Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Status #4

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I'm not really overally concerned about the short term effects,like a big cloud floating over the US,but as some others have said,what about the long term effects,food,marine life? Nobody seems to want to go there.
There was a man on Fox this morning who said there was some kind of nuclear accident in 1957 in Russia. The land for 800 sq miles was contaminated. I believe it was only one reactor. So the question was asked,what about this plant with 4? He really had no answer.
Does anyone have any clue what the long term implications on the entire world are if this thing blows? Or does it blow? What exactly happens? Nobody seems to be answering that either.

As for the radiation disappating as it crosses the Pacific,where does it go? If nuclear waste is so hard to get rid of,it must be falling somewhere?!!
I rmember when I was a little kid,my parents told us not to eat the snow because it had radiation in it. Not sure why,it was early 60's. Maybe they thought it was leftover from the Bomb.

So many questions,no answers.

Who is there to ask? For the first time in the history of the U. S. we have no where to turn to...no one to reassure us. So very sad that our once great country has fallen so far.
Cooling Efforts Turn Desperate

Quote: Western nuclear engineers have said the release of mox into the atmosphere would produce a more dangerous radioactive plume than the dispersal of uranium fuel rods at the site. Japanese authorities also expressed concern on Wednesday that the pressure in the No. 3 reactor had plunged and either gauges were malfunctioning or a rupture had already occurred.

listening to the state dept briefing on evacing american citizens to Taipei
Thats if things remain as they are,NOW. What about if the thing,implodes/explodes? What ever it will do?

I've kept my eye out for projections on this thing, and I'm not coming up with much. Anyone else?
Nadda......I've found NADDA Quiche. And it bugs me, because you know how we do sooooooooooo love to go worst case with crap.
Nadda......I've found NADDA Quiche. And it bugs me, because you know how we do sooooooooooo love to go worst case with crap.

Well he!!... I'm getting tired of this "as of now" reporting. I know they don't want to cause panic, but maybe someone could email me or sumthin.
Ya gotta love this blip, it's like "Well, we did all we can do today, so we'll come back tomorrow"...when you know they are working 24/7 in a frantic pace. At least give me something that SOUNDS believable. lol.

A power cable has been reconnected to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, according to Tokyo Electric Power Company. It is unclear if the plant has electricity yet, however, with Tepco saying more work is needed "to restore electricity equipment" tomorrow.

The clock is ticking. IIRC it was yesterday around this time that we saw that headline about Chernobyl in 48 hours. Ok, its now been 24 hours with another 24 to go.

Personally, I think the 48 hour remark was a calculation of how long it would take for the rods (spent or otherwise) to heat to the point of no return. These things have to heat to like 4,000 degrees and that does take some time.

Wish we could get readings of the heat in those reactors - I know the authorities must have some type of idea of how hot they are getting and how much they go up per hour.
If Obama says the US is safe, would he be believed?
And what if he says he doesn't know what could happen (which is probably closer to the truth)? Is that helpful?

I'm not sure he can say anything at all that will be comforting or reassuring in this kind of a situation. I do not believe that anyone knows what type of fallout can be expected, depending upon what else occurs or even based on what already has happened.
Water spray cools down spent fuel pool at Fukushima, but radiation levels stay same

Quote: However, radiation levels detected around the facility have not been reduced. The latest figure indicate that after the water sprat maneuver was completed, radiation level at about 3,600 microsievert per hour, unchanged from before.

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