didn't sell their story. They were thankful for the way that OK handled the article and photo shoot when Britney broke down back a few months ago. Lynn has been in contact with OK ever since. SO when she knew this story had to break, she contacted OK so that they could first with the details. She did that to show appreciation for the way they handled the Britney disaster. They did not want/ask for money. So instead, OK said that when JL has the baby, they'll do the first photo shoot and article and that is what she will be paid for...not the story. OK wanted to pay them. It's all right here....


I know Lynn has, in some opinions, made some poor choices for her girls, but I just don't think that she is the awful parent that everyone makes her out to be. After all, when Britney was beginning her self destruct, everyone was saying "Where's Lynn?" "Why isn't she setting her daughter straight?" Soooo she was a good enough mother then but not now? I just don't get it.

I think everyone just needs to let them be and let them deal with yet another challenging event in their lives. All of this negativity will turn JL into Britney faster than that baby will. I can only imagine how JL must be feeling if she is seeing or reading all if this negative talk about the birth of her child. It's a done deal and all of the Monday morning quarter backing in the world won't change it now. If she's fine with it, we just need to be fine with it. And all of the talking heads need to shut up their judgemental selves. The impact that this makes on Jl's fans can be counteracted by good parenting...after all...if some girl goes out and gets pregnant because JL did, then I'd say that girl had issues to begin with.


BTW, I think that "white trash" is such a derogatory racial slur....I have to wonder if those who use it are as quick to throw around "" and "wet back" too. But oh no....that's taboo. NO ONE of any race deserves to be called names because of the way they choose to live their life or because of the choices they make. That is why we live in America. Self righteousness is such an ugly trait. Leave this family alone, they have enough on their plate!
I don't think she's "trash" for becoming pregnant at 16. I honestly don't think these Spears women are very smart or educated. To me, Lynne Spears seems like the ultimate stage mother. After seeing how Britney turned out, she continued to push the younger one. I don't think any of them are bad people. I think the problem is, when you have a 16 year old dating a 19 year old, in this day and age you should talk to them or take them to a doctor, no questions asked. If she wants to get on the pill, she and her doctor can discuss it. Parents can't stick their head in the sand and think their kids aren't going to have sex. Someone, either a parent or school or a doctor needs to teach teens about birth control and STD's.

I knew when I was a sexually active teen that I didn't want to be a teen mother (must have been all of those after school specials). I had a car, a license and a Plannned Parenthood nearby.
I had my son one day before my 18th birthday. I have never resented him. Now that I look back, yes I wish I would have waited and finished college and got things together before we had him but I never regret it. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. My DH and I married at 17 and 18. We are still together almost 10 years later and have a 3 year old also. I finished college and he worked hard. We bought a house, cars and all that before we thought about having another. I think it really depends on the people. We were pretty rough there in the beginning but we decided to stick it out, till death do us part. My parents pretty much pressured us into marriage but now I am happy they did. Marriage is a lot harder to walk away from than a baby momma. We had to grow up faster than most but we are good parents and good people and thats what counts. I know a lot of people who have gotten married older and had children and divorced. But I do think you are right they won't last long but I think mostly that is because they live in Hollywood in the spotlight. No Hollywood couples seem to last long these days.

That's how my mom felt as well. The only difference is she and my dad were together 41 yrs and then he died. They had a good marriage, but it wasn't always as easy as it could have been if they had waited.
They were one of the lucky ones.
i was pregnant when i was 16, had my baby when i was 17... i turned out OK. i went on to college, i work hard and have what I feel is a successful career (at quite a young age, I might add - I was the youngest graduating RN in my program at the time in the ENTIRE program!). But I also had a good supportive family that wasn't pimpin me out to the press!!
maybe JL will turn out ok. i hope so. she doesn't seem nearly as skanky as her sister. maybe she is just trying to make the best of a bad situation.

Wow it sounds like our life is the same lol. I got pregnant at 16 and had my son when I was 17 and Im in college right now for Nursing. Personally I think my son straightened me out a lot.

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