Japan - 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami -Reactor Status, 2011 #6

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Not good, and I'm surprised they have admitted this:

Nuclear fuel melted as rods fully exposed: TEPCO


TOKYO, May 12 (Xinhua) -- Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) said on Thursday that due to unexpectedly low levels of water, nuclear fuel rods are fully exposed in a reactor at the crippled No. 1 Fukushima nuclear power plant.

According to the utility firm, the water level is 1-meter below the base of the nuclear fuel assembly meaning that a large amount of nuclear fuel is likely to have melted after being fully exposed.

"The water level is 1-meter below the base of the fuel assembly, " Junichi Matsumoto, a general manager at TEPCO, said at a news conference convened in Tokyo.

"Melted fuel has dropped to the bottom of the pressure vessel and is still being cooled," he said.

A TEPCO official surmised that the vast amounts of water injected into the reactor core in an emergency procedure to cool the fuel, had most likely leaked into the primary containment unit, suggesting that the utility firm's plans to flood the containment chamber to bring the ongoing nuclear crisis under control may have been flawed from the outset.

TEPCO has been trying to check the levels of water inside the No. 1 reactor's pressure vessel and the outer primary container but have made slow progress due to dangerously high levels of radioactive materials.

But workers entered the No. 1 reactor building for the first time last week since a blast destroyed its roof and following adjustments made on gauges that measure the water level at the reactor, found that the water level had dropped exposing as much as 1.5 to 1.7 meters of the nuclear fuel rods.
Another article detailing what has happened at reactor #1



Reactor No. 1's pressure vessel, a cylindrical steel container that houses the nuclear fuel, is holding only half as much water as previously thought, raising questions about where the 11 million liters of water injected into the vessel has gone, Tepco said. It acknowledged the possibility of a hole at the bottom larger than has previously been considered.

The tops of the four-meter-long fuel rods reach a little more than nine meters from the bottom of the pressure vessel; past data suggested the water was eight meters deep, enough to mostly submerge them. But when workers entered the reactor building this week and corrected the water gauge, it told them the depth was just four meters.

If the rods were intact, that would leave them high and dry. But Junichi Matsumoto, Tepco spokesman for nuclear operations, believes that the fuel partly melted in the days after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami knocked out the cooling system. Some of it apparently slid down and is likely sitting in water, he said.
No.1 reactor is in a "meltdown" state
Tokyo Electric Power Company says the No.1 reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is believed to be in a state of "meltdown".

The utility company said on Thursday that most of the fuel rods are likely to have melted and fallen to the bottom of the reactor. Earlier in the day, it found that the coolant water in the reactor is at a level which would completely expose nuclear fuel rods if they were in their normal position

Radioactive element detected in grass, vegetables
A radioactive substance exceeding the state limit has been detected in pasture grass and vegetables in Tochigi and Ibaraki prefectures, neighboring Fukushima Prefecture.

3,480 becquerels of radioactive cesium were detected in one kilogram of pasture grass collected on May 5th in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture. The figure exceeds the state limit of 300 becquerels.
Tochigi Prefecture requested farmers in the area where the radioactive substance was detected not to feed pasture grass to livestock.

1,110 becquerels of radioactive cesium were detected in one kilogram of parsley harvested in Ibaraki Prefecture. The figure is more than double the state limit.

The parsley had been shipped to a fresh food market in Niigata Prefecture, west of Fukushima.

Everyone here keeps track of this more than I do but back at the end of april it was reported that back in mid april there were low levels of strontium 89 found in cows milk in Hilo.


Also here:


The Strontium-89 was found in April 4 Hilo samples previously found to contain cesium-134 and cesium-137, and the test results were released only yesterday because they take longer to analyze, according to EPA’s statement:

In response to the Japanese nuclear power plant release, if we identify radioactive cesium… those samples will be analyzed for strontium. Testing for strontium is a complex process that takes time.”

More cesium was found in a Hilo milk sample on April 13. All of EPA’s initial milk testing is available here.

TEPCO searching for 'missing' radioactive water

The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is trying to locate thousands of tons of radioactive water that has leaked from one of the damaged reactors. Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, says contaminated water is apparently leaking from the No.1 reactor, which is in a state of meltdown.

