Jamie Lynn Spears Pregnant

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True. It is disgusting. We had a 5th grade party at our pizza place last week the day it was announced, and it flashed on the news before I had a chance to change the channel :doh: .

It was sad and refreshing at the same time when one of the boys said, "How can she be pregnant? She's not married."

That is refreshing! My father-in-law has been known to say "The first baby comes anytime. After that, they take 9 months!" ;)
Ok, I didn't go through and read all the pages of the thread and I was being a bit non sarcastic in my title but seriously who cares?

If she would have had an abortion, it would have been wrong to most. Even adoption, you're a hero to society until your name goes on those papers, Then if you're lucky, you're still ok in the adoptive parents eyes, but gawd forbid, someone finds out you placed a baby for adoption, your suddenly the scum of the earth "Oh, I could NEVER give up my baby" etc = comments from stupid (uninformed) society. And besides, it's not like either one of those would be possible anyways. Can you imagine what the tabloids would pay for info like that?

I *think* in a way, (twisted?) That this shows girls (and yes, I do have a daughter that is a tween) these celebs are NOT invincible. They can still have the same regrets/screwups etc that "normal" people do.

But again, who cares? If this was the girl down the street that got preggo, it would be another day. She's not the first, she's not the last. They do have money to offset the typical stresses that a firsttimeparent would run into (Finances,time, sitters etc) Even IF their parents don't/won't help out, they do have the means to hire outside help for those "breaks" And if needing breaks from my kids makes me a bad parent, then label me now. I don't feel it's healthy to be w/ your kids 24/7 whether, you are 16 or 66.

I just think the whole damn family gets too much flack. Whether wanted or not. If you see someone in the midst of a damn breakdown (Brit) what kind of sick individual exploits it? In some areas that's sort of a violation of human rights. We (and I'm guilty too because I read as much of it as I can) as a society push some of these people, and it's a continous push, push push, and then they slip, fall, and break and we sit back and go "wtf?"

I still (even w/ the "glowing" reports) think Kfed is a dirty, shady, person who has had ulterior motives since the getgo (and no I don't have a foil cap on LOL!

At least JLS boyfriend has had the decency (so far) or maybe he's scared? to avoid the media. Not sure the accuracy but one report stated he was "in hiding" - anyone hear the same (sorry if it's been cited before, but as noted above, I haven't read through all the way!)
Jinxie, no offense, but I think you are taking it the wrong way. At least my posts. I could not care less about JLS or Brit or any of their antics.

What I care about is my daughter, and the fact that she is SEVEN YEARS OLD, for Pete's sake, and a show she occasionally watches on a CHILDREN's NETWORK is now contemplating a special on teen pregnancy because their star is knocked up. I care about the fact that she is being exposed to the concept of an unwanted baby, when up until now she thought that ALL babies were a gift from God to married people who prayed really hard for them. Excuse me for wanting to shelter that precious innocence for a few more years.

I care about my sons, who don't watch Zoey 101 but they do know about this pregnancy. I care about the stories they are hearing and the images it is putting into their heads. I care that they are changing from "How can she be pregnant? She's not married." to "She's hot!"

I care about Brit's boys, because they are victims of the whole mess. I wonder if they will ever have a chance at a normal, healthy life. I wonder how much of this they will be able to forget, and how much of this will be a part of a vicious cycle that continues until they are the abusers of other girls who have yet to be born.

And as much as I protest, actually I do care a little bit about JLS. She is only a 16yo girl. The stories coming out now about her boyfriend not being the father and the possibility of her being taken advantage of by a studio executive make my stomach churn. Who is looking out for this child? Will anyone take responsibility for her before she ends up like her sister, drugged up and used up before she's 30? What about her innnocent baby? Is this the next victim?

So when you ask who cares? The answer is, I do.
**Angelmom- this isn't directed at you, this post just happens to follow your's** :)

:twocents: .............:twocents: .............:twocents:

I don't NOT CARE about JLS...I just think that an inordinate amount of attention is being paid to her pregnancy. This is happening to girls everyday all around the world. Where is the concern, indignation and outrage about their circumstance? I do think that girls that get pregnant at a very young age are kind of shunned and cast off a bit from society. Any number of women could find themselves in the same boat. I had sex as a teenager and I was very fortunate to not have become pregnant.

