Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Developments #2

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I'm not sure how this relates to other crisis but this is a routine thing for the military. There doesn't need to be a crisis for this to take place, happens all the time especially when troops are deployed and bandwidth needs to be conserved. I don't know how else to explain it suzi. JMHO.

(Today I got a video call from husband, he couldn't call for a few days because of bandwidth issues in Iraq but could today)

This IMO is exactly the case. It happens all the time in both crisis and when troops are deployed for a variety of other reasons. Most other militaries do this as well (not just US.)

It's just a resource drain for the actual support needed, which is more than general web/MSM reporting. So they prioritize. JMO.
I am unsure about this particular toxin, but underwater fissures caused by quakes often result in the release of large amounts of underground gases into the water.



Looks like the fish kill might have resulted from toxins that are from an algea bloom?

(Have to save this and send link to Hubby he was talking about this today and we were discussing how beaches here had been closed off and on since Tsunami because of continuing dangerous surf, which you all will not hear because tourism is THE industry here and god forbid anything but sunshine and lollipops is ever reported about the Islands :angel: heh)
If each reactor has a spent fuel pool on its roof - then what happened to the spent fuel in the pools on the roofs of #1 and #3 when the roofs exploded?

IIRC, each pool contains hundreds of spent fuel rods.

I think I just scared myself even more.

I have been wondering the same exact thing. From the satellite photos post- explosion you can clearly see that there is no roof on reactor #1 and reactor #3. And while I understand that the actual physical structure of the Chernobyl plant was very different from these plants (biggest problem with Chernobyl, from what I understand, is that it did not have ANY kind of containment building around it---the Fukushima reactors all do have containment shelters) there are 6 reactors at Daichi and 4 more at Danai. Wouldn't multiple reactors with leaking radiation perhaps = the Chernobyl one?

PS When I was searching for that photo that wise old owl was looking for, at Fox news they had a blurb about Potassium Iodide flying off of AMerican pharmacy and store shelves. First time I have seen it reported.
I have, over the last few days, had little **glasnost** flashbacks...

a little glasnost, or transparency, would go a long way right now
Fukushima nuke plant situation 'worsened considerably': think tank
WASHINGTON, March 15, Kyodo

Noting that a level 4 incident involves ''only local radiological consequences,'' it said the ongoing crisis is ''now closer to a level 6, and it may unfortunately reach a level 7'' -- a worst case scenario with extensive health and environmental consequences.

I've been wondering how much and how soon this stuff is going to start washing up in the Northwest? I remember strolling the beaches in Oregon and finding all kinds of stuff from Asia. Beer bottles, etc. And a whole lotta Nike shoes...everywhere Nike shoes....A ship loaded with them had sunk. Near Point Conception (Reagan's Ranch) my friends and I came across a beach full of oranges from a ship that sunk.

We are wondering too (I'm in WA).
Off topic but why are the wikipedia links posted in any thread now on WS wonky?
I haven't checked this thread much today so I'm not sure if this has been posted:

Fukushima: Mark 1 Nuclear Reactor Design Caused GE Scientist To Quit In Protest

Thirty-five years ago, Dale G. Bridenbaugh and two of his colleagues at General Electric resigned from their jobs after becoming increasingly convinced that the nuclear reactor design they were reviewing -- the Mark 1 -- was so flawed it could lead to a devastating accident.

Questions persisted for decades about the ability of the Mark 1 to handle the immense pressures that would result if the reactor lost cooling power, and today that design is being put to the ultimate test in Japan.

More at http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/fukus...-design-caused-ge-scientist/story?id=13141287
(((((hi Kat!!!))))) you tube, wiki, and googlemaps have been wonky since the server change back a bit...
Ya'll know how crazy this conflicting news is driving us...can you imagine what it's like if you are THERE? We hear everything to the sky is falling to eh, we won't even notice it. Like everything, I think the truth lies in the middle somewhere, but dang that's a big middle this time.
Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) has just announced it is abandoning the plan to use helicopters to drop water as it would be too impractical, AP reports. It said other options were being considered, including using fire engines. Our correspondent said there had been concerns over the proposal, not least because of the possible health impact for the helicopter pilots.

They keep referring to the crisis not being under control yet, am I the only one feeling like the crisis has really not even begun yet? We have only had, small explosions so far, look how many reactors they are dealing with, the odds are going to run out and there is going to be a big explosion........IMO.
I'm not sure that we are getting information that has been intentionally distorted or intentionally misinforming us.

Well at least not today, I might change my mind later, but for today I'm thinking that the devastating earthquake just happened days ago, the tsunami happened a few days ago (less than a week) over 10,000 people are unaccounted for in just one area hit. Thousands of bodies were found yesterday or the day before, the pressing need right now is for search and rescue efforts before those trapped die from not being found soon enough...

Now the problems with multiple reactors in multiple power stations.

I'm thinking (just for today) that life is complete chaos in Japan right now and there just isn't solid info to be reported because well...all hell broke lose about 4 days ago and life is still hell for those in Japan.

I'll sit tight because---just personally---and this is not a comment about or directed at any single poster here or elsewhere on the internet but I'm on an Island in the middle of the pacific ocean and if radiation does come this way---I have no way to escape it. I'll give meds to my children only if the military tells me that they need it. (military family here and I trust our docs).

I understand the concern that's the reason I'm reading and posting here. JMHO
Does anyone know at about what post number the information on use of liquid iodine was discussed?
Ya'll know how crazy this conflicting news is driving us...can you imagine what it's like if you are THERE? We hear everything to the sky is falling to eh, we won't even notice it. Like everything, I think the truth lies in the middle somewhere, but dang that's a big middle this time.

Respectfully quoted tehcloser :)

Yes. You are saying how I am feeling. You put into words what feelings I am having about this. Thank you.

Having grown up with nuclear war "test" where an alarm would sound and we had to go out into the halls and sit along the wall and wait till the test was over. Having grown up with nuclear "danger" signs in my hallways and lunchrooms at school, in city buildings, etc...

I see this as a continuation of what we were being taught in school. The continuation of the issue of nuclear power and the splitting of the atom. This was/is about the search for a source of energy to power(?)everything. It has been proven to me, a citizen of earth that nuclear power is more dangerous than it is worth.

I remember Chernobyl (in Russia) and...Three Mile Island happened in the United States.



This is not my first rodeo nor my generation's when it comes to our old nemesis nuclear power: ask the people from the fifties about nuclear power: they had to build bunkers in their yards. If you couldn't afford it... Again-not my first nuclear leak and by far not the earth's. This is just the first time it has happened and we have the internet. I pray this is the last time.

Blessings to everyone.
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