TEPCO has injected more than 10,000 tons of water into the reactor since the March 11th disaster damaged the plant. But, less than half that amount is believed to remain in the reactor or its container vessel. The utility says the leaked water is likely in the basement of the reactor building -- still a no-go zone due to concerns over high radiation levels.
Government of Japan Launches Animal Evacuation Operation in Fukushima



YARMOUTH PORT, Mass., May 13, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

A day after receiving a detailed report that included protocols to safely monitor, evacuate and treat animals contaminated by radiation, the Government of Japan launched an operation to remove abandoned animals from inside the 20km evacuation zone in Fukushima Prefecture. The report was the result of an International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW - www.ifaw.org) led summit that convened subject matter experts in Tokyo earlier this month to find ways to rescue the animals that were left behind. The Japanese Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) participated in the summit as observers.

"The animals of Fukushima have been in our thoughts since the disaster struck. We're incredibly relieved to learn that Japan has begun this rescue effort," said Dr. Dick Green, IFAW Manager for Disasters. "The team of veterinarians and officials from the Ministry of Environment are following our Committee's recommendations aimed at ensuring safety for both animals and people..."


...Rescue teams are expected to evacuate between 100-200 companion animals this week. "We encourage authorities to continue these efforts and hopefully help hundreds more," added Dr. Green...


God bless these wonderful folks!
TEPCO concealed radiation data before explosion at No. 3 reactor

Tokyo Electric Power Co. concealed data showing spikes in radiation levels at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in March, one day before a hydrogen explosion injured seven workers.
The Asahi Shimbun obtained a 100-page internal TEPCO report containing minute-to-minute data on radiation levels at the plant as well as pressure and water levels inside the No. 3 reactor from March 11 to April 30.

The data has never been released by the company that operates the stricken plant.


Soooo-If they hid this what else has been hidden? :waitasec::banghead::maddening:
Arnie Gundersen says Fukushima's gaseous and liquid releases continue unabated. With a meltdown at Unit 1, Unit 4 leaning and facing possible collapse, several units contaminating ground water, and area school children outside the exclusion zone receiving adult occupational radiation doses, the situation continues to worsen. TEPCO needs a cohesive plan and international support to protect against world-wide contamination.
Third worker dies at Japan's troubled nuclear plant
– 1 hr 30 mins ago



TOKYO (Reuters) – A worker at Japan's tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant died on Saturday, plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co said, bringing the death toll at the complex to three since a massive earthquake and tsunami in March...


...The cause of the worker's death was unknown. The man, in his 60s, was employed by one of Tokyo Electric's contractors and started working at the plant on Friday. He was exposed to 0.17 millisieverts of radiation on Saturday, Tokyo Electric said...

...The worker fell ill 50 minutes after starting work at 6:00 a.m. on Saturday (5 p.m. EDT on Friday) and brought to the plant's medical room unconscious. He was later moved to a nearby hospital and confirmed dead, a Tokyo Electric spokesman said....

...The Japanese government's maximum level of exposure for male workers at the plant is 250 millisieverts for the duration of the effort to bring it under control...

(article continues)

Uh, yeah-- radiation poisoning... he must have found a hot spot. RIP

Tepco and the Japanese government struggle to keep up the appearance that they have the Fukushima situation under control.


James Corbett is an independent journalist who happens to live in Japan.:twocents:
Japan left with no choice but to widen nuke evacuation zone

Quote: About 4000 residents of Iidate-mura village and 1100 people in Kawamata-cho town, in the quake-hit northeast, began the phased relocations to public housing, hotels and other facilities in nearby cities.

Their communities are outside the 20km radius from the Fukushima Daiichi power plant,...

So the meltdown at reactor #1 occurred TWO MONTHS AGO?


Meltdown occurred at Fukushima No. 1 reactor 16 hrs after March 11 quake

TOKYO, May 15, Kyodo

A nuclear fuel meltdown at the No. 1 reactor of the crisis-hit Fukushima Daiichi power plant is believed to have occurred around 16 hours after the March 11 quake and tsunami crippled the complex in northeastern Japan, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Sunday.
So the meltdown at reactor #1 occurred TWO MONTHS AGO?


