Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Developments #2

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Ok - I need a little rant time and I'm going to pull a famous statement made here right after Andrew hit.


I really think our commander in chief needs to address the public here - if only to dispel some fear. BUT - where is he?

Let's see - yesterday he was golfing. We get a press release today that his Saturday radio address is going to focus on the "equal pay" issue. And today he is giving his NCAA picks!

REALLY? No, c'mon - REALLY? What is this guy? A camel with his head stuck in the sand?

We have our boys over there. We have families very very concerned for their safety. Our entire west coast is "concerned" mostly because we are not getting any real reliable information. Oh, you can bet your shorts he knows - and he knows ALOT. He is being briefed - yet he keeps us all in the dark.

When the earthquake in Haiti hit - man o man - it was all over the news - he was on somewhat frequently. MY VERY OWN neighborhood took in refugees and jam packed our public schools with their children.

I just don't get this "leader". He needs to step up to the plate and calm his people with some sound advice and reliable information.

Ok - rant over. But I'm still UPSET!!!
lol, I keep waiting for one of the ummmm, "leaders", to just go on camera and go "OMG! WTF!!!"
Ok - I need a little rant time and I'm going to pull a famous statement made here right after Andrew hit.


I really think our commander in chief needs to address the public here - if only to dispel some fear. BUT - where is he?

Let's see - yesterday he was golfing. We get a press release today that his Saturday radio address is going to focus on the "equal pay" issue. And today he is giving his NCAA picks!

REALLY? No, c'mon - REALLY? What is this guy? A camel with his head stuck in the sand?

We have our boys over there. We have families very very concerned for their safety. Our entire west coast is "concerned" mostly because we are not getting any real reliable information. Oh, you can bet your shorts he knows - and he knows ALOT. He is being briefed - yet he keeps us all in the dark.

When the earthquake in Haiti hit - man o man - it was all over the news - he was on somewhat frequently. MY VERY OWN neighborhood took in refugees and jam packed our public schools with their children.

I just don't get this "leader". He needs to step up to the plate and calm his people with some sound advice and reliable information.

Ok - rant over. But I'm still UPSET!!!

Maybe he's in the vault searching for his birth certificate?
This site http://allthingsnuclear.org/ has an excellent explanation of what is happening that's understandable to non-nuclear physicists.

I'm cautiously optimistic that the US will see minimal if any measurable impact at this point, but then "cautiously optimistic" is pretty much my usual state of being.

It's got to be very scary for the 140K who have been advised to seal their windows and doors, though. :eek:
Maybe he's in the vault searching for his birth certificate?
And there ya go. He was born in HAWAII -FGS. He grew up there, he vacations there - IOW he has ties there - yet no statement, no concern, NO NOTHING.

IN JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION - he is NO LEADER and he just doesn't care about anything that DOESN'T affect him and his "office". Its a shame iffen ya ask me. And it worries me - especially if we have, heaven forbid, a horrible crisis here on our own soil.
they say - they say a lot, ever wonder who "they" are? Are "they" standing right in the line of radiation?

LOL, My Mom use to tell me "they say"

I use to ask her who is they? She would get so mad.
God I miss my Mother! R.I.P. Queen
Ok - I need a little rant time and I'm going to pull a famous statement made here right after Andrew hit.


I really think our commander in chief needs to address the public here - if only to dispel some fear. BUT - where is he?

Let's see - yesterday he was golfing. We get a press release today that his Saturday radio address is going to focus on the "equal pay" issue. And today he is giving his NCAA picks!

REALLY? No, c'mon - REALLY? What is this guy? A camel with his head stuck in the sand?

We have our boys over there. We have families very very concerned for their safety. Our entire west coast is "concerned" mostly because we are not getting any real reliable information. Oh, you can bet your shorts he knows - and he knows ALOT. He is being briefed - yet he keeps us all in the dark.

When the earthquake in Haiti hit - man o man - it was all over the news - he was on somewhat frequently. MY VERY OWN neighborhood took in refugees and jam packed our public schools with their children.

I just don't get this "leader". He needs to step up to the plate and calm his people with some sound advice and reliable information.

Ok - rant over. But I'm still UPSET!!!

Well I'm gonna pull a statement made on an old sitcom:

Mista we could use a man like HoyButt Hoover again.
I'm seeing that Japan has imposed a no fly zone over the plant - but this doesn't count for the helicopters that are going to drop the water. It was also said that some airlines are re-routing their flight plans away from that area.
LOL, My Mom use to tell me "they say"

I use to ask her who is they? She would get so mad.
God I miss my Mother! R.I.P. Queen

I used to be a receptionist for a doctor's office. I had a McDonald's toy (I forget which one), and I stuck a nametag on him that said "They." Whenever some kooky person would come up and say "They told me this or They told me that," I would pick up my toy and talk to it. LOL!
Ok - I need a little rant time and I'm going to pull a famous statement made here right after Andrew hit.