This can serve as a beginning point of discussion with our kids about teen pregnancy. Alot of kids probably think that JLS is somehow insulated from those things that "happen to the rest of us". She's not. While many parents may have wanted to wait until some other time down the road to talk with their children about this issue...why not do it now? Who's to say that you won't have a teenage family member they look up to get pregnant? We unfortunately don't always get to wait until the time is right to have these discussions. Sometimes, we're forced into it...

I am not condoning the evident pass that Lynn Spears have given to her daughters to do whatever "works for them" at the time. Unfortunately, parents from all walks of life do this and it is sad, sad, sad. I think parents and especially moms need to stand in the gap for their kids as long as possible- kids need to have their "sea legs" before going down a path such as this. JLS has no concept of how her life is going to change. She needed to be a kid for several more years but what's done is done, and now hopefully, everyone will get their heads screwed on straight and make the most of this situation. This baby deserves a good life.

Kudos to all of the posters here who had children at a young age and worked hard and came through...good job for making the best of a difficult situation!

The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unwanted Pregnancy has issued a statement on JLS' pregnancy:


That website has some excellent advice for parents. The ten tips page is especially good, imo.


Jinxie, no offense, but I think you are taking it the wrong way. At least my posts. I could not care less about JLS or Brit or any of their antics.

What I care about is my daughter, and the fact that she is SEVEN YEARS OLD, for Pete's sake, and a show she occasionally watches on a CHILDREN's NETWORK is now contemplating a special on teen pregnancy because their star is knocked up. I care about the fact that she is being exposed to the concept of an unwanted baby, when up until now she thought that ALL babies were a gift from God to married people who prayed really hard for them. Excuse me for wanting to shelter that precious innocence for a few more years.

I care about my sons, who don't watch Zoey 101 but they do know about this pregnancy. I care about the stories they are hearing and the images it is putting into their heads. I care that they are changing from "How can she be pregnant? She's not married." to "She's hot!"

I care about Brit's boys, because they are victims of the whole mess. I wonder if they will ever have a chance at a normal, healthy life. I wonder how much of this they will be able to forget, and how much of this will be a part of a vicious cycle that continues until they are the abusers of other girls who have yet to be born.

And as much as I protest, actually I do care a little bit about JLS. She is only a 16yo girl. The stories coming out now about her boyfriend not being the father and the possibility of her being taken advantage of by a studio executive make my stomach churn. Who is looking out for this child? Will anyone take responsibility for her before she ends up like her sister, drugged up and used up before she's 30? What about her innnocent baby? Is this the next victim?

So when you ask who cares? The answer is, I do.
As usual, your post is full of thoughtful and caring words. Lovely post...and so very true.
True. It is disgusting. We had a 5th grade party at our pizza place last week the day it was announced, and it flashed on the news before I had a chance to change the channel :doh: .

It was sad and refreshing at the same time when one of the boys said, "How can she be pregnant? She's not married."

well, my little girl has always known that you can have a baby and not be married. i don't think there is anything wrong with that...that is truth.
i guess it is the enviroment you grow up in.
well, my little girl has always known that you can have a baby and not be married. i don't think there is anything wrong with that...that is truth.
i guess it is the enviroment you grow up in.

My daughter too. Well, I was a single mom when I had her so I was always and still am, honest with her about everything. She's 11 and she is truly my hero, as I am hers....

My sister hurt my feelings terribly when my daughter was born. I still love her dearly of course, but she did hurt me. She lied to her daughters when my daughter was born that I was married to my daughter's father and then we divorced. I wished she would have just told them the truth.....Basically, I had dated a man for 2 years and I got pregnant, unplanned of course, and he walked away from me. Told me it was him or the baby.....well, we know how that story ended, I told him to hit the road.....:clap:
My daughter too. Well, I was a single mom when I had her so I was always and still am, honest with her about everything. She's 11 and she is truly my hero, as I am hers....

My sister hurt my feelings terribly when my daughter was born. I still love her dearly of course, but she did hurt me. She lied to her daughters when my daughter was born that I was married to my daughter's father and then we divorced. I wished she would have just told them the truth.....Basically, I had dated a man for 2 years and I got pregnant, unplanned of course, and he walked away from me. Told me it was him or the baby.....well, we know how that story ended, I told him to hit the road.....:clap:

That would have hurt me too, kk's mom! Women need to support each other in the hard decisions we are sometimes called upon to make, not pretend that reality doesn't exist. I would have wanted my daughters to know the truth behind your brave choice.
Have any of you watched her show Zoey 101, for even a few moments? Seriously, Jamie Lynn is not a good actress on that show. So unnatural - her dialog, expressions, all of it. We really felt she was the least talented cast member of that show. Just a pretty face and a famous name, the rest of the cast carry the show.
In my case, when I got pregnant before marriage 45 YEARS AGO, my mother was running around telling people that I had been "secretly married" for "several months".

