Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Status #4

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I know that the President can't do anything about events in Japan,and as far as anything else going on,he can function as President anywhere in the world,but there are times when you just feel more at ease if the person supposed to be in charge is at home. Kinda like when you are a teenager and afraid. Even though your parents are just a phone call away,it still feels better to know they are close by. I wish I knew what was so important in Rio.
I somewhat agree - but the news is saying we are sending planes and our boats are already there and we are coordinating a possible airstrike with other allies.

Now, that right there - absolutely requires the POTUS be in DC with his cabinet and joint chiefs of staff to coordinate and lead.

If we are going to be engaged in military operations our President most definitely needs to be in his office. JMHO

ETA: Talking about the events unfolding in Libya.
That picture of the 4 month old baby girl they pulled out of the rubbish - she doesn't know what Pearl Harbor was - nor do my Grandkids. I cry for them.

I cry for all of us, those pulled from the rubble, those bombed out of existence in Hiroshima and Nagisaki, and our own people, killed and tortured by the Japanese. I do not want to turn this thread political. We can all cry for the dead, orphaned, cold, and hungry, no matter where they are.

Some of us remember and see it happening again, some see it differently, and it's all good. Each generation/person has the right to see things how they will.

I do cry for Japan, I wonder what fate caused all this misery through the years, especially now for them.

I wish no one any ill.

Maybe because I'm older I have a different overview of history; maybe a less forgiving one, but misery and death, no matter where it is, is still the enemy of all.
WW2 ended 66 yrs ago.

At the risk of sounding flippant and trust me I'm not saying it this way inside my head...

Dang that's a long time to carry a grudge. I thought I was bad...no kidding. Seriously. C'mon man. This isn't about a war that happened over half a century ago. This is about a country that was hit by two devasating natural disasters and then a manmade disaster to boot.

Trident I'm not going to disrespect your opinion. It is yours. I respect your right to have and hold that opinion. Our opinions are divergent though, very much so. But then again as you stated you are a child of one generation and I am the child of another. No big deal. :)

I think one of the most life changing experience for me has been to live outside of the USA for extended periods of time. It was what I, personally, needed to widen my viewpoint from seeing and identifying people by their nationality to seeing them as individuals. I am seeing a nation of individuals in Japan right now that are teetering on the edge of humanity and doing it with grace and humility.

I wish there was something that we could do that was more for those individuals. I've already donated---this is so odd to me---so little response really---Haiti got and still gets a lot of attention yet Japan seems to be falling off the radar---kind of strange for me is all.

I guess I'll just keep on donating. It's all I can do? JMHO.
Donating and ramming my head into the wall......that's all I got.
Radiation has gone up about 10-13 pts. at San Francisco according to this site. It's 39 now, 100 is alert level.


(ooh, it just went down while I was looking at it-- so the numbers will vary.)


I firmly believe that both TEPCO and the Japanese gov't have purposely withheld information from the public. Remember a few days ago when Kan asked TEPCO what the hello was going on? I don't know if the Japanese gov't really had no clue and were solely relying on TEPCO for their info and so were misled like the rest of us. OR, if this was a way for the gov't to shift some of the responsibility to TEPCO so that the gov't didn't look as bad. I will never know the true story.

I have to say that I did feel a bit bad for this guy only b/c I have to believe that he is realizing that TEPCO's actions will likely be the reason some Japanese people will die and others even. contract cancers, radiation sickness. I HAVE to believe that he feels some amount of remorse? shame? responsibility? sadness? at this tragedy. Because if he doesn't, then that means that the inherent goodness I feel is in most humans is leaving us. I know that there has always been and always will be, some "rotten apples" in the bunch, but for MY sanity I have to believe that deep down, most of us are good, decent people. If I don''t believe that then what is the alternative???

This man SHOULD cry---just as the Japanese PM and other gov't officials should be crying. I have wept at what these poor people are going through and I know that many of you have as well. In the end, we are all PEOPLE living in the same place and undergoing a horrific , possibly preventable??? catastrophe. God bless us all.
Radiation has gone up about 10-13 pts. at San Francisco according to this site. It's 39 now, 100 is alert level.


(ooh, it just went down while I was looking at it-- so the numbers will vary.)
I just clicked it. Now New Jersey is showing a 47 and Denver is at 57

And WOW - alert is at 100. So......what does this mean?

