Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Status #4

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(HUGS) I'm with ya.. I knew it would get here.. but I THINK he said it's not expected to reach dangerous levels in the US.. dind't he?

Heck I dunno....
The dogs are playing with a squeaky toy and the bird insists on imitating the noise at about 1,000 decibals above the safe zone LOL
Yep; CNN just showed at the bottom of the TV screen that radiation from Japan has now been detected in California.

And what did POTUS tell us yesterday? It wasn't expected to reach any part of the US.

And I said "expect the unexpected."

There ya go, folks. Got your plastic sheeting and duct tape yet, in case we need it? Because that will be the next thing Lowe's and Home Depot will be sold out of.

He said "no dangerous levels" would raech any part of the US or the territories. That remains to be seen.
Yes, it now appears that all six reactors contain plutonium. And another lovely tidbit:
"Plutonium is indeed nasty stuff, especially damaging to lungs and kidneys. It is also less stable than uranium and can more easily spark a dangerous nuclear chain reaction.
But plutonium, like uranium, is a heavy element that is not easily dispersed in the air. It is the other byproducts of nuclear power generation, such as radioactive forms of cesium and iodine, that are more prone to spread and cause widespread contamination."

tHere's a website explaining it in detail:


And from your link--

Quote: If plutonium did get out, it wouldn't disappear quickly. Plutonium-239 has a half-life of 25,000 years, meaning it takes that long to lose half of its radioactive potency. Uranium-235 has a half-life of 700 million years. And cesium, which tends to go airborne much more easily, has a half-life of 30 years.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/03/18/plutonium-troubled-reactors-spent-fuel-pools/#ixzz1H0ABeR2h
(HUGS) I'm with ya.. I knew it would get here.. but I THINK he said it's not expected to reach dangerous levels in the US.. dind't he?

Heck I dunno....
The dogs are playing with a squeaky toy and the bird insists on imitating the noise at about 1,000 decibals above the safe zone LOL

You are correct. He said:

Second, I know that many Americans are also worried about the potential risks to the United States. So I want to be very clear: We do not expect harmful levels of radiation to reach the United States, whether it’s the West Coast, Hawaii, Alaska, or U.S. territories in the Pacific. Let me repeat that: We do not expect harmful levels of radiation to reach the West Coast, Hawaii, Alaska, or U.S. territories in the Pacific. That is the judgment of our Nuclear Regulatory Commission and many other experts.

What scares me is that you have to consider the lifetime effects of radiation...accumulation and such. That means that my entire family will have to be careful with what we eat, and where it came from. Through medical procedures and work, I have received more rad. than is probably safe for one lifetime already. (Four VQ scans, literal hundreds of xrays, dozens of ct scans and mri's and my organs have irradiated for other various scans more times than I am comfortable totalling right now. And I work a medium rad. exposure job.)

Nothing grown any further West than Wisconsin for me, it would seem.
What scares me is that you have to consider the lifetime effects of radiation...accumulation and such. That means that my entire family will have to be careful with what we eat, and where it came from. Through medical procedures and work, I have received more rad. than is probably safe for one lifetime already. (Four VQ scans, literal hundreds of xrays, dozens of ct scans and mri's and my organs have irradiated for other various scans more times than I am comfortable totalling right now. And I work a medium rad. exposure job.)

Nothing grown any further West than Wisconsin for me, it would seem.

no more sushi!
I think we will be safe from any dangerous radiation from Japan. After all there were open air nuclear bomb test conducted in Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona from 1951 to 1963 that put more radiation in the air than Chernobyl did and we are fine. The radiation that is detected in the US from Japan will be so diluted that it will be below harmful levels.
I don't know; Nancy Grace is covering it right now and she just said the governor of California has declared a state of emergency. (I know; I take what she says with a grain of salt, but still, ya know?)
I don't know; Nancy Grace is covering it right now and she just said the governor of California has declared a state of emergency. (I know; I take what she says with a grain of salt, but still, ya know?)

Yeah, she's been saying that every day. All we can find about it is that he called that during the tsunami.
I don't know; Nancy Grace is covering it right now and she just said the governor of California has declared a state of emergency. (I know; I take what she says with a grain of salt, but still, ya know?)

But I don't know if it's radiation related. 4 counties were under SOE after the tsnami, it just didn't get much press in light of everything else we were finding out.

OF course to NANCY, it's week old news, so it's a BOMBSHELL TONIGHT!:innocent:
Thank you for that, Kimster. This is the first time I've watched NG in about two weeks.
Detected in Washington State on March 16-17 but kept under wraps.


U.S. officials detected the presence of a radioactive isotope in California on Friday that appeared to come from the Fukushima nuclear-power plant in Japan…U.S. officials say the levels are consistent with their expectations and pose no risk to human health.The Environmental Protection Agency and the Energy Department said in a statement a radiation monitor in Sacramento, Calif., detected minuscule quantities of the radioactive isotope xenon-133. The readings validated similar ones from March 16 and 17 taken from monitors in Washington state, they said. …
I don't know; Nancy Grace is covering it right now and she just said the governor of California has declared a state of emergency. (I know; I take what she says with a grain of salt, but still, ya know?)
Yeah but that is for areas like crescent city and santa cruz where the harbors were rocked by the Tsunami. Boats destroyed and I think one person died.
I'm just putting out my own opinion here, but radiation levels did make it the 5000 miles to the west coast today. They are minimal, but what will they be if there's a meltdown that reaches into the atmosphere-- or rather, six meltdowns? I think the effect on the west coast will rate, and rate significantly. MOO

eta: oh, lo and behold-- here's a story from the site Daisy linked that confirms my feelings...

IAEA: If radioactivity continues from Fukushima, health hazard to USA “may have to be reassessed” – CNN

State hopes to complete tsunami relief request next week: Santa Cruz harbor, property owners looking for relief

UPDATED AT 5 P.M. -- SANTA CRUZ -- California's emergency response agency hopes to complete an assessment of tsunami damage statewide by next week to make a determination whether to request federal aid.
Brad Alexander, a spokesman for the California Emergency Management Agency, said damage up and down the coast is currently pegged at $35 million as of 5 p.m. Friday, including the hardest-hit harbors in Santa Cruz and Crescent City. But Alexander said that figure was expected to change

"Once you go to the FEMA level, you're basically weighing what other states are declaring a disaster," he said.
If the application is approved, the federal aid will include reimbursement for emergency response measures and fixes to public facilities, such as dock rebuilding and infrastructure improvements to prevent future disasters, Alexander said. The federal disaster relief also could include money for private property owners, including funding for emergency housing, medical costs and lost wages, that would be distributed by state and local officials
More than 100 boats in Santa Cruz were damaged by the tsunami. By comparison, in Crescent City, the harbor's moorings and docks were significantly damaged, 16 boats were sunk and 64 total boats were damaged.

NG is extremely irresponsible, in my opinion, for any channel-surfers to catch her dire headlines on the screen, when they are so exaggerated and contain the bare minimum of actual truth. Hopefully, most people know by now not to base any reactions on anything from her show.
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