Jamie Lynn Spears Pregnant

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Wow it sounds like our life is the same lol. I got pregnant at 16 and had my son when I was 17 and Im in college right now for Nursing. Personally I think my son straightened me out a lot.

Good for you! I love success stories!

I worry about this family being in the media so much... I worry how it will affect the baby. It obviously has affecting Britney negatively (not the media per se, but being famous and all that comes with it).
You know as a Male I never had sex till I was in my 20's. Not saying there was not alot of petting and such.But I just want to know what happened? I mean way back on Noah's ark ( yeah I am an Old Fart) I had freinds that would go to 7-11 grab the Beer and A Box of condoms.And I have always said that even if a girl is on the pill. The male should wear a condom:innocent:

They had 7-11's back in Noah's day?? I had no idea! The things I learn on this forum....


(BTW, your last statement is so very true.)
Wow it sounds like our life is the same lol. I got pregnant at 16 and had my son when I was 17 and Im in college right now for Nursing. Personally I think my son straightened me out a lot.

i think that having a baby early really made me grow up early too. people never really would have "guessed" my age whenever i was that young. i mean, a teenage pregnancy isn't an ideal situation but it isn't a death sentence either and it doesn't mean your life is over or that you can't achieve anything that you hadn't set out to do... and not everyone is going to live in poverty and have a horrible life. it is just that having a baby makes things more difficult because there is so much more to juggle!! and at a young age when your coping skills usually are not the best and not very well developed. and taking care of a baby is not instinctual! you'll find though that people have to always go through developmental steps, they can't skip them, and a lot of people seem to get stuck at whatever developmental stage they were at during this "event" (the teen pregnancy) and they stay there for a LONG time or some never seem to move on. so they struggle in familial and personal relationships, careers, every dimension of life... or on the flip side, some move on quickly.... but it seems to be one of the two. it either hits them on the knee cap and handicaps them, or it makes them stronger and more determined to do what they had always planned to do in the beginning. i kept telling myself "i have to do this while she is young and get it over with now so i can enjoy my time with her!" i'm finishing my dual master's in the spring. :waitasec:

my family helped me out a lot, and that made a huge difference. i just always think it is important to encourage people (especially young ones) because gosh, when you have people telling you that you're a failure all the time, it kind of sets you up to be one... and i think that happens a lot. people do what is expected of them, you know? and like some people said earlier in the thread... a lot of teens are having sex when they are 16. i dated my bf for a year before we ever, ever did anything... that's longer than a lot of 20 year olds (and it still didn't work out!). but... it wasn't that i wasn't doing anything that "everybody else wasn't doing" (heck, I was doing less of it!!!) but just that i ended up with my little daughter a lot earlier than i had ever planned.
I also wanted to correct a couple of things people keep saying:

She is 16 and he is 18
They have been dating since they were 15 and 17 (IMO, that is a long time, especially for teens)
They were NOT living together

masterj... but perez said that they were before the article came out, so it HAS to be true!!!!!!:slap:
i guess the article it self says they weren't...
masterj... but perez said that they were before the article came out, so it HAS to be true!!!!!!:slap:
i guess the article it self says they weren't...

I know. I wish he would fess up when he is wrong, but he never apologizes for the wrong info he puts out there.
I had my daughter at age 17 and don't regret a thing about missing out on those last couple of years of teenage stuff. I didn't have enough confidence to get a good education at a younger age but I don't blame that on having a baby. I regret marrying in my twenties, having a second child, and ending up divorced much more than I regret having a teen pregnancy.
I know. I wish he would fess up when he is wrong, but he never apologizes for the wrong info he puts out there.

you know what I HATE about Perez? i don't go there that often, but I hate it when he says that the women / celebrities are "sperminated" - that's his term for being pregnant.