Meltdown occurred at Fukushima No. 1 reactor 16 hrs after March 11 quake

TOKYO, May 15, Kyodo

A nuclear fuel meltdown at the No. 1 reactor of the crisis-hit Fukushima Daiichi power plant is believed to have occurred around 16 hours after the March 11 quake and tsunami crippled the complex in northeastern Japan, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Sunday.

WOW - TWO months ago!!??!! :maddening:
TY Daisy for posting that info. I think the link you posted may be a subscriber site, so I did some googling & found the full article @ another site:

The reactor, the fuel of which was found Thursday to have largely melted, was already in a critical state at 6:50 a.m. on March 12 with most of its fuel having melted and fallen to the bottom of the reactor pressure vessel, the plant operator said based on its provisional assessment.

The reactor automatically halted shortly after the 2:46 p.m. earthquake, but its water level dropped to the upper part of the fuel rods and the temperature began to rise around 6 p.m. The damage to the fuel had begun by 7:30 p.m. with most of it having melted by 6:50 a.m. the following day, the utility said.


The above info begs the question: How long has TEPCO known that reactor #1 suffered a meltdown immediately following the EQ? According to the article, it appears they've known from the beginning.

Many of us here suspected a meltdown, based on the radiation readings & the actions of TEPCO to attempt to cool the reactor. Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds.org suspected a meltdown @ the plant.

Now, 2 months later, TEPCO is admitting what should have been made public on March 12.
They knew immediately, but continued to downplay the situation and attempt to deceive the public.

The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) said Saturday afternoon the explosion at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant could only have been caused by a meltdown of the reactor core.

The same day, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (9501), which runs the plant, began to flood the damaged reactor with seawater to cool it down, resorting to measures that could rust the reactor and force the utility to scrap it. Cesium and iodine, by-products of nuclear fission, were detected around the plant, which would make the explosion the worst accident in the roughly 50-year history of Japanese nuclear power generation.

An explosion was heard near the plant's No. 1 reactor about 3:30 p.m. and plumes of white smoke went up 10 minutes later. The ceiling of the building housing the reactor collapsed, according to information obtained by Fukushima prefectural authorities.At a news conference Saturday night, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano discounted the possibility of a significant leak of radioactive material from the accident. "The walls of the building containing the reactor were destroyed, meaning that the metal container encasing the reactor did not explode," Edano said. The amount of radiation detected inside the plant after 4:00 p.m. slightly exceeded the dose people can safely receive in a year, according to information obtained by the Fukushima prefectural government.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Japan: Upgraded 8.8 earthquake - tsunami warning
TY Daisy for posting that info. I think the link you posted may be a subscriber site, so I did some googling & found the full article @ another site:

The reactor, the fuel of which was found Thursday to have largely melted, was already in a critical state at 6:50 a.m. on March 12 with most of its fuel having melted and fallen to the bottom of the reactor pressure vessel, the plant operator said based on its provisional assessment.

The reactor automatically halted shortly after the 2:46 p.m. earthquake, but its water level dropped to the upper part of the fuel rods and the temperature began to rise around 6 p.m. The damage to the fuel had begun by 7:30 p.m. with most of it having melted by 6:50 a.m. the following day, the utility said.


The above info begs the question: How long has TEPCO known that reactor #1 suffered a meltdown immediately following the EQ? According to the article, it appears they've known from the beginning.

Many of us here suspected a meltdown, based on the radiation readings & the actions of TEPCO to attempt to cool the reactor. Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds.org suspected a meltdown @ the plant.

Now, 2 months later, TEPCO is admitting what should have been made public on March 12.

Yes, my main source Kyodo News went subscriber-only last month (which is why I don't post here as much as I once did). And yes, this is a travesty to keep the public in the dark for two months. It also begs the question of what the truth might be re Bad Boy #3, Mr. MOX.
WOW - TWO months ago!!??!! :maddening:

Why are you guys surprised? You know the Japanese government hasn't been truthful with what is going on over there. They're just now coming out with the 1st reactor having melted down, just wait a little while longer and soon they'll come out with it that other reactors melted down as well. I suspect they will admit to #3 last (if at all), as it is the one with plutonium which 1 microscopic speck of will give a person lung cancer.

I've known this all along, but can't waste time trying to tell other people. Very few give a rats *advertiser censored* about it, and what's the point really? We can't do a damn thing about so we've just got to go on living.

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