Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Status #4

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REALLY REALLY REALLY good point about Denver and elevation. Notice there are 3 clustered real tight there in Denver and there's one I can't see cause the other 2 are on top.

Would really like to know the elevation of that one in Denver and is it high enough to be picking up the upper atmosphere winds. Upper atmosphere winds are a totally different animal than the "regular wind" that everyone is thinking about the radiation floating in on.
I'm getting really tired of hearing that the EXACT LEVELS ARE NOT AVAILABLE. They dang sure are and the more times you tell me they aren't the more I think it's because they are high.........you lying bastids.
Well, Hockeymom, there-in lies the rub. I have always watched the quake sheets, but I have never kept up with the radiation levels so I have no idea what's normal.

I have been reading at a few sites and read that the alert level for San Fran is 132 (cpm which means counts per minute). Also, that it is usual for levels to fluctuate up and down but that if a level is high and STAYS there that is a cause for concern.
Ikhns.......well if you found anyone quoting levels - actual numbers - you are doing better than me. I can't find any anywhere. Oh, duh......never mind I mis-read your post. Gotcha!
I firmly believe that both TEPCO and the Japanese gov't have purposely withheld information from the public. Remember a few days ago when Kan asked TEPCO what the hello was going on? I don't know if the Japanese gov't really had no clue and were solely relying on TEPCO for their info and so were misled like the rest of us. OR, if this was a way for the gov't to shift some of the responsibility to TEPCO so that the gov't didn't look as bad. I will never know the true story.

I have to say that I did feel a bit bad for this guy only b/c I have to believe that he is realizing that TEPCO's actions will likely be the reason some Japanese people will die and others even. contract cancers, radiation sickness. I HAVE to believe that he feels some amount of remorse? shame? responsibility? sadness? at this tragedy. Because if he doesn't, then that means that the inherent goodness I feel is in most humans is leaving us. I know that there has always been and always will be, some "rotten apples" in the bunch, but for MY sanity I have to believe that deep down, most of us are good, decent people. If I don''t believe that then what is the alternative???

This man SHOULD cry---just as the Japanese PM and other gov't officials should be crying. I have wept at what these poor people are going through and I know that many of you have as well. In the end, we are all PEOPLE living in the same place and undergoing a horrific , possibly preventable??? catastrophe. God bless us all.

You said a lot of what I feel, only you said it better.
Would the plume have even hit Denver yet. According to the "experts" it was to only have reached California and Alaska by now.
First, we don't know exactly when the "experts" are looking at the "plume" being released. Yesterday? Tuesday? That is vital knowledge as to calculating when it would be expected here.

Second, It is JMHO that since that first explosion last Satuday radiation has been "escaping into the atmosphere" from this plant. So, if you take last Saturday as when the radiation "plume" starting its course - well then................ see what I mean?

It seems reactor 4 is the most dangerous to the air right now. The spent fuel rods are completely exposed and all that steam has been escaping freely for at least the last 3 days or so.

Plus upper atmosphere winds are usually a little faster that surface winds - but there are just too many variables missing for anyone to calculate.

High readings in CO - The Radiation levels on the stations in Colorado are higher on average than the others because some are at elevations as high as 8,000 to 9,000 feet, where there is less atmospheric shielding from the cosmic rays that make up most of what we call the background radiation count. As an example, I have taken a Geiger Counter on a passenger plane flight and recorded readings up to 800 CPM at 40,000 feet! So those high readings are quite normal for certain Colorado stations.

This site seems to be quite a resource. As long as the government didn't set it up.

Welcome to RadiationNetwork.com, home of the National Radiation Map, depicting environmental radiation levels across the USA, updated in real time every minute.

I've been keeping an eye on it -- levels go up, down, up, down...

I absolutely, 100% agree with you. Pres. Obama NEEDS to be in the White House right now b/c honestly, it seems like b/w Japan and Libya the world is in a shi**y place right now. I feel like he wants to be in Rio with the fam. b/c there are no radiation concerns there. But that would make me cynical, now wouldn't it?

my husband and i were half jokingly thinking of where in the world we could go to be the furthest from japan either way if need be due to radiation. we looked at a map and then decided on Rio. and then the next day we read that the pres was going there. and now what he was going there for is canceled but he is still going there...yes i am totally nuts
uummmmm Where in the world is Shepard Smith? He's been in Tokoyo and been on the air for his show every day. Now I know Friday is usually his "day off" and there is a stand-in but being that he's in Tokoyo and there is a crisis there - I would think he would report. And no sign of him at all. None. So, is he back enroute to the US? Is he headed to the Libya area? I just don't think anyone (reporter-wise) would head off to that region when we are threatening air strikes - but who knows.

I just wonder where in the world Shep went.
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