I learned of this untruth from a relative, called my mom and told her I would NOT support any such "stories". And yes, I was 16 at the time.

My then 19 year old boyfriend and I married promptly and the marriage lasted for over 25 years.
well, my little girl has always known that you can have a baby and not be married. i don't think there is anything wrong with that...that is truth.
i guess it is the enviroment you grow up in.

True. My kids lead a pretty sheltered life. If the situation arose where they needed to know I would tell them the truth. Somehow it has never come up with anyone close to us.

I still remember when my oldest was in first or second grade and a classmate's stepfather was killed in a motorcycle accident. I had to explain what divorced meant, because my son thought the girl's father (whom we know) had died. It was another sad/refreshing moment when I realized that he had no idea what I was talking about.
Have any of you watched her show Zoey 101, for even a few moments? Seriously, Jamie Lynn is not a good actress on that show. So unnatural - her dialog, expressions, all of it. We really felt she was the least talented cast member of that show. Just a pretty face and a famous name, the rest of the cast carry the show.
I know, but she has that cute factor going on. :D I really hope all of this doesn't ruin her career. I hope she will be a better Mom that Britt has been. :(
After reading the various responses following my posting - I sat down to have a chat w/ my tween.

Her response? - "What was she supposed to do get an abortion?"

After asking what she think should happen with the show - She brought up (IMO) a good point. The show is on TEENnick. Not preteen, Not noggin, but TEENnick.

After thinking about that one. Well, maybe they need to move her to a different show or just work around it in the current show (Lots of ways to hide a pregnancy, lets face it). Perhaps, NICK(tv) already knew about it, and was waiting to see what she was announcing, hence the cliffhanger episode of what she was going to be doing. Going off to boarding school or staying home (I think is what my daughter said it was going to be about)

I don't feel she should lose her job just because she's pregnant. In ANY other case that this were possibly occurring, we'd be raising hell at the injustice of it!
After reading the various responses following my posting - I sat down to have a chat w/ my tween.

Her response? - "What was she supposed to do get an abortion?"

After asking what she think should happen with the show - She brought up (IMO) a good point. The show is on TEENnick. Not preteen, Not noggin, but TEENnick.

After thinking about that one. Well, maybe they need to move her to a different show or just work around it in the current show (Lots of ways to hide a pregnancy, lets face it). Perhaps, NICK(tv) already knew about it, and was waiting to see what she was announcing, hence the cliffhanger episode of what she was going to be doing. Going off to boarding school or staying home (I think is what my daughter said it was going to be about)

I don't feel she should lose her job just because she's pregnant. In ANY other case that this were possibly occurring, we'd be raising hell at the injustice of it!

Excellent post Jinxie!!
Just because the show is on TEENick doesn't make it ok or acceptable that the 16 yo star is pregnant, or make her an okay role model. However, I do agree and applaud Jamie for going through the pregnancy and not having an abortion. I just hope she'll be a better mom than Britney.
Just because the show is on TEENick doesn't make it ok or acceptable that the 16 yo star is pregnant, or make her an okay role model. However, I do agree and applaud Jamie for going through the pregnancy and not having an abortion. I just hope she'll be a better mom than Britney.

I don't think that people should look to actors or actresses as role models to begin with.
TV is hardly like real life.
Why should our children think these are role models?? Wouldn't it be a better lesson to teach that what they watch is simply a make believe character and that real life is not like tv?
These people are simply performers .. what on earth makes them worthy of being a role model??
IMO that is what we should teach our children.
It is rated TVY7, meaning suitable for kids 7 and up. I'm not sure what TeenNick means, but there is no distinction made on Saturday mornings when the kids are watching TV. My parental controls set for TVY7 do not filter this show for my DD.


no offense, But - Zoey is a fictional character - I don't understand how that equates out to being a role model. Now I could see if she were doing a reality role, then she could be looked up to, and could semi *understand* people being disappointed about what's happening. But how is a created character from one's imagination turn into a role model?

Other than her sticking up for her sister I don't really know much about her personally to say one way or the other if she's someone I would want my daughter's emulating. However, I would much rather them look up to someone "real" faults and all, then someone who's a character on tv.

I still don't understand why the hoopla about her being pregnant though. Is it because of her age? because of who her family is? because she has her own show? what?

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