I really think our commander in chief needs to address the public here - if only to dispel some fear. BUT - where is he?

Let's see - yesterday he was golfing. We get a press release today that his Saturday radio address is going to focus on the "equal pay" issue. And today he is giving his NCAA picks!

REALLY? No, c'mon - REALLY? What is this guy? A camel with his head stuck in the sand?

We have our boys over there. We have families very very concerned for their safety. Our entire west coast is "concerned" mostly because we are not getting any real reliable information. Oh, you can bet your shorts he knows - and he knows ALOT. He is being briefed - yet he keeps us all in the dark.

When the earthquake in Haiti hit - man o man - it was all over the news - he was on somewhat frequently. MY VERY OWN neighborhood took in refugees and jam packed our public schools with their children.

I just don't get this "leader". He needs to step up to the plate and calm his people with some sound advice and reliable information.

Ok - rant over. But I'm still UPSET!!!

I posted virtually the same concerns a couple pages ago. I don't EVER remember a president dropping the ball like this...even close! We need our leader to talk to us...tell us we're the greatest country on Earth and we'll get through this...tell us they are monitoring the situation and the best minds in the nuclear field are assessing the situation and keeping him apprised of steps needed to keep the American people safe...something! There are ways he can address this to reassure. Unbelievable.

"This morning, as Japan’s nuclear crisis enters a potentially catastrophic phase, we are told that Obama is videotaping his NCAA tournament picks and that we’ll be able to tune into ESPN Wednesday to find out who he likes.

Saturday, he made his 61st outing to the golf course as president, and got back to the White House with just enough time for a quick shower before heading out to party with Washington’s elite journalists at the annual Gridiron Dinner...."

I have been going over some videos on Youtube, including a very good 6 part documentary on TMI. And I'm hearing the same thing in the initial press statements there that we are hearing about Japan.
The incident...or, the problem...never the meltdown.
30 seconds of talking about what has gone wrong, 3 minutes of repeating everything that functioned right at the initial moment that the problem started.
Downplaying the risk to the media and the media not buying it.
Reports flying back and forth between "It's fine and under control", to "This is very, very bad."

Obviously, this is no TMI, because TMI was smaller, and it was essentially human error that started that crisis, but still, the rhetoric is chilling when compared to what we have heard for the last four days.

Here's the link to Part 1 of 6, and the links to the other parts are on the sidebar. The best of the power company rhetoric can be heard at the start of Part 2.
I have been going over some videos on Youtube, including a very good 6 part documentary on TMI. And I'm hearing the same thing in the initial press statements there that we are hearing about Japan.
The incident...or, the problem...never the meltdown.
30 seconds of talking about what has gone wrong, 3 minutes of repeating everything that functioned right at the initial moment that the problem started.
Downplaying the risk to the media and the media not buying it.
Reports flying back and forth between "It's fine and under control", to "This is very, very bad."

Obviously, this is no TMI, because TMI was smaller, and it was essentially human error that started that crisis, but still, the rhetoric is chilling when compared to what we have heard for the last four days.

do you have a link to part 1 of the documentary?
Ok - I need a little rant time and I'm going to pull a famous statement made here right after Andrew hit.


I really think our commander in chief needs to address the public here - if only to dispel some fear. BUT - where is he?

Let's see - yesterday he was golfing. We get a press release today that his Saturday radio address is going to focus on the "equal pay" issue. And today he is giving his NCAA picks!

REALLY? No, c'mon - REALLY? What is this guy? A camel with his head stuck in the sand?

We have our boys over there. We have families very very concerned for their safety. Our entire west coast is "concerned" mostly because we are not getting any real reliable information. Oh, you can bet your shorts he knows - and he knows ALOT. He is being briefed - yet he keeps us all in the dark.

When the earthquake in Haiti hit - man o man - it was all over the news - he was on somewhat frequently. MY VERY OWN neighborhood took in refugees and jam packed our public schools with their children.

I just don't get this "leader". He needs to step up to the plate and calm his people with some sound advice and reliable information.

Ok - rant over. But I'm still UPSET!!!

As I was listening and watching the news since this happened, the news was reporting that the president was going to speak at such n such time. So I decided to listen (although I can't stand to hear him talk) I think I missd the first minute to two of his speech and all I could get out of him speaking was talking about the deficit. I was thinking this is just what we want to hear at a time like this. I quickly changed the station.

Europe's energy commissioner Guenther Oettinger dubbed the nuclear disaster an "apocalypse", saying Tokyo had almost lost control of events at the Fukushima power plant."There is talk of an apocalypse and I think the word is particularly well chosen," he said in remarks to the European Parliament.Japan however maintained its assessment of the disaster at a four, placing it behind the Three Mile Island accident in the United States in 1979.
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