San Fran is only 33

ETA; I just refreshed and New Jersey has gone down to 39 BUT Denver is now at 76 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I understand where you are coming from - I'm a child of WWII, born right before Pearl Harbor. Believe me, I DO understand.

Now, I may get a TO, but that isn't anything new for me, I'm not at all PC. I remember a lot of bad things about the war, read a lot more about the cruelty of Japan. Prior to this I did mention Bataan death march. If none of you know, look it up. In the past few years I even turned down a trip to Japan while my son was there in the military. I wanted nothing to do with these people; I refused to feed the economy or acknowledge it in any way.

However, right now I am ambivalent. I know the tears are only 'cause they got caught and lost face. I guess falling on swords is outdated or illegal now, but I really don't know. Even so, right now, I'm trying so hard to come to terms with this and it ain't easy. I have a lot of stored up memories from WWII, and bad feelings, but I'm trying to come to terms with them. It isn't easy. Being a child during WWII wasn't easy, it was damned hard, and to hear Obama say they were our dear friends, GAG, only because they had little choice after the war (that's why they have no military), I was appalled.

I always do this, but somehow at the end of all my posts I try to sum up what I'm saying, and it is this - I do not love the Japanese people because I remember very well what happened in WWII, and it was ugly beyond belief, although most here don't know that. I am trying so hard to believe the mindset in Japan has changed, that I can relate to them as a people, not as robots of the Emperor. I want them to feel as me and you feel, I want to cry for their dead, I want to forgive and forget. I don't know if I can, totally, but I want to cry for his dead, my dead, all the pain of humanity.

Time to stop. I hope you all look into history, evaluate your humanity, and maybe, just maybe we can come together and cry. Maybe, I don't really know.

OKAY, I'm quoting myself, so sue me.

What I'm trying to say, which all of you missed, is I'm trying to come to terms with my feelings. Hello? I don't like dead babies, I don't like dead anyone, I don't like live radioactive nuclear plants. Unnatural death, in any way, shape, or form is anathema to me.

Let's get back to the power plants, how much radiation, what are they doing, are they lying, "they", no matter who they are always lie, Japanese, American, or Russian. Are we getting nuked? Probably, with a low, steady dosage.
I somewhat agree - but the news is saying we are sending planes and our boats are already there and we are coordinating a possible airstrike with other allies.

Now, that right there - absolutely requires the POTUS be in DC with his cabinet and joint chiefs of staff to coordinate and lead.

If we are going to be engaged in military operations our President most definitely needs to be in his office. JMHO

ETA: Talking about the events unfolding in Libya.

I absolutely, 100% agree with you. Pres. Obama NEEDS to be in the White House right now b/c honestly, it seems like b/w Japan and Libya the world is in a shi**y place right now. I feel like he wants to be in Rio with the fam. b/c there are no radiation concerns there. But that would make me cynical, now wouldn't it?
I have heard some pundits suggestioning the reason donations are down for Japan is because the media is focusing more on the nuclear event and not the humanitarian event. Possable.I'm not sure people are grasping the magnitude of destruction. I also think because Japan is more industrialized,people think they can handle it as opposed to a 3rd world country. I imagine we would face the same if the US were to experience a disaster like this.
I saw one of the rescue workers last night on CNN. He said he's been to like 84 disasters in his time,including Haiti and he has never seen anything this bad.
I just clicked it. Now New Jersey is showing a 47 and Denver is at 57

And WOW - alert is at 100. So......what does this mean?

San Fran is only 33

WOO....it changes. I have been watching that site for a few days and Denver has been as high as 77 - that I have seen. I don't know how reliable the site is..........but it's all we can find, lol. I think Quiche has been watching it too.
I just clicked it. Now New Jersey is showing a 47 and Denver is at 57

And WOW - alert is at 100. So......what does this mean?

San Fran is only 33

ETA; I just refreshed and New Jersey has gone down to 39 BUT Denver is now at 76 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Idk what it means, but I'm watching it, lol. Notice that Denver is higher than other places, is that because of elevation?
WOO....it changes. I have been watching that site for a few days and Denver has been as high as 77 - that I have seen. I don't know how reliable the site is..........but it's all we can find, lol.

Whats considered normal range for any area? Anyone know?
Well, Hockeymom, there-in lies the rub. I have always watched the quake sheets, but I have never kept up with the radiation levels so I have no idea what's normal.
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