Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Status #4

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Correction - the 4.8 was a 7:59 PM my time which is EST
Yeah, not finding anything even close to a 7 on either usgs or Hewsweb.org.

I think it was a rumor too.
Ha! I thought so. I used to live in Diana, right past Ore City. Know where that is?

lol, now that the false alarm is over......Yes, I know where Ore is. We love it down here. We moved from the metroplex about 7 years ago...so peaceful here.
lol, now that the false alarm is over......Yes, I know where Ore is. We love it down here. We moved from the metroplex about 7 years ago...so peaceful here.

I was there in '92; I had to drive to Gilmer to go to the bank. Hard to believe it's been that long. It really is lovely and peaceful out there. Every once in a blue moon, hubby and I drive out there and go through Marshall to Uncertain and spend the weekend at Caddo Lake.
I hope it was the 4.7 one.

I heard it, they went directly to commercial and then came back with nary another word about it.

I hope I misheard it! That would just be awful :/
wonder why CNN would call that breaking news if it was only 4.7. Haven't they been getting those aftershocks all week?
hah! too funny teh :D
Sorry peeps, I haven't read all the posts, but can someone tell me if the new electrical line has been completed and all hooked up now? TIA VM.
Sorry peeps, I haven't read all the posts, but can someone tell me if the new electrical line has been completed and all hooked up now? TIA VM.

If I recall correctly, they said it was hooked up, but then a rep from TEPCO admitted they dropped the ball. I think. I've been out of pocket most of the afternoon because I had to actually work today. I hate it when work gets in the way of my sleuthing time. :)
holly, I am trying to find you the guardian link that had the status of all the reactors... brb
An electricity line has been bulldozed through to the site and engineers are racing to connect it, but they are being hampered by radiation.

The plant's operators need the power cable to restart water pumps that pour cold water on the reactor units.


Reactor 1: Fuel rods damaged after explosion last Saturday
Reactor 2: Damage to the core, prompted by a blast on Tuesday, helped prompt raising of the nuclear alert level
Reactor 3: Contains plutonium, core damaged by explosion on Monday; roof blown off building; water level in fuel pools said to be dangerously low
Reactor 4: Hit by explosion on Tuesday, fire on Wednesday; roof blown off building; water level in fuel pools said to be dangerously low
Reactors 5 & 6: Spent fuel pool temperatures way above normal levels

from same link
My younger son showed me this, I haven't seen it posted yet to the thread. If I missed it I apologize.


Drive through of Sendai.
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