Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Developments #2

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Europe's energy commissioner Guenther Oettinger dubbed the nuclear disaster an "apocalypse", saying Tokyo had almost lost control of events at the Fukushima power plant."There is talk of an apocalypse and I think the word is particularly well chosen," he said in remarks to the European Parliament.Japan however maintained its assessment of the disaster at a four, placing it behind the Three Mile Island accident in the United States in 1979.

But we are seeing it currently rated at a 6...FFS, come on media. Get it together. Our government ain't talking, it would be nice if they would take up the slack.
And there ya go. He was born in HAWAII -FGS. He grew up there, he vacations there - IOW he has ties there - yet no statement, no concern, NO NOTHING.

IN JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION - he is NO LEADER and he just doesn't care about anything that DOESN'T affect him and his "office". Its a shame iffen ya ask me. And it worries me - especially if we have, heaven forbid, a horrible crisis here on our own soil.

Just goes to show that it's each man for themselves - we can't rely on anyone...just our own intuition. He's not going to step up to the plate, never has, never will. I don't want to go into a political rant, but it reminds me of the oil spill (minor, I know--compared). After BO swam in the ocean, it was "all good". He forgot to share (and still is) how horrific the ramifications are. Dolphins dying, and the affects of the shrimp industry, not to mention a hundred more problems still happening to this day.

IMHO, he seems to think if he doesn't say anything we shouldn't worry, and this mess "will all go away". Maybe he should go have a talk with Billie Jean Dunn, because what she seems to be doing is working! You know, can't we just move on?

Again, JMHO.


Five hundred bone marrow transplant centres across Europe are being asked to be on standby to treat Japanese radiation victims if the need arises.The European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) has alerting its members, which include 3,000 medics in specialist units. More at link
I'm really wondering just how many people over there have been diagnosed and are suffering from radiation sickness right now? Wonder if we will EVER know?
I've been on the bone marrow registry for many years, I'd gladly help any of the people from Japan in a hot second!!!
I personally feel that no government is ready for serious natural disaster. What can they do seriously and to be honest here in Texas most people could care less. Yes it's sad, but true. Unless it effects our neck of the woods most people are like oh it's sad then move on. Most people haven't even been watching the news. At work no one talks about what is happening in japan. Americans are very self absorbed. So nothing Obama can day or do. Everything IS fine here and most of the American citizens don't see any danger or that aware of any.

As for the stupid Gilbert Godfrey twitter incident well it's been 10 year since 911 and I don't hear that many jokes about that nor do I hear Katrina jokes either. It's a diff story to make a joke in private but once you do it on the Internet that just makes you an insensitive attention getting fool. It's waaaay too soon. I'm all for free speech but you have to accept the consequences too.

As for the Japanese government, they are spinning and trying to keep people calm. Every nation on this planet would do the same.
Ok - DD is up and ready to go. I'm heading out to Walgreens to check for these iodine pills (I actually need to go and check out fish oil pills).

I'll bbl and report what I found
For the people of japan.. it's a beautiful song and one of my favorites-makes me feel better when I'm scared.....

I dont even think we will ever get full disclosure on this issue or issues of the past. I dont really think this truely means anything to "they" except loss of money. They will sweep this away and go on trying to make money and putting people on controlled health care plans so they can decided which person is worth the money they are putting into them and take away costly choices.

On another note wonder if I should invest in Solar companies for the bearish market they are about to have for 5 minutes?

Five hundred bone marrow transplant centres across Europe are being asked to be on standby to treat Japanese radiation victims if the need arises.The European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) has alerting its members, which include 3,000 medics in specialist units. More at link

500 centers...3000 medics...nothing to see here folks, don't worry, remain calm.
I don't see how health care has anything to so with this but, we all should come to the realization that whatever the president says has to also mesh with the Japanese governments accounts. Japan is our allie and I'm sure they have appeased other governments to stay tight lipped for now. Also has any other world leaders spoken out? I just don't see how or why America has to be the Calvary for a nation that isn't a third world country. This isn't Haiti. Japan is a world power just like many other western nations. Also why does our president have to speak. I don't consider America a super power or more important than france, England, china etc. Where is the queen??

We are a witness to the possible destruction of a civilization. All the people should face the truth that we treat our planet like trash. Mother nature is an awesome force that cannot be hindered. This should make people wake up, but it won't.
500 centers...3000 medics...nothing to see here folks, don't worry, remain calm.
Yep and this is all the way over in Europe (very far away fro the actual site). No worries. Hey, its Spring Break - have a beer!!!

reporter....are American citizens safe in Tokyo?

response....we are recommending they follow the advice of japanese gov.

sorry I don't know who this guy is who is speaking...maybe a press secretary?
reporter....are American citizens safe in Tokyo?

response....we are recommending they follow the advice of japanese gov.

sorry I don't know who this guy is who is speaking...maybe a press secretary?

I think so, but bear in mind, this is just them airing the daily briefing because it refers to Japan, this is in no way a special statement regarding what we may face.
Plus another thing I think people should research the history of the nuclear program and what it means today. I am against nuclear power but if you take a look at how my environmental brothers and sisters have been called nut jobs and alarmist or liberal freaks anytime any resistance or protest against nuclear power plants crops up you will understand why governments don't want alarm. Nuclear plants supply a lot of power to most of our nations. If word gets out that they are unsafe and might blow if any natural disaster strikes then you are taking on a big fish in an even larger pound. We need cheap energy plain and simple.Of course they are safe and sure it's ok if you live near a nuclear reactor. Perfectly safe....
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