Ugh. It totally sends shivers up my spine!!!! whatta creep!
when did he become such a hollywood source, i wanna know? i mean, i am seeing him all over the place lately...
I had my daughter at age 17 and don't regret a thing about missing out on those last couple of years of teenage stuff. I didn't have enough confidence to get a good education at a younger age but I don't blame that on having a baby. I regret marrying in my twenties, having a second child, and ending up divorced much more than I regret having a teen pregnancy.

hey I guess I am the only here, but at the sake of anyone's wrath I will say...I had my 1st at aged 17, still worked, still went to school, (HIGH SCHOOL) had 2nd at 19....didn't work and quit school at hubby's exsistence (sp????-) anyway he wanted me to...I was in nursing school at the local tech school....he was like "no, stay home take care of babies...) so I did....
only hubby left me when oldest was 2 and baby was 10 mos....
from there on...I had to move in with dad, get a full time job, raise babies on my own without hubby's assistance, althought his NEW girl had 4 kids he didn't mind taking care of...
but ANYWAY, at the wrath of others I WILL admit, yes, sometimes I resented my kids....not their fault, now I know looking back...but I had friends who either had NO kids, or who had kids whose dad was around to take care of them...
as for me, it was like, ok if I wanna go out, I gotta find a sitter, pack a diaper back, and child seat, drop off kids, deal with the clinging to the legs thing, pry away from kids, feel guilty, go party, get drunk then have to go to sitters, pick up kids in middle of night, wake them up, carry both to car, carry both outta car at out our house, try and get them back to sleep, feel guilty again, MEANWHILE ur friends either DON"T have kids at all or have hubby's watching them so that they were asleep hours ago....
I am NOT perfect....I was never the perfect mom I should have been....not perfect but I did want TIME TO MYSELF.....could never seem to get it, yeah although I never hurt/harmed/starved/mistreated/left-alone kids I did resent them at times...baby (and GOD) forgive me please....I just NEVER thought I'd be in the single parent position...I always thought even had ex and I split up he'd have took care of the kids and not abandoned them like he did....shoot my 2 yr old remembered him but by the time we re-connected my 10 month old had NO idea who "daddy" was....
OMG did you guys read that k-fed knew about jamie lynn being pregnant before BRITNEY DID (Brit learned about it from the PRESS, they told K-Fed a few days before it broke so he could prepare for the media onslaught)! that is because jamie lynn's parents and jamie lynn see k-fed frequently because that is their only outlet to see the boys, and they are on decent terms (i have been hearing that for a while and i think its probably true!).
OMG did you guys read that k-fed knew about jamie lynn being pregnant before BRITNEY DID (Brit learned about it from the PRESS, they told K-Fed a few days before it broke so he could prepare for the media onslaught)! that is because jamie lynn's parents and jamie lynn see k-fed frequently because that is their only outlet to see the boys, and they are on decent terms (i have been hearing that for a while and i think its probably true!).
yeah I heard that, but given that JLS took up for BS when the neighbor was like "BS, we don't want you here" and JLS said "well, then move the f' otta here" it just makes me think that maybe Brit and JLS were and or/are closer than the media portrays...after all this HASN'T been that long ago....surely they would let BS know befofre the media....
The media just never lets up does it. If Jamie Spears was anyother 16 yr old girl the story wouldn't be in the media. So she's pregnant...big deal. If she wasn't related to Britney she wouldn't be in the media. I wish they would just lay off the whole family and give them a break. They can't fart without everyone and their dog hearing about it.
I heard they were getting married now. Anyone else heard this? I saw it on a brief news clip thing.
Wonder if there is any truth to it. It won't let me copy and paste but they are claiming that a studio exec may be the father of her baby, not her 18 year old boyfriend.


I don't know yet either, it's a bit over the top, what guy would cop to this nomatter how much they are getting paid. A million dollars wouldn't cover it, no amount of money would. Perez has a bit more:


I guess none of these people cares about all of the little girls hearing about this on the news.

I guess none of these people cares about all of the little girls hearing about this on the news.

Or any young kid. My 10-year old nephew announced loudly at Christmas dinner "Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant!" It was strange.
Or any young kid. My 10-year old nephew announced loudly at Christmas dinner "Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant!" It was strange.

True. It is disgusting. We had a 5th grade party at our pizza place last week the day it was announced, and it flashed on the news before I had a chance to change the channel :doh: .

It was sad and refreshing at the same time when one of the boys said, "How can she be pregnant? She's